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第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。

People often fall ill because of me.   31__, they can hardly blame me; it is largely their own  32  . A tired person may get caught,  33 _ when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. A sudden change in 34   is another factor. In hot summer, people turn on the air-conditioner upon returning home. They will catch a cold easily.

My latest victim is an energetic student. After school, he played football hard for two hours. Though 35  , He still went to the cinema. Then he got back home and took a cold shower immediately. I  36  this golden chance to attack him. He reacted, trying to   37  me, but I was already   38   deep in his throat. He kept sneezing (打喷嚏) and his nose was running.   39   he put on some warm clothes, it didn't work, for there were too many of us. Besides, his sore throat kept   40  him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but   41   .

The next day he couldn't go to    42  . He had lost his appetite and was not as    43   as before. His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his   44   .

For two days he was   45   by his mother. As he rested more, his defense strengthened and I began lo feel the   46   . I knew I had to    47   him before long. But I am not the one who gives up easily, and I  48__ every effort to fight back.    49   , it was my turn to feel painful now, for his defense system was starting an all-out attack against me. I became    50   and finally my time was over.

Do you know what I am?

31.  A. Therefore               B. Besides                    C. However           D. Then

32.  A. business                  B. responsibility            C. excuse            D. fault

33.  A. especially             B. specially                   C. certainly         D. finally

34.  A. temperature             B. season                      C. place                 D. condition

35.  A. excited                   B. hurt                       C. late                   D. tired

36.  A. held                        B. felt                         C. seized           D. lost

37.  A. get on with                  B. get rid of                  C. put up with      D. take hold of

38.  A. multiplying                B. waiting                    C. hiding             D. disappearing

39.  A. Since                    B. Once                     C. Whether            D. Although

40.  A. reminding              B. upsetting                C. comforting      D. influencing

41.  A. escaped                 B. succeeded               C. regretted           D. Failed

42.  A. bed                        B. work                      C. school              D. hospital

43.  A. peaceful                 B. afraid                     C. active                D. careful

44.  A. recovery                B. development           C. study                D. growth

45.  A. protected                B. nursed                  C. scolded             D. affected

46.  A. loss                       B. operation                 C. pressure            D. movement

47.  A. leave                     B. catch                       C. forget            D. beat

48.  A. took                      B. made                   C. had             D. put

49.  A. Uncertainly            B. Unsuccessfully         C. Unusually       D. Unfortunately

50.  A. bigger                        B. weaker                  C. smaller              D. stronger



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省保定市第二中学2010届高三考前强化训练试题集(二)(英语) 题型:完型填空

     When I was 6 years old, my parents got me a used __21____ for Christmas.
A year or so later, I badly wanted a Sting-Ray, a tricked-out bike that was __22__in the 1960s. So my father took my old bike, slapped a new coat of paint on it, and _23____ it with a banana seat, monkey handlebars and a sissy bar(保护杠). ___24___didn't matter to me that some friends had new Sting-Rays straight from the Schwinn factory. Or even that my dad put the sissy bar on backward, _25____ exposed me to some teasing(嘲笑) before we _26____ it. I loved that bike.
  So it was for my __27___. We weren't poor. But we always had modest Christmases. And I _28____ to do the same when I got married 27 years ago.
  My wife, Clarissa, had different _29____. She, too, had some __30___Christmases growing up. She vividly remembers when she was 14 or 15 years old and her father lost his __31__in the construction industry. She overheard her __32___ talking about how _33___ they were.
  So when her parents asked her what she wanted that year, she said, 'Nothing.' When her mother insisted she had to get ___34__, Clarissa asked for socks. 'I felt very good about myself afterward,' she recalls.
  But as her family's finances _35_____, Christmas went back to being a __36__ bigger production. By the time I arrived on the scene, the __37__ family -- more than 20 people -- would gather at her grandmother's house in Mexicali, Mexico, on Christmas Eve. Around 10 p.m., Santa (my future brother-in-law in a costume) showed up with an enormous bag of _38____ and stepped into a roomful of children crying with __39____
  'It was all about the children,' says Clarissa, who thought the experience was _40___ .And she has spent hundreds of dollars on presents every year to duplicate(重温 )it.
21.A.car             B.bike          C.book           D.coat
22.A.popular        B.common       C.ordinary        D.regular
23.A.add         B.equipped      C.placed         D.supplied
24.A.That           B.This          C.It           D.What
25.A.so            B.thus          C.Which         D.it
26.A.bought         B.placed         C.fixed          D.changed
27.A.childhood      B.life           C.children        D.youth
28.A.imagined      B.expected       C.suggested      D.supposed
29.A.ideas          B.life           C.childhood      D.Christmas
30.A.unforgettable   B.modest         C.happy         D.wonderful
31.A.life          B.job            C.interest        D.present
32.A.friends        B.mother        C.father         D.parents
33.A.broke         B.rich           C.wealthy        D.well-off
34.A.nothing        B.something     C.everything       D.anything
35.A.improved     B.caught         C.reduced       D.decreased
36.A.very          B.more          C.less           D.much
37.A.all         B.big            C.small         D.entire
38.A.bikes         B.food          C.presents        D.books
39.A.surprise       B.joy           C.fear           D.satisfaction
40.A.wasteful       B.valueless      C.priceless    D.useful


