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I got laid off at 53 from a senior management position in a restaurant. And I knew it was going to be hard to find another job in the (competition) working market. My age put me atdisadvantage. But I also knew it was time for me (realize) my lifelong dream of owning a restaurant.was most difficult was that in order to make this happen, I needed to find an (exist) café that wasn't doing well. It couldn't be better if its owner was ready to quit his business. With great (lucky) I found just what I wanted eight blocks from home. Since I had never financially planned for this day, I had to borrow money from friends as well as (relative). I, together with my wife, (be) ready to start off. We changed the name to Black Dog Coffee, the menu, the recipes and the look of the caf6, and my wife did a great job of designing. Eighteen years later, we're still here and doing (well) than ever. I'm grateful the layoff and the opportunity to pursue my dream.

【答案】competitive;a;to realize;What;existing/existent;luck;relatives;was;better;for
(3)考查固定句型。It's time for sb. to do sth.固定句型,“是某人做某事的时候了”,所以填to realize。
(4)考查主语从句。_____ was most difficult是一个主语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,所以填what。
(6)考查固定短语。with great luck固定短语,“非常幸运”,所以填luck。
(9)考查形容词。由than ever,可知这里用比较级,所以填better。
(10)考查固定短语。我对失业充满了感激,它给了我追求梦想的机会。be grateful for...固定短语,“对……心存感激”,故填for。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Diary,
Here I am in the middle of a city,350miles far away from our farmhouse. Do you want to know why we move last week? Dad lost his job, and as Mom explained, "He was lucky to find other one ”. His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate, my school or just everything else I love in the world. To make matters bad, now I have to share a room with my younger sister, Maggie. Tomorrow is first day of school. I am awfully tiring, but I know I'll never fall sleep.
Good night and remember, you, dear diary, is my only souvenir from my past life and my only friend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Have you promised that you are going to get healthier? Maybe you want to lose weight, get stronger and have more energy. Maybe you are under the doctor’s orders to eat right and take exercise more. 1 But with so many choices, it can be hard to get started. So here are healthy tips that you can follow.

Eat right. Healthy eating is harder than before. Now many supermarkets or restaurants are packed with unhealthy choices that cause weight gain and weaken energy. Over time, making poor food choices can cause illness. 2 Eat natural and organic foods as often as possible. Cut out the junk food.

Keep healthy. 3 So take exercise at once. Once you get started, you will be more likely to stick to it.

Reduce stress. In the US, 77% of people often experience physical stress. 4You can manage stress by taking exercise, getting enough rest and cleaning bad relationships from your life.

5 Sure, some people are naturally happier than others. But there are things you can consciously do to be happier. And guess what they are all free. So if you want to be happier, there are a few things to do, for example, express thanks, help others, or how to meditate.

A. Sleep well.

B. Choose happiness.

C. Well, those all sound great.

D. But you don’t have to be concerned about it

E. That is not a group you want to be a part of.

F. So tell someone you love how you feel about them.

G. People who often take exercise are generally happier and healthier than people who don’t.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







My mother has always been a follower of traditional method when it comes to anything. She cooks traditionally food and likes the traditional way of shop. Therefore, now she always gets tiring when she goes out in the market. So one day I decide to introduce a new shop. I am talking about online gift stores. She has basic knowledge of computers. At the beginning, she was doubtful about shopping from these online gift shops.

One day I taught him to buy some branded things so that she could build trust in these shops. I had ordered a Sisley handbag for her. Until then she has been shopping online.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Albert Einstein said, "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Once______, such opportunities are like ____diamonds hidden in the sand.

Several years ago I spoke at church about how we are surrounded by "_______" if we could only______them. A man stopped by to______me. I remembered him______somebody who had______through a painful divorce and was examining his life's priorities (优先). He put out his hand which______a small, plastic gem stone.

"I stepped on this gem stone______I was leaving church last Sunday," he explained.

"It became ______ in the sole() of my shoe. You had spoken about recognizing______---- diamonds.I put the plastic stone in my pocket to_______me to look for those diamonds that I need."

