精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
7.I love running.When I turned 40 a few years ago,I entered the well-known New York City Marathon.
  There was a big(16)Cbetween the six miles I was used to and the hard 26.2 miles of the race.So I (17)Ahard all summer.But as I stood at the starting (18)Bthat November day,shaking with the morning (19)Awind,I thought,"Can I really do this?"
    Over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,from Staten Island into Brooklyn,we (20)D,the cheers of the crowd urging us (21)D.I ran with great strength at the five-mile mark.But I had (22)Agetting back into my groove(最佳状态)after making a restroom(23)C.
All at once my(24)Awas drawn to one particular woman on the sidelines.She had dark eyes and special features."Debi,(25)Bit up,"she yelled to me,clapping."I know you can (26)Cit."She must have read my name(27)Bon my T-shirt,I thought.
    We went through Queens County.Ten miles,fifteen,then I (28)Dthe woman again-that same eager face.How had she kept up?She looked (29)Aat me and gave a thumbs-up.
After I (30)Cthe 20-mile mark in Manhattan,there was six miles to go,and my (31)Dfelt like dead weights.I couldn't move another (32)Bfarther.Then came a voice from the crowd:"Bring out the best in you and I'm sure you'll make it,Debi!"My(33)Ccheerleader again!I saw her,the only face I could (34)B.I discovered a last hidden source of strength…The finish line!I did it with unexpected (35)Dfrom a stranger in her crowd.

34.A.hold onB.focus onC.make forD.carry out

分析 文章大意:本文讲的是作者喜欢跑步,几年前在四十岁的时候,他参加了著名的纽约马拉松比赛,在比赛中他几次想放弃,但是在别人的鼓舞下,他却坚持下来,成功跑完全程.

解答 16.C 根据后面…between the six miles I was used to and the hard 26.2 miles of the race可知6英里和26.2英里是有很大的不同的,因此选C.
17.A 由上文可知,这次马拉松比赛里程是26.2英里,因此作者要训练,因此选A.
18.B starting line意思是"起跑线",因此选B.
19.A 由上文可知,马拉松是在十一月份的早上开始,因此天气很寒冷,因此答案选A.
20.D 根据语境可知,我们跑过Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,from Staten Island into Brooklyn,因此选D.
21.D urge sb.on意思是"催促我们继续向前跑",此处on为副词,意为"继续(下去),向前"
22.A 根据前面可知作者在5英里是状态最佳,但是在途中休息后却很难达到最佳状态.have trouble (in)doing sth意思是"做某事有困难",因此选A.
23.C make a stop意思是"停止,休息,停留";make a sign"做一个手势";make a mark"做记号,做标记";make a dream"造梦",根据语境可知答案选C.
24.A  draw one's attention"吸引某人注意力",根据语境可知答案选A.
25.B keep(it)up 意思是"坚持下去",根据下文提示How had she kept up?可知答案选B.
26.C make it"做到,成功",根据下文Bring out the best in you and I'm sure you'll make it提示可知,答案选C.
27.B 此处考查过去分词短语做后置定语.my name printed on my T-shirt意思是"印在我的T恤衫上的名字".
28.D  根据语境可知是作者又看到了那位女士,saw"看见",因此答案选D.
29.A  根据上下文可知,那位女士看着我,对我竖起了大拇指,此处right为副词,意思是"正好,一直".
30.C 此处所要表达的意思是"我到达曼哈顿20英里的标志后",还有6英里要走.hit为动词,意思是"击打,击中,达到",根据语境可知答案选C.
31.D 根据语境可知,作者跑了20英里以后,自己的两条腿感觉像是死了的样子,其他三项与语境不符.
32.B 根据语境可知,我不能再向前挪动一步,说明作者很累,step"步,脚步".
33.C 依据上文Then came a voice from the crowd:"Bring out the best in you and I'm sure you'll make it,Debi!"可知,作者把那位给他加油的女士看做自己的啦啦队队长,正是由于她的鼓励使作者完成了马拉松比赛.
34.B 由语境可知,作者在筋疲力尽的时候,那位女士给他鼓励,然后作者看着她,坚持到了最后.
35.D 由上文可知I discovered a last hidden source of strength…The finish line!I did it…作者最后成功了,这个成功归功于一位陌生人的意想不到的帮助(鼓励),因此答案选D.

