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【题目】Four simple steps to be truly thankful

Thanksgiving is more than pie and turkey. It’s about helping and loving the family, friends and world around you. The following tips will help you show your thankfulness.

1. Family

A lot can happen in a year. Your family may have added some loved ones and lost some at the same time. 1, and let your family know how important they are to you and how glad you are that you all could get together.

2. Friends

Do what you always do — throw a party. In college, Chicago natives Heather and Nosheen threw a dinner party for their friends on Thanksgiving and came up with HANTDE: Heather and Nosheen’s Thanksgiving Day Extravaganza. 2.

“HANDTE is a reunion time that we all look forward to every year,” Heather says. “3, so HANTDE has become a time to see and be with each other.”

3. Community (社区)

You could volunteer at a local soup kitchen or bring unused items to a food bank. 4. This year, Heather and Nosheen are asking their HANTDE guests to offer a donation, which they will donate to help low-income families.

4. Self

5, for example, the debts you paid off or the friends you’ve made. Being able to give thanks for yourself and what you’ve done is the first step to being able to show thankfulness to others.

A. Stop racing for the next raise

B. Look back on your recent achievements

C. Take the time to raise a glass during dinner

D. You could also turn your celebration into a good cause

E. We have jobs now and don’t see each other that much

F. What started in their dorm room now is a yearly tradition

G. Perhaps a family member is fighting against a deadly disease









1这一设空句的后面“let your family know how important they are”是目的,前面设空句是为达目的要采取的行动,所以 C选项中符合要达到这一目的所需的行动,故选C

2在设空句的下面一段出现了“every year”,词汇复现,选项 F中的yearly和这一词汇是同义词,据此即可选定答案,故选F

3设空句后出现了“……become a time to see and be with each other.”,所以设空句就是dont see each other that much,这样前后才能呼应,故选E





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life, new research may come as a shock. According to a recent scientific study, people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.

Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers (幔跑者)and non - joggers for 12 years. The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a proper pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die. The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5 miles per hour. The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as non - joggers. The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉). Over time, this can cause serious injuries.

Peter Schnohr, a researcher in Copenhagen, said, “If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy(寿命)jogging a few times a week at a proper pace is a good strategy. Anything more is not just unnecessary, and it may be harmful. “

The implications (暗示 ) of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi, yoga and walking may be better for us than “iron man events, triathlons and long - distance running and cycling. According to Jacob Louis Marott, another researcher involved in the study, “You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health. And perhaps you shouldn’t actually do too much”.

1The underlined word “strenuous” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “____“.


2The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2 to_______ .

A.suggest giving up joggingB.show risks of doing sports

C.provide supportive evidenceD.introduce the research process

3According to the scientists, why is too much exercise harmful?

A.It may injure the heart and arteries.B.It can make the body tired out.

C.It will bring much pressure.D.It consumes too much energy.

4What can be inferred from the text?

A.No exercise at all is the best choice.B.More exercise means a healthier life.

C.Marathons runners are least likely to die.D.Proper exercise contributes to good health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Many things — genetics, environment, the food you eat, illness, sleep, even the seasons — influence your emotional state. But at the heart of it is how you regard yourself. If you have a healthy level of self-esteem (自尊), you not only deal with life's challenges better than people with low self-esteem, but you're probably more content, confident, and successful. You're probably also healthier. Studies show that positive self-esteem actually helps prevent people against depression and anxiety.Most people's sense of worth is rooted in their childhood — in the early approval or disapproval of parents, teachers, and friends. But as we get older, most of us judge ourselves by our sense of how effectively we're managing in the world, especially in the areas of love and work. Our ability to love and be loved can give our lives a sense of purpose and deep fulfillment. We can also find satisfaction and pride in work-related accomplishments, and the people we meet and work with can strengthen our sense of self and our role in life.

Once midlife comes along, however, our self-esteem can take a turn in response to changes in our lives. Marriage may change, children may leave home, and we may begin to cut back on work as we approach retirement. Of course, the view in the mirror may not be what it used to be, either.

