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 Fighting an artificial greenhouse effect seems to be the greatest of environmental challenges, ________?

A. isn’t it                      B. does it             C. doesn’t it                  D. is it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

With so many eyes fixing on him,the young man               stop the drunken men from fighting.


B.volunteered to




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries —  where is the line between what I control and what you do?

Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict. Partly, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it. From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except oppositely. Both feel trapped.

In this article, I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents

and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things. Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the preferred style of clothing, the child’s failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends. The second, blaming. The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. The third, needing to be right. It doesn’t matter what the topic is — politics, the taws of physics, or the proper way to break an egg — the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong for both wish to be considered an authority, and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately, as long as parents and teens continue to suppose that they know more than the other, they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.

Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?

A. Both can continue for generations.          B. Both are about where to draw the line.

C. Neither has any clear winner.                 D. Neither can be put to an end.

What does the underlined part in Para. Two mean?

A. The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.

B. The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict.

C. The teens accuse their parents of misleading them.

D. The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents.

Parents and teens want to be right because they want to ______.

A. give orders to the other                         B. know more than the other

C. gain respect from the other                           D. get the other to behave properly

What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. Causes for the parent-teen conflicts.       B. Examples of the parent-teen war.

C. Solutions for the parent-teen problems.   D. Future of the parent-teen relationship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and lions live in big forest and they are called   21   animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are kept by men and they are called domestic(驯养) animals. These animals are very different from one another, but we can   22   them into big groups: those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the   23   belong to the first group. Animals like cows, elephants and horses belong to the second group.

       Animals are of great use to human beings. Men    24    wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are   25   more important to men. Without them, life will be   26   . People make use of animals in many ways.

       Cows and pigs are useful to men’s   27   . They give 80% of the meat men eat every year. Skin of some animals can be made into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and comfortable and   28   a long time. They are very welcome in   29   countries. Wool, which is now one of the most important material for textile(纺织) 30     comes from a special kind of   31  . From cows, we get milk. And we shouldn’t 32    that some domestic animals are kept for   transport. Many people   33   ride horses. Arabs ride on camels which travel in deserts for days without   34   . In some places animals are still used to plough field.   35   is clear that men just can’t live without these animals.

A. wild                   B. serious                     C. terrible                  D. fighting

A. separate              B. divide                     C. sell                  D. keep

A. chicken                 B. tiger                      C. fish                       D. goat

A. hunt                   B. discover                   C. raise                       D. care for

A. quite                         B. every                    C. even                       D. some

A. smooth                  B. difficult                   C. easy                           D. perfect

A. life                    B. work                     C. family                   D. food

A. last                 B. cost                      C. take                      D. dress

A. cool                   B. cold                       C. warm                    D. foreign

A. business         B. industry           C. trade              D. way 

A. sheep                    B. dogs                       C. cows                      D. pigs

A. forget                    B. remember                 C. realize                   D. notice

A. always                   B. hardly                     C. still                       D. just

A. resting                   B. drinking                   C. sleeping                   D. stopping

A. That                   B. This                       C. It                         D. So


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江西省高二第二次(12月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

     stones and sticks, they ran into the street and joined in the fighting.

A.Arming           B.Armed            C.Armed with        D.Arming with



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年福建省高三第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner.Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?

Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict.In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it.From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness.And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except oppositelyBoth feel trapped.

In this article, I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap.The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things.Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the preferred style of clothing, the child’s failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends.Second, blaming.The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong.Third, needing to be right.It doesn’t matter what the topic is — politics, the laws of physics, or the proper way to break an egg — the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, for both wish to be considered an authority — someone who actually knows something — and  therefore to command respect.Unfortunately, as long as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.

1.Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?

A.both can continue for generations.      B.Both are about where to draw the line.

C.Neither has any clear winner.          D.Neither can be put to an end.

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.

B.The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict.

C.The teens accuse their parents of misleading them.

D.The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents.

3.Parents and teens want to be right because they want to ________.

A.give orders to the other       B.know more than the other

C.gain respect from the other    D.get the other to behave properly

4.What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A.causes for the parent–teen conflicts      

B.Examples of the parent–teen war.

C.Solutions for the parent–teen problems        

D.Future of the parent–teen relationship


