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  I knew they were out there somewhere, and I was determined to find them.

  Like most tourists who visit Ranthambore National Park in India, I went with just one goal in mind:to see tigers in the wild.

  Twice a day, all year round, 10 open-topped trucks are allowed to rumble along the park’s dirt roads for a few hours.It costs 360 rupees(about $8, U.S.)to buy a seat on one of the trucks.Glimpses of tigers are free.

  Of course, nothing is guaranteed.Forty tigers wander Ranthambore’s 388 square miles.But tigers hear and smell us long before we can see them.Some tourists I met near the park were lucky enough to see a handful of tigers up close during just one trip.Other people saw none, even after going out six or more times.

  Still, I couldn’t pass up(miss)the excursion(short journey).It was an opportunity that might someday disappear.Tigers are among the most endangered animals on Earth.In India, where about half of the planet’s remaining 7000 wild tigers live, tigers face a number of threats, especially from a growing human population.More than a billion people live in India today, and development is rapidly expanding into what was once largely tiger territory.

  Conservationists nonetheless(in spite of that)remain optimistic.“The tiger will not disappear,”said P.K.Sen, director of the Tiger and Wildlife Program for World Wildlife Fund-India(WWF-India).He was kind enough to meet with me in his New Delhi office on a Sunday, the only day I spent in the city during a recent 3-week trip to India.

  There’s no way, Sen said, that people will ever let the majestic cats die out.“The tiger has been a symbol of strength and might for thousands of years,”he said.


The main purpose of my trip to India is to ________.

[  ]


meet the P.K Sen the director of the Tiger and Wildlife Program for World Wildlife Fund India


see the majestic cats in the wild


to find out why the number of tigers in India is less and less


to make sure I am luck enough to meet tigers


It is very ________ to meet a lot of tigers up close during your trip in the park.

[  ]






not so often




Among the threats to the tiger, the biggest one is ________.

[  ]


the more terrible environment


a larger and larger population


the climate change


the Indian Government doesn’t care it


From this passage, we can infer ________.

[  ]


development is rapidly expanding into what was once largely tiger territory, so some day the tigers will not find any place to live and disappear


the Indian Government will take some measures to protect the tigers


the tiger has been a symbol of strength and might for many years


I met director P.K.Sen on a Sunday


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


During this trip to India, I stayed there for three weeks.


I spent the only day I stayed in India to meet the director P.K.Sen.


Nearly a billion people live in India today.


Every tourist can be lucky enough to see a handful of tigers up close if he goes to the park several times.



从第二段的第二句话“I went with just one goal in mind:to see tigers in the wild.”可知答案。


从第四段的“Other people saw none, even after going out six or more times(其他的人一只也看不到,即使去了六次甚至更多的次数)”可知,见到老虎并不是很经常的事。


从“tigers face a number of threats, especially from a growing human population.”可知,老虎面临的最大的危险是日益增多的人口。




从“I spent in the city during a recent 3-week trip to India”可知答案。其他几项都有细节的错误。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从125各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

   Peter took his girl friend to a  1 for dinnerThe head waiter  2 them two menus and  3 their orderJudith chose soup, chicken  4 vegetables, cheese and biscuits...Peter ordered soup fish and chips, then chocolate ice- cream

   Peter  5 rather afraid of that waiter  6 his fine suit The man knew  7 about food; and he  8 Peter's order, You'll have fish, sir, he said, with French fries.”

 “Er-yes, said Peter, yes, that's  9 .”French fries? 10 that was the mo-dern name 11 chips, but Peter wasn't sure

   The dinner was very niceJudith ate  12 hers, but Peter couldn't quite finish his(The French fries were  13 just potato chips)The head waiter brought the  14 

   Peter knew at once that  15 was wrongThere was a mistake in the billOn the menu chicken and vegetables cost  16 60 penceBut on the bill it was   160The bill ought to be 200  17 , not 300 What was he going to do? Ought he  18  the waiter? Or say nothing and just  19 ?

   He continued to talk to Judith,  20 he was feeling uncomfortableThe head waiter was looking hard at him, and Peter's face grew  21 Perhaps he's right, Peter thought, and I  22 What will Judith think if I make another?

 He called to the waiterThe man smiled and came slowly across the roomPeter  23 him the bill and three pound notes

 “Thank you, sir, he said.“I hope you  24 the meal.”

   Peter stood up quickly, and Judith and he went outIn the street Judith said, I left 10 pence under my plate  25 that nice head waiter.”










