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         Most people consider mushrooms to be the small,ugly cousins of the plant kingdom,but some of them are surprisingly beautiful and wonderful waiting to be explored.

Sky Blue Mushroom 

         Sky Blue Mushroom is a species of mushroom found in New Zealand and India. The small mushroom has a distinctive all-blue color,while the (菌褶) have a slight reddish color. Sky Blue Mushroom is not eatable because it is poisonous. This species was one of the six native fungi (真菌)featured in a set of fungal stamps issued in New Zealand in 2002. It is also seen on the $50 bank note issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in 1990.

Veiled Lady Mushroom 

          This delicate and strange mushroom can be found in gardens and woodlands in southern Asia,Africa,Australia and the Americas. This eatable and rather healthful mushroom is used in Chinese cuisine. While the lacy (似蕾丝的) skirt is what draws our eyes,the mushroom actually uses the cap to draw attention,too.

Bioluminescent Fungi 

          This green mushroom emerges during the rainy season in Japanese and Brazilian forests. The bases of tree trunks,fallen branches,leaf litter and slightly wet soil provide perfect growing grounds for the mushroom. The appearance of these bright-looking fungi is due to bioluminescence (生物发光) , one of the strange but wonderful reactions that happen naturally in many plants and animals.

Red Cage Fungus 

          The mushroom is known as the red cage,referring to the striking fruit body that is round and empty inside with latticed(花格状的) branches. Feeding off woody plant materials,this mushroom can be found growing in leaf litter,grassy places or on garden soil. Though it isn’t  clear if it is eatable,apparently its smell is enough to prevent anyone interested from eating it.

13. What do we know about Sky Blue Mushroom?

   A. It's eatable and healthful.

   B. It's blue with a slight reddish color.

   C. It's seen on some Indian bank notes.

   D. It's the only flmgus appearing in stamps.

14. Which of the following would be Veiled Lady Mushroom?


15. Where can we probably find Bioluminescent Fungi?

   A. In Japan.         B. In Australia.

   C. In New Zealand.   D. In southern Asia.

16. From the text,we can know that .

   A. Sky Blue Mushroom attracts people by its special cap

   B. Veiled Lady Musbroom also emerges in Brazil and Africa

   C. Red Cage Fungus can be found in gardens with a bad smell

   D. Bioluminescent Fungi are sometimes used in Chinese cuisine

13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C



13. B. 细节理解题。根据Sky Blue Mushroom部分中的 The small mushroom has a distinctive all-blue color,while the gills have a slight reddish color 可知,天蓝蘑菇是蓝色的,只在菌褶处带轻微的红色。

14. B. 细节理解题。根据Veiled Lady Mushroom部分中的 the lacy skirt is what draws our eyes 可知,竹荪(或面纱菌)的“蕾丝短裙”非常吸引人。

15. A. 细节理解题。根据 Bioluminescent Fungi 部 分中的 This green mushroom emerges during the rainy season in Japanese and Brazilian forests 可知, 荧光小菇生长在日本和巴西的森林里。

16. C. 细节理解题。根据Red Cage Fungus部分中 的 this mushroom can be found growing ... on garden soil和its smell is enough to prevent anyone interested from eating it可知,在菜园里能发现红笼头菌,但它的味道不好闻。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第41期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

         One day when I was in high school three years before,I met an old lady who had difficult in getting home by herself. I helped her go back and find she lived alone. From then on,I often visited to her on the weekend and volunteered to take care her. One year later,the old lady died. After she died,I was given a letter writing by her. She thanked me for look after her. In the envelop,there was also some money,what was enough to cover the cost of my remain time in high school. I helped the old lady,and in the end she helped her out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



             Elephants have strong defenses against cancer that can prevent it forming,say scientists. They were trying to explain why the animals have lower levels of cancer than would be expected considering their size.

             People think that every cell can become cancerous,so the more of them you have,the more likely you are to get cancer. So if an elephant has 100 times as many cells as a person,then it should be 100 times more likely to have the disease. And yet the analysis showed only 5% of elephants die from cancer compared to up to 25% of people.

