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My Plan for the Future
Senior year is coming to an end.It is high time for me to think about my future plan.

分析 这是一篇畅想未来的作文,所以用第一人称和一般将来时.内容要点有:1.对未来的规划内容和理由;2.准备如何实现自己的规划.
1.Since childhood,I have been dreaming to be a scientist to predict earthquakes.句子里have been dreaming 是现在完成进行时,表示"从过去到现在,而且现在一直在进行".
2.After graduation,I will choose a world-famous university,where I can exchange knowledge and skills with top experts.句子里where引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是a world-famous university.

解答 One possible version
 My Plan for the Future
Senior year is coming to an end.It is high time for me to think about my future plan
Since childhood,I have been dreaming to be a scientist to predict earthquakes.【高分句型一】I can never forget miserable scenes whenever the earthquake strikes.The question"Can we do nothing but die?"echoes in my heart.I choose not to believe that!(对未来的规划内容)
Three months later,I will be a college student.I am planning to take a major to gain professional knowledge.After graduation,I will choose a world-famous university,where I can exchange knowledge and skills with top experts.【高分句型二】"Theory without experience is blind."I will catch any chance to gain first-hand experience.
I am determined to devote my lifetime to the great cause and firmly believe that,through joint efforts,predicting earthquakes will be a piece of cake in front of us mankind.(.准备如何实现自己的规划)

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.If you want to camp in a tent or RV( 露营车) while visiting San Francisco,options are somewhat limited.There's no place at all to camp within the city of San Francisco,but this San Francisco camping guide lists some camp grounds within an hour's drive.
San Francisco Area Campgrounds
North of San Francisco
These places are all reached by taking US Hwy 101north across the Golden Gate Bridge:
China Camp:On the shore of San Pablo Bay,about 20miles north of the city.Some of the best weather in the area,with more than 200fog-free days a year.
Marin RV Park:Self-contained RVs only,10miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge and a short walk from bus service to the city.
Novato RV Park:A privately-owned campground with 68sites,25miles north of San Francisco.Pets are welcome,they have full hookups and a laundry room.
Closest to San Francisco
They're the closest to the city,mostly a few minutes'drive away.
Angel Island:Angel Island is located in the San Francisco Bay,between Alcatraz and Sausalito and is reachable only by boat.Camping on the island is limited to just a few sites and tent camping only,but you'll wake up to a view of the whole bay!
Candlestick RV Park:This is the closest campground to downtown San Francisco,located off US Hwy 101south between the city and the airport,on the edge of San Francisco Bay.They have about 200sites for RVs and tents and offer a shuttle bus to the city.
Treasure Island RV Park:Don't let the name fool you-it's not on Treasure Island,but it is close to San Francisco in Daly City.This mobile home park takes RVs only and has a handful of spaces for short-term stays.

31.What you have read is aD.
32.Which camping site is the best choice for Kathy who wants to go camping with her pet dog?A
A.Novato RV Park                               
B.Marin RV Park
C.Angel Island                                  
D.Treasure Island RV Park
33.Where can you get a good view of the whole San Francisco Bay?C
A.In Marin RV Park.
B.In Candlestick RV Park.
C.On Angel Island.
D.In Treasure Island RV Park.
34.What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?B
A.To attract international tourists to San Francisco.
B.To introduce some camping sites near San Francisco.
C.To introduce some interesting places in San Francisco.
D.To introduce the transportation in San Francisco.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.You're rushing to work and a man ahead of you collapses on the sidewalk.Do you stop to help?In a study of by-standers,it was found that some people avert their gaze and keep on  walking rather than stop and get involved.
"There is a tendency to decide that no action is needed."says a psychologist."The first thoughts that pop into your mind often keep you from offering help.In order to take action,you have to work against them."Here are some common thoughts that might prevent you from helping.
●Why should I be the one?I'm probably not the most competent(有能力的) person in this crowd.You might think someone older or with more medical knowledge should offer assistance.
●What if he doesn't really need my help?The fear of embarrassment is powerful; no one wants to risk looking foolish in front of others.
●No one else looks concerned-this must not be a problem.We can follow the people around us,but most people tend to hold back their emotions in public.
"If you spot trouble and find yourself explaining inaction,force yourself to stop and evaluate the situation instead of walking on,"says the psychologist."Then retry to involve other people; you don't have to take on the entire responsibility of being helpful.Sometimes it's just a matter of turning to the person next to you and saying,‘It looks like we should do something.'Or asking someone if an ambulance has been called and,if not,to call for one.Once you take action,most people will follow you."

