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         School-age children who do charity work are likely to display better moral judgments than those who play sport,according to a large-scale national survey conducted by Birmingham University.

         The survey of 10 ,000 pupils aged 14 and 15 in secondary schools across the UK found that more than half failed to identify what researchers described as good judgments when responding to a series of moral dilemmas,leading researchers to call for schools to have a more active role in teaching character and morality.

        “A good grasp of moral virtues,such as kindness,honesty and courage,can help children to succeed as human beings,and can also l^ad to improvements in the classroom. And that level of understanding needs to be educated and encouraged/' said Prof James Arthur from Birmingham University.

         Overall onlv 42% of students’ responses matched those selected by a group of experts. Students wno saia they did charity work outside of school scored 50% . Those doing music (48%) or drama (48%) were also better able to make good moral judgments. Contrary to popular opinion,students who said they participated in port did not show better moral juagmenib. me researchers also found that girls displayed greater moral : awareness than boys in all areas,with 47% of girls making the right choices compared with just 37% of boys.

        The Department for Education (DfE) has recently encouraged the teaching of moral values,but a majority of teachers surveyed as part of the research said the focus on academic attainment prevented the development of students’ character. A Dffi spokesperson said, “Character education is a central part of our plan for education. That”s  why we are investing £10 million to help ensure pupils develop the virtues they need to succeed in both their academic studies and in later life. 

        But the researchers found that a school s GCSE(普

通中等教育证书) results did not seem to influence the moral dilemma results among students. UA school with below-average GCSE results could still rank highly when itcomestomoraldilemmas” the researchers noted.

9. Which is a finding of the research? 

   A. Students playing sport showed better moral judgments.

   B. Less than half the students surveyed made right moral choices.

   C. Girls knew more about making choices than boys.

   D. Those involved in the arts had the highest scores.

10. What held back students’ moral progress according to most teachers?

   A. Their focus on academic performance.

   B. The difficulties in preserving moral values.

   C. The shortage of qualified teachers in the UK.

   D. The financial problems of secondary schools:

11. According to the text,more attention should be given to .

   A. music or drama      B. judging abilities   

   C. responding skills   D. character education

12. What do we learn about the moral dilemma results?

   A. They are linked to physical performance.

   B. They have little to do with GCSE results.

   C. They have a big influence on school education.

   D. They play an important part in people's later life.

9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B



9. B.细节理解题。根据第二段中的more than half failed to identify what researchers described as good judgments when responding to a series of moral dilemmas 和第四段中的 Overall,only 42% of students responses matched those selected by a group of experts可知,少于一半的学生做出了正确的道德选择。

10. A.细节理解题。根据第五段中的but a majority of teachers surveyed as part of the research said the focus on academic attainment prevented the devel- opment of students’ character 可知,大多数教师认为,对学习成绩的过度关注阻碍了学生品格的发展。

11. D.推理判断题。根据第三、五段的内容可知,品格教育应该得到更多的重视。     

12. B.推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,道德难题结果与普通中等教育证书成绩没有关系。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第38期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


               In my junior year of college I came to a university in Madrid,Spain. The experience of studying abroad has changed my life greatly. Here is how.

              My Spanish phone has no access to the Internet. It isn’t  easy for me. But without Google to answer my questions,I often ask my teachers for help. When I need directions,I look up at street signs instead of looking down at my phone. It turns out that I have absorbed more when my eyes aren't  glued to my screen.

              In my hometown,if I wasn't in a quiet library,I could not focus on studying. However,here,without a library nearby,I have to find other locations to study. I choose to study in the darkest comer of a cafe,determining to stay away from anyone who wants to chat. As time goes by,I’ ve become habituated to the laughter and light. Now when I face a problem,an encouraging smile is all I need to get back on track. What starts off as a method of survival has changed into a love of cafes and the ability to work anywhere.

              My freshman year of college was a race to find friends. I worried if I didn't immediately join a group,I would be alone for the next four years. In fact,relationships have developed more naturally abroad. With wonderful friends waiting for me back in Atlanta,I feel no pressure to make as many friends as possible. If I discover someone isn't  my cup of tea,no sweat; I have the freedom to develop quality over quantity.

              Before a family or school trip,my mom used to plan every detail. But in Madrid,every aspect of the trip—transportation,lodging activities,and food — is my responsibility and anxiety runs high. But while I lose a peaceful pre-trip night of sleep,my uncertain adventure is well worth the price. Traveling on my own gives me a cultural awareness that I would never understand when I blindly followed someone else's  plan. I am a traveler and the trip is my own. 