点评 本题是健康环保类完形填空,这类题材也是高考的常见内容,要求在考生通读全文,把握大意的基础上结合语境做出正确的选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Sands of Time
St Cyrus National Nature Reserve is much more than just golden sands and beautiful flowers.The area has a long human history too.From Stone Age hunters to amazing pioneers,discover the daring deeds and sad stories from St Cyrus'past.
Date:23rd August 2010
Type of event.Guided walk
Between the Tides
A celebration of the world between the tides.Join local salmon (大马哈鱼) fisherman Jim Ritchie on a fascinating walk to learn how local folk have made a living from the world between the tides,harvesting salmon from the beach at St Cyrus for hundreds of years.
Date:25th August 2010
Type of event:Family event
Ice & Fire
St Cyrus National Nature Reserve has had an eventful life!From its days near the equator (赤道) to volcanic eruptions and ice ages.Celebrate the start of Scottish Geology Month with a walk through the reserve and travel back in time to uncover the clues to St Cyrus'past hidden in the cliffs.
Date:31st August 2010
Type of event:Guided walk
Scary Stories
It's getting darker at nights…it's almost Halloween,when the ghosts (鬼怪) come out to play.Join us for some spooky stories of Dinnet and Deeside long ago…and listen out for things that sound strange in the night!
Date:25th October 2010
Type of event:Family event
*All under 18's must be accompanied by an adult
*Pets allowed:No
*Location:SNH Visitor Centre,St Cyrus National Nature Reserve

