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【题目】— Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my written report.
—_______. But I have one suggestion.
A.That's a good idea
B.You are too modest
C.It looks fine to me
D.You should check it first

【解析】句意:——Jack,我想让你关于我的书面报告说说自己的看法。——我看很好,但是我有一个意见。A.That's a good idea ,用于对方提出建议时;B. You are too modest 为中式表达;C.It looks fine to me是对该报告的肯定。在肯定之后提出建议;D.You should check it first 非但不够礼貌,且与语境不符。故选择C项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Parents who help their children with homework may actually be bringing down their school grades. Other forms of prenatal involvement, including volunteering at school and observing a child's class, also fail to help, according to the most recent study on the topic.
The findings challenge a key principle of modern parenting(养育子女) where schools except them to act as partners in their children's education. Previous generations concentrated on getting children to school on time, fed, dressed and ready to learn.
Kaith Robinson, the author of the study, said, "I really don't know if the public is ready for this but there are some ways parents can be involved in their kids' education that leads to declines in their academic performance. One of the things that was consistently negative was parents' help with homework." Robinson suggested that may be because parents themselves struggle to understand the task." They may either not remember the material their kids are studying now, or in some cases never learnt it themselves, but they're still offering advice."
Robinson assessed parental involvement performance and found one of the most damaging things a parent could do was to punish their children for poor marks. In general, about 20% of parental involvement was positive, about 45% negative and the rest statistically insignificant.
Common sense suggests it was a good thing for parents to get involved because "children with good academic success do have involved parents ", admitted Robinson. But he argued that this did not prove parental involvement was the root cause of that success." A big surprise was that Asian-American parents whose kids are doing so well in school hardly involved. They took a more reasonable approach, conveying to their children how success at school could improve their lives."
(1)The underlined expression "parental involvement " in Paragraph 1 probably means .
A.parents' expectation on children's health
B.parents' participation in children's education
C.parents' control over children's life
D.parents' plan for children's future
(2)What is the major finding of Robinson's study ?
A.Modern parents raise children in a more scientific way.
B.Punishing kids for bad marks is mentally damaging.
C.Parental involvement is not so beneficial as expected.
D.Parents are not able to help with children's homework.
(3)The example of Asian-American parents implies that parents should .
A.help children realize the importance of schooling
B.set a specific life goal for their children
C.spend more time improving their own lives
D.take a more active part in school management


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why did the man put the paper on the floor?

A. He saw other people doing this.

B. The basket had been taken outside.

C. The basket was full.

2Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In the playground. B. In the classroom. C. At the back of the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是美国洛杉矶高中留学的中国学生,在 “Our County's Culture” 课上,鸟向全班同学及老师介绍中国的传统节日-----端午节。请你写一篇稿子,包括以下要点:
Dear class,
I am very honored to have the chance to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】某英文杂志正在举办以"Fancy yourself as an interviewer"为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题,写一篇英语短文。
内容包括:1. 采访的对象;2. 采访的原因;3. 想提的问题。
注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。
A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Having a pet dog at home can be beneficial in many ways. It can teach you the value of responsibility, companionship, and caring for something other than yourself. Owning a pet dog is not just a temporary thing. 1 You should care for your pet dog properly so you do not neglect it and help your parents train the pet dog so it is well behaved. You should also make sure you deal with any issues your pet dog is having responsibly so you do not harm your pet dog in any way.

2 You should start by providing the necessities for your pet dog, including food and fresh water. Your parents may already have a feeding schedule set up, with set times in the day for feeding your pet dog. You should follow this feeding schedule and ask your parents if you can help it with giving your pet dog food and water on a daily basis.

Clean up after the pet dog. You can also be a good pet owner by making sure you clean up after your dog. This means picking up any food that falls out of its food bowl and wiping up any water around its water dish so its feeding area is clean.3

Take your pet dog for daily walks.4 You should create a walking schedule with your parents and assist your parents in walking your pet dog. You may put the collar or harness on the dog and take a tarn holding the leash during the walk, with the supervision of a parent.

Play with your pet dog. You should spend at least ten to fifteen minutes a day playing with your pet dog so that it feels loved and acknowledged by you.5

A. Give food and water to the pet dog.

B. Train your pet dog with simple orders.

C. It is a permanent responsibility that you must care for on a daily basis.

D. Never ever try playing jokes on your pet dog, because it will get hurt easily.

E. You should also use encouraging words and reward it with a treat if it behaves well when playing.

F. You can also pick up any pet toys and put them in one area so that they are not scattered all over house.

G. M you have a pet dog that is medium to large in size, you will need to walk it on a daily basis.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



China is expected to see a record high number of college graduates in 2018 as around 8.2 million students will obtain their degree this year, according to the latest statistics from Ministry of Education. The number of college graduates in China has been rising since 2001, which leads to a more competitive employment market.

