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19.The UK's education system is ranked sixth best in the developed world,according to a global league table published by education firm Pearson.
The first and second places are taken by Finland and South Korea.
The rankings combine international test results and data such as graduation rates between 2006and 2010.
Sir Michael Barber,Pearson's chief education adviser,says successful countries give teachers a high status and have a"culture"of education.
International comparison in education have become increasingly significant and this latest league table is based upon a series of global test results combined with measures of education systems,such as how many people go on to university.
The two education superpowers Finland and South Korea are followed by three other high-performing Asian education systems Hong Kong,Japan and Singapore.
The UK is then ranked at the head of an above-average group including the Netherlands,Canada and Ireland.
These are ahead of a middle-ranking group including the United States,Germany and France.
At the lowest end and Mexico,Brazil and Indonesia.
These comparison draw upon tests that are taken every three or four years,in areas such as maths,science and literacy and so present a picture lagging(滞后)by several years.
Looking at education systems that succeed,the study concludes that spending is important,but not as much as having a culture that is supportive of learning.It says that spending is easier to measure,but the more complex impact of a society's attitude to education can make a big difference.
"The success of Asian countries in these rankings reflects the high value attached to education and the expectations of parents.This can continue to be a factor when families migrate to other countries,"says the report.
Looking at the two top countries Finland and South Korea,the report says that there are many big differences,but the common factor is a shared social belief in the importance of education and its"underlying moral purpose"

48.According to the passage,we can infer the news was likely to be published in a newspaper ofA.
A.UK            B.Finland          C.South Korea     D.Japan
49.The rankings are based on the following EXCEPTD.
A.a series of global test results
B.the number of people in university
C.graduation rates
D.the number of teachers
50.What is the main idea of the passage?C
A.The UK's education system is out of date.
B.The education in Asia is better than that in Europe
C.The latest global league table published by education firm Pearson.
D.The situation of the world education.

分析 本文主要报道了世界教育排行榜的相关情况.

解答 48:A推理判断题.The UK's education system is ranked sixth best in the developed world,according to a global league table published by education firm Pearson;以及The UK is then ranked at the head of an above-average.英国虽然排在第六位,但放在第一段最显眼的位置,然后才说前三名,由此可以推断这则新闻可能刊登在英国报纸上.
49:D细节理解题.根据第三段的"graduation rates"及第五段的"a series of global test results combined with measures of education systems,such as how many people go on to university"可确定A、B、C三项是排名的依据,而D项文中没有涉及.

点评 本文是人物故事类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

9.[1]China will change the world as much as the world changes China,if the country continues its opening up.
[2]How could it not?The rest of the world cannot remain unaffected by the culture of one-fifth of humanity.As China strengthens its economy,allows its citizens more overseas travel and participates in global efforts,the West surely will learn more about Chinese ways.
[3]And once it does,its people might choose to adot some of them.
[4]It might surprise Chinese that Westerners            .When I announced my Beijing job to American friends,family and neighbors,they were very curious and mostly uninformed about China.
[5]Our media carries little news about China except during unusual circumstances,which typically are times of stress between the two countries.We hear about arguments with China over climate change,Taiwan and Tibet,but that doesn't tell average Americans anything about average Chinese.
[6]Most American-don't know that Chinese weddings feature firecrackers; that Chinese parents make extraordinary sacrifices for their children; that Chinese diners eat off plates smaller than any on a Western table; that favorite Chinese drinks include hot soy milk and the potent white-grain alcohol,baijiu; and that elderly Chinese sometimes walk down streets backwards to keep their balancing skills sharp.
[7]Westemers will learn as they and the Chinese increasingly mingle(接触).As they do there's no telling which Chirac customs will take root in foreiffl soil.but some of them surely will.
[8]Maybe we'11 see baijiu and green tea served at baseball stadiums along with beer and soda pop.That wouldn't make the game any less American.
[9]Meanwhile,I hope China continues to take in what the world has to offer and transform it into something typically Chinese.To think that exposure to Western ways weakens China,instead of strengthens it,assumes the country's culture is fragile.That's a surprising attitude for any Chinese to take.
76.What does the passage mainly tell us?(within 10 words)
Opening-up will make China change the world.
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(within 6 words)
know little about China
78.What an attitude should we Chinese take towards Western culture according to the author?(within 20 words)
To continue to take in what the world offers and transform it into something typically Chinese.
79.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
         In that case,some of the Chinese way of life will,possibly,be accepted by the westerners.
And once it does,its people might choose to about some of them.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The person you had been thinking highly ________ dishonest.(  )
A.of provingB.of provedC.of to proveD.of being