21.Which of the following events may help you learn about the local people's way of life?D
A.Ice & Fire.
B.Scary Stories.
C.The Sands of Time.
D.Between the Tides
22.The underlined word"spooky"in the text probably meansD.
A.interesting              B.funny
C.real                     D.frightening
23.What do the four events have in common?B
A.They are held in August.
B.People can't take their pets with them.
C.They are held in the evening.
D.People need to be guided during the journey.
24.According to the text,C.
A.you need to pay to join in the activities
B.St Cyrus National Nature Reserve is famous for salmon
C.a tenyearold child can attend these events only in adults'company
D.St Cyrus National Nature Reserve was set up not long ago.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Nanjing and Hangzhou summer camps offered
We are looking for hard-working and open-minded English teachers to join the Nanjing (Jiangsu Province) and Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province) summer camps!
Both of the summer camps will run from the beginning of July to the end of August.You will be expected to teach spoken English to Chinese students of different ages.We encourage you to bring your own culture to the classes to make things more interesting.
The information of the Nanjing camp:
●Working hours:40hours per week,5working days per week.
●Salary:about 7,000RMB per month.
●Accommodation:free (single room).
The information of the Hangzhou camp:
●Working hours:5hours per day (=50min./class×6classes),one day rest per week.
●Salary:20,160RMB in total (420RMB per day=70RMB/class×6classes).
●Accommodation:free (shared room).
The requirements of the summer camps:
●Native English speakers (US,England,Canada,Australia,New Zealand).
●A university degree.
●Teaching experience.
Please send us your resume (简历),copies of certificates and passport if you are interested in the camps.
For more information you can visit our website at http://www.Englishsummercamps.com.cn
Look forward to hearing from you soon!
24.What kind of people is the passage mainly written for?B
A.Chinese English teachers.
B.Foreign English teachers.
C.Chinese-speaking students.
D.English-learning students.
25.How long will a teacher work for the summer camps?C
A.Less than one month.
B.About five weeks.
C.About eight weeks.
D.More than two months.
26.Which of the following people might be accepted as a teacher at the summer camps?C
A.Wang Li,an excellent teacher from China.
B.Robert,a high school student from the USA.
C.Linda,an experienced university teacher from Canada.
D.Jerry,a university student from Australia.
27.Compared with the Nanjing camp,the Hangzhou campD.
A.has longer working hours
B.has fewer students to teach
C.provides better accommodation
D.pays a higher salary.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The manager ________ for London for a business conference this afternoon.Can you get him to the airport?(  )
A.is leavingB.leftC.have leftD.was leaving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.[1]Amy Tan is an American writer whose works explore mother-daughter Relationshjps.In 1993,Tan's adaptation of her first novel,The Joy Luck Club,became a commercially successful film.
[2]The book has been translated int0 35  languages.It focuses on four Chinese immigrant women and their American-born daughters.Each of the four Chinese women has.her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share that with daughter.The daughters try to understand and appreciate their mothers'pasts,adapt to the American way of life,and win their mothers'acceptance.
[3]Amy Tan wrote The Joy Luck Club to try to understand her own relationship with her mother.Tan's Chinese parents wanted Americanized children but expected them to think like Chinese.Tan found this particularly difficult as an adolescent.While the generation gap was like that experienced by other mothers and daughters,the cultural differences added another dimension.Thus,Tan wrote not only to sort out her cultural heritage(传承)but to learn how she and her mother could
[4]Tan has written several other  bestselling novels,including The Kitchen God's Wife,The Hundred Secret Senses,The Bonesetter's  Daughter and Saving Fish From Drowning.She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate:A Book of Musings.Her most recent novel Saving Fi3h From Drowning explores the sufferings experienced by a group of people who disappear while on an art expedition in the jungles of Burma.In addition to these,Tan has written two children's books:The Moon Lady (1992)and Sagwa,the Chinese Siamese Cat (1994),which was turned into an animated series airing on PBS.She also appeared on PBS in a short spot encouraging children to write.
66.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 5 words).
About Amy Tan
67.What do Amy Tan's works mainly focus on?)(no more than 4 words)
Mother-daughter relationshjps
68.What does the word"that"(Line 3,Paragraph 2)probably refer to?(no more than 10words)
Her own view of the world
69.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.'(no more than 3 words)
Understand each other.
70.List three of Amy Tan's bestselling novels.(no more than 12 words)
①The Joy Luck Club②The Moon Lady③Sagwa,the Chinese Siamese Cat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.-Why do you look so depressed?
-I'm in pretty bad shape and I        things.(  )
A.have forgottenB.am forgetting
C.had been forgettingD.was forgetting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Every student and every teacher ______.(  )
A.are going to attend the meeting
B.has attended the meeting
C.have attended the meeting
D.is attended the meeting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Though you've got a tight schedule these days,I would be ______ if you could afford time to attend our meeting today.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Ulrich's friend Anne was missing at school. His mother said that perhaps she had gone into hiding. That was the hope anyway-that the family had left on their own and had not been sent on one of the prison trains to Germany or Poland.  So many people in his city had disappeared since the Nazis came to Amsterdam in 1940."It's not our home anymore,"Ulrich thought. The streets,once full of busy shoppers,were now filled with tanks and-soldiers. No one felt safe,except may-be the collaborators(叛徒,通敌者).
   Who were they?Who would betray(背叛) their friends and let their neighbors be captured?Ulrich remembered his friend Anne; her father had a small business right down the road from his house. Her sister,Margot,was in the upper school,where Ulrich's sister was in her class.
   When he walked to or from school,Ulrich studied the faces of the people on the street.Some looked concerned and cast their eyes downward as they walked,try ring not to be noticed.His own parents had that look,like ghosts walking and wondering what had happened to them,The ones that bothered him were those who smiled,who acted like nothing was wrong."Were they blind?"he wondered. Worse were those-who moved into the houses and took the businesses of their missing neighbors. They seemed too assured,too content. They may be Dutch,Ulrich thought,but they are the enemy,too. They were the ones who made the occupation easy. He hoped that when the war was over,the rightful owners would come back and throw them out on their ears.
   School was not the same either. It was ore than the missing students,though that was the biggest part of it. The teachers,who once seemed to know everything,were different,too.  They seemed afraid to teach history,afraid that the authorities would not like what they said. They jumped when a student dropped a book.  It was as if they al.l had to hold their breath.  It was nearly spring. Already tulips(郁金香) were fighting their way out of the cold ground. How many more winters,springs,summers",and falls would go by until they were free?Ulrich waited,and hoped that his friend Anne would soon come home.  

39.When Ulrich says,"It's not our home anymore?"he means.C
A. they've moved to a new city
B. the buildings don't look the same
C. the city feels strange and unfamiliar
D. spring flowers make the neighborhood unrecognizable
40.What has changed in Amsterdam?B
A. There is a new family next door.
B. The people's attitudes and security.
C. There is more freedom among the citizens.
D. The subjects Ulrich was studying in school.
41.What does the underlined sentence"No one felt safe,except maybe the collaborators."mean?D
A. People were afraid of an invasion.
B. There might be a natural disaster any time.
C. People who work together are more secure than others,.
D. Only the people who were  e ping the Nazis felt comfortable.
42.The part of the setting related to people instead of place has changed in all of the following EX-CEPT that.D
A.shopkeepers and neighbors have been replaced by other people
B.the Nazis have arrived and are threatening people
C.some former friends have become untrustworthy
D.the teacher seems to like teaching history.