"I have been trying to______my business," he continued. "On Monday morning, a man stopped by______seemed interested in______some of my goods in stock. I thought, here's my diamond ---- don't let it______! I sold the entire stock to him by noon."

"Now," he said through a______smile, "my next diamond is to find a new______!"

Not long afterward, he did find a new ---- and better ---- job. He decided to______his gem stone with him from then on as a reminder to look for diamonds as he digs through the______of life.

1A. realized B. gone C. discovered D. lost

2A. valuable B. cheap C. expensive D. rejected

3A. challenges B. flowers C. friends D. diamonds

4A. pick B. recognize C. meet D. control

5A. see B. greet C. help D. call

6A. on B. for C. with D. as

7A. pushed B. suffered C. moved D. looked

8A. contained B. grasped C. threw D. covered

9A. after B. before C. when D. since

10A. broken B. tied C. stuck D. hidden

11A. differences B. opportunities C. facts D. truths

12A. force B. inform C. warn D. remind

13A. sell B. start C. close D. Improve

14A. which B. who C. he D. me

15A. accepting B. taking C. buying D. joining

16A. go out B. go up C. go down D. go away

17A. broad B. shy C. secret D. go away

18A. business B. home C. wife D. job

19A. own B. keep C. return D. lend

20A. meanings B. pleasures C. difficulties D. possibilities


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】More and more people in America are celebrating the Indian holiday Diwali. Diwali is Hindi for “row of lights.” It is the most important holiday in India.

Many people around the world are beginning to celebrate it as well. The United States is one of the places where the festival is becoming more common. Diwali celebrations can now be found at American landmarks like Disney land in California and New York City’s Times Square. They are also held in many parks and museums.

Neeta Bhasin created the Times Square event. She said Indian immigrants (移民) have found great success in America. But, she said, many Americans still do not know much about India. So, she decided to act. "I felt it's about time that we should take India to mainstream America and show India's rich culture, heritage, arts and variety to the world, "she said, "And I couldn't find a better place than the center of the universe: Times Square."

Bhasin came to the United States from India 40 years ago. She is president of ASB Communications, the marketing firm behind Diwali at Times Square. Tens of thousands of people attend the event. now in its fourth year.

In India, Diwali is a five-day harvest festival held just before the Hindu New Year. The exact dates change from year to year but Diwali is always in the fall. Celebrations include lighting oil lamps or candles called diyas. The lights represent "a victory of knowledge over ignorance, light over darkness, good over evil."

A Diwali celebration will light up Disney California Adventure Park in Anaheim this year. Visitors can watch pertormances of traditional Indian dances and take part in a Bollywood dance party. The event is part of a Festival of Holidays program at the theme park to show cultural traditions from around the world.

1Which is the main symbol in the Indian holiday Diwali?

A. Clothes.

B. Lamps.

C. Foods.

D. Dances.

2Why did Neeta Bhasin set up the Times Square even?

A. To make the American culture rich.

B. To create a new business to make a living.

C. To make Indian culture better known in the US.

D. To show off the achievements of Indian immigrants.

3What do we know about Diwali in India?

A. It is held in autumn.

B. It is held in a fixed date.

C. It lasts five days in America.

D. It takes place around the Hindu New Year.

4Which can be the best title for the text?

A. Diwali is mainly celebrated in Disney Parks.

B. Many American cities compete to hold Diwali.

C. Diwali is the most popular festival in America.

D. Indian Holiday Diwali Lights Up America, Too.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1It is ____________ (正常的) for us not to work on Sundays.

2Tom was taken to hospital with several serious ____________ (损伤) to his legs and arms,

3He is so ____________ (上瘾的) to computer games that he often sits before the computer whole day.

4A ____________ (香烟) thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire.

5The old man opened the door and____________ (呼吸) in some fresh air.

6She was____________ (焦虑的) about her daughter’s still being out late at night,

7According to the law, it is ____________ (违法的) to drive after drinking.

8His mother didn’t know that he had____________ (失去) his life in the war.