1. When the author is studying in Madrid,he .

   A. often goes to the library

   B. Seldom relies on technology

   C. hardly ever asks others for help

   D. sometimes gets lost when he is alone

2. The underlined part “ become habituated to ”in Paragraph 3 probably means.

   A. kept away from      B. got interested in

   C. thought poorly of   D. got accustomed to

3. How does the author react now if he doesn't  like someone that much?

   A. He chooses to go away.

   B. He tells the person his real thoughts.

   C. He misses his old friends even more.

   D. He still keeps the relationship now and then.

4. Compared to the past,now the author is most probably.

   A. more caring       B. less easy-going

   C. less confident    D. more independent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           Teens who spend hours on the Internet may be at risk for high blood pressure. Researchers found that teens who spent at least 14 hours a week on the Internet had their blood pressure increased. Of 134 teens described by researchers as heavy Internet users,26 had higher blood pressure.

           This is believed to be the only study to show a link between time spent on the Internet and high blood pressure. The findings add to growing research that has shown an association between heavy Internet use and other health risks like anxiety,depression,obesity and social isolation.

          “Using the Internet is part of our daily life,but it shouldn’ t  destroy us,” says Andrea,a researcher at Henry Ford's Department of Public Health Sciences and the study's  lead author. uIn our study,teens considered heavy Internet users were on the Internet an average of 25 hours a week. It's important that young people take regular breaks from their computers or smartphones,and engage in some form of physical activity. I recommend children to limit their time at home on the Internet. I think two hours a day,five days a week is OK."

          Andrea says school nurses could condudt annual health screenings (检查) in which blood pressure and Internet use behavior could be assessed. Students with high blood pressure would then have a follow-up visit to determine the next step.

          Researchers analyzed data collected from 335 teens aged 14 to 17 who participated in the study. Participants completed a 5 5-question survey of their Internet use during one week. Researchers found that teens spent an average of 15 hours a week on the Internet at either school or home; 39 percent of girls were heavy Internet users compared to 43 percent of boys; 43 percent of heavy Internet users were considered overweight compared to 26 percent of light Internet users.

5. What do we know about the study?

   A. It linked high blood pressure with Internet use,

   B. It was designed by teqis with high blood pressure.

   C. It was aimed at studying the causes of high blood pressure.

   D. It found heavy Internet users were likely to have mental problems:

6. Andrea advises teens to .

   A. have regular checkups

   B. limit their time at home

   C. spend less time on the Internet

   D. take regular breaks from their study

7. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

   A. 43  percent of teens were light Internet users.

   B. Nearly half the boys were heavy Internet users.

   C. Most teens spent 14 hours a week on the Internet.

   D. Boys spent 15 hours a week on physical activity.

8. From which part of a newspaper is the text probably taken?

   A. Job.      B. Health.

   C. Fashion.  D. Entertainment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Don’t try this — ever. Hiking to the end of the Awa’ awapuhi Trail(路径) on the island of Kauai,Hawaii is a pretty scary experience. But photographer Scott Sharick did that. Holding a camera stick,he walked along the mountain's ridge. The resuld? The scariest (自拍) we've ever seen.

          Scott Sharick did that because he is a photographer and he needs to take risks at times. It doesn't  mean we can follow his footsteps. The state forbids hikers to go where this man has gone.

          While the trail starts with a fairly easy walk through the Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve,where you* 11 enjoy fine views of the ocean and valleys,it ends with two lookout points(瞭望哨) showing off the amazing Awa awapuhi and Nualolo valleys below. “The trail slopes down,so getting there is quick,” Sharick explained. “Once you get to the lookout points,you can then take a walk down the ridge.”

          If you go past the raz/zVzgs (金属围栏) ,which is extremely dangerous and not suggested,and onto the mountain's ridge like Sharick did,you’ 11 find yourself surrounded by panoramic views of.Kauais  famousNa Pali coastline. "Anyone hiking should be aware of the challenges of any given hike ,” Sharick warned. “And they should not take risks just to see a beautiful view or to get a picture."

          David Chatsuthiphan,who writes the hiking blog Unreal Hawaii,offered a similar warning. “Extreme caution should be exercised at the end of the trail because it's a cliff,” he wrote. “It would be very easy for a person to slip and fall to his death."

          Follow the state's official trail and access a guide to reach the Awa,awapuhi Trail head. Going onto the mountain's ridge is strictly banned.

9. Why did Scott Sharick hike to the end of the Awa,awapuhi Trail?

   A. To show his bravery.

   B. To take a scary selfie.

   C. To admire the scenery of the ocean and valleys.

   D. To find a way to cross the Awa,awapuhi valley.

10. When reaching the two lookout points,visitors.

   A. are advised to walk along the mountain's ridge

   B. can then take an easy walk along the Na Pali coastline

   C. can get a better view of the two amazing valleys below *

   D. will find themselves surrounded by the Na Pali-Kona Forest Reserve

11. What is David Chatsuthiphan’s attitude toward hiking the trail?

   A. Interested. B. Supportive.

   C. Concerned.  D. Indifferent.

12. The text is probably taken from a magazine about.

   A. health    B. history

   C. biology   D. geography


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          About Panera Bread 

           Panera Bread is an American chain of bakery-cafe restaurants which serve different kinds of bread,cold sandwiches,soups,salads,coffee and teas.

