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 --- I once got lost during my first visit to Beijing.

   --- Oh, did you? You _______ me as your guide.

A. might have asked    B. could ask   C. would have asked     D. would ask


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年河南省确山二高高二上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

A: I once heard someone shout, “Look out.” I put my heard out of the window and a bucketful water fell on me. It seems that “Look out” may mean “Don’t look out”.
B: I was once on a ship and heard the captain shout, “All hands on deck(甲板).” I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.
C: I once called early on an English friend and the servant who came to the door said, “He’s not up yet. Come back in half an hour.” When I went again for him, she said, “He’s not down yet.” I said, “If he’s neither up nor down. Where is he?”
【小题1】. In the dialogue the phrase “Look out” actually means “______”.

A.Don’t look outB.Look out for the water
C.Be carefulD.Look everywhere
【小题2】. The underlined word “them” in the dialogue means _______.
A.my feetB.my handsC.the shipD.the deck
【小题3】. “He is not up” and “He is not down” in the dialogue actually means     ______.
A.He doesn’t stand up and doesn’t lie down
B.He doesn’t come up and doesn’t go down
C.He hasn't turned up and hasn't turned down
D.He hasn't got up and he hasn't come downstairs
【小题4】. The writer writes the dialogue to tell us that ______.
A.English is very interesting if you like it and keep on using it
B.it is impossible to learn English very well in a short time
C.language keeps on developing and changing all the time
D.words and phrases may have different meanings in different situations.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省大庆市第三十五中学高三第三次月考(期中)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I once had a friend that was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the news that he might only live up to six months was a great shock to him, his family, and his friends.However, in spite of the serious illness, he was initially(开始) determined to look into all available treatments that might cure or extend his life.I think that when you find yourself in such situations, you tend to look up every possible way for hope of saving your life.
As months went on and his health grew worse, I noticed an unexpected change in attitude that came over him.He had also been a happy person with a cheerful personality, but rather than give in to discouragement and self-pity, he took comfort in God and humanity(人性).His talks focused on others rather than himself, and he spoke of the afterlife as something he was prepared for, believing that his concerned ancestors, including his mother and father, were there waiting for him.
During the last few months, weeks, and days of his life, he was kindly cared for by family, friends, his loving wife, who looked after both his physical and emotional needs, and workers from a local hospice (安养院) came to the home to regulate(调节) his medication (药)and provide any other needed support.He didn't complain about his fate, and he willingly allowed others to serve him.
Indeed, one might think why God allows death and suffering in our world, but for me, such experiences taught me to value family more and kindness for others.You often can't learn these important attributes(属性)in the lap of luxury(处在优裕舒适的环境中), and perhaps, such an experience is the greatest and final gift the illness can give those left behind.
【小题1】Which word can best describe the man's initial reaction as soon as he was diagnosed with cancer?

【小题2】What did the man do after he first learned of his illness?
A.He was operated on immediately.
B.He researched cancer treatments.
C.He retired from his job
D.He felt sad, doing nothing.
【小题3】What was the man's main source of comfort after several months with the disease? 
A.His family and friends.B.The care from others
C.His doctors’ encouragement.D.His belief in humanity.
【小题4】What did the author learn from his friend’s story?
A.Getting comfort from God.
B.Extending life as possible.
C.Caring for yourself and enjoying luxury.
D.Giving more respect to friends


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省三明一中高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I do desire to help my Chinese students to find a better way of learning. I once divided my Chinese MBA students into six groups and set them an assignment: brainstorming on “two-hour business plans”, for example: a restaurant chain. Originality would be valued most. As a result, five groups proposed projects for restaurant chains. The sixth showed a catering service. I couldn’t help expressing my disappointment, though the time limit had been rather challenging.
Those middle managers and financial analysts from state-owned enterprises and global companies were not untalented or without opinions, but they had been accustomed to an educational system that rarely rewarded critical thinking or Originality. Papers were often copied from the Internet and the Harvard Business Review. Students insisted that copying was a superior business strategy, better than inventing and creating.
In China, you can see almost all kinds of products you can imagine have been made and sold, but so few well developed marketing and management minds have been produced that it will be a long time before most people in the world can name a Chinese brand!
Partnerships with institutions like Yale and MIT have been established so as to solve the problem mentioned above. And there’s also the “thousand talent scheme”: this new government program is designed to improve technological modernization by inviting top foreign trained scientists to the mainland with large sums of money. But there are concerns about China’s research environment, which is known for lacking in encouraging independent thinking and inventiveness, and even high salary offers may not be attractive enough to overcome this.
If China wants to become a major world creator, it is no good just seeking partnerships with top Western universities or gathering a group of well-educated people and telling them to think creatively. It’s time to establish a rich learning environment for young minds. Yes, new way of learning is the key!
【小题1】The author feels disappointed when the students hand in their plans because_____

A.there’s one group presenting a catering service.
B.all groups followed his idea of restaurant chains.
C.the students’ ideas were lacking in creativeness.
D.the time limit had been rather challenging.
【小题2】Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.China can make and sell all kinds of product all over the world
B.High pay can solve the problem of China’s research environment
C.Foreign trained scientists are expected to invent a Chinese brand
D.The new government program is aimed at encouraging imagination
【小题3】Which can serve as the best title of the passage?
A.Look for a New Way of Learning
B.Develop MBA Students’ Creative Thinking
C.Help China to Become a Creator
D.Improve China’s Research Environment


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省辛集市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone wants some degree of success. Many people believe that they deserve success simply because they believe that they deserve success.

