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I will never forget that at the age of nine I was asked to deliver a speech entitled A Challenge in My Life before the whole class!

You can imagine how1(terrible)shy I was the moment I thought of that—with so many eyes2(fix) upon me. I have no choice but3(prepare) for it, though. First, I was to draft the speech, which was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer. But the hardest part4(lie)in my oral presentation from my memory, for to read from the paper was not allowed. The real moment began 5 I stood on the platform with my legs trembling and my mind blank. But my 6 (listen) were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found myself back. After 7 seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding made it! From then on, my fear of talking before 8 big audience disappeared. Actually with my confidence building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way 9 success is our fear. Overcome it,10 you will be able to achieve your goals.















2考查词形变化。fix one's eyes on sth./sb.是固定表达,意思是把眼光放在某人或某物上”。fixeyes是动宾关系,所以本空用过去分词表被动。故答案为fixed。句意:你可以想象那么多双眼睛盯着我,我是多么地害羞。



5考查连词。句意:真正考验我的时刻到了当我站在讲台上,双腿颤抖,头脑空白。本空需要一个连词连接两个简单句,而且表示……的时候。故答案为when/as 。



8考查不定冠词。句意:我害怕在一大群观众面前讲话的缺点消失了。a big audience“一大群观众”,故填a。

9考查固定词组。句意:通向成功的路。on one's way to...“在去……的路上”。故填to。


当主句前面存在do动词的任何形式(did. does. will do. have done, had done.),介词but 后就省去to。例如:

I can't do anything but sleep.

I did nothing but wait.


I had no choice but to sleep.


祈使句/名词词组+and +简单句(表示将来)”,and后简单句表示好的结果。

Hurry up, and you will catch the bus.

A little more effort,and you'll succeed.


Study hard, or you will fail to pass the exam.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What will the man do first tonight?

A.Eat dinner.B.Watch a movie.C.Do his homework.

2Which movie does the man want to see?

A.Ne Zha.B.Frozen 2.C.Star Wars.

3Why does the man disagree with downloading movies online?

A.He wants to support the filmmakers.

B.He likes to see movies in theaters.

C.He thinks it’s not allowed by the law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 WHAT are scientists? They are often described as gray-haired white-coated dull scholars.

But the world has changed. Young scientists are making their voices heard and releasing their powers on the world stage.

This is also true in China. Rising stars include new materials expert Gong Yongji, university professor Liu Mingzhen, and biologist Wang Ruixue. At the age of 28 in 2018, Wan Ruixue received the 2018 Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists. This is a global prize to reward outstanding scientists at an early stage of their careers.

She focuses mainly on biomedicine(生物医学)and artificial intelligence(人工智能). "Both are cutting-edge(前沿)technologies at an early stage of development," she said.

"So, I think they have great potential to be developed. I think in the study of cutting-edge technologies, China and other leading countries in the world are standing on the same starting line. And in the study of structural biology, China is likely to become the leader."

She felt it was her fate to become a biologist. "I grew interested in the natural world, when I was very young," she said. In 2009, she entered Sun Yat-sen University.

In her third year at the university, she realized that she wanted to do something related to biomedicine. So she emailed China's top biologist Shi Yigong, hoping to join his lab at Tsinghua University.

Shi recognized her talent and welcomed her. Years of efforts at the lab have paid off. Her research on the high-definition 3D structure of spliceosome led to a scientific breakthrough.

Unlike-many of other young scientists who choose to pursue further study abroad, Wan currently has no plan to go overseas.

"The whole ecosystem for scientific research is continually improving in China," she said, adding the country has great science facilities.

1What does the underlined word "releasing" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Giving out.B.Getting over.

C.Finding out.D.Taking over.

2What does Wan Ruixue feel about the study of cutting-edge technologies in China?



3What can we learn about Wang Ruixue's journey of becoming a biologist?

A.Her teacher led her into the field.B.She finds it's easier than she thought.

C.Her contribution has been recognized.D.She thinks it's boring but worth trying.

4Which can be the best title of the text?

A.China's Breakthrough in ScienceB.Rising Young Scientists in China

C.Wan Ruixue: A Successful Young ScientistD.New Image of Chinese Scientists


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the man?

A. A waiter. B. A salesman. C. A repairman

2Why does the woman want to keep the old TV?

A. To save money. B. To memorize the old days. C. To decorate the living room.

3What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man offered good service.

B. The TV set can’t be as clear as before.

C. The woman complained about the man.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Create different feelings for us.B.Help us to develop good habits.

C.Develop our interest in money.D.Influence natural environments.

2A.Light music.B.Rock music.C.Sweet music.D.Soft music.


A.Music in RestaurantsB.Good and Bad Music

C.Types of MusicD.Music and Behavior


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】British Museum Visitor Regulations


We Warmly welcome you on your visit to the Museum.In the interest of the security of all of our visitors we require you follow these Visitor Regulations.

Admission to the Museum is free,but we may charge for entry to some temporary exhibitions and events.

Opening hours

We open the Museum’S galleries daily from 10:00 am until 17:30 pm.We keep selected galleries open until 20:30 pm on Fridays.

The Museum’S Great Court is open from’9:00 am until 1 8:00 pm;except on Fridays when it remains open until 20:30 pm.

You may be asked by our staff to begin leaving up to ten minutes before closing time.

The Museum is closed 24—26 December and I January.

Food and drink

You aren’t allowed to consume food and drink inside the Museum,except in the places such as the restaurant and cafes or the forecourt.Families with children may use the Ford Centre for young visitors in the basement of the Museum’s Great Court at weekends and during school holidays.


If you have a disability,you may be accompanied in the Museum by your guide,assistant or companion animal.You aren’t allowed to bring animals into the Museum under any other circumstance.

Film,photography and audio(声音的)recording

Except the places that are indicated by notices,you’re permitted to use hand-held cameras (including mobile phones)with flash bulbs or flash units,and audio and film recording equipment not requiring a stand.You may use your photographs,film and audio recordings only for your own private and non—commercial purposes.

1What are the Visitor Regulations mainly intended for?

A. Protecting exhibits. B. Increasing entry charges.

C. Keeping visitors safe. D. Controlling the entry of visitors.

2Ⅵmen can visitors visit the Museum?

A. At 18:30 pm on Fridays. B. At 17:55 pm on weekends.

C. At 11:00 am on Christmas Day. D. At 10:15 am on New Year’s Day.

3What can visitors do in the Museum?

A. Record films for sale. B. Eat and drink as they like.

C. Take along their pet dogs. D. Take photos for personal use.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 No one can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if we read correctly the signs around us, we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will be. This way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecasting. For many centuries and in all countries, people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting. Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rain. Many people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather, their joints(关节) hurt. Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly near the ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the way. It is probably because the insects which they are hunting fly low. If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fine. If the stars twinkle clearly at night, then fine weather will continue. If a fog appears in the morning just above a river, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brains to make weather forecasting.

1People’s joints ache ______.

A.is a sign of coming rainB.without any reason

C.because they are illD.because of the insects

2The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will ______.

A.be warmB.be rainy

C.become clear and fineD.be cold

3We must ______ to make weather forecasting.

A.use our eyes and brainsB.study the weather hard

C.read correctly the signsD.All of the above


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A.It was well organized.B.It was clean.

C.It was messed up.D.It was tidy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









参考词汇:social activities社交活动

Dear Tim,

I’m glad to receive your letter.








Best regards.

Li Hua

