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Ever wondered why some businesses fail and others seem to go from strength to strength(越来越兴旺发达)? One of the major reasons for success or failure in any business is the choice of location. The ABS can be of great help in choosing the most likely place to set up your business. Whether it’s simple or a complex business.
Case study one
A Sydney doctor specializing pediatrics(小儿科) was hoping to set up a practice outside the metropolitan area, probably on the northern coast of New South Wales. He was unsure of the best place in this region and came to the ABS for help. The ABS was able to put together a report containing details of the proportion of the children in particular areas, along with information on regions with the highest birth rates. This enabled the doctor to work out where future demand for his services would be.
Case study two
A suburban retailer(零售商)in Perth owned a shoe store which stocked a wide range of shoes for men, women and children. There had been an increase in the number of similar shoe stores in the suburban shopping center and the owner wanted to assess the possibility of switching to selling imported shoes and handbags for women only. In order to ensure whether there was a market for these products, the retailer needed to obtain details of income by age, sex, and occupation for all the women in the city of Perth. Using information from the 1996 Census(普查)of Population and Housing, the ABS was able to provide this type of information in a detailed report. With the information, the retailer was able to believe that there were enough professional working women in the area with middle to high incomes, which makes his business possible.
1. What information did the Sydney doctor get from the ABS about the northern coast of New South Wales?
A. The number of medical practices there.
B. The detailed information about the children.
C. Its present and future economic situations.
D. The ideal place to start a practice there.
2. The retailer wanted to switch to selling imported shoes and handbags for women because________.
A. there were more and more working women
B. he wanted to enlarge the original store
C. there were more and more shoe stores
D. imported products were popular
3. What does the ABS do for its customers?
A. Doing research work in the fields.
B. Suggesting the most potential market.
C. Providing considerable amounts of data.
D. Predicting the possible consumer goods.
4. This passage is most probably a(n) _____________.
A. handout for management           B. income report
C. advertisement                   D. plan for a project


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Romantic love is a culture trait found primarily in industrialized societies. Elsewhere in the world, pragmatic(重实效的) considerations rather than flights of fancy are often used to make a choice of partner, and romantic love is seen as an unfortunate inconvenience that gets in the way of the ordinary, rational process of mate selection. Traces of this attitude persist in the American upper classes, where daughters are expected to marry “well”-----that is, to a male who is eligible by reason of family background and earning potential. Most Americans, however, see romantic love as essential for a successful marriage, and tend to look askance(轻蔑地)at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.
The phenomenon of romantic love occurs when two young people meet and find one another personally and physically attractive. They become mutually absorbed, start to behave in what appears to be a flighty(充满幻想的), even irrational manner, decide that they are right for one another, and may then enter a marriage whose success is expected to be guaranteed by their enduring love. Behavior of this kind is portrayed and warmly endorsed(赞同)throughout American popular culture, by books, magazines, comics, records, popular songs, movies, and TV.
Romantic love is a noble ideal, and it can certainly provide a basis for the spouses to “live happily ever after.” But a marriage can equally well be founded on much more practical considerations”----as indeed they have been in most societies throughout most of history. Why is romantic love of such importance in the modern world? The reason seems to be that it has some basic functions in maintaining the institution of the nuclear family(小家庭).
1. Romantic love is less frequently found in many non-industrial societies because people in these societies_______.
A . firmly believe that only money can make the world go round
B. fail to bring the imaginative power of the mind into full play
C. fondly think that flights of fancy prevent them from making a correct choice of partner
D. have far more practical considerations to determine who will marry whom
2. The word eligible (in Line5, Para. l), could best be replaced by ____.
A . qualified   B. available  C. chosen  D. influential
3. According to the passage, most Americans _____.
A. expect their daughters to fall in love with a male at first sight
B. regard romantic love as the basis for a successful marriage
C. look up to those who marry for the sake of wealth
D. consider romantic love to be the most desirable thing in the world
4. What can we learn from the second paragraph about romantic love?
A. It is a common occurrence among the old.
B. It is primarily depicted by books.
C. It is characterized by mutual attraction and absorption.
D. It is rejected as unreasonable.
5. The author seems to believe that ___________
A. romantic love makes people unable to think clearly in the process of mate selection
B. only romantic love can make a marriage happy ever after
C. much more practical considerations can also be the basis for a successful marriage


