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11.1was an only child up until the age of eight.Every time I saw other girls playing or sharing their secrets with their sisters or brothers.1would feel sad for myself.At Christmas I found out that l was soon to be a big sister.I had no idea how l would deal with a baby in our house.The little experience I had with kids taught me that I didn't really like them.They were always making trouble
My parents set off to the hospital one evening and planned to have the  rest of my family and I come to the hospital later.To this day,I don't think I have gone through a more nerve-wracking(使人紧张的) experience than sitting in the hospital's waiting room.I was sleepless all night.When I was finally allowed to see my new baby sister,I was so scared.I reached out and when I got a hold of her.I fell in love with her.
For the first time.holding my sister had an effect on whom I want to be and because of her,rather than my parents'frequent requests.I have set out goals to improve my future.I want to be her role model,someone she can respect.The past two years has seemed to go by very fast.I've watched her grow older;I have seen her learn to walk and l learn to talk.The fear that she held over me seems so small now.   Now you can see that the family is such an important part of my life:it has influenced who I am and who 1want to be in my future.

60.When the writer was a child.SheA.
A.often felt lonely      
B.felt lucky as an only child
C.got little attention rom her parents      
D.1iked to play with her friends
61.From the first paragraph we know that the writer thought kids wereD.
A.1ovely       B.weak       
C.clever       D.troublesome
62.How did the writer feel when waiting in the hospital?B
A.Angry.      B.Nervous.
C.Happy.      D.Sleepy.
63.What played the biggest part in the changes of the writer according to the passage?D
A.Her parents'requests.          
B.Her school education.
C.Her hope to have a bright future  
D.Her parents and sister.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者在她八岁之前家里只有她一个孩子,她并不知道怎么和小孩子相处,而且她认为小孩子是非常麻烦的,但是作者在医院中看见她的小妹妹的时候她就改变了自己的想法,决定让自己成为她的榜样.

解答 60.A  细节理解题,根据第一段1was an only child up until the age of eight.Every time I saw other girls playing or sharing their secrets with their sisters or brothers.可知作者在八岁之前是家里唯一的孩子,她看见其他人有兄弟姐妹分享秘密,因此她感到很孤独,故选A.
61.D  细节理解题,根据第一段They were always making trouble可知作者认为小孩子是麻烦的,故选D.
62.B  细节理解题,根据第二段To this day,I don't think I have gone through a more nerve-wracking(使人紧张的) experience than sitting in the hospital's waiting room.可知作者坐在医院中等待的时候内心是紧张不安的,故选B.
63.D  推理判断题,通读全文可知作者的父母和妹妹是使作者改变的最大原因,故选D.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.Mr.Bean always amuses people with his humorous performances.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.During the outbreak of 2009-2010 H1N1 or"swine flu",the same virus that caused mild coughing and sneezing in some patients proved deadly for others.It highlighted a medical mystery:why are some people more fit to handle the flu than others?
British and American researchers think they have a clue.Reporting on Sunday in the journal Nature,researchers say they've found a gene that influences our ability to fight against flu illness.The gene,called IFITM3,is the"important first line of defense"against the flu,researcher Paul Kellam of Britain's Sanger Institute told Reuters.
The IFITM3 protein(蛋白) prevents flu viruses from reproducing in cells.So,if you have a high amount of IFITM3,you're in luck,since it weakens the spread of the virus; a low amount can lead to more rapid viral reproduction,causing severe flu symptoms,according to Kellam.
Scientists first found in gene studies that IFITM3played a role in resistance to flu and other viruses.In experiments in mice,they showed that when mice were raised to lack the IFITM3gene and then infected with influenza,the animals developed more severe lung infection from flu,compared with mice that had the gene.
To figure out the role of IFTTM3 in humans,researchers then studied the IFITM3genes of 53patients with the flu in 2009-2010.They found that these patients were more likely to have a variant of the IFITM3gene-which makes people more vulnerable to flu-compared with the general population.According to evidence from large genetic databases,about 1in 400people carries this IFITM3variant,the BBC reports.
"Our research is important for people who have this variant as we predict their immune defenses could be weakened to some virus infections,"said Kellam.
The Findings also suggest that a drug that functions as IFITM3could help increase resistance to flu and other viruses,including deadly ones like H5N1flu.