But there is a widespread belief that people who get on in life may be successful not because they deserve it, but because of influential (有影响的)  friends or the right background. Sometimes it may just be a comforting and harmless belief, while at the other extreme it can be very destructive. I once met a brilliant young engineer who worked in a chemical plant. Because of her knowledge and experience, she should have been promoted to Production Manager. Instead, the job went to a man who was totally unsuited for the post. Everyone knew that he only got it because he was politically acceptable to his superiors (上司). This injustice discouraged the young engineer and many of her colleagues. It also meant that the factory was much less efficient than it could have been.

   At the same time, we should not be pessimistic (悲观的). More and more the modern world depends on having people who are in the job because they are good enough, not just because their faces fit. There is a story of a factory owner who sent for an engineer to see to a machine which would not go. He examined it, then took out a hammer and tapped, once. The machine started up immediately. When he presented his bill, the owner protested, "This can't be right! $ 100 just for tapping a machine with a hammer?" The engineer wrote out a new bill: "For tapping a machine, $1; for knowing where to tap. $99."

1.The engineer at the chemical plant was not promoted because _____.

A. it was politically less good for the boss to accept her than the man

B. her boss did not think she had the fight qualifications for the job

C. the man who got the promotion was more experienced than she was

D. it is more difficult for a woman to get a promotion than for her male colleague

2.The engineer who repaired the machine was right in charging $ 100 because____.

A. he hit the machine to get it started again

B. the factory owner could not have repaired it himself

C. he was charging for his knowledge and expert skills

D. he was the only person who could find out what was wrong with it

3.What can we learn about the author's attitude toward the widespread belief that "people get on in life may be successful not because they deserve it"?

A. He quite agrees with it.

B. He doesn't express his opinion his opinion at it.

C. He completely disagrees with it.

D. He doesn't quite agree with it.

4.According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Having influential friends or right background seems helpful sometimes.

B. The engineer had good reason to overcharge the factory owner.

C. Not all those who are good in their jobs have the chance to be promoted.

D. Those who are good in their jobs are still largely needed by the modern society.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山西省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I once had a teacher whose husband died suddenly of heart attack.About a week after his death, she    some of her thoughts with a classroom of students.As the late afternoon sunlight shone    the classroom windows, and when the class was nearly over, she    a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down.

    With a    look on her face,she paused and said,“   class is over,I’d like to share with all of you a deep    which I feel is very important.Each of us is put here on    to learn,share,love,appreciate and give of ourselves.   of us knows when this fantastic experience will   .It can be taken away at any moment.Perhaps this is the God’s    of telling us that we must make the     of every single day.”

Her eyes were beginning to   ,but she went on,“So I would like you all to make me a   :From now on,on your way to school,or on your way home,find something beautiful to   .It doesn't have to be something you see.It could be a    of freshly baked  bread  floating  out  of  someone’s house,  or  it  could  be  the  sound  of  the soft    rustling(沙沙作响)the leaves in the trees….Please look for these things, and     them,for at anytime it can all be taken away.’’

The class was completely   .We all picked up our books and went out of the room silently.That   ,I observed many more beautiful things on my way home from school than usual.

Remember:Life is not    by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.

1.A.learned        B.shared             C.argued                D.discussed

2.A.onto              B.into                   C.across                D.through

3.A.moved          B.brushed            C.swept                  D.pulled

4.A.surprised              B.worried            C.gentle                 D.strange

5.A.After             B.Unless      C.Before                D.If

6.A.feeling          B.understanding    C.love                     D.memory

7.A.business       B.time                 C.duty                     D.earth

8.A.None            B.All                     C.Each                    D.Neither

9.A.happen        B.begin     C.end            D.gain

10.A.way                      B.signal     C.plan                     D.joke

11.A.least           B.worst     C.lowest                 D.most

12.A.ache           B.water     C.shine                   D.dry

13.A.promise              B.choice              C.wish                     D.rule

14.A.buy                      B.enjoy     C.take                     D.learn

15.A.smell          B.gift                    C.taste                    D.sight

16.A.wind           B.hand       C.light                     D.color

17.A.get                       B.appreciate         C.hide                     D.follow’

18.A.puzzled     B.excited            C.quiet                   D.anxious

19.A.morning              B.night                  C.noon                   D.afternoon

20.A.wasted       B.measured          C.saved                  D.lost