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was a cold winter day that Sunday.The parking lot to the _16_ was filling up quickly.I noticed, as I got out of my car, fellow church members were __17_ among themselves as they walked in the church.As I got _18__, I saw a man leaning up against the wall outside the church.He was almost lying down _19__ he was asleep.His hat was _20_ down so you could not see his face.He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too _21_ for his feet, with holes all over them and his toes _22_ out.I guessed this man was _23_ and asleep, so I walked on _24_ through the doors of the church.We all talked for a few minutes, and someone 25_ the man lying outside.People whispered but no one took _26_ to ask him to come in, 27_ me.A few moments later church began.We were all waiting for the Preacher (牧师) to take his _28_ and to give us the Word, __29_ the doors to the church opened.In _30_ the man walking down the church with his head down.People gasped(喘息)and whispered and made _31_.He made his way down the church and up onto the pulpit (讲坛) where he took off his hat and coat.My heart _32_
There stood our preacher… he was the “homeless man”.The preacher took his Bible (圣经) and 33_ it on his stand.
_34_ , I don't think I have to tell you what I am preaching about today.If you _35_ people by their appearance, you have no time to love them.”
16.A.school                 B.lecture                C.park                    D.church
17.A.arguing               B.whispering          C.stating                 D.speaking
18.A.closer                 B.clearer                C.lower                  D.farther
19.A.even though        B.so that                 C.as if                    D.even if
20.A.dragged              B.pulled                 C.dropped              D.pushed
21.A.big                     B.bad                     C.ugly                    D.small
22.A.reached               B.went                   C.stuck                   D.ran
23.A.homeless             B.helpless               C.hopeless              D.careless
24.A.out                     B.by                      C.across                 D.from
25.A.invited                B.mentioned           C.took                    D.called
26.A.pleasure              B.measure              C.courage               D.trouble
27.A.except                 B.besides                C.without               D.including
28.A.turn                    B.place.               C.time                    D.seat
29.A.when                  B.before                 C.as                       D.after
30.A.rushed                B.hurried                C.came                   D.entered
31.A.decision              B.choices                C.faces                   D.jokes
32.A.sank                   B.fell                     C.broke                  D.failed
33.A.threw                  B.set                      C.laid                     D.folded
34.A.Brothers              B.Folks                  C.Supporters           D.Members
35.A.judge                  B.hate                    C.treat                    D.test


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I had a very special teacher many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his  36 , she shared her insights(顿悟) with the students. When the class was nearly over, she  37  and said, “I would like to  38  with all of you a thought that has  39  to do with class, but which I feel is very  40 .
“Each of us is put here on the  41  to learn, share, love and appreciate ourselves. None of us knows when this  42  will end. At any moment it can be  43 . Perhaps this is life’s way of telling us that we must make good  44  of every day.” Her eyes beginning to  45 ,she went on saying, “So I would like you all to  46  me. From now on, on your way home, find something 47 to notice. It doesn’t have to be something you see- it could be  scent(香味) of fresh bread, or it could be the  48  of the wind slightly rustling(发出沙沙声) the leaves.”
“Please look for these things, and  49  them. The little things we are put here on the earth to enjoy. They are   50   observing , for at any time they can all be taken away.”
The class was totally quiet. We all picked up our books and went out of the room  51 . That afternoon, on my way home I noticed  52  things than before. Every time I think of that teacher and remember what a(n)  53  she made on all of us, I try to  54  all of those things that sometimes we all ignore. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret,  55  the things we didn’t do.
36. A. disease      B. death         C. arrival         D. appearance
37. A. paused      B. continued      C. focused       D. broke
38. A. argue       B. communicate   C. share          D. whisper
39. A. something   B. nothing        C. everything     D. anything
40. A. improper    B. important      C. attractive      D. unbelievable
41. A. earth       B. farm           C. road         D. ground
42. A. disaster     B. schedule       C. experience     D. custom
43. A. put away    B. gone out       C. handed out     D. taken away
44. A. fun        B. difference       C. sense         D. use
45. A. smile       B. shut           C. water         D. glare
46. A. permit      B. promise        C. forgive       D. respect
47. A. strange     B. beautiful        C. powerful      D. different
48. A. signal       B. sound         C. action         D. direction
49. A. support     B. receive         C. remember      D. value
50. A. easy        B. harmful         C. worth        D. puzzling
51. A. silently      B. curiously       C. slowly         D. secretly
52. A. more      B. smaller        C. fewer           D. larger
53. A. result      B. chance        C. pain            D. impression
54. A. produce    B. taste         C. appreciate       D. change
55. A. or         B. and          C. for             D. but