63.What does the underlined word'vulnerable'mean in the fifth paragraph?D
A.resistant         B.accessible        C.adjustable      D.defenseless
64.You are less likely to get infected with H1N1ifD
A.a variant of EFIM3is produced
B.the immune system is weakened
C.protein doesn't function in your cells
D.you have a high amounts of IFITM3
65.Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?A
A.Why Flu Hits Some People Harder
B.How We Protect Ourselves From Flu
C.How We Get Infected With Flu
D.Why Flu Breaks Out Among People.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

19.I lived in Dallas,Texas nearly all my life with my mom,dad and older sister.We were(21)Cto respect others,value education,and get all that we could out of life.My parents always say,"(21)B hard and the world is yours."They are never without a(23)Dword of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.
My parents always(24)B me to go to college.However,when I(25)Dat 16 years old that I'd rather get married to a man than go to college,they(26)A stopped telling me they loved me and I could do anything I wanted to.(27)C,they persuaded me.I graduated from high school and currently(28)Bthe University of Oklahoma studying medicine.I want to make the(29)Da better place to live in.
Every time I call home to tell them about a (30)AI received in Chemistry Lab or Microeconomics or(31)C class it is that I'm working hardest for at the moment,they tell me how(32)Bof me they are.I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home to when they get an"A"on a project and I feel incredibly(33)Dto have my parents.
Don't get me wrong:We've had our share of(34)B.I was the angry teenager and they were the awful(35)Cthat wouldn't let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced.But somehow,we(36)Ato work through those issues.They never(37)Dloving in me or believing in me
I(38)Beverything I am to my parents.Without their constant love and(39)C,I wouldn't believe I can change the world.My parents taught me to always(40)Afor what I believe in.So I'm working toward something really great and can only hope I continue to make them proud


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory.The meanings of thousands of words,the bases for the decisions we make,and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences,which are brought into the present by memory.
Memory can be considered as the ability to keep information available for later use.It includes not only"remembering"things like maths or historical facts but also involves(包括)any change in the way an animal acts.Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has smelt something different in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.
Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines.Computers,for example,contain equipment for storing data for later use.It is interesting to compare the memory-storage ability of a computer with that of a human being.The instant-access memory(快速记忆) teenager probably recognizes the meanings of about 100,000 words of English.However,this is only a piece of total amount of information which the teenager has.For example,the teenager can recognize a large number of faces and places.
The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.
A large part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations (组合) of words.
66.According to the passage,memory is considered to be.
A.the basis for decision making
B.an ability to store information for future use
C.an ability owned only by human beings
D.the data mainly made up of words
67.From Paragraph 3 we can know thatC.
A.the computer's memory has a little bigger ability than a teenager's
B.the computer's memory ability is the same as a teenager's
C.the computer's memory ability is much smaller even than a teenager's
D.the computer's memory ability is as small as a teenager's
68.The whole passage implies (暗示) thatC.
A.only human being can solve problems  
B.a person's memory is different from a computer's in every way
C.animals can only solve very simple problems
D.animals solve problems by intelligence
69.In people's memory,Aplay the most important part in solving problems.
A.language             B.skills             C.experiences         D.habits
70.The main idea of this passage isB.
A.life will not change without memory
B.memory is of great importance to life
C.how a person's memory is different from a computer's
D.what is contained in memory.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Chinese online shopping hit records in November and December.More than two hundred million Chinese have bought           electronically.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.A team of US psychologists(心理学家)have found that talking to another person for 10minutes a day improves memory.
"Researchers discovered that socializing was just as effective as more traditional kinds of mental exercise in improving memory and intellectual(智力的)performance."Oscar Ybarra,a psychologist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research,said in a statement.
In one investigation,they analyzed data on 3,610people,aged 24to 96.
They found that the higher their level of social interaction(交往),the better their cognitive(认知)functioning.Social interaction included getting together or having phone chats with relatives,friends and neighbors.
In another experiment,the researchers conducted lab tests on 76college students,aged 18to 21,to assess how social interactions and intellectual exercises affected the results of memory and mental performance tests.
The students were divided into three groups:The social interaction group had a discussion of a social issue for 10minutes before taking the tests; the intellectual activities group completed three tasks (including a reading comprehension exercise and a crossword puzzle) before the tests; and a control group watched a 10-minute clip of the Seinfeld television show.
"We found that short-term social interaction lasting for just 10minutes improved participants'intellectual performance as much as engaging in so-called‘intellectual'activities for the same amount of time,"Ybarra said.