However, besides fierce competition, many graduates admit that they face another big problem-employment discrimination. A research in 2017 shows that around 75.7 percent of new graduates said they were, to some extent, discriminated or suffered from injustice when finding jobs.

Female college graduates still face great wall of discrimination in the employment market. “Males only”, “Married with children preferred”: These are some of the conditions commonly found in recruitment (招募) advertisements. According to a research by Renmin University of China in 2015, male college graduates do have more interview opportunities than female college graduates despite the similar academic background and work experience.

Regional discrimination also becomes a barrier for job seekers. Some companies dismiss job seekers from specific regions due to the regional stereotypes (成见), like “Central China’s Henan Province is the cradle of liars” and “people from Northeast region are usually rude.”

Recruitment advertisements sometimes also show favor for local applicants. Non-locals had been denied jobs because their registered residence origin was not the same as the city where they were hunting for a job.

Apart from “invisible thresholds (门槛)” like gender and region, college graduates in recent years were disappointed to find that personal details like superstitions (迷信) about blood type, zodiac, and facial structure were all part of the decision-making process by some potential employers.

An applicant’s surname can also help or hamper (妨碍) job prospects. A family name that suggests prosperity, like Jin, which means “gold”; while a last name like Pei, which can mean “to lose money”, would likely be negative. Besides, job seekers also found that some employers paid much attention to their appearance rather than the working performance.

To fight against employment discrimination, both the government and society have made great efforts. In 2007, Employment Promotion Law was passed with the purpose of apposing employment discrimination and promoting justice in job recruitment.

The Ministry of Education in 2017 issued regulations to ban work discrimination in on-campus job fairs. This year, several cities, bureau of human resources required job fair organizers to set special reception desks so as to deal with job seekers, complaints about discrimination.

Non-profit organizations were established to oppose work discrimination, while legal aids were also provided to job seekers through social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat.

Employment Discrimination


In addition to fierce competition, employment discrimination is another big problem 2 many graduates.

Forms of employment discrimination

Gender discrimination:

Male college graduates are more 3 to land a job than their female counterparts in spite of the similar educational qualifications and relevant job experience.

Regional discrimination:

4 from specific regions like Central China’s Henan Province and Northeast region are excluded from some companies.

Local registered residence origin is a 5 factor in finding a job.

Visible thresholds:

Greater 6 is attached to personal details and appearance in 7 with the working performance.

8 made to fight against employment


Passing laws to 9 to work discrimination and promote justice in job recruitment;

Issuing regulations to ban employment discrimination in on-campus job fairs;

Setting special reception desks to 10 job seekers’ complaints;

Establishing non-profit organizations to provide legal aids to job seekers through social media platforms.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





Tom was having much trouble get up in the morning and was always late with work. His boss wanted to fire him if he didn’t start coming on time, but he went to the doctor for a help. The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to take them before he went to bed. The man does as told and slept really well, wake up before the alarm had even gone off. He had time for a properly breakfast and was the first reach the factory. “Boss,” he said, “that medicine really works!” “I’m pleasing to hear it,” said his boss, “but where were you yesterday?”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】This is the incredible school where the headteacher’s unique dedication to handwriting practice means EVERY pupil is ambidextrous.

Only ten percent of the population are left-handed, and only ONE percent can write with both hands. But all 300 students at Veena Vandini School in India can write with both their left and right hand, with some able to do both at the same time---in different languages.

Every 45-minute lesson features 15 minutes devoted to handwriting practice, to make sure all students at the remote rural school have the skill.

The school, which was founded in 1999, is located in a remote area, in Singrauli district, Madhya Pradesh. School founder and former solider Vp Sharma said he was inspired to demand the lessons by India’s first president.

“I read in a magazine that Dr Rajendra Prasad used to write with both hands. This inspired me to give it a try. Later, when I launched my school at my native village, I tried training the students.

“We began training students from standard I and by the time they reach standard III, they were comfortable writing with both the hands. Students of standard VII and VIII can write with speed and accuracy. Further, they can write two scripts simultaneously, one with each hand.

“Students also know several languages, including Urdu.”

Mr Sharma said their unique dedication to handwriting led South Korean researchers to visit and study the pupils two years ago, to find out more about ambidexterity.

1What does the text mainly introduce?

A. A talented president B. An incredible school

C. A wise headteacher D. A unique training

2Why was the handwriting practice developed?

A. Because many students couldn’t write beautifully

B. Because the school was ordered to do that by the government

C. Because the school founder was inspired by an India’s president

D. Because Mr Sharma wanted to write quickly

3Which can we infer from the text?

A. The school has a history of over 30 years.

B. One third of the time in each lesson is spent practicing handwriting

C. South Korea began to research the unique dedication last year

D. Dr Rajendra Prasad was the third president of India

4What’s the meaning of the underlined word “ambidextrous”?

A. Be able to write fluently B. Be able to write in many languages

C. Be able to write with both hands D. Be able to write with feet