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Yesenia is a brave and nice person who has passed challenges in her life. And learning from
the past always makes her a focused person. Are you _____21_____ to know more about hts mysterious girl? Then let’s get started here.
First, her life was ______22______ for a girl of her age at that time because her childhood wasn’t as ______23_______ as other girls. It _______24________ with the death of her grandmother with whom she had a great relationship. Then, when she was eight years old, her ______25____ left because he had a fight with her mother over another woman. So she didn’t have a _____26____ family to raise her.
But, ______27______ time passed, she forgot her sadness and became the same girl again. After that, she had a(n) ________28_________ when she was in her grandmother’s house. It ______29_______ when she was playing with a lighted candle, and _______30______, the candle fell onto the table. The tablecloth caught fire and the flames ________31_______ her on the chest and on the arm.
No matter what happened, however, she continued to _______32______ in school. She graduated from school in 2000 and got the _______33_______she had expected. Then, she moved to America for ______34_______ study. English was very _____35____ for her because she had never studied it before. _____36_____, she worked as a volunteer in a hospital because she didn’t want to see people _____37_____ from accidents. This experience _____38_____ her braver.
Yesenia is a girl who has experienced ___39______ sufferings in her life but who I think will be happy in the USA and she really ______40______ it.
21. A. confused           B. serious          C. curious          D. tired
22. A. difficult            B. lucky               C. dull             D. disappointing
23. A. happy             B. equal                C. real             D. surprising
24. A. ended              B. started              C. combined         D. mixed
25. A. grandfather          B. sister               C. brother           D. father
26. A. complete            B. big                 C. modern           D. comfortable
27. A. after                B. as                 C. since              D. for
28. A. story                B. experience          C. accident          D. lesson
29. A. showed up           B. appeared            C. happened         D. took place
30. A. unacceptably         B. undoubtedly          C. unnaturally       D. unfortunately
31. A. hit                  B. exploded              C. spread           D. burned
32. A. live                 B. work                C. study            D. calm
33. A. prize                B. diploma              C. reward           D. praise
34. A. farther              B. further               C. farthest          D. furthest
35. A. difficult             B. pleasant              C.  easy           D. popular
36. A. However            B. Thus                  C. Also             D. Therefore
37. A. benefit              B. suffer                C. lose              D. recover
38. A. kept                B. made                C. forced            D. drove
39. A. many               B. little                 C. few              D. much
40. A. satisfies             B. catches               C. suits              D. deserves


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The wheel was one of man’s first inventions and yet it has also proved one of the most useful. So wide and varied are the uses of the wheels, in machines and vehicles of all kinds, that it is difficult to imagine what the world would be like without them. It is surprising to hear it said, therefore, that the wheel’s importance will perhaps be greatly reduced by the end of the century by an invention so new as to be still unnamed.
The invention is a machine the floats above any surface on a cushion of air. The cushion is formed when air is blown into this saucer, the machine rises to a height that may vary from a few inches to a few feet.
Industry is already using one form of the inversion to deal with heavy loads. It can lift them. with ease and since there are no wheels, and therefore no friction , they can be put into motion with the touch of a finger.
The new invention, however , is having a great effect on transport, Not only does it make expensive road systems unnecessary, but it enables vehicles to travel well over land or water. This unique to reach most destinations has given rise to the prediction that wheeled vehicles may be uncommon at the end the century as aeroplanes were at the beginning.
1. The first paragraph tells us that______.
A. the wheel was man’s earliest invention.
B. the wheel’s usefulness has yet to be proved.
C. wide wheels have a variety of important uses.
D. a new invention may make wheels less important.
2. The phrase “with the touch of a finger” in the third paragraph means______.
A. without difficulty                   B. by electricity .
C. without friction                    D. by hand.
3. The passage tells us that the new invention __________.
A. is more important for industry than for transport.
B. will one day be used instead of aeroplanes.
C. makes it possible to travel without using roads.
D. will replace wheeled vehicles using roads.
4. According to the passage, the new invention _______.
A. will soon get a name                        B. can go almost anywhere
C. is lighter than air                             D. was uncommon a century ago


