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   It all started when Tom called me to join him in a game of basketball. He said that Jack and some other boys would be there too. I had finished my homework and had nothing else to do so I agreed. Tom told me to go to Radin Mas Community Club at three o’clock.

   On the way there,I bought a burger. When I reached the basketball court,I was surprised to see Tom and Jack quarrelling. Tom and Jack are brothers. They love each other and they have hardly ever quarrelled.

   Later on,I learnt that they were quarrelling over who should start throwing the ball. I shouted to them to stop but they would not listen. They created such a racket that the people in a nearby coffee shop were looking at them. Soon Tom and Jack started to trade punches. I was shocked,as I had never even heard them quarrel before. Now they were fighting before my eyes!

   Luckily,two men came and stopped them till the boys calmed down. Then I suggested that we go to the coffee shop for a drink. At the coffee shop,I brought out my burger and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the burger and laughing once again.

() 1. Tom called the writer to join the game.

   A. basketball   B. soccer

   C. volleyball   D. tennis

() 2. On the way to Radin Mas Community Club,the writer bought.

   A. some bread   B. a burger

   C. a cup of coffee   D. a drink

() 3. The writer was surprised because .

   A. Tom and Jack are brothers

   B. they loved each other

   C. they hardly ever quarrelled

   D. all above

() 4. Tom and Jack fought over .

   A. when they should start throwing the ball

   B. where they should start throwing the ball

   C. who should start throwing the ball

   D. who should pay for the drink

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C


1. A 细节理解题。由第一段中的“It all started when Tom called me to join him in a game of basketball. ”可知答案为 A.

2. B细节理解题。由第二段第一句“On the way there,I bought a burger. ”可知答案为B.

3. D细节理解题。由第二段中最后一句“Tom and Jack are brothers. They love each other and they have hardly ever quar-relled ”可知答案为D.

4. C细节理解题。由第三段中的第一句“Later on,I leamt that

they were quarrelling over who should start throwing the ball.”可知答案为C.

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空4 > Week 13 Legends and stories 传说与故事


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In the year 2050,there will be different kinds of materials for clothes. Special materials will keep the clothes clean forever. They will never get dirty or wear out. We will have less work because we won’t have to wash them. So we can save water and money. And children won’t worry about what to wear to school every day. They won’t go to school. They511 stay at home in front of their computers to study. They can wear their favorite “Saturday clothes” every day. It will be fun. Do you think so? What do you think school clothes and school life will be like in 2050?[2013 贵州铜仁]

() 1. Maybe we wash clothes in the year 2050.

   A. didn't   B. needn’t

   C. mustn't   D. won’t be allowed to

() 2. Why won’t the children go to school?

   A. Because they’ll play at home.

   B. Because they hate to go to school.

   C. Because they’ll study on their computers.

   D. Because they’ll wash clothes to make money.

() 3. Will the clothes get dirty in the year 2050?

   A. No,it won’t. B. Yes,they will.

   C. Yes,it will. D. No,they won’t.

() 4. In the year 2050,the clothes will not forever.

   A. wear out or get dirty   B. wear well   C. be thinner and thinner   D. be fantastic


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Europe's best known places of interests—including the Eiffel Tower,Big Ben and Rome's Colosseum— fell dark on Saturday,following on Sydney's Opera House and Beijing's Forbidden City in joining a global climate change protest,as lights were turned off across the world to mark the Earth Hour event.

   The lights went out at the Empire State Building in New York,the National Cathedral in Washington,and the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta.

   Millions of lights were expected to turn off from 8 : 30 p. m. to 9 : 30p. m. They want to call people to protect the environment. It was the fourth time to hold Earth Hour,organized by the World Wildlife Fund.

   4,000 cities from more than 120 countries —starting with the remote Chatham Islands off the coast of New Zealand—were turned off on Saturday,though traffic lights and other safety features were still on,organizers said.

