精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
18.What is the song's name written by Ivring Berlin?
A.White Christmas.    B.Happy Christ mas.    C.Bright Christmas.
19.Why didn't Ivring Berlin celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday?
A.He was Jewish.    B.He always forgot it.    C.He was too busy to do it.
20.What's the main topic of the passage?
A.Christmas Day.    B.Christmas songs.    C.Christmas gifts.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

18.Why numbers are required to be printed on bikes?
A.To control the total number of bikes.
B.To prevent bikes from being stolen.
C.T0distinguish different bike-makers.
19.What does the second news tell us?
A.Most people in South Kerea have taken plastic surgery.
B.70% of the respondents are afraid of taking plastic surgery.
C.Most of the young women are in favour of plastic surgery.
20.What's the aim of the free education mentioned in the third news?
A.To encourage more students to work as teachers in rural areas.
B.To help more poor students to realize their university dreams.
C.To serve as a start of free education in all universities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield?
A.They forget about their dreams.
B.They don't want to tell the truth
C.They have no bad experiences
18.Why did Davis stop having dreams?
A.He got a serious heart attack.
B.He was too sad about his brother's death
C.He was frightened by a terrible dream.
19.What is Dr Garfield's opinion about dreaming?
A.It is very useful.
B.It makes things worse.
C.It prevents the mind from working.
20.Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?
A.To sleep better 
B.To recover from illnesses 
C.to stay away from their problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

18.Why was the speaker excited?
A.She liked to teach children                         
B.It was her first time going abroad
C.She was paid to be a teacher for the first time
19.What is the speaker's nationality?
A.Canadian              B.American                 C.Japanese
20.How did the speaker feel about the students'questions at first?
A.Angry                 B.Moved                   C.Uncomfortable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

6.What kind of car are they talking about?
A.A new car.   B.A rent-a-car.   C.A second-hand car.
7.Will the woman sell the car to the man at last?
A.Yes.   B.No.    C.Maybe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.When would Aja ask for books?
A.At New Year's Day
B.At International Children's Day.
C.At her birthday.
18.What did her family do?
A.They laughed at her
B.They helped her collect books.
C.They bought her fewer books.
19.What was Aja anxious about her idea?
A.Her books would not interest other kids.
B.Other kids wouldn't return her books.
C.Other kids might not come to read.
20.How does Aja feel about what everyone says?
A.Upset.   B.Modest.   C.Excited.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.Who is the speaker?
A.A supermarket clerk.    B.A professional chef.    C.A restaurant manager.
18.What does Household Gourmet mainly sell?
A.Cook books.    B.Kitchen products.    C.Different meat dishes.
19.What does the speaker say about the dessert?
A.It takes a longer time.
B.It can be made very quickly.
C.It's easy to make.
20.What will the speaker do next?
A.Introduce his assistant.
B.Show something to the audience.
C.Get the customers'orders.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

To-do List
Send out
(52)略invitations with a(53)略of the Harbour Grand Hotel
Buy:10pounds of candy;10 pounds of chocolate;(54)略and drinks
Order 99(55)略
Get things ready before(56)略


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

10.How long has the man waited for the woman?
 A.For nearly an hour.
 B.For more than an hour. 
 C.For about five  minutes.
11.How did the woman come?
 A.By bus.   B.By taxi.    C.On foot.
12.Why did the woman go off work late?
 A.Her boss gave her a task.
 B.She hed a talk with her boss.
 C.She had to check her own letter.

