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Saving money year after year John’s parents _________ enough to pay for his living expenses abroad.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everybody has to buy or sell things sometimes. Even students who are usually not very rich, have to learn something about making purchases intelligently. As a student, you may find, for example, that you need to a walkman or winter clothing. You may want to buy a television or a used car. Of course, you want to get good value for your money. If you are considering a major purchase, or any purchase you should remember several important things.

※Study first, and then decide what to buy. You can learn a lot just by reading books and advertisements.

 Remember that a high quality product will probably last longer and work better. Of course, for a superior product you are expected to pay more. An inferior product may not give you the same quality, but the price could be low. A poor quality product could be expensive and a valuable one could be on sale at a greatly reduced price.

※Don’t worry. Take your time. After you decide what product you want to buy, go to many different stores. If you cannot find the product you want, you try to order it directly from the factory or ask the store to order it for you.

Look for a good deal. If you wait, you may probably find that your product will go on sale and you may be able to save 10,20, or even 50 percent of the original price.

Finally, before you buy, make sure that that product is guaranteed. If you find the lowest possible price, you will generally be happy with your purchase and also keep more money in the bank.

Which of the following should you care more while shopping?

  A. The price of the product    B. The information of the product

  C. The size of the product     D. The quality of the product

According to the writer, waiting before shopping probably means_____.

  A. saving money           B. wasting money

  C. losing the product      D. wasting time

If you want to have a good purchase, you should do all the following except ____

   A. getting enough information about the product

   B. taking your friend’s advice

   C. making sure about the guarantee of the product

   D. waiting until the proper time

The main purpose of the passage is to tell us that ____.

   A. how to find the product you want

   B. how to have a good purchase

   C. how to save money

   D. how to buy product with high quality.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省余姚中学09-10学年度高一下学期课时训练二英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The   21   you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually   22   you money or can add   23    the cost.
Take the   24   example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might   25   that you are making the   26  buy if you choose one   27  look you like and which is also the cheapest   28   price. But when you get it home you may find that it   29  twice as long as a more expensive   30   to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well   31  your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.
So what principles should you   32  when you go out shopping?
If you   33  your home, your car or any valuable   34  in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long   35  .
Before you buy a new   36  , talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular   37  .
Before you buy an expensive   38  , or a service, do check the price and   39   is on offer. If possible, choose   40  three items or three estimates.
21.   A. form                     B. fashion                   C. way                    D. method
22.   A. save                      B. preserve                 C. raise                   D. obtain
23.   A. up                        B. to                          C. in                       D. on
24.   A. easy                      B. single                     C. simple                 D. similar
25.   A. convince               B. accept                    C. examine              D. think
26.   A. proper                  B. best                       C. reasonable           D. most
27.   A. its                        B. which                    C. whose                 D. what
28.   A. for                       B. with                       C. in                       D. on
29.   A. spends                  B. takes                      C. lasts                    D. consumes
30.   A. mode                    B. copy                      C. sample                D. model
31.   A. cause                    B. make                     C. leave                   D. prove
32.   A. adopt                    B. lay                         C. stick                   D. adapt
33.   A. reserve                  B. decorate                 C. store                   D. keep
34.   A. products                B. possession              C. material              D. ownership
35.   A. run                       B. interval                  C. period                 D. time
36.   A. appliance              B. equipment              C. utility                 D. facility
37.   A. function                B. purpose                  C. goal                    D. task
38.   A. component            B. element                  C. item                    D. particle
39.   A. what                     B. which                    C. that                     D. this
40.   A. of                         B. in                          C. by                      D. from


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮增分增值集训:书面表达英语试卷(解析版) 题型:填空题

You work hard for your money so why not keep it? Nothing is more disappointing than working hard all week just to have nothing to spend on the weekends or even worse, having to sit at home on vacation. Try these simple tips to help gain back your financial independence.

1Educate yourself. Write down what you have spent. Look closely at where your money has been going the last few months. Are you spending a lot more money on morning coffee than you want to? Just by adding up what you're spending and where you're spending it each month will help you make better decisions about the purchases you make.

2Keep your change. Instead of spending your change, make a habit of putting it all in a special jar or “piggy bank” at home. You will be surprised how quickly your change adds up. Want to go on a family vacation next summer but don't think you can afford it? Try having everyone in the family contribute their change to a “vacation jar”. Your family will enjoy pitching in and your children will learn valuable lessons in saving money and enjoying the reward.