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Mr.Black told us that he ______ born on the April fools.(  )
A.has beenB.had beenC.wasD.were


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

As students,all of us will be faced a problem after passed the college entrance examination.Should we choose a good major and a good university first?
Here are some different ideas.Some more prefer to choose a major first so they can learn that they are interested in.In this way they can put their hearts into study and got their favorite jobs in the future.Other believe that the environment is important to one's develop and that graduates from key universities are more likely to find good jobs.As long as I'm concerned,the best choice is a good university if we can't
obtain all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.It's a fact that we all dream.Some dreams seem to last for hours,others only for seconds.Some of us have strange dreams,some have interesting dreams,and some of us have unpleasant dreams.Tests in the 1980s showed that these dreams occur within 90-minute cycles,each cycle made up of six stages.In the last stage people experience rapid eye movement,known as REM,and it is in this stage that dreaming takes place.Eighty percent of people who were woken during this sixth stage could easily remember their dreams.On the other hand,when during the first five stages (NREM),only seven percent could describe a dream.
However,of these same people woken during thO6e first five stages,74% were able to remember thinking activity,although they would not call it a dream.NerysDee,who has written about dreams in a book called"Your Dreams and What They Mean"says:"Perhaps during NREM sleep we are sorting out our outer mundane problems,but in REM sleep we are dealing with inside matters."She also makes the following statement about 90-minute cycle:It may also prove the reason why insomniacs who wake in the middle of the night find it impossible to get to sleep again for at least an hour and a half.In other words,until they have missed out one complete 90-minute sleep period.

60.Which of the following statements about dreams is TRUE?C
A.Everyone dreams but very few can recall what they dream.
B.People can only remember unpleasant dreams.
C.Some people have long dreams and others have very short ones.
D.More than eighty percent of people can remember their dreams.
61.According to the tests in the 1980s,dreaming takes placeD.
A.between each 90-minute cycle           
B.at any time during 90-minute cycles
C.during the first five stages of 90-minute cycles  
D.in the last stage of 90-minute cycles
62.People woken during REM sleep canA
A.easily remember their dreams         B.hardly remember their dreams
C.only remember their dreams           D.partly remember their thinking activity
63."Insomniacs"are persons whoC
A.can always remember their dreams     
B.experience rapid eye movement
C.have trouble getting into sleep at night  
D.usually wake after each 90-minute sleep period.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Every day,15-year-old Martha wrote on the Internet about the meal she ate at school.She also took pictures of the food.However,Martha was very honest about the food.She did not just describe the food.She judged the taste and health of the food.
Martha also began to use her blog(博客)for an important reason.She began to raise(筹集)money for the organization Mary's Meals in the East African country of Malawi.It provides food for children in schools for free.Martha encouraged her readers to send money to Mary's Meals to help build a kitchen.
But then,Martha began to have a problem.Many people read her blog.She became big news.The news stories showed that the food at Martha's school was not always healthy.And that made some people angry.So the school officials decided to stop Martha's blog.They said that she could not take her camera to school.
But an amazing thing happened.Many people began sending messages of support across the Internet.Martha's story was even bigger than before.Now the officials had to change their minds.A few days later,Martha was again writing her blog.But more than that,people had sent a lot of money for the Malawi school children.Martha had hoped to raise about 10,000dollars.But the total reached 100,000dollars and still kept on growing!
Martha's blog also helped to improve meals at her school.One day she wrote:As we waited for dinner we were told that we are allowed to eat as much fruit and bread as we want.
No one knows what will happen to Martha's blog in future.But already this little girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing on the Internet pictures of her school meals.
56.Martha wrote about her school meals on her blog toC.
A.invite students to judge the food 
B.show the terrible taste of the food
C.express her opinion about the food     
D.ask the school to improve the food
57.The organization Mary's MealsB.
A.was set up by Martha               
B.provides free school meals
C.is an international organization       
D.helps poor families build kitchens
58.Why did the school officials want to prevent Martha writing her blog?B
A.It had a bad influence on her study.
B.Some people were upset by its content(内容).
C.Taking pictures needs a lot of time.
D.Many other students started to copy her.
59.According to the text,MarthaA.
A.got a lot of support around the world
B.helped improve children's eating habits
C.raised 10,000for the Malawi school children
D.has no idea what to write on her blog in future
60.What's the best title for the text?D
A.School Meals    
B.Mary's Meals
C.Power of the Internet               
D.Martha Shares Her Food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

After a heated discussion,our class has decided to recommend (推荐) Li Hua as the Touching Figure On Campus.                                                      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.Whoever attends/No matter who attends the party,we promise to give him or her a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.(attend)