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列三 题型:完型填空

Last night I wrote an article for the school newspaper that described how I feel right now in honest terms. I emailed it to our wonderful  41 , and after she  42 it, she asked a very good question: "Do you want the  43  school body, including our senior class and the teaching  44 to read this?"
That question pretty much  45 my thoughts. I'm not a very  46  person; I tend to let only a few friends know  47 what' s going on in my life. I suppose that's  48 my personality says the opposite to itself, because I'm also an honest person.
Being honest is   49  .It involves taking risks—huge risks—and putting  50   on the edge.   51   to someone can be the hardest thing for you in the world and either lead to the hurt of feelings or  52 friendships. During the course of my life, I' ve experienced  53 .
In positive ways, being honest can be a  54 .Pretending is not only difficult,  55 it' s very tiring. Last year,  56 I discovered that I could be open with two people whom I was already good friends with, the load on my shoulders felt much  57 .Telling someone your  58 feelings is scary; trusting someone  59 your heart and soul is hard. Of course, putting one's feelings into  60 for the general population to read is also rather frightening.
41. A. editor               B. coach                C. e-pal                 D. supervisor
42. A. deleted              B. read                  C. forwarded           D. reserved
43. A. entire               B. junior               C. main                 D. key
44. A. member            B. clerk                 C. staff                  D. fellow
45. A. agreed              B. controlled           C. supported            D. matched
46. A. easygoing          B. shy                  C. optimistic           D. open
47. A. exactly              B. rarely                C. roughly              D. usually
48. A. how                 B. what                C. where               D. when
49. A. exciting            B. simple               C. boring               D. difficult
50. A. everybody          B. yourself             C. somebody           D. myself
51. A. Showing off       B. Opening up          C. Getting down        D. Looking up
52. A. unreliable          B. weaker               C. permanent           D. stronger
53. A. either               B. neither               C. both                  D. nothing
54. A. burden              B. dream               C. goal                  D. release
55. A. but                  B. while                C. also                  D. meanwhile
56. A. in which           B. when                C. during which        D. which
57. A. heavier             B. unpredictable        C. lighter               D. unbearable
58. A. miserable           B. secret                C. strong                D. joyful
59. A. by                   B. via                   C. with                  D. beyond
60. A. reality              B. use                   C. practice              D. print


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


When I was reading some papers in my office that day, a patient came to see me about the stress in her life. She 21  all the things she had to do -one was to 22 -from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work. I suggested she  23  by not making her bed for two weeks. She was 24  , probably thinking I’d been raised by wolves in a forest. However, she went along with my 25  .

    Two weeks later she went into my office ,26  . She had left her bed 27  for the first time in 30 years-and nothing bad had happened. “And guess what?” she said. “I don’t dry my dishes anymore, either.”