[  ]










[  ]




Bwaited for






[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]




B.a lot


C.quite a few




[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]




Ba    little




Da    few of


[  ]








Din    fact


[  ]










[  ]






C.all things




[  ]




B.more than


C.as much as




[  ]




Bone by one






[  ]




Bto tell






[  ]




Bkeep silent


Csit there




[  ]


20 Abut








[  ]










[  ]




B.made a mistake


Cwas correct


Ddidn't see the menu


[  ]










[  ]




Bdidn't like






[  ]










[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

Some air companies give small presents to their passengers. One day a businessman was   1   in an aeroplane,   2   he remembered that he had promised to get some toy wings(飞机驾驶合格徽章), like the ones which   3   wear, for his children. When the air-hostess came round to ask each passenger whether he wanted something to   4   before supper, the businessman asked her whether she had   5   of the toy wings. “  6  , sir, ”she answered. “I’m going to bring the passengers their supper soon, but   7   that, I’ll bring you the wings. ”

Although it was a stormy day, the businessman   8   his supper, but he noticed that the man in the   9   in front of him was feeling   10   and that he didn’t eat any of his supper. The businessman felt sorry for him. After the passengers had   11   supper, the air-hostess came and took their trays(盘子) away and then she   12   the wings for the businessman's children, so she went to the box which the presents were   13   in and took some out. But she had forgotten   14   passenger had asked for the wings. She knew in which   15   of the plane he was, but she thought that   16   was the man in front of the businessman, the   17   man who was feeling sick. The air-hostess now   18   at the man’s seat and asked him whether he was the gentleman who had wanted the wings. The man looked up at her with   19   eyes. Then he looked out of the window at the threatening clouds which   20    the aeroplane and said, “No, I did not ask for wings. Are you going to need them?”

1. A. serving                            B. thinking

C. travelling                         D. reading

2. A. suddenly                          B. then

C finally                                  D. when

3. A. pilots                             B. air-hostess

C. drivers                           D. astronauts

4. A. eat                              B. introduce

C. drink                             D. choose

5. A. some                             B. few

C. many                               D. any

6. A. No                              B. Yes

C. Oh                              D. Pardon

7. A. expect                           B. besides

C. after                                   D. including

8. A. enjoyed                            B. cooled

C. bought                            D. prepared

9. A. stool                              B. sofa

C. bench                            D. seat

10. A. angry                           B. nervous

C. ill                               D. anxious

11. A. finished                          B. completed

C. solved                            D. passed

12. A. forgot                            B. brought

C. remembered                        D. thought

13. A. hid                                   B. kept

C. piled                            D. held

14. A. what                            B. which

C. whose                           D. where

15. A. beds                            B. seat

C. body                            D. part

16. A. it                               B. that

C. he                               D. this

17. A. poor                            B. ill

C. bad                              D. shy

18. A. turned                            B. arrived

C. cheered                          D. started

19. A. kind                             B. funny

C. satisfied                              D. frightened

20. A. covered                              B. prevented

C. surrounded                       D. delayed



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Some air companies give small presents to their passengers. One day a businessman was   1   in an aeroplane,   2   he remembered that he had promised to get some toy wings(飞机驾驶合格徽章), like the ones which   3   wear, for his children. When the air-hostess came round to ask each passenger whether he wanted something to   4   before supper, the businessman asked her whether she had   5   of the toy wings. “  6  , sir, ”she answered. “I’m going to bring the passengers their supper soon, but   7   that, I’ll bring you the wings. ”

Although it was a stormy day, the businessman   8   his supper, but he noticed that the man in the   9   in front of him was feeling   10   and that he didn’t eat any of his supper. The businessman felt sorry for him. After the passengers had   11   supper, the air-hostess came and took their trays(盘子) away and then she   12   the wings for the businessman's children, so she went to the box which the presents were   13   in and took some out. But she had forgotten   14   passenger had asked for the wings. She knew in which   15   of the plane he was, but she thought that   16   was the man in front of the businessman, the   17   man who was feeling sick. The air-hostess now   18   at the man’s seat and asked him whether he was the gentleman who had wanted the wings. The man looked up at her with   19   eyes. Then he looked out of the window at the threatening clouds which   20    the aeroplane and said, “No, I did not ask for wings. Are you going to need them?”

1. A. serving                            B. thinking

C. travelling                         D. reading

2. A. suddenly                          B. then

C finally                                  D. when

3. A. pilots                             B. air-hostess

C. drivers                           D. astronauts

4. A. eat                              B. introduce

C. drink                             D. choose

5. A. some                             B. few

C. many                               D. any

6. A. No                              B. Yes

C. Oh                                D. Pardon

7. A. expect                           B. besides

C. after                                   D. including

8. A. enjoyed                            B. cooled

C. bought                            D. prepared

9. A. stool                              B. sofa

C. bench                            D. seat

10. A. angry                           B. nervous

C. ill                               D. anxious

11. A. finished                          B. completed

C. solved                            D. passed

12. A. forgot                            B. brought

C. remembered                        D. thought

13. A. hid                                   B. kept

C. piled                            D. held

14. A. what                            B. which

C. whose                           D. where

15. A. beds                            B. seat

C. body                            D. part

16. A. it                               B. that

C. he                               D. this

17. A. poor                            B. ill

C. bad                              D. shy

18. A. turned                            B. arrived

C. cheered                          D. started

19. A. kind                             B. funny

C. satisfied                              D. frightened

20. A. covered                              B. prevented

C. surrounded                       D. delayed



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

  Sheri Straily never knew how far life's highway could take her  1  her dream for her children helped her find out...?