If you find your self-esteem eroding (变弱) a bit, there are plenty of ways to build it back up again.

Reframe your identity. Redefine what you base your sense of self-worth on. Instead of “sales manager”, “stock market analyst”, or “mom”, start thinking of yourself as “community organizer”, “literacy volunteer”, “great cook”, “gifted gardener”, and more.

Talk back to your inner critic. Become conscious of how hard you're being on yourself, and fight against a negative attitude with some positive self-talk.

Take time for yourself. Read the paper, keep a journal, go for a swim. This is especially important for women, who are often so busy nurturing others that they neglect their own needs and interests. (346 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The pursuit of longevity has long been on people’s minds, prompting an abundance of research on the effects of food and diet on the human lifespan. According to recent research from the UC Irvine Institute, drinking coffee and wine could help you live longer.

The 90+ Study evaluated more than 1,600 people over the age of 90 for their lifestyle habits and other qualities that might have contributed to their longevity.

Participants were visited every six months, when they were given various tests. Researchers also collected information about the participants’ diets, lifestyles, and medical histories.

They found out that two of the habits that helped preserve lives the most are drinking alcohol and coffee. “I have no explanation for it,” admitted Dr Claudia Kawas, “but I do firmly believe that moderate (适度的) drinking improves longevity.” So should we all be drinking more coffee and wine? While that would be great news, the research may not be as definitive as it seems.

“Most studies about alcohol consumption, including The 90+ Study, are observational, so we can only say that something about drinking is associated with health and longevity,” registered dietitian Jennifer Markowitz told The Daily Meal.

“I’d be curious to see if the coffee and alcohol drinkers shared other important habits or lifestyle factors that might also play into their longevity.”

In other words, it might not be the wine and coffee that’s helping people live longer, but the two substances do have some considerable health benefits. “Wine and coffee are packed with antioxidants(抗氧化剂) which are known to protect our bodies from damage caused by free radicals,” explained registered dietitian Keri Gans to The Daily Meal. “Research on antioxidants has shown several heath benefits, including the possibility they may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, improve cognitive function, decrease the risk of dementia, and lower the risk of heart disease.”

Moderate drinking can be beneficial according to other studies—so long as it’s moderate.

1What’s the passage mainly about?

A.Antioxidants having a positive effect on the lifespan.

B.The effects of food and diet on the human lifespan.

C.Advocating drinking wine and coffee in our daily life.

D.Moderate drinking helping people live longer.

2The information was collected about the participants in the 90+ Study except ________.

A.food consumption



D.medical history

3How can the wine and coffee benefit people’s health?

A.They provide people with essential nutrition.

B.They are rich in antioxidants.

C.They protect free radicals in human bodies.

D.They can bring relief to pain.

4What can we infer from the passage?

A.Not all the people participating in the study are over 90.

B.Most studies about alcohol consumption are based on observation.

C.Over-drinking can also be beneficial according to other studies.

D.Antioxidants can cure type 2 diabetes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did the man want to do last year?

A.Move house.

B.Buy a car.

C.Drop out of university.

2What does the man think of his life?




3What did the man use to do at university?

A.He worked part-time.

B.He visited the woman.

C.He attended parties.

4What does the woman do?

A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A designer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】(小题1Who is the woman?

A. The man’s former teacher. B. The man’s former classmate. C. The man’s friend.

2】(小题2What happened to the man?

A. He failed his final test.

B. He was out of work.

C. He gave the students a hard final test.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Some scientists were studying sea turtles in Costa Rica in Central America. Suddenly they found one turtle had something sticking out of its nose. It could not breathe. At first, the scientists thought it was a worm. But when they pulled the object out, it was a plastic straw(吸管).

After the scientists made sure the turtle was healthy, they helped it back into the water. They posted a video of the rescue on the Internet. When people saw it, they were shocked.