   In England,Buckingham Palace and the British Parliament building St. PauFs Cathedral and the Royal Albert Hall,as well as Edinburgh Castle in Scotland went dark to support it.

   Moscow took an active part in it. State University,on a hill overlooking the city disappeared into the darkness as the city took part.The gigantic Luzhniki Stadium (卢日尼基大体育场) nearby also went black. Some big restaurants in Vladivostok held a so-called Candle Evening,making Earth Hour as a chance for romance.

() 1. The lights were turned off across the world in these places but.

   A. Eiffel Tower   B. Big Ben

   C. the Statue of liberty   D. Rome's Colosseum

() 2. Millions of lights were expected to turn off for.

   A. half an hour   B. an hour

   C. two hours   D. all night

() 3. It was the time to hold Earth Hour.

   A. first   B. second

   C. third   D. fourth

() 4. The passage may come from a .

   A. story   B. diary

   C. report   D. poster


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   You probably talk to friends much more than you talk to your parents. That's natural. Even if you and your parents have a great relationship,you want to find your own path and make your own choices. Still,most of us want a parent's help,advice,and support at times. However talking to the adults in your life can seem difficult. But how to make it easier?

   First,talk about everyday stuff and do it every day. The more you do something,the easier it gets. Talking to the adults in your life about everyday stuff builds a bond that can smooth the way when you need to discuss something more serious.

   Find something unimportant to chat about each day. Talk about how your team did or share something one of your teachers said. Even small talk about what's for dinner can keep your relationship strong and comfortable.

   It's never too late to start. If you feel your relationship with your parents is nervous,try relaxing conversations. Talk about how well your little sister is doing in math. Chatting with parents every day keeps the relationship stronger.

() 1. The passage is about how to talk with .

   A. friends   B. children   C. parents   D. teachers

() 2. We can get from a parent.

   A. help   B. advice   C. support   D. All above

() 3. The writer gives us pieces of advice.

   A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

() 4. The underlined word “bond” means .

   A. 方法   B. 纽带   C. 场合   D. 气氛


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It was a dark and stormy night. I was about to go to bed when I heard a tapping sound on my window.

   “Who's there?” I shouted. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning;I saw a face at the window. It looked like an alien that I had seen on the television show ,“the X files."

   I felt very scared. I ran to my bed and pulled my blanket over my head. I started to shout for my parents but there was no reply. Then I remembered that they were at a fancy dress party. I peeped out of my blanket but it was too dark to see anything. Then I heard footsteps. They were getting louder and louder. It was dark but I knew the way to my drawer where I kept my camera. I ran there and took out my camera and started to take pictures in the direction of the window. Soon the footsteps died off. And then I went back to my bed and tried to sleep. But I could not. I felt too scared. I sat up,and my mind was full of thoughts. I didn't fall asleep until late at night.

   I woke up and found some footprints outside my bedroom window. I measured them with a tape and found them to be exactly the same size as my father's shoes. The footprints ended at the door of my house. I then went to town to get the film developed. But when I saw the photos I was shocked. They were black and I could hardly see anything. Then I remembered that I did not use the flash.

   When I reached home I told my father about it and he started to laugh. I started laughing too when he told me that he had dressed up as an alien for the party.

() 1. It was when the story happened.

   A. stormy   B. dark   C. sunny   D. Both A and B

() 2. My parents went to a party.

   A. dress   B. evening   C. birthday   D. dancing

() 3. I  put the camera in the .

   A. desk   B. dresser   C. drawer   D. bag

() 4. In fact,the “alien” was the .

   A. boy   B. father   C. mother   D. friend


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   One bright and sunny day ,I felt like fishing. So I packed what I 1 ... fishing rod,hooks,weights and of course,worms for bait.

   When I 2 the jetty,I put a worm on the hook and 3 the line into the water and waited for the fish to bite. I was 4 when I did not catch anything after 5 for three hours.   I pulled in the line and to my 6 , there was a small fish at the 7 of the line. The fish was so 8 that I did not feel anything on the line.