This woman had made two major breakthroughs. One was discovering that she had 28  in her life that she had never seen before. The other was giving herself 29  to be less that 30 . This story shows an important principle (原理) about 31  time: No one can do it all. Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs. The 32 is, many people choose in ways that put 33  and their health last. They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves. They put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own.

So what is the 34   ? There’s an easy way. Decide what you want in your life, and put that first. On a daily basis, that should 35 regular meals, enough sleep and time with your family. Exercise, leisure, friendships and hobbies should also be 36  parts of life. The 37  is to do something for yourself every day. The choice is yours: whatever makes you feel 38 about yourself and your life. Take a nap. Take a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office. Stop keeping your house as 39 as your mother kept hers. 40   more of your time with  want – to – dos instead of have – to – dos.

21. A. described   B. forgot   C. remembered  D. considered

22. A. wash her clothes   B. make her bed   C. call her friend   D. dry her dishes

23. A. struggle   B. sleep   C. experiment   D. succeed

24. A. worried   B. excited   C. frightened   D. shocked

25. A. medicine   B. paper   C. idea   D. promise

26. A. crying   B. smiling   C. thinking   D. nodding

27. A. untouched    B. unfinished   C. unmade   D. unmoved

28. A. difficulties   B. choices   C. mistakes    D. problems

29. A. suggestion   B. advice   C. introduction   D. permission

30. A .perfect    B. nervous   C. important    D. comfortable

31. A. killing    B. saving    C. spending   D. managing

32.A.problem  B. rule     C. measure  D. purpose

33. A. others    B. themselves    C. their work   D. their family

34. A. explanation  B.determination  C. solution  D.condition

35. A. include   B. contain   C. enjoy   D. serve

36. A. personal   B. regular   C. extra   D. wonderful

37. A. fact    B. opinion   C. point   D. mistake

38. A. worried   B. bad    C. puzzled   D. good

39. A. dirty    B. clean   C. warm    D. empty

40. A. Fill   B. Compare   C .Supply   D. Connect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Last night I wrote an article for the school newspaper that described how I feel right now in honest terms. I emailed it to our wonderful  41  , and after she  42  it, she asked a very good question: "Do you want the  43   school body, including our senior class and the teaching  44  to read this?"

That question pretty much  45  my thoughts. I'm not a very  46   person; I tend to let only a few friends know  47  what' s going on in my life. I suppose that's  48  my personality says the opposite to itself, because I'm also an honest person.

Being honest is   49   .It involves taking risks—huge risks—and putting  50    on the edge.   51    to someone can be the hardest thing for you in the world and either lead to the hurt of feelings or  52  friendships. During the course of my life, I' ve experienced  53  .

In positive ways, being honest can be a  54  .Pretending is not only difficult,  55  it' s very tiring. Last year,  56  I discovered that I could be open with two people whom I was already good friends with, the load on my shoulders felt much  57  .Telling someone your  58  feelings is scary; trusting someone  59  your heart and soul is hard. Of course, putting one's feelings into  60  for the general population to read is also rather frightening.

41. A. editor     B. coach           C. e-pal            D. supervisor

42. A. deleted    B. read             C. forwarded      D. reserved

43. A. entire       B. junior           C. main            D. key

44. A. member           B. clerk            C. staff             D. fellow

45. A. agreed      B. controlled       C. supported       D. matched

46. A. easygoing         B. shy              C. optimistic       D. open

47. A. exactly    B. rarely           C. roughly         D. usually

48. A. how         B. what            C. where           D. when

49. A. exciting           B. simple          C. boring          D. difficult

50. A. everybody        B. yourself         C. somebody       D. myself

51. A. Showing off      B. Opening up     C. Getting down  D. Looking up

52. A. unreliable         B. weaker          C. permanent      D. stronger

53. A. either       B. neither          C. both             D. nothing

54. A. burden      B. dream           C. goal             D. release

55. A. but         B. while            C. also      D. meanwhile

56. A. in which          B. when            C. during which    D. which

57. A. heavier    B. unpredictable  C. lighter           D. unbearable

58. A. miserable          B. secret           C. strong           D. joyful

59. A. by          B. via              C. with             D. beyond

60. A. reality     B. use              C. practice         D. print