  Growing up,Sheri  2  thought for a moment that she'd  3  it to college. Instead,she took a job driving a tractor trailer. 4  years passed,Sheri fell in love,married and had three children.  5  she wanted to be close to home,she  6  to a desk job at the trucking company.?

  But one day after work,while Sheri was  7  her kids playing,she began to think, “I want them to achieve so much,but how can I afford to give them the  8  they'll need,like college?”?

  Then it came to her:she was the one who needed  9  first.?

 10  for it,”her husband encouraged her.So Sheri enrolled at the University of Denver's Women's College, 11  let her take all of her classes on weekends,so she  12  still work.?

  Though Sheri loved her  13 ,she missed home.Sheri would stay at home on weekends.?

   14  make the two-hour trip to school.“I wish I were home with Steve and the  15 ,”she'd think.But Eric,eight,Ryan,seven,and Kristin,five, 16  their mom all the way.“? 17 ? do your best,”they said.?

  Sheri did,getting straight A's as she entered a  18  in business administration. Now she is attending the University of Denver Law School on a merit scholarship.?

“It hasn't been  19 ,”wrote Sheri,“but it's  20  for me and my family.”?

1.A.after     B.before        C.until         D.once?

2.A.never       B.just          C.ever         D.even?

3.A.hit         B.make         C.admit         D.have?

4.A.Since       B.With         C.While         D.As?

5. A.Because     B.For          C.Therefore     D.Thus?

6.A.asked       B.returned       C.switched      D.sought?

7.A.finding      B.noticing       C.seeing        D.watching?

8.A.opportunities         B.money        C.jobs         D.career?

9.A.school             B.college       C.help         D.assistance?

10.A.Go               B.Search       C.Get          D.Come?

11.A.that               B.where        C.which        D.as?

12.A.could             B.must         C.should        D.may?

13.A.teachers           B.studies       C.classmates     D.job?

14.A.rather than         B.other than     C.as well as     D.less than?

15.A.kids               B.relatives       C.husband       D.parents?

16.A.opposed           B.backed       C.agreed        D.liked?

17.A.Rarely             B.Just         C.Still          D.Never?

18.A.degree             B.work         C.job           D.interview?

19.A.difficult           B.unusual       C.ordinary       D.easy?

20.A.rewarding          B.interesting     C.moving           D.demanding??


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The books in David’s schoolbag felt like bricks as he ran down the street. What he wanted to do was to play basketball with Eric,  41  his mother told him he would have to return his sister’s books to the library first.

He had  42  set foot in a library and he wasn’t about to do so today. He would just  43    the books in the outside return box. But there was a  44  ; it was locked.

He went into the building, only a few minutes  45  closing time. He put the books into the return box. And after a brief  46  in the toilet, he would be on his way to the playground to   47  Eric.

David stepped out of the toilet and stopped in  48  --the library lights were off. The place was  49  . The doors had been shut. They  50  be opened from the inside. He was trapped  -- in a library!

He tried to  51  a telephone call, but was unable to  52  . What’s worse, the pay phones were on the outside of the building.  53  the sun began to set, he searched for a light and found it.

54  he could see. David wrote on a piece of paper: “ 55  ! I’m TRAPPED inside!” and stuck it to the glass door.  56  , someone passing by would see it.

He was surprised to discover that this place was not so unpleasant  57  . Rows and rows of shelves held books, videos and music. He saw a book about Michael Jordan and took it off the shelf. He calmed down, settled into a chair and started to  58  .

He knew he had to  59  , but now, that didn’t seem to be such a  60  thing.

41. A. but           B. because              C. or              D. since
42. A. ever          B. nearly               C. never               D. often
43. A. pass          B. drop                C. carry            D. take
44. A. problem       B. mistake              C. case             D. question
45. A. during         B. after                C. over             D. before
46. A. rest          B. break                C. walk            D. stop
47. A. visit          B. meet                C. catch               D. greet
48. A. delight            B. anger                C. surprise          D. eagerness
49. A. lonely         B. empty               C. noisy            D. crowded
50. A. wouldn’t       B. shouldn’t             C. couldn’t          D. needn’t
51. A. make         B. fix                  C. use             D. pick
52. A. get on         B. get up               C. get through        D. get in
53. A. If               B. As                  C. Though          D. Until
54. A. On time       B. Now and then         C. By the way        D. At last
55. A. Come         B. Help                C. Hello            D. Sorry
56. A. Surely         B. Thankfully            C. Truly               D. Gradually
57. A. at most        B. after all              C. in short          D. as usual
58. A. watch         B. play                 C. read             D. write
59. A. wait          B. stand                C. sleep            D. work
60. A. bad           B. cool                C. strange           D. nice

