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1.According to the rules, a TEDx event organizer is supposed to ________.

A. extend the event to one day

B. name the event after locations

C. focus on one TED topic

D. host the event in different cities

2.Who is qualified to host a TEDx event for over 100 guests?

A. A person who has attended an official TED conference.

B. A woman who has attended numerous TEDx events.

C. An individual who has submitted his proposed ticket price.

D. An organization which intends to make some money for charities.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届甘肃兰州一中高三9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean, an S-shaped body of water covering 33 million square miles. The Atlantic has, in a sense, replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization. Unlike real inland seas, which seem strangely still, the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness. It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.

“Storm at Sea”, a short poem written around 700, is generally regarded as one of mankind’s earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.

When the wind is from the west

All the waves that cannot rest

To the east must thunder on

Where the bright tree of the sun

Is rooted in the ocean’s breast.

As the poem suggests, the Atlantic is never dead and dull. It is an ocean that moves, impressively and endlessly. It makes all kinds of noise—it is forever thundering, boiling, crashing, and whistling.

It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breath—perhaps not so noticeably out in mid–ocean, but where it meets land, its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach. It mimics(模仿) nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature. It is filled with symbiotic existences, too; unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony, giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat, a kind of sub-ocean vitality. And it has a psychology. It has personalities: sometimes peaceful and pleasant, on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.

1.Unlike real inland seas, the Atlantic Ocean is ________.

A. always energetic

B. lacking in liveliness

C. shaped like a square

D. favored by ancient poets

2.What is the purpose of using the poem “Storm at Sea” in the passage?

A. To describe the movement of the waves.

B. To show the strength of the storm.

C. To represent the power of the ocean.

D. To prove the vastness of the sea.

3.What does the underlined word “symbiotic” mean?

A. Living together.B. Growing fast.

C. Moving harmoniously.D. Breathing peacefully.

4.In the last paragraph, the Atlantic is compared to ________.

A. a beautiful and poetic place

B. a flesh and blood person

C. a wonderful world

D. a lovely animal


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江牡丹江一中高一9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus. 1. sat next to each other. “What’s that in your bag?” asked the young man, pointing to a big bag beside the old man. “Gold. There was nothing but gold,” answered the old man. The young man could not believe his own ears and was 2. great surprise. Then he began to think about 3. to get the money. The old man was very tired and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open. After a while the old man 4. (lie) down on the chair and fell asleep.

The young man took 5. big bag gently and quietly. But when he was just about to run away, he found a corner of his fur coat was under the old man’s body. Several times he tried to pull it out, 6. in vain. At last he took off his coat, 7. (think) that the gold in the bag must cost far more than his fur coat.

Worried but 8. (delight), the young man ran out of the station as quickly as his legs could carry him, until he reached a place 9. he thought the old man couldn’t find him. He stopped and quickly opened the bag but he just found a great many of small stones in it. Then he ran back to the station 10. (hurry) only to find that the old man was gone.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届甘肃会宁县一中高三上第一次9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


An elderly teacher,with a pupil by his side,took a walk through a forest. Suddenly he_1.__(stop) and pointed to four plants close at hand. The first was just beginning to appear slowly above the ground,the second had rooted itself pretty well into the earth,the third was a small short tree,while the fourth was__2.__ full-sized tree. The tutor said to his young__3.__(company),“Pull up the first plant. ” The boy did so eagerly,__4.__(use) only his fingers.

“Now pull up the second.” The youth obeyed __5.__ found that the task was__6.__(difficult).

“Do the same__7.__ the third,” he urged. The boy had to use all his strength to uproot it.

“Now,” said the instructor,“try your hand with the fourth. ” The pupil put his arms around the trunk of the tall tree and couldn't even shake__8._ leaves. “This,my son,is just_9.__ happens with our bad habits. When they are young,we can remove them easily;but when they are old,it's hard to pull them out of the ground,__10.__ we pray and struggle ever so sincerely!”


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届江苏扬州中学高三上开学考试8月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


You really should finish compiling that boring spreadsheet, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it. Maybe it can wait a little longer? Or it might just disappear if you ignore it long enough? You know the feeling.

According to Professor Piers Steel, of the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary, 95% of people postpone important tasks at some point. But for some, procrastination (拖延症) isn’t occasional, but constant. Professor Joseph Ferrari, of DePaul University Chicago, found that 20% of the population of the world are habitual procrastinators. Sadly, delaying our duties isn’t very good for us. As the poet Edward Young wrote: “Procrastination is the thief of time”.


1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 结合上述信息,简要分析“拖延症”产生的原因及危害;

3. 根据你的分析,就如何克服“拖延症”谈谈你的看法(不少于两点)。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届江苏扬州中学高三上开学考试8月英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is ________ his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by all his students.

