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In the court, you have to state the facts _____.

A. like it was    B. like they were     C. as it is      D. as they are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A person named Bernard Jackson today is a free man, but he has many bitter memories. He spent five years in prison after a jury (陪审团) wrongly convicted (判处……有罪) him of raping two women. At Jackson’s trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the time of the crime, he was convicted anyway. Why? The jury believed the testimony (证词) of the two victims, who positively identified Jackson as the man who had attacked them. The court eventually freed Jackson after the police found the real criminal.

Many factors influence the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. For instance, witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a group of people. They can become confused by seeing many photographs of similar faces. The number of people in the group, and whether it is a person or a photograph, my also affect a witness’s decision. People sometimes have difficulty identifying people of other races. The questions the police ask witnesses also have an effect on them.

Many people believe that police officers are more reliable than ordinary people. Psychologists decided to test this idea, and they discovered that it is not true. Two psychologists showed a film of crimes to both police officers and civilians. The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.

Despite all the possibilities for inaccuracy, courts cannot omit eyewitness testimony from a trial. American courts depend almost completely on eyewitness testimony to resolve (决定) court cases. Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime, such as rape. Furthermore, eyewitness testimony is often correct. Although people do sometimes make mistakes, and convict innocent people, more importantly, eyewitness testimony has rightly convicted a larger number of guilty people.

American courts depend on the ability of the twelve jurors, and not the judges, to determine the accuracy of the witness’s testimony. It is their responsibility to decide if a certain witness could actually see, hear and remember what happened.

Bernard Jackson was found guilty and sentenced 5 years’ prison because           .

    A.the victims insisted that he was the attacker

    B.the admitted the crime of raping two women

    C.the police discovered evidence leading to his guilt

    D.the eyewitness proved the victims’ testimony

The following statements may be the reasons for why sometimes the eyewitness’ testimony is not accurate EXCEPT          .

    A.the eyewitness is confused by the police’s questions

    B.the eyewitness is shown photos of many similar faces

    C.the eyewitness lacks the professional help from police

    D.the eyewitness can’t identify people of other races clearly

.An inaccurate eyewitness testimony may lead to         .

    A.the misunderstanding of the case B.the disbelief in the court

    C.the disrespect for the eyewitness    D.the conviction of an innocent person

Eyewitness testimony is important because         .

    A.it can be relied on to detect criminals in all cases.

    B.it is sometimes the only way to resolve court cases.

    C.it is sometimes the only clue for police investigation.

    D.it is more reliable than physical evidences to a crime.

According to the text, we can infer that           .

    A.eyewitness testimony is valuable, though sometimes incorrect.

    B.police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people

    C.crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects

    D.the jury relies on the judge than the eyewitness for a decision


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省杭州四中高三第九次教学质检英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Surviving treasures from the National Museum of Afghanistan
3 MARCH — 3 JULY 2013
At the heart of the silk road, Afghanistan linked the great trading routes of ancient Iran, Central Asia, Indian and China, and the more distant cultures of Greece and Rome.
Nearly lost during the years of civil war and later Taliban (塔利班) rule, precious objects that reveal this diverse past were bravely hidden in 1989 by officials from the National Museum of Afghanistan to save them from destruction.
The surviving treasures date from 2000 BC to the 1st century AD and included rich gold ornaments (装饰品) found at a burial site and limestone (石灰石) sculptures of a Greek city.
This is a unique opportunity to discover the story of Afghanistan’s ancient culture, its immense fragility, and the remarkable dedication (奉献) shown to its survival and protection.

The exhibition is open late on Fridays until 20:30.
£10, members free
020 7323 8181
﹡On weekdays, take advantage of a classic afternoon tea package in the Court Restaurant for just £26 (including exhibition ticket).
﹡The exhibition catalogue (£25 paperback) and other related titles are available in the museum shops or online at www.britishmuseum.org/shop.
﹡The exhibition Multimedia Guide (£1) is available at the exhibition entrance.
﹡If you are visiting with a group, ask for the group ticket price. Details on group lecture packages are available at www.britishmuseum.org/groupvisits.
Monday 18 March, 17:30.
Nowruz, or New Year, is celebrated in many countries from Afghanistan and Iran to Uzbekistan.
17:30~18:00 Entrance to exhibition.
19:00    Talks and discussion on Nowruz.
£15 (including exhibition entry).
﹡Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab.
Tuesday 14 May, 16:30~17:30.
Afghan rubab virtuoso Soudi Homayun Sakhi and tabla player Yusuf Mahmoud give a performance of a full raga and folk pieces.
£5, members £3.
﹡Easter holiday activities
Thursday 18 ~ Monday 22 April,11:00~16:00.
Explore the rich culture of Afghanistan. Listen to stories of Alexander the Great, try making a kite and be inspired by the treasures from the Hill of Gold.
Suitable for all ages.
Free, just drop in.
【小题1】 If you arrive at the museum on April 20th, what can you enjoy?
A.Near Year celebration.
B.Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab.
C.Easter holiday activities.
D.The exhibition without any special events.
【小题2】When seeing “The art of the Afgahan rubab”, a tourist can pay less by ________.
A.booking tickets online
B.attending talks and discussion on Nowruz
C.calling at 020 7323 8181
D.becoming a member of the British Museum
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true?
A.Of all the special events Performance costs least.
B.Museum officials saved these objects from destruction.
C.The Multimedia Guide is offered to visitors without any charge.
D.You can learn details about group visit either on website or by phone.
【小题4】 Where can you most probably find this passage?
A.In a high school text book.B.In a history magazine.
C.In a state-owned newspaper.D.In a traveler’s booklet.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届福建省漳州三中高三第二次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Wednesday, October 29,2008.
The United States federal government had two young men in the state of Tennessee arrested on October 22 on unknown charges.
In court documents published on Monday, it came to light that the men had discussed attacking an African – American school and killing 14 of them.
Another crime was about planning to murder Presidential candidate Barack Obama. According to their affidavits (口供), the suspects’ “final act of violence” would be like this: when they attacked Obama they would wear white suits and top hats and drive “their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows.”
The two suspects are Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Arkansas and Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tennessee. According to the court papers, they met last month over the Internet through a friend. Schlesselman and Cowart are believed to share “very strong views” about White Power.
Schlesselman listed “being racist” as his occupation on his MySpace page. He further wrote: “I'm white. I'm proud. I get angry. I like guns.”
Cowart also had a MySpace page on which photos of guns were presented under a heading of “My Guns”. On his page he wrote, “Better to die quick fighting on your feet than to live forever begging on your knees.”
Some have questioned the pair's ability to carry out the charged plan, but authorities have been very concerned about Obama as the first black presidential candidate from a major party.
“We honestly don't know if they had the ability or the skill to carry out the kind of plan that they talked about.” said Malcolm Wiley, of the United Satates Secret Service in an interview with The New York Times. “But we take any threat seriously no matter how big or how small it is.”
Cowart and Schlesselman are scheduled to appear before a judge on Thursady.
【小题1】The passage is mainly about____________.