            The scientists turned to elephants’ DNA. Cancer is caused by mutations (变异) in a ceir s DNA that produce faulty instructions leading to (遏制不住的) growth. But animals also have “smoke alarms” that detect the damage and lead to the cell being repaired or killed. One of these alarms is called TP53,and while humans have one TP53 gene,elephants have 20.As a result,elephants seem far keener to kill off cells.

             But Mel Greaves,from the Institute of Cancer Research in London,said, “We should focus on why humans have such high levels of cancer. In terms of adaptive mechanisms (机制) against cancer we have the same as chimps,but a lot more humans get cancer than chimps. I think the answer is that humans are completely unique as a species in having very rapid social evolution (进化) in a short period of time." He pointed to the rise of unhealthy,cancer-causing behavior,such as obesity and sunbathing. “You’ve never seen an elephant smoke!” he added.

             In an evolutionary sense, “success” is judged by the number of kids you have rather than how long you live. Elephants have the greatest reproductive success towards the end of their lives,while humans can live for decades after we are no longer able to getting pregnant. It means there is little evolutionary pressure in humans to develop ways of preventing cancer in old age.

9. What is the text mainly about? ,

   A. When elephants will get ill.

   B. How elephants live a long life.

   C. What elephants do when having cancer.

   D. Why elephants have slight chances of getting cancer.

10. Why are elephants keener to kill off cells compared with humans?

   A. They are larger in size.

   B. They have a unique alarm.

   C. They have more TP53 genes.

   D. They have healthier eating habits.

11. In the eyes of Greaves, .

   A. chimps get more cancer than humans

   B. humans* unhealthy behavior increases cancer risk

   C. chimps have better adaptive mechanisms than humans

   D. elephants have more rapid social evolution than chimps

12. When elephants become old,they will .

   A. fall into bad habits

   B. suffer from various diseases

   C. go on producing baby elephants 

   D. have less evolutionary pressure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           Last week,we took part in a press conference at NASA’s Johnson Space Center promoting the release of The Martian movie. We spoke with several NASA officials and an astronaut about their plans to help humans set foot on Mars. They all shared with us the big challenges ahead in order to accomplish that. However,it is something they take seriously,and are determined to achieve.

           In an interview at Space Center Houston,The Martian producer Aditya Sood told us the experience of working on the movie with NASA employees was amazing. He said he enjoyed interacting with folks who tried to solve a lot of difficult problems every day. We got an idea of what Sood was talking about when we interviewed some of the scientists responsible for getting humans to Mars.

           Planetary Science Division Director Jim Green told us that getting humans on the surface of Mars in 2035 is probably too ambitious. They are actually looking to get a “human presence in the neighborhood” by the 2030s,meaning in Mars* orbit. Their goal for landing on Mars is for the 2040s or 50s.

           The spacecraft that will take humans to Mars will be the Orion. It is not quite as futuristic-looking as the spaceship in The Martian. In fact,the Orion looks more like the spacecraft that took us to the moon. However,according to their website ,“NASA’s Orion spacecraft is built to take humans farther than they’ve ever gone before."

           When asked if they will really be ready to go to Mars in the 2030sr Stu McClung,the manager of Mechanical,Pyrotechnic,Landing and Recover Systems,told us with confidence and pride,MMy capsule will be ready!” Although,he did make that statement with a bit of a wry smile(苦笑) .That is because he adfnits they still have a lot to figure out.

9. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. The press conference.

   B. Taking humans to Mars.

   C. The release of The Martian.

   D. Speaking with NASA officials.

10. After interviewing some scientists,the author realized that.

   A. Aditya Sood had been lying

   B. making The Martian wasn't so difficult

   C. working with NASA employees was successful

   D. NASA employees really faced a lot of challenges

11. What does Jim Green think they can achieve by the 2030s?

   A. Helping humans land on Mars.

   B. Taking humans into Mars,orbit.

   C. Finding the landing spot on Mars.

   D. Learning about the neighborhood of Mars.

12. What do we know about the Orion?

   A. * It can be seen in The Martian.

   B. It once landed on the moon.

   C. It has an amazing look.

   D. It will land on Mars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            After I entered high school,I loved reading magazines for teenage girls very much. Through the magazines,I knew what clothes to buy.