           Teen jobs at Panera Bread 


           The youngest age to apply as a baker at Panera Bread is generally 18 years old. Having 1-2 years’ experience as a baker or a bakery background is preferred.

           Experience is not so necessary and they will train you for 1st shift baker (Day) . However,previous third shift experience and baking experience are preferred. High school experience is required,too. Night baker's schedule is 3rd shift (10 pm to 7 am) .

           Bakery-cafe associate 

            You must be at least 16 years of age and must understand and practice basic food safety. Some food service or retail experience in the past is preferred. All Panera Bread associates enjoy a 65% meal discount with a vacation available for full-time positions. All positions are very flexible with all shifts avanaDie,iangm6 5:30 am to 9 pm,and from 5-40 hours /^week.

           Catering coordinator (宴会协调员) 

            This position’s  duties include sales and production of catering orders,delivering and setting up coring orders to local businesses for breakfast and lunch,and working with catering guests in person and over the phone.

            Some food service or retail sales experience is preferred. The minimum age for this position is 16 years old but we believe two years older is the correct age since you must have your own vehicle. You must have a perfect driving record,be organized and always punctual. 

           Panera Bread job application 

           Since their bakery-cafes are focused on taking care of guests,you should apply online after which a manager will get in touch if an opportunity matching your qualifications becomes available.

13. If you want to become a shift baker at Panera Bread.

   A. you should be able to give training

   B. you should have attended high school

   C. you’re required to work from 10 am to 7 pm

   D. you must have previous third shift experience

14. What do we know about Panera Bread associates.

   A. They must be over 18 years old.

   B. They must work 40 hours each week.

   C. They aren't allowed to change shifts with others.

   D. They don't need to pay full price when dining there 

15. Those who want to be catering coordinators at Panera Bread must have.

   A. their own cars

   B. two mobile phones

   C. food service experience

   D. perfect employment records

16. To apply for a job at Panera Bread,you'd better.

   A. send a fax         B. apply online

   C. call its manager   D. visit it in person


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

73. 这条河里的许多鱼死于水污染。

Many fish in the river water pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            Is there any hope for the r/nVio (苏门答腊犀牛)?Only about 100 of these small,hairy rhinos remain on the planet. And only a few of them exist in the wild. Scientists are lucky to spot one or two on camera traps every couple years. Like all other rhino species,Sumatran rhinos have been poached (偷猎)for their valuable horns,which are used in traditional Asian medicine and can sell at high prices. Although rhino horns have no medical effects,they are used to “treat” everything.

             That it's  so hard Jto find the last wild Sumatran rhinos dnesn't  stnn nnar.hp.rc frnm trvino Rarlipir thic year the species was declared extinct in the wild m Borneo. A year earlier,some people rescued what now appears to have been the last wild Bornean rhino in Malaysia from a poacher's trap. That rhino,a female named Iman,was briefly thought to be a sign of hope for the species. At the time of her rescue,it appeared that she was pregnant. That didn’t  turn out to be the case. Examinations showed that she — like many of the remaining females in her species — was suffering from a disease ihat prevented her from becoming pregnant.

              Another sign of hope arrived this month. A Sumatran rhino named Harapan — whose name means “hope” 一 arrived in Indonesia as part of a program. The American rhino joined his older brother,Andalas,who arrived in Sumatra in 2007 and fathered a rhino in 2012. All previous breeding efforts in Indonesia failed — for 140 years ‘— until Andalas arrived. Andalas* mate,Ratu,is now expecting her second baby rhino.

              However,any rhinos in captivity would not help the remiaining wild rhinos,because they probably wouldn't be able to be released into the jungle after being raised among humans. That means protecting the few wild rhinos remains important.

13. What do we know about the wild Sumatran rhino from Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It lives a safer life than before.

   B. Its horn is seldom used in medicine.

   C. It isn't afraid of being taken pictures.

   D. It is extremely hard to see in the wild.

14. Why didn* t Iman become pregnant?

   A. Because she was too old.

   B. Because there was no male rhino. 

   C. Because her health didn't allow it.

   D. Because she got injured in the trap.

15. Harapan was brought to Indonesia to .  

   A. unite' with Ratu

   B. father rhinos there

   C. be released into the wild

   D. help scientists do research

16. The last paragraph mainly shows that.

   A. a few wild rhinos have been found recently

   B. wild Sumatran rhinos should be well protected

   C. many of the remaining female rhinos have got a bad disease

   D. the Sumatran rhinos in captivity will be released into the jungle


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. Don’ t worry. I (shall / should) be there to meet the train.