3Be a host! Like to go out with your friends for a good time? Sure, everyone does, but no one likes getting the bill at the end of the night. Going out to eat and have a few drinks can really put the strain on your wallet. Try going to the grocery store and purchasing food and drinks that can be made at home and inviting everyone over. Yes it can be expensive to play the host every time, but if you take turns going to friends, houses you can keep the cost down and still have a good time while enjoying the same food and drinks.

4Plan your groceries. Grocery shopping can be dangerous in many ways. One way is to go shopping when you are hungry. Think about it, when you are hungry and want something to eat, you are more likely to put everything in your cart that you just don't need. Impulse(冲动)shopping brings us to the next point. Make a list(and check it twice)Plan out your meals for the coming week and list all the ingredients you need at the store.

Saving money can be easy and even funny when you see how much you are able to save. Start by educating yourself and your family as to where the money goes every month and then set goals. Make games out of saving your change and look forward to the reward.

TitleSave your money


You work hard but end up having no money at last.


1.Educate yourself

Write down your __1.__.

Check where your money has been going and you can __2.__more wisely on what to buy.

2.Keep your change.

Make a habit.

Encourage your __3.__to join in your plan.

3.Be a host

Invite your friends to dinner by making food and drinks by _4.__.

Play the host in _5.__.

4.Plan your groceries

Just __6.__impulse shopping.

__7.__what you need for your meals.


Your awareness of your _8.__to save money will make you happy.

Keep the tips in mind and set _9.__.

Saving money should be seen as a __10.__and be hopeful for the reward.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

He is a real turtle(海龟).

         Someone who always moves very slowly.

         She is such a sheep.

         A follower; someone who can’t think for him or herself.

         He’s being an ostrich(鸵鸟).

         Someone who hides his/her head in the sand and refuses to face problems or reality.

         He’s a lamb.

         A gentle, patient, understanding person. Nice and considerate.

         What a crab(蟹) he is!

         A grouchy(发牢骚的) person; someone who is often angry and in a bad mood.

1.In which of the following situations are the people acting like sheep?

A. A teenager tells a small child to stop bothering an animal.

B. A young man is driving fast because all his friends do.

C. Someone runs for monitor of the senior class in the school.

D. People are walking and singing together along the road.

2.If a person is like a turtle, which of these is most likely to be a problem to him or her?

A. Keeping the house clean.               B. Learning a new language.

C. Getting to school on time.               D. Saving money for future use.

3.Buddy hates to wake up on Monday morning. He doesn’t speak to his wife or children, and he often shouts at the other drivers on his way to work. Everybody stays out of his way at least until noon time. After that he’s all right. Buddy’s boss says, “ Buddy is a good guy, but on Monday morning, he’s an absolute _________.”

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. turtle                                D. ostrich

4.Jerry has not been well for weeks. He knows he has a problem but he is afraid to see a doctor .If he is sick, he doesn’t want to know about it. His wife says, “ Jerry, don’t be a(n) __________. Go to the doctor. She can help you get of your illness.

A. crab                         B. lamb                        C. sheep                               D. ostrich



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省沈阳市高三高考领航考试(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


Shoppers who carefully plan their visit to the grocery store can save money on their grocery bills.   __1__

Shoppers should visit the grocery store on a full stomach by scheduling their trip immediately after a large meal. If that's not possible, they should find something healthy to eat while preparing a grocery list. __2__

Although having a list and sticking to it is the most important factor in saving money, shoppers must prepare lists wisely in order to save. __3__. Many special buys are announced through the local newspapers, so buying the “grocery issue”is worth the investment (投资). However, it's important to remember that many newer, more expensive products first offered through coupons may not yield enough savings for shoppers to give up the product they usually buy.

__4__ Once at the store, the shopper who wants to save money should follow a few more rules. The shopper should not stay longer than necessary,because bills go up each minute the shopper is in the store. So, setting a time limit and a cost limit can hold down the bill. __5__ If the grocery list is a short one,some shoppers choose to use the small hand­held basket instead of the roomy grocery cart.

A.A carefully planned list should include in season produce and any items on sale or discounted through coupons (优惠券).

B.Of course, the shopper should stick strictly to the shopping list and resist the temptation to buy additional items.

C.People who are full are less tired and more likely to buy what they want.

D.Now that the shopper has completed the grocery list, it's time to leave for the store.

E. You should keep your shopping list carefully in case you can exchange it for coupons.

F. Most shoppers are less persuaded to buy extra goods when they are not hungry.

G. Shopping when not hungry, sticking to a grocery list,and following a few simple rules will cut down the grocery bill.