A.Americans’ attitudes towards Barack ObarmaB.two young men planning to commit violence
C.the violence in the United StatesD.the disadvantages of the Internet
【小题2】From the passage, we can know that the two young men_________.
A.shot 14 students in an African – American school B.came from the state of Tennessee
C.were proud of Barack ObamaD.have not been sentenced yet
【小题3】Which of the following shows the right order of the events?
a.The two suspects were arrested.
b.The two suspects will be tried in the court.
c.Cowart set up his MySpace page on the Internet.
d.Malcolm Wiley was interviewed by The New York Times.
A.a; b; c; dB.d; c; b; aC.c; a; d; bD.c; a; b; d
【小题4】What can we infer from the news?
A.Most of the white people in the United States don’t like Barack Obama.
B.The two young men planned to shoot President Barack Obama.
C.The two young men were innocent in fact.
D.The two young men strongly believed that the president should be a white man


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省保定市高三下学期第二次摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.As is known, the Great wall is one of the w___________ of the world.

2.In the accident, only two people s__________ at last.

3.The building is specially d__________ for the homeless people.

4.Some ___________(志愿者 in your room looks new at the first sight.

5.Enough e__________ can help him a lot in the court.

6.I got a very friendly ____________ (接待) when I arrived there.

7.I have some _________(怀疑) whether they will come here on time.

8.What`s the __________(不同) between these two words?

9.The thief          (承认) that he had stolen the bicycle.

10.The head of a large company has many          (职责).



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省宁波市高三“十校联考”考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

A person named Bernard Jackson today is a free man, but he has many bitter memories. He spent five years in prison after a jury (陪审团)wrongly convicted (判处…有罪) him of raping two women. At Jackson’s trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the time of the crime, he was convicted  anyway. Why? The jury believed the testimony(证词)of the two victims, who positively identified Jackson as the man who had attacked them. The court eventually freed Jackson after the police found the real criminal.

Many factors influence the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. For instance, witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a group of people. They can become confused by seeing many photographs of similar faces. The number of people in the group, and whether it is a person or a photograph, may also affect a witness’s decision. People sometimes have difficulty identifying people of other races. The questions the police ask witnesses also have an effect on them.

Many people believe that police officers are more reliable than ordinary people. Psychologists decided to test this idea, and they discovered that it is not true. Two psychologists showed a film of crimes to both police officers and civilians. The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.

Despite all the possibilities for inaccuracy, courts cannot omit eyewitness testimony from a trial. American courts depend almost completely on eyewitness testimony to resolve(决定)court cases. Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime, such as rape. Furthermore, eyewitness testimony is often correct. Although people do sometimes make mistakes, and convict innocent people, more importantly, eyewitness testimony has rightly convicted a larger number of guilty people.

American courts depend on the ability of the twelve jurors, and not the judges, to determine the accuracy of the witness’s testimony. It is their responsibility to decide if a certain witness could actually see, hear and remember what happened.

1.Bernard Jackson was found guilty and sentenced 5 years’ prison because________.

A. the victims insisted that he was the attacker

B. he admitted the crime of raping two women

C. the police discovered evidence leading to his guilt

D. the eyewitness proved the victims’ testimony

2.The following statements may be the reasons for why sometimes the eyewitness’ testimony is not accurate EXCEPT ________.

 A. the eyewitness is confused by the police’s questions

 B. the eyewitness is shown photos of many similar faces

 C. the eyewitness lacks the professional help from police

D. the eyewitness can’t identify people of other races clearly.

3.An inaccurate eyewitness testimony may lead to________.

A. the misunderstanding of the case      

B. the disbelief in the court

C. the disrespect for the eyewitness      

D. the conviction of an innocent person

4.Eyewitness testimony is important because ___________.

  A. it can be relied on to detect criminals in all cases.

  B. it is sometimes the only way to resolve court cases.

  C. it is sometimes the only clue for police investigation.

  D. it is more reliable than physical evidences to a crime.

5. According to the text, we can infer that ________.

A. eyewitness testimony is valuable, though sometimes incorrect.

B. police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people

C. crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects

D. the jury relies on the judge than the eyewitness for a decision