56.Which is NOT the common thought that stops you from helping others?B
A.I'm not the very person capable of setting the problem.
B.It looks like we should do something.
C.It must not be a problem as no one else is concerned.
D.He doesn't really need my help.
57.According to a study of by-standers,what will some people do when a man ahead falls down on the sidewalk?C
A.They will call for help and then walk away.
B.They will stop and offer help.
C.They will turn away their eyes and go on walking.
D.They will laugh at him.
58.We learn from the last paragraph that if we spot trouble,C.
A.we should call the ambulance as soon as we can.
B.we should take on the whole responsibility and do something alone.
C.we should stop and evaluate the situation and try to make other people follow.
D.we should turn to other people and ask them to take on the responsibility
59.In order to offer others your timely help,you need toD.
A.ask others for help and call the police
B.get along well with the passers-by who spot the trouble
C.go directly to the police station
D.work against the first thoughts that prevent you offering help
60.The main purpose of the text is to tell readersA.
A.to give others a hand        B.to be more competent
C.not to risk looking foolish  D.to stop and evaluate the situation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Microwaves may be great at warming up food,but what about warming people?
Using microwaves to directly heat owners of a room would save much of the energy wasted by heating walls and furniture.And despite popular ideas about microwaves,this technique would be safe,according to Charles R.Burlier of the Microwave Research Center in Marlborough,New Hampshire.Low-power microwaves only penetrate (贯穿) the skin (low-power microwave penetration in a ham is about 0.2inches,for example) and with no negative effects.
To test this idea,Buffler subjected himself to microwaves in a special room using a standard 500-watt,2459MHz magnetron (磁控管).He found that a person will start to feel warmth at about 20kilowatts per square centimeter (mw./sq.cm.); a satisfactory feeling of warmth occurs between 35and 50mw./sq.cm.By comparison,a person standing in noonday summer sun feels the amount of 85mw./sq.cm.And a frozen meat pie in your microwave oven receives about 1000mw./sq.cm.
In houses of the future,each room could be provided with its own magnetron,says Buffler.When you stepped into the living room,for example,a motion detector (运动感应器)would turn on the magnetron,filling the room with low-power microwaves.In the same way that a microwave oven heats up a hamburger,but not the plate it's on,you would feel warmth from the microwaves without changing the temperature of your coffee table.(You could,however,make your favorite easy chair even more comfortable by treating it with a radiation-absorbing chemical.)
While it might be some time before homeowners are comfortable enough with the idea to set up whole-body microwave heaters in houses,Buffler says microwaves may attract livestock(家畜) farmers.Lambs that are born outdoors in winter,for example,are frequently lost to cold.Microwaves could warm the lambs safely and quickly.