9He finally ____________ (实现) his dream of learning how to play the violin.

10French paintings are now on____________ (展览)。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

La Tomatina, Spain
Tomato juice flows through the streets of Bunol on the last Wednesday of August as the worlds largest tomato fight happens. Festivities begin in the town square where there is a huge pole covered in soap and with a leg of ham at the top. Participants try to climb up the pole to get the ham as watchers throw buckets of water to them. After a gun is fired to signal the beginning of the fight, people catch the tomatoes and throw each other in the streets until the gun sounds again, marking the end of the event.
Holi, India
This spring festival is celebrated throughout the country in late February or early March. The two-day event celebrates the legend of Prahlad, who escaped unharmed from the fire of the evil Holika Dahan. People mark the event by lighting fires and throwing colored powder on one another Children load colored water into toy pistols called pichkari and take aim at passers-by. Holi is known as a happy celebration of the victory of good over evil.
Burning Man, Nevada
This infamous festival began in 1986 with the burning of a large figure to mark the summer solstice (夏至). It's since grown into a week-long annual event that draws more than 48,000 people to the Black Rock Dessert. It is held during the week before Labor Day. Participants set up camp in the desert to celebrate art.
Songkran, Thailand
This festival marks the Thai New Year, which is celebrated in the second week of April. This is the hottest time of the year in Thailand, so it makes sense that the biggest Songkran tradition is to throw water on people. Thais of all ages join in water fights, using buckets, hoses (软管) and water guns to celebrate the event.
(1)The following celebrations are related to water EXCEPT ________.
A.La Tomatina
B.Burning Man.
(2)If you want to experience the hottest season in a country, you can choose to visit ________.
(3)What's the main writing purpose of the passage?
A.To encourage people to travel.
B.To introduce some interesting festivals.
C.To advertise the worlds biggest parties.
D.To show the most famous performances.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship (奖学金). Having been a straight-A 1 I believed I could take difficult subjects and really 2 something. One such 3 was World Literature run by Professor Jayne. I was greatly interested in the ideas he 4 in class.
When I took the first exam, I was 5 to find a 77, "C+", on my test paper. I went to Professor Jayne, who 6 my arguments but remained 7 I decided to try 8 although I didn't know what that 9 because schooling had always been easy for me. I read the books more 10, but got another 77. Again, I reasoned (争论) with Professor Jayne.11 he listened patiently but wouldn't 12 his mind. One more test before the final exam. One more chance to 13 my grade. So I redoubled my14. But my efforts were no good and everything went as 15
The last hurdle (障碍) was the final. No matter what grade I got, it wouldn't 16 three "C+". I might as well kiss the scholarship good-bye. I 17 working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even 18 myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I'd have fun with a test. A week later, I was surprised to find I had got a(n) "19". I hurried into Professor Jayne's office. He seemed to be expecting me. "If I gave you the grade as you expected, you wouldn't continue to work as hard."
It was the 20 "A" on the course. The next year I received my scholarship. I've always remembered Professor Jayne's lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.
(1)A.student B.teacher C.doctor D.worker
(2)A.buy B.learn C.reduce D.treat
(3)A.task B.game C.course D.office
(4)A.presented B.praised C.collected D.refused
(5)A.glad B.polite C.silent D.shocked
(6)A.listened to B.waited for C.depended on D.held on
(7)A.interested B.angry C.unmoved D.kind
(8)A.less B.not C.once D.harder
(9)A.started B.meant C.owned D.contained
(10)A.easily B.quickly C.carefully D.widely
(11)A.Again B.Usually C.Instead D.Generally
(12)A.set B.open C.explain D.change
(13)A.improve B.drop C.ignore D.repair
(14)A.power B.directions C.efforts D.advantages
(15)A.now B.tomorrow C.before D.never
(16)A.add B.control C.upset D.cancel
(17)A.minded B.stopped C.enjoyed D.suggested
(18)A.turned B.treated C.invited D.led
(19)A.A B.B C.C D.D
(20)A.last B.personal C.old D.only

