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【题目】假设你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华, 上周五你们班参观了中国科技馆,请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以“A Day in Museum”为题,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,介绍活动的全过程。


提示词:China Science and Technology Museum中国科技馆

【答案】Last Friday, we were organized to pay a visit to China Science and Technology Museum. Upon arrival, we were given an introduction about the various exhibition areas of the museum at the main hall. We listened very carefully and were attracted to the exhibition of science and life.

Entering the exhibition hall, we were amazed by the splendid space models including the China Railway High-speed (CRH), the spacecraft and the rockets, which appealed many of us to take photos and have a hot discussion. Lots of us agreed that our country is on the high way to getting stronger. Knowing that there’s a chance to experience the making of the space models in person in the DIY area, we rushed to there without any hesitation. There, under joint efforts, we made a model plane with what we learned in the exhibition hall, which pleased all of us.

Time flied, we didn’t want but we had to bid farewell to the museum and the fabulous exhibition. On the way home, the school bus was boiled with excitement. We laughed and promised ourselves that we would try our best to make our motherland much stronger. In my mind, there was a sweet dream rising in which I discovered an unknown land with a new spacecraft from our Shenzhou series. I couldn’t help smiling from the bottom of my heart.

【解析】这是图画类书面表达,写好这类作文要注意几个步骤:1. 认真观察图画,找准图画中的关键点或画面,确定中心内容;2. 依据关键内容,草拟提纲,梳理文章脉络;3. 准确定位人称、时态。注意使用高级词汇和高级句型是文章显得更有档次;4. 最后要认真检查是否有漏写的情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。


Upon arrival, we were given an introduction about the various exhibition areas of the museum at the main hall.(抵达后,他们向我们介绍了博物馆的各种展览区大厅。)使用介词短语作状语。

In my mind, there was a sweet dream rising in which I discovered an unknown land with a new spacecraft from our Shenzhou series.(在我的脑海里,有一个甜美的梦想,在我们的神舟系列中,我发现了一篇未知的土地。)There be句型,which引导定语从句


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Shall Tom go and play football?

—Not unless he ______ his homework.

A. has finished B. finished

C. is to finish D. would finish


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I felt surprised that anyone of his intelligence such an easy test.

A. might have failed B. could have failed

C. should have failed D. must have failed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】---________ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.

--- I can’t agree more.

A.That B. Which C.What D. As


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Have you ever seen a flock of geese heading south for the winter flying along in a V formations? Learning to synergize is like learning to form V formations with others instead of trying to fly through life solo. You"ll be amazed at how much faster and farther you' ll go! Therefore, synergy is not _________.

A.celebrating differencesB.working independently

C.open-mindednessD.finding new better ways


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







When I was young, I lived in the countryside. At that time, the trees there were very green, that left a deep impression on me and the water there was so much clear that I even could see the fish swimming. When it gets dark, the air was cooler than it in the daytime. People liked to walk out their houses to chat together. I liked to play games with my friends but ran along the village happily. As the moon rose highly in the sky, the village was lighting. When I looked up, I could see the moon and a few star. They were so close to me. It seemed that I could touch them. The life in the countryside were so wonderful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】On no condition __________ practice makes perfect.

A. we should forget B. forget we

C. shouldn't we forget D. should we forget


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Jim ______ his anger and avoided a fight.

2Bill was born in Canada but ______ in America.

3Running a company calls for int elligence ,pat ience and a lot of experience. ______, it ’ s not an easy t hing .

4We are all surprised t hat he ______ in the last few years.

5400 people a year die of t his disease ______ .