The video motivated Diana Lofflin to start StrawFree.org. The group is in California. Its goal is to make people aware of (意识到)the harm plastic straws cause to the environment. Lofflin hopes people will find alternatives(可选择的事物)to plastic straws.

Sipping from a straw is fun. But think twice. Giving up that plastic straw can help protect the environment. Saying no to a plastic straw is a way to make a difference in the world.

A movement to ban(禁止)plastic straws is growing. In California, it is illegal for food servers to give straws to customers who don’t ask for them. Seattle, Washington, has banned all plastic utensils(器具).

Plastic straws are put out for the taking in many restaurants. But some states no longer allow it.

Starbucks is banning plastic straws. The company says it will stop handing out plastic straws in all its stores by 2020. With 28,000 stores, that’s about 1 billion fewer straws a year. How will you sip your drink? The company has made a new lid for its cups, like those used by little kids. Unlike straws, the new lid can be recycled.

Nancy Wallace works for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Washington, D.C. She says schools should reduce the amount of plastic they use. Kids must do their part, too. Plastic litter gets into rivers, lakes, and oceans. If fish and other animals eat it ,they will be killed. Wallace says : “We’re pinning our hopes on the next generation to help solve this problem.”

1Why did the scientists post a video of rescuing the turtle on the Internet?

A.To make a big difference all over the world.

B.To make the people shocked while seeing it.

C.To ban plastic straws in California and other states.

D.To arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection.

2What does the underlined word “motivated ” in Paragragh 3 refer to ?



3What is the best title of the passage?

A.The new lid.B.Hopes on children.

C.The last StrawD.Actions on pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



China doesn’t want to be ________ ______ with any other country in the world.


It’s easy to _____ a watch _____ but difficult to put it together again.


The problem of ______ ______ waste plastics has become a serious one.


Many animals have ______ ______ in the past decades.


The meeting didn’t ______ ______ until eleven o’clock last night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Here is a list of some of the best museums for children in America.

Please Touch Children’s Museum

This museum lies in Philadelphia. It offers Alice in Wonderland exhibits where young children can play with giant flowers and have tea parties. Kids can also play on musical instruments and babies can crawl on lily pads, which make musical sounds.

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

This museum lies in Indiana. It holds a fair share of dinosaur fossils (化石). There are many fossils like the teenage T. Rex, Bucky and many others in an 8,000-square-foot area. Around 10,000 man-made objects, including a 55-ton steam engine and a 33-foot-tall water clock, are there in the 365,000-square-foot area. It also offers activities like dinosaur building, camps and classes featuring space themes and other educational programs.

Boston Children’s Museum

This museum lies in Massachusetts. The exhibits here are of health, art, science, culture and environment. In this museum, children also learn about Japanese culture. Activities like Play Lab, New Balance Climb and The Recycle Shop bring out the creativity in children.

National Museum of Play

This museum, which lies in Rochester area of New York, has a wide collection of dolls, games, toys and other home crafts dating back to the 19th century. Here, educational tours include stories of machines and other toys. Kids can walk in Sesame Street exhibit and cook food at play or TV studios.

Children’s Museum of Houston

This museum lies in Texas. Termed as the best playground for mind, this museum offers scores of activities for kids of every age. It even offers free family adventure events where families with their kids are encouraged to work on maths activities and games. Children also learn about broadcasting activities and preserving ecosystems.

1One who has interest in environmental protection can choose to visit _______ .

A.National Museum of Play or Children’s Museum of Houston

B.Please Touch Children’s Museum or Boston Children’s Museum

C.Boston Children’s Museum or Children’s Museum of Houston

D.The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis or National Museum of Play

2While visiting National Museum of Play, you can take part in _______.

A.dinosaur buildingB.cooking food at play or TV studios

C.playing with giant flowersD.New Balance Climb

3If a couple with kids of different ages want to do activities together, they should go to ______.

A.TexasB.IndianaC.New YorkD.Massachusetts

4Who might be most interested in this passage?