A. on account ofB. with regard to

C. in terms ofD. in reference to


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届西藏拉萨中学高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

When I moved into an empty dormitory for the first time two years ago, I was certain of a few things. Firstly, I realized that I didn’t ________ anybody at the school. Secondly, I knew that I wanted to work hard at my lessons and ________ something useful. And thirdly, I wanted to have a good time with new classmates, without my parents around.

The first ________ frightened me in the beginning. But that ________ quickly disappeared. It was the other two goals ________ ended up being my difficulties.

I knew that it was ________ to devote enough time to class and to social efforts. But I wanted to ________ in both. I knew this would be a ________, but I didn’t realize how much until classes began.

I got on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm. ________, instead of finishing my homework ________ it was due, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor. I always finished it the next day between classes.

I knew ________ wasn’t very good and the grade I ________ showed my lack of effort. I was ________ that I needed to find some sort of balance.

So I created a schedule that would ________ my time up between going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea, ________ I was only able to ________ it for a few days. A schedule like that was too much pressure.

So I tried another ________. Each week I made a list of everything I had to get done during that week. Then, under the list of things I had to get done, I ________ a list of things I could do if I had time.

This is the method I have used since then. I’m glad that I’ve learned to ________ things and it has ________ prepare me for what is to come after graduation.

1.A. knowB. recognizeC. realizeD. like

2.A. understandB. learnC. tryD. tell

3.A. teacherB. dayC. classD. realization

4.A. happinessB. excitementC. fearD. desire

5.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who

6.A. hardB. easyC. interestingD. nice

7.A. winB. succeedC. getD. wish

8.A. chanceB. jobC. challengeD. time

9.A. OftenB. SeldomC. UnluckilyD. Fortunately

10.A. becauseB. whenC. afterD. before

11.A. itB. oneC. theseD. I

12.A. demandedB. tookC. acceptedD. received

13.A. asleepB. awakeC. ashamedD. aware

14.A. fixB. divideC. putD. build

15.A. soB. andC. butD. however

16.A. useB. keepC. followD. make

17.A. planB. energyC. pressureD. effort

18.A. madeB. foundC. pickedD. brought

19.A. doB. controlC. balanceD. hold

20.A. hadB. helpedC. letD. forced


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江省高三上9月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

10th Annual Hospitality (餐饮服务业)Student Conference

Tuesday March 4, 2016

Conference Schedule

8:00-8:45 Breakfast and welcome

8:45-9:15 Dat Phan, Comedian

9:15-9:25 Break

9:25-10:10 Tour 1

10:20-11:05 Tour 2

11:15-12:00 Tour 3

12:00-1:00 Lunch, Prize giveaways and wrap-up (总结)

Tour 1: Tour of Hotel and Resort

Go on a behind-the-scenes tour of Barona, a luxury hotel and resort. Your tour guides will be actual employees who can give you the inside sight about running this great business and what it takes to get an exciting career in hospitality industry.

Tour 2: Cooking demonstration

Who want to be a top chef? Watch and smell as award winning chefs demonstrate their cooking art and share some of their kitchen secrets with you.

Tour 3: Opportunities fair

Take advantage of this opportunity to speak with various professionals from hotels, schools and other businesses in the hospitality industry. Learn about education and career options; and don’t forget to stop by the interview skills workshop.

Dat Phan

Dat was born in Saigon, Vietnam and grew up struggling and poor in California. He worked at Barona Resort before he made it big as a comedian!

His culturally insightful (发人深省的)comedy inspects ridiculous stereotypes, and shared his experience of being a regular American guy with a Vietnamese heritage (文化遗产). He has been honored as “The Top 10 Most Influential Vietnamese-Americans”.

Dat Phan aims to create a more positive image of Asian-Americans in the world of entertainment and Hollywood. “We want to be seen as more than just martial artists (武术家), or bad stereotype roles in American TV & Movies.”

1.The majority of the people present at the conference are probably _______.

A. tourists from other cities

B. students who plan to work in hotels or restaurants

C. news reporters of a local TV station

D. managers who wish to take in some new staff

2.What is the right order of the activities?

a. Enjoy the funny show.

b. Give away prizes.

c. Watch a cooking demonstration.

d. Talk about interview skills.

e. Take a tour around an expensive hotel and resort.

A. a―e―c―d―b B. a―d―c―e―b

C. d―e―a―c―b D. c―d―b―a―e

3.All the following can be learnt from the conference EXCEPT ______.

A. how to run a big hotel and resort

B. what it takes to be a great chef

C. how to behave better in an interview

D. what jobs are available in the local hotels

