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Once water begins to boil, its temperature no longer rises.




科目:高中英语 来源:阅读理解、完形填空、短文改错专项练习 题型:050


We must have water to live. If the water we use is not clean and fresh ,it can make us ill. The animals that live in and around lakes and rivers must also have clean water.

Our rivers and lakes supply most of our water. The clear, blue water found by the first American settlers has changed. Many of our water sources are now polluted. They are filled with dirt and waste which cannot be cleaned out. In many places, water is not safe for most uses.

Lake Erie was once a beautiful lake. Now it has been called "a dying lake". Waste from nearly homes and factories has dumped into it . Fish can no longer live in much of its polluted water.

George Washington once called the Potomac "the finest river in the world". Now its water is no longer blue. Instead, it is a soupy (羹汤类的) green. Suds (肥皂水)  from detergents (清洁剂) used to wash clothes, often cover the water of our rivers.

Water cannot be made in a factory. Once water is polluted, it is hard to make it clean and safe. We must learn to take care of the water we now have.

1.Most of our water supply comes from ________.

[  ]

D.rivers and lakes

2.The words"a dying lake" in paragraph 3 mean ________.

[  ]

A.a polluted lake
B.a very large lake
C.a beautiful lake
D.a lake full of water

3. George Washington once called the Potomac "the finest river in the world"mean ________.

[  ]

A.this river was not polluted

B.this river was visited by many people

C.this river was full of polluted water

D.the water in the river was used by everyone

4.We must learn to take care of the water now we have because ________.

[  ]

A.we can't live without water

B.the water is to be used up

C.the water cannot be produced by man

D.both A and C

5.The passage chiefly tells us ________.

[  ]

A.not to use the polluted water

B.that we must prevent the water from being polluted

C.that the polluted water will make us ill

D.our water is still clean and safe


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省20092010学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空




We must have water to live. _____31_____the water we use is clean and fresh, it will make us ill. The animals _____32_____ (live) in and around lakes and rivers must also have clean water. Our rivers and lakes supply most of our water. The clear, blue water found by the first American settlers has changed. Many of our water sources are now _____33_____. They are filled _____34_____ dirt and waste which cannot be cleaned out. In many places, waste is not safe for most uses.

Lake Erie was _____35_____ a beautiful lake. Now it has been called “a dying lake”. Waste from nearby homes and factories has been dumped into _____36_____. Fish can no longer live in much of its polluted water. George Washington once called the Potomac “_____37_____ finest river in the world”. Now its water is no longer blue. Instead, it is soupy green. Suds, from detergents used to wash clothes, often cover the water of our rivers.

Water cannot _____38_____(make) in a factory. Once water is polluted it is _____39_____ to make it clean and safe again. We must learn to take care of the water _____40_____ we now have.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2010届高考英语语法填空题专项训练七十五篇 题型:完型填空


We must have water to live. __ 1________the water we use is clean and fresh, it will make us ill. The animals __ 2________ (live) in and around lakes and rivers must also have clean water. Our rivers and lakes supply most of our water. The clear, blue water found by the first American settlers has changed. Many of our water sources are now __ 3________. They are filled __ 4________ dirt and waste which cannot be cleaned out. In many places, water is not safe for us to use.

Lake Erie was __ 5________ a beautiful lake. Now it has been called “a dying lake”. Waste from nearby homes and factories has been dumped into __ 6________. Fish can no longer live in much of its polluted water. George Washington once called the Potomac “__ 7________ finest river in the world”. Now its water is no longer blue. Instead, it is soupy green. Suds(肥皂泡沫), from detergents(洗涤剂;洗衣粉) used to wash clothes, often cover the water of our rivers.

Water cannot __8___________(make) in a factory. Once water is polluted, it is __ 9________ to make it clean and safe again. We must learn to take care of the water __ 10_______ we now have.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We must have water to live. __ 1________the water we use is clean and fresh, it will make us ill. The animals __ 2________ (live) in and around lakes and rivers must also have clean water. Our rivers and lakes supply most of our water. The clear, blue water found by the first American settlers has changed. Many of our water sources are now __ 3________. They are filled __ 4________ dirt and waste which cannot be cleaned out. In many places, water is not safe for us to use.

Lake Erie was __ 5________ a beautiful lake. Now it has been called “a dying lake”. Waste from nearby homes and factories has been dumped into __ 6________. Fish can no longer live in much of its polluted water. George Washington once called the Potomac “__ 7________ finest river in the world”. Now its water is no longer blue. Instead, it is soupy green. Suds(肥皂泡沫), from detergents(洗涤剂;洗衣粉) used to wash clothes, often cover the water of our rivers.

Water cannot __8___________(make) in a factory. Once water is polluted, it is __ 9________ to make it clean and safe again. We must learn to take care of the water __ 10_______ we now have.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




We must have water to live. _____31_____the water we use is clean and fresh, it will make us ill. The animals _____32_____ (live) in and around lakes and rivers must also have clean water. Our rivers and lakes supply most of our water. The clear, blue water found by the first American settlers has changed. Many of our water sources are now _____33_____. They are filled _____34_____ dirt and waste which cannot be cleaned out. In many places, waste is not safe for most uses.

Lake Erie was _____35_____ a beautiful lake. Now it has been called “a dying lake”. Waste from nearby homes and factories has been dumped into _____36_____. Fish can no longer live in much of its polluted water. George Washington once called the Potomac “_____37_____ finest river in the world”. Now its water is no longer blue. Instead, it is soupy green. Suds, from detergents used to wash clothes, often cover the water of our rivers.

Water cannot _____38_____(make) in a factory. Once water is polluted it is _____39_____ to make it clean and safe again. We must learn to take care of the water _____40_____ we now have.