            One day,while I 21 (read) a magazine for teenage girls as usual,I fell in love with a dress that a teenage model 22 (dress) in. The model in the picture looked really great in it. I immediately decided to buy such a dress. 23 (luck) , I found one in a store downtown.

            After I came back,I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. How?ever,I found I didn't look great in it. After 24 (compare) myself with the model in the picture,I knew why. I was 25  (fat) than the model. I decided to lose 26 (weigh) .

            I started to go on a diet. When I ate more than I thought I should,I made myself to throw up. This went on for a few weeks 27 one day I passed out on the playground of my school. I was taken to hospital.

            When I woke up,I saw my mother by my side. She looked 28 (worry) . I suddenly realized I had made 29 big mistake. I was sacrificing my health for beauty.

            I stopped dieting and started to eat 30 (health) . I also stopped reading magazines for teenage girls. Now I look healthy and feel great.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

ask Ⅰ.Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          We are looking for some more ghost producers to keep up with all the ghost production,mixing and mastering projects. We are looking for only the best producers to join our ghost producer community. You don't need years of experience; you need to understand the studio and create high-quality productions.

          We are a music production studio called DCC Studios,for some people better known as EDM. We focus on house music and all its subgenres (亚类) .DCC Studios is based in the Netherlands,created in 2014 and built on years of experience and knowledge. We make awesome music productions that will increase the quality of a DJ,producer or record company's  music portfolio (作品集) . We offer three types of music production services: Ghost Production,Audio Mixing and Audio Mastering.

          Why should you be a ghost producer for DCC Studios? Becoming a ghost producer for DCC Studios comes with various advantages:

          △ You will earn 70% of the project income. This ranges from ? 400 to ? 1,000 per project.

          △ You will acquire a lot of new projects and a higher income.

          △ We offer three services. So you can choose the service that you are good at and earn money while making your producer dreams come true.

          △ All work is on a freelance base,which means you can work anywhere you like.

          △You keep* 70% of all the (版税) .Just imagine what your portfolio will look like in the long run and imagine its possibilities.

          △ Improve your skills and abilities by working for real clients.

          △ Long-term potential.

13. Those who want to join the ghost producer community must .

   A. have their own studio

   B. have years of experience

   C. be the best producers in their community

   D. be able to make high-quality productions 14. What do we know about DCC Studios?

   A. It produces all kinds of house music.

   B. It was started by a record company.

   C. It has a very long history.

   D. It belongs to EDM.

15. If you join the ghost producer community,you may.

   A. have to go there regularly

   B. be unable to contact real clients

   C. choose from five services to work on

   D. have a lot of chances to obtain new projects

16. The text is mainly written to.

   A. advertise productions by DCC Studios

   B. hire professional DCC ghost producers

   C. introduce house music and its subgenres

   D. encourage people to become music producers


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. There were wild street (celebrate) When England won the Cup.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.选用方框内合适的选项完成下面对话(有两个多余选项) 。

   A. I'm looking forward to it.

   B. What can I do for you? c. Hang on,please.

   D. I'd love to.

   E. It's a pleasure.

   F. I think I've already got something scheduled.

Jack: Good morning. May I speak to Carl?

This is Jack.

Sophia: This is Sophia. 1. I'11 look for

Carl and tell him you are on the phone. Jack: OK. Thank you so much.

Sophia: YouJ re most welcome.

Carl: Carl speaking.

Jack: Hello,Carl. We’re planning to give a

dinner some day next week. Would you like to join US?

Carl: Well,2. When?

Jack: How about Thursday?

Carl: I'm afraid I can't make it on Thursday.

I'11 be busy preparing my lecture.

Jack: Are you free Friday?

Carl: Friday sounds good. 3. Thank

you for your invitation.

Jack: 4.