49.The following activities are included in social interaction exceptC.
A.having a talk with relatives on line
B.attending your friend's birthday party
C.watching TV alone at the weekend
D.communicating with people around by sending messages
50.From the experiments we can seeB.
A.the longer social interaction they have,the better their cognitive functioning is
B.intellectual exercises are as good as social interactions in improving one's cognitive function
C.social interactions are more effective than intellectual activities to improve memory
D.more time should be spent on intellectual activities than on social interactions to improve memory
51.We can probably find this article in aA.
A.science magazine       B.textbook     
C.fiction                D.writing guide
52.What can be inferred from the passage?A
A.Memory can be strengthened by communicating with each other.
B.Memory can be improved by communicating rather than comprehensive reading.
C.The results of the test on three groups are completely different.
D.The longer you talk with others,the better your memory becomes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.The team,having attempted(attempt) to climb the world's second tallest mountain twice,finally decided to give up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Have you ever gotten up one day and said to yourself,"I know what I want!I want to visit the South Pole!"Well,my guess is few of us have ever thought about this,much less to give it voice.Antarctic tours offer a chance to explore an almost totally pristine(原始的) area of our planet.Here you are given a chance to see and experience nature in its most pure form,untouched and unspoiled by civilization.
Antarctic tours are usually set in motion in the Argentina's capital city of Buenos Aires.From Buenos Aires one travels south to Tierra del Fuego and then to the world's southernmost city of Ushuaia.It is here at Ushuaia that your Antarctic tour cruise will sail you on your way to South Pole adventures.Sit back within a cocoon(保护) of warmth and comfort as you are gently whisked by giant glaciers lining Beagle Channel and Drake Passage.
After your arrival at Antarctica you will be taken by the motorized zodiac to the mainland.Here on the southernmost continent there are experts in the history,biology,geology and marine life in a classroom setting and wild excursions to aid your research,your studies or just plain curiosity.
Your Antarctic tour will bring you on a thrilling visit to see penguins,seals,sea lions and aquatic( 水生的;水栖的)life found only here.You will enjoy the panoramic(全景的) view of a remote archipelago(群岛,列岛)with a warm temperate( 温和的)climate and a colony of elephant.Then you will be struck by the rich life that exists only here.
A trip to Antarctica is a travel feast for the senses.Watch in amazement as a sheer cliff of ice drifts shining in the sunlight.You next experience the earsplitting sound of ice breaking off and the loud sound of crackling ice as it tumbles down from the floating ice mountain into the deepest bluest colored water.
29.From Paragraph 1,we can learn thatB.
A.many people are eager to travel to the South Pole
B.few people would like to visit the South Pole
C.the South Pole has been a popular place of interest
D.it is a pity that nobody wants to visit the South Pole
30.According to the passage,the right way of traveling to the South Pole isA.
A.Buenos Aires→Tierra del Fuego→Ushuaia→the South Pole
B.Tierra del Fuego→Buenos Aires→the South Pole→Ushuaia
C.Ushuaia→Buenos Aires→the South Pole→Tierra del Fuego
D.the South Pole→Ushuaia→Tierra del Fuego→Buenos Aires
31.Who are most likely to be interested in this passage?C
A.Biologists who study all kinds of animals.
B.Teachers who teach geography at school.
C.People who are fond of traveling.
D.Scientists who are exploring the unknown land.

