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6.The Great Wall is ________ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.(  )
A.so a well-knownB.a so well-known
C.such well-known aD.such a well-known

分析 长城是如此著名的景点以至于每年数以百万计的人涌入去参观.

解答 答案:D
解析:根据所给选项及题干可知本题考查so/such…that"如此…以至于"这一结构.需要注意的是so后面接的是形容词或副词而such后面接的是名词或名词短语,本题横线后面是名词短语"著名景点",故A、B选项先直接排除;C选项顺序错误(正确的应该为such a well-known),排除.综上,本题答案为D选项.拓展:本题用so的正确表达是The Great Wall is so well-known a tourist attraction that…

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Giving gifts is not a normal part of Britain business culture.Indeed,British business colleagues are qoite likely to feel embarrassed to receive any gift at all.The only exception would be at the conclusion of a desl when it might be appropriate to give a unique souvenir to mark the occasion.Such items might be gold,silver,or porcelain with a suitable inscriptiop.A-gain,to avoid embarrassment on the part of the recipient,the object must be restrained,tasteful,and not too expensive.
Small gifts such as a lpen Or a book would be suitable gifts of genuine gratitude,and flowers or wine suffice to thank junior colleagues for their services.
Ahernatively,it will often be appreciated if you invite your hosts,or others yoU wish to thank,out for a meal or tO the theatre.
It is always good form to buy a round of drinks for your colleagues after work.This is also the most common way of celebrating someone's birthday.
Business gifts are never exchanged at Christmas but it may be appropriate to send a card,particularly as an.expression of thanks to your business associates but also as a means of maintaining valuable contacts.Bear in mind that the UK postal services was founded at about the same time as the old railways so ensure that your cards are mailed in good time.
If you are invited to a British home,it is standard practice to bring wine,flowers or chocolate for your hosts.The usual European warnings apply when giving flowers:no red roses or white lilies.
If you know that you are going to stay with a family,it is a good idea to bring something             .If you are unprepared,then your time in your host's house should allow you to think of something they would really appreciate even if you have to mail it from home on your return.
76.What's the best title of the passage?(within 8 words)Business gift giving in the UK
77.How do colleagues often celebrate each other's birthday in Britain based on the passage?(within 15 words)They often have a drink with their colleagues after work./They usually buy a bound of drinks for their colleagues after work.
78.Fill in the black in the last paragraph with proper words.(within 5 words)
from your own country/from your own home.
79.Is it always appropriate to bring flowers when you visit a British home?Why?(within 15words)No,it isn't.Because red roses and white lilies are not welcome.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.唯一例外的是在一笔生意谈妥时,赠送一份独特的纪念品来纪念这一时刻也许会是适宜的行为..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it isdivided roughlyinto three parts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Mary found herself in an _____ position,and therefore she felt rather____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.That hero who died in the war was so brave that he never _____ to the enemies until death.(  )
A.gave upB.gave outC.gave awayD.gave in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-Have you known the exam result?
-Not yet.I guess the paper ________ by the teacher now.(  )
A.has gradedB.is gradedC.is being gradedD.is grading


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.The tourists,       had enjoyed themselves so much in the botanic garden,were worn out(  )
A.all of whatB.all of whichC.all of themD.all of whom


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.When Abraham Lincoln was invited to give a speech in Brooklyn,New York,in February 1860,he was already famous throughout Illinois,but almost no one in the East knew what he looked like.
The presidential election of 1860was coming,and Lincoln,as a possible Republican candidate(候选人),wanted to increase his popularity.Hoping to introduce himself to hundreds of new voters(选民),Lincoln eagerly accepted the invitation to the East.He wrote a powerful speech opposing slavery (奴隶制度).Then he went to Springfield,Illinois by train.
When Lincoln arrived in New York,he was surprised to learn that so many people had bought tickets for his speech that it had been moved from a small Brooklyn church to a New York City college.
Lincoln got to town exhausted.His suit was badly wrinkled(褶皱),and his one piece of luggage was old and covered with dust.Worst of all,his plain (长相一般的) face,uncombed hair shocked those who greeted him.However,his admirers decided to have Lincoln photographed(拍照).If the cameraman could make Lincoln a little handsome,perhaps he could win more votes.They found the city's most famous photographer Brady.Brady and his assistants looked through the camera and surprised by what they saw.So they decided to make an adjustment before they took the picture.
Brady walked over to Lincoln and pulled up Lincoln's shirt collar as high as it would go.As a result,the picture successfully covered up his long,ugly neck,which made Lincoln appear quite handsome.
Lincoln's speech that day proved to be a triumph.So did the photograph.The photo inspired thousands of copies; so many that Brady insisted that this picture became the means to Lincoln's election to the Presidency nine months later.If that's true it might be said that Lincoln won the election by a neck-a neck that had been shortened in New York.

66.Lincoln went to the East in order toD.
A.take a trip    
B.have himself photographed
C.make a speech about Illinois    
D.convince voters to support him
67.According to the original(最初的) plan,Lincoln would make a speechC.
A.at a church in Illinois        B.in Springfield,Illinois
C.at a small Brooklyn church     D.in a New York City college
68.What surprised Brady when he looked through the camera?D
A.Lincoln's plain face.   B.Lincoln's uncombed hair.
C.Lincoln's bad manner     D.Lincoln's ugly neck
69.How did Brady shorten Lincoln's neck?C
A.By a small operation.
B.By changing his clothes.
C.By pulling up his shirt collar.
D.B retouching the photograph.
70.The underlined word"triumph"in the last paragraph can be replaced by"B".
A.chance    B.success    C.disaster     D.problem.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.The naughty boys took the farmer's potatoes from the earth,which were not big enough.
The naughty boysdugoutthe farmer's potatoes,which were not big enough.