   I was even more 9 when the fish started to talk. “Let me go 10 I will turn you into a frog!” I was so scared that I just stared at it. The next moment,I was already a frog... ribit,ribit!

1.  2. 

3.  4. 

5.  6. 

7.  8. 

9.  10. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn,Germany. He had a difficult and unhappy childhood. His father,Johann,was a musician for the king. He started to give his son piano lessons before Beethoven was four years old. Ludwig was so small that he had to stand on the piano seat to reach the piano.

   When Johann saw how quickly Ludwig learned,he knew his son had a talent for it. He decided to make Ludwig into a concert performer,and he was very strict. He hit Ludwig’s hand when he made a mistake and often woke him up in the middle of the night to make him play for his friends. Ludwig continued to study,and in 1782,he became the assistant organist for the king. He was only 12 years old!He used the money that he earned to help take care of his family. His father had a lot of problems and could not support them.

   When Beethoven was about sixteen,he went to Vienna (维也纳) to study. This was every musician's dream. While he was there,he played for many important people,including the famous composer (作曲家) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. When Mozart heard him,he told his friends,“Keep your eyes on him. Someday he will give the world something to talk about ”

() 1. Why did his father decide to make Ludwig into a concert performer?

   A. Because he was strict.

   B. Because he knew his son had a talent for it.

   C. Because Ludwig learned quickly.

   D. Because Ludwig was small.

() 2. What did Johann do when Ludwig made a mistake?

   A. He hit Ludwig's hand.

   B. He made him stand on the piano seat.

   C. He woke him up in the middle of the night.

   D. He made him play for his friends.

() 3. How old was him when he used the money that he earned to help take care of his family?

   A. 12 years old. B. 11 years old.

   C. 15 years old. D. 16 years old.

() 4. Why did Ludwig go to Vienna to study?

   A. Because he wanted to be a concert performer.

   B. Because his father had a lot of problems and could not support them.

   C. Because he wanted to play for many important people.

   D. Because this was every musician's dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    We want to tell you why we want to write about people that we love and respect. Everybody has at 1 one person that he respects,and wants to be like him/her. It 2 be a singer,an artist,or a dancer. We are going to talk to you about people of that kind. People we know are part of our 3 or part of our world in any way. It could be a brother,a mother,a cousin,a good uncle and even a grandfather. My 4 is a very healthy man. He is 80 years old,and still works 5 a doctor every day. Whenever we have a problem he always has perfect ideas to help us. At home he has a big 6 of model ships,which he built 7 . Everyone in the 8 has a big person,who he loves and respects. Because we are talking about heroes. We thought it would be a good 9 to write about the people that are not very 10 or well-known in the world,but we think they are good people and we want to be like them. They make us better people and for that we are grateful.

1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 

6.  7.  8.  9.  10. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  “Be proud of what you do,”my father often tells me ,“whether (无论是) you are a manager or a cleaner. ” At the age of 15 ,I got my first job—a summer job in a hospital. My work is to wash dishes and sweep the floors. I smiled and remembered Dad’ s words.

   My job was the lowest,but it made me feel excited. I saw it as a challenge (衫匕战) because it was my first job. I learned to be on time and tried to do everything well. People in hospital all liked me. Every morning I always thought that the dirty dishes would make people ill without my job to wash them. After breakfast was done,I started sweeping the floors of all patients , (people who are ill) rooms and cleaning restrooms. I was very tired,but I wanted to do the job well. People often say, "That young boy really does a good job. w That gave me a pride (自豪) .

Working in the hospital taught me that being proud of one's job is important. It doesn’t matter whether the job is sweeping floors or doing a large business. I have swept floors,and I have been a manager. My father’s words have always stayed with me. I think Dad would be proud of me.(北足市朝阳区 2012—2013 学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试题)

1. When did the writer start his first job?

2. Did the writer feel excited or nervous about his first job?

3. Did people in hospital like the writer?

4. What did the writer do when he was in the hospital?

5. What made the writer do his work well?

