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1.据说这位志愿者把大部分时间花在了希望工程上。(say; contribute)




3.这男孩用他喜爱的体育明星的照片来装饰自己的房间。 (decorate)


4.到目前为止,全世界有20位宇航员献出了生命,其中包括两名妇女。( so far;include)


5.我洗澡时突然想出了这个主意。( come to )

___________________________________________________________________________6.如果有需要,可以申请奖学金。 ( apply for)


1.It’s said that the volunteer contributes most of her time to the Hope Project.

2.In this restaurant breakfast is served from 7.to 10 a.m.

3.The boy decorates his room with photos of his favourite sports stars.

4.So far, 20 astronauts in the world have been killed / have given/ lost their lives, including 2 women./ 2 women included.

5.The idea suddenly came to me when I was having a bath.

6.If it is necessary, you can apply for the scholarship.


科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


theme amuse variety charge admission profit equipment minority fantasy experiment advance technique mysterious creature volunteer translator souvenir

1.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ________(种类)of goods.

2.How much do you ________(收费)for mending a pair of shoes?

3.Boys are very much in the ________(少数)at the dancing class.

4.He made a ________(自愿)statement to the policeman.

5.He was given ________(许可)to the college.

6.The teacher ________(实验)with a new teaching method.

7.They made a ________(利润)of ten pence on every copy they sold.

8.Our school has been given some new ________(设备).

9.The artist combines different ________(技术)in the same painting.

10.There were only three of us on the ________(高级的)course.

11.His childhood ________(幻想)about becoming a famous football player has become true.

12.A ________(神秘的)young woman is living next door.

13.She works as a ________(翻译)of technique.

14.I bought the ring as a ________(纪念品)of Greece.

15.She always goes to bed at ten-she’s a ________(人)of habit.

16.North American literature is the main ________(主题)of this year’s festival.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修三全优指导北师英语 北师版 题型:022


His car ________ ________(损坏,抛锚)on his way to attend a very important meeting, which made him very anxious.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河北省衡水14中高一4月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】I suggest you spend less time               (聊天).
【小题2】We must take            (措施) to prevent environmental pollution from getting worse.
【小题3】Her father advised her to keep her              (距离) from that fellow.
【小题4】         (传统的)teaching methods sometimes fail to keep students concentrated.
【小题5】I’ve got to apologize for my                (行为). I was out of line.
【小题6】Children eat ice cream in the            (阴凉).
【小题7】And any       (争论) between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.
【小题8】The author             (提及)to his teacher twice in his article.
【小题9】This book is          (计划) for beginners.
【小题10】The professor will             (发表;递送)a speech at the meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北省高一4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I suggest you spend less time               (聊天).

2.We must take            (措施) to prevent environmental pollution from getting worse.

3.Her father advised her to keep her              (距离) from that fellow.

4.         (传统的)teaching methods sometimes fail to keep students concentrated.

5.I've got to apologize for my                (行为). I was out of line.

6.Children eat ice cream in the            (阴凉).

7.And any       (争论) between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.

8.The author             (提及)to his teacher twice in his article.

9.This book is          (计划) for beginners.

10.The professor will             (发表;递送)a speech at the meeting.