26.Which of the following can tell the main idea of the passage?A
A.A new heating system.
B.A new microwave oven.
C.A popular technique.
D.The magnetron.
27.According to Paragraph 2,which of the following does not describe the characteristics of a microwave heater?B
A.It directly heats people in a room.
B.It heats walls and furniture in a room.
C.It is safe.
D.It saves energy.
28.The test conducted by Buffler shows that when a person feels comfortable warmth,he receives aboutB.
A.20mw./sq.cm.   B.40mw./sq.cm.
C.60mw./sq.cm.   D.85mw./sq.cm.
29.According to Paragraph 4,which of the following fills the room with low-power microwaves?A
A.The magnetron.
B.The motion detector.
C.The microwave oven.
D.The radiation-absorbing chemical.
30.Which of the following statements about microwave heaters would Buffler most probably agree with?C
A.Microwave heaters will soon be widely used by homeowners.
B.Microwave heaters sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.
C.Perhaps microwave heaters will be first used by livestock farmers,who wish to protect their lambs in winter.
D.Microwave heaters cannot be accepted by the public because they are somewhat unsafe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook from scratch?Have you been doing internet shopping rather than going to the stores?What can't you be bothered to do?
A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of adults are so lazy they'd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs.
Just over 2000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health,Britain's largest health charity.The results were astonishing.
About one in six people surveyed said if their remote control was broken,they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.
More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus.Worryingly,of the 654 respondents with children,64% said they were often too tired to play with them.
This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese (very fat) before they start school.
Dr Sarah Dauncey,medical director of Nuffield Health,said:"People need to get fitter,not just for their own sake,but for the sake of their families,friends and evidently their pets too.
"If we don't start to take control of this problem,a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the most rudimentary of tasks."
And Scotland's largest city,Glasgow,was shamed as the most inactive city in the UK,with 75% surveyed admitting they do not get enough exercise,followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton,both with 67%.
The results cause serious challenges for the National Health Service,where obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.
61.What causes children in the UK to be obese?D
A.Eating ready meal                                  
B.Watching TV
C.Doing Internet shopping                              
D.Being lazy
62.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.British people are too lazy to do anything.
B.Internet shopping will do harm to your health.
C.Many people would not run to catch a bus in Britain.
D.People should be more active and take regular exercise to keep fit.
63.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?A
A.One sixth of British people use remote control when watching TV.
B.People will benefit not only themselves but their families by getting fit.
C.Fatness can cause diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
D.More people get obesity-related illnesses now than 40 years ago.
64.What does the underlined word rudimentary most probably mean?A
A.basic                B.serious                C.vital                  D.hard
65.All the following are among the most lazy cities in the UK exceptC.
A.Glasgow          B.Birmingham          C.Nuffield           D.Southampton.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Finland lies in the north of Europe,and has Russia to the east.It is two different places in winter and summer.Summers there are fairly dry and hot,although by August things can already begin to get cold and unpleasant.Of course,winters are cold,but the cold is dry.In most parts snow comes in October and clears by the end of March,but in the northern parts snow can fall as early as September and stay until late May.
     The tourist season in southern Finland is from early June to late August.This is when all the tourist attractions and summer programs are open,with steamboats and ferries (渡船) traveling on the lakes and rivers,and festivals become very lively.Finnish holidays are from the summer high season in late June to the end of July.This is the time period of nights with sunlight,when Finland doesn't seem to sleep.
     The tourist season in northern Finland is different.Mosquitoes (蚊子) can be annoying in July,but September is lovely with its autumn colors.October,February and March are good times to visit the north of Finland to view the aurora borealis (北极光),and enjoy winter activities such as skiing and dog sledding.The Christmas holiday period is also one of the best times in Finland-after all,this is the"official"home of Santa Claus.Helsinki,the capital of Finland,is popular all year round.
32.What do we learn about Finland from the first paragraph?D
A.It is to the east of Russia.
B.The weather in winter is wet.
C.It is the coldest country in Europe.
D.The weather in September can be unpleasant.
33.What's the longest time the snow can last in Finland?A
A.9 months.B.10 months.C.7 months.D.6 months.
34.In the summer high season,Finland doesn't seem to sleep becauseA.
A.the sun is out at night
B.people in Finland work at night
C.people would rather go traveling
D.lots of lights are on because of the tourist season
35.What do we learn about the tourist season in northern Finland?C
A.There are few autumn colors in September.
B.Summer is a good time to visit northern Finland.
C.Tourists can enjoy the aurora borealis in October.
D.Santa Claus comes from Helsinki,the capital of Finland.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Alex:Kelly,I'11 go back home to visit my family for several weeks.
Kelly:That's great.It's been quite a long time since you(41)saw (see) them,hasn't it?
Alex:Yes,but I'm thinking about(42)whatI should bring back from China for everyone---my little brother,my sister and my parents.
Kelly:You want to bring back some(43)attractive(attract) things,don't you?How about a Weifang-style kite?You once mentioned that your brother is fond (44)ofllecting kites.
Alex:Hey,that's a good idea!You and I had a lot of fun(45)flying(fly) kites together.I'm sure my brother would like a Weifang-style kite,too.
Kelly:You could also bring back some embroidery (绣品) from Suzhou,(46)whichis very famous.
Alex:Kelly,you're a genius(天才)!Not only is Su embroidery very colorful,(47)butit represents Chinese traditions(传统) too!My parents will really like it.Okay,now 1 have to decide what(48)to buy(buy) for my sister.That's really(49)adifficult decision!
Kelly:Don't be so upset,Alex.Does she like drinking tea'?What about a Chinese teapot?
Alex:Sure,she'd love that.Another great idea!How do you think up these ideas so (50)easily(easy),Kelly'?
Kelly:Geniuses always do that!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.There are many places to go on safari in Africa,but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world's most exciting wildlife journeys.
Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure,providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta.The camps have excellent horses,professional guides and lots of support workers.They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.
The morning ride,when the guides take you to beautiful,shallow lakes full of water lilies,tends to be more active.It is unlike any other riding experience.With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face.It is truly exciting.You are very likely to come across large wild animals,too.On horseback it is possible to get quite close to elephants,giraffes and many other animals.The sense of excitement and tension levels rise suddenly though,as does your heart rate,as you move closer to them.
In the evening,rides are usually at a more relaxed and unhurried pace.With golden light streaming across the grassy delta and the animals coming out to eat and drink. Sedate though they are,rides at this time of day are still very impressive.As the sun's rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses,the romance of Africa comes to life.
Back at the camp you can kick off your boots and enjoy excellent food and wine.Looking back on your day,you will find it hard to deny that a horseback Safari is as close as you will ever come to answering the call of the wild.

24.What does the underlined word"They"(in Para 2)refer to?D
A.Flooded waters      B.Wildlife journey
C.Unique rides        D.Safari camps
25.What does the author find most exciting about a horse safari?C
A.Seeing and feeling the real African life.
B.Enjoying good food and wine at the camp.
C.Being part of the scene and getting close to animals.
D.Hunting large animals just as our ancestors did.
26.What does the underlined word"sedate"(in Para 4)probably mean?A
A.Slow and peaceful        B.Wild and romantic
C.Hurry and thirsty        D.Active and excited
27.The author introduced the riding experience in the Okavango Delta mainly byC.
A.following space order
B.making classifications
C.following time order                  
D.giving examples.