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many of us like cooking but never have much time for it. Helen Fry’s new book Quick Cooking has been specially written for busy people. It has over 1,000 recipes, from the famous Spanish gazpacho to Swedish smorgasbord. The book is well written and the photographs and drawings are clear. (They are like those in the excellent little Quick Dressmaking and Quick Gardening.) The book has a strong plastic cover. It is easy to find your way around it too. And busy people, notice this! Mrs. Fry tells you how much time you need in order to get each dish ready.
Quick Cooking has 4 parts, one for each season. This helps you to use fresh fruit and vegetables when they are cheaper—and, of course, better. There are a lot of exciting ideas from foreign countries, and most of the recipes are easy to follow. You take something simple like a chicken or some cheese, and make and unusual dish out of it. For example, there are no fewer than 40 recipes for eggs! Mrs. Fry does not plan complete meals for the “quick book”. The beginners will have to find out a lot of things for himself—or herself. But this ought not to be difficult with such a good book. I wanted to try many of the recipes as soon as I read them. For people with little spare time Helen Fry’s Quick Cooking is excellent value. 
1. Helen Fry’s book is called Quick Cooking because ___.
A. you can cook all the dishes in it quickly
B. there is over 1,000 recipes in it
C. it is written for people who don’t have much time
D. it tells you how to cook all kinds of food quickly
2. Busy people should notice that _____.
A. all the recipes in the book are easy to follow
B. there are clear photographs and drawings in the book
C. the book has a strong cover
D. they are told how long each dish takes to cook
3. This passage is most probably ____.
A. a book review             B. a notice
C. a letter to an editor         D. an introduction on cooking
4. We can infer from the passage that _____.
A. Helen Fry is good at writing books quickly
B. complete meals are planned only for beginners
C. there are quite a few “quick books” for busy people
D. beginners are advised to start making meals out of the cheapest materials


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Their grandmothers fought for the vote, and their mothers have battled to have it all. Now the upcoming generation of girls have decided to turn the clock back and stay at home with their babies.
According to a survey of more than 5,000 teenage girls in Britain, their main ambition (追求的目标) is to complete university then stay at home. More than nine out of ten of the girls believe it should be up to their husbands to provide for them. And although 43 percent of those questioned believe they should continue with their education until they have achieved a university degree, one in four say getting married is the most important thing for them.
The supposedly super-modern, “fun comes first” teenage generation has proved to be very traditional in every area of their beliefs, with over 50 percent saying they would not dream of having children before seeing a ring on their finger.
The desire to have children is beginning earlier too. On average, teenage girls plan to have their first child at 26, and most plan to have one or two more children over the following four years. The national average now is 1.64 children per couple.
“This survey doesn’t show that the battles of feminism (女权运动) have been lost,” said author Claire Rayner, “Feminism was never opposed (反对) to marriage or children. On the contrary, feminism was about to equal opportunities for women to do what they wanted to do, when they wanted to do it, and this is exactly what these girls are choosing to do.”
小题1:The passage is mainly about ________.
A.the result of the battles of feminism
B.women’s struggle for independence in the society
C.the girls’ desire to stay at home after they graduate
D.women’s social status in the modern society
小题2:Girls prefer to be housewives rather than independent women because _______.
A.it’s hard for women to find jobs
B.men would rather their wives look after babies at home
C.girls want to live a more comfortable life
D.women have a low salary
小题3:. From the last paragraph we can see that Rayner thinks ________.
A.women should stay at home with their babies
B.women should find jobs and support the family
C.women should be offered more job opportunities
D.women should live the life they like


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空(2) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从11~20各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
The theory of evolution was made by Charles Darwin. It has had a great      11       on the world today. It has caused many debates between religious authorities and those from the   12      community. This theory makes people think about their origins. It has changed the way in which they think about themselves in the environment. Charles Darwin collected and provided a lot of information to   13         his theory. His theory and research made him the most popular one in the scientific field of    14         .
Charles Darwin was born in 1809. He was the fourth child in his family. Much of Darwin’s childhood was spent   15     insects and reading books about        16       history. Charles Darwin was not a   17        student during his years at the medical college. He disliked what he was taught. But he   18       an interest in studying rocks and fossils.
Later, he had a chance to travel as a naturalist. It was this chance that made him begin his work on evolution. After a few years’ hard study, he wrote a book called The      19       of Species. In this book, Darwin explained his  20       about “natural selection” and “struggle for existence” .
11. A. effort                  B. effect                C. affect                      D. affection
12. A. scientific             B. social                C. abstract                   D. material
13. A. imagine              B. picture              C. prove                      D. discuss
14. A. heredity              B. physics              C. chemistry         D. evolution
15. A. raising         B. collecting          C. planting                   D. watching
16. A. natural         B. human              C. literature          D. universal
17. A. naughty              B. popular             C. incommunicative      D. good-tempered
18. A. found          B. realized             C. developed         D. announced
19. A. Origin         B. Beginning  C. End                        D. Result 
20. A. ways                  B. ideas                 C. opinions                  D. theory

