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                                                              Bicycle tour and race
     A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27( Sat. &Sun.)at 5:30 am, the riders
will leave Tian'an Men Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next
55 kilometers leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive part of the tour. The riders
and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.
    The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to seaside of Nandaihe, covering a
distance of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday
morning is free for play at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back
to Beijing.
    Cost: 200 yuan
    Telephone: 4675027 
                                                             Brazilian footballers
    The Brazilian Football Club play Beijing Guo'an Team at the Workers Stadium on August
26.The club has four nation team players. Also coming is 1994 US World Cup star Ronario
who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes.
    Ticket prices: 60,100, 150 yuan
    Time /date: 4:30 pm, August 26(Sat.)
    Telephone: 5012372
                                                              Rocking climbing
      The third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26~27 at the Huairou
Mountain-climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan , Dalian , Jilin and
other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing. Free for spectators
     Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou.
    Time/Date: 9~12 am, August 26 and 27
     Telephone: 7143177, 7144850 Wang Zhenghua

1.  The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about _____.
A. visiting teams              
B. famous players
C. things to do for the weekend    
D. prices to pay for the sports events.
2.  If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for ______.
A. 35 kilometers  
B. 55 kilometers  
C. 75 kilometers  
D. 110 kilometers
3. What is special about the rock climbing competition?______
A. Many foreign teams take part in it.
B. You can watch it without paying.
C. You don't have to be a sportsman to take part in.
D. The bus trip to the places of the competition is free.
4. If you want to do something on Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?______
A. 4675027
B. 7143177
C. 5012372  
D. 7144850
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    科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Jame’s New Bicycle

    James shook his money box again.Nothing! He carefully __36__ the coins that lay on the bed.

    $24.52 was all that he had.The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!_37____ on earth was he going to get the ___38___ of the money?

    He knew that his friends all had bicycle.It was __39___ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels.He thought about what he could do.There was no ___40__ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to _41____.

    There was only one way to get money, and that was to __42_ it .He would have to find a job .__43____ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr.Clay for advice who usually had__44_ on most things.

     “Well, you can start right here,”said Mr.Clay.“My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”

    That was the __45__ of  James’s odd-job(零工)business.For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework.He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards and mended books.He lost count of the _46____ of jobs that people found for him to do.He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books.He lost count of the   47 of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the __48___ increased and he knew that he would soon have __49____ for the bicycle he longed for.

    The day __50_ came when James counted his money and found $ 94.32.He _51___ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted.He rode __52__ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends.It had been hard _53__ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more _54__ he had bought it with his own money.He had _55__ what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even than the bicycle.

    A.cleaned      B.covered    C.counted    D.checked

    A.How          B.Why      C.Who       D.What

    A.amount      B.part       C.sum       D.rest

    A.brave      B.hard      C.smart     D.unfair

    A.point          B.reason      C.result     D.right

    A.split           B.spend       C.spare       D.save

    A.borrow        B.earn      C.raise      D.collect

    A.Or          B.So         C.For       D.But

    A.decisions       B.experience       C.opinions   D.knowledge

    A.beginning    B.introductionC.requirementD.opening

    A.similarity     B.quality      C.suitability D.variety

    A.brand       B.number     C.size       D.type

    A.effort       B.pressure    C.money      D.trouble

    A.all               B.enough     C.much     D.some

    A.finally      B.instantly   C.normally   D.regularly

    A.gave        B.left        C.took      D.wasted

    A.patiently      B.proudly    C.silently     D.tiredly

    A.applying      B.asking      C.looking     D.working

    A.since        B.if          C.than      D.though

    A.deserved      B.benefited  C.achieved   D.learned


    科目:高中英语 来源:河北省邯郸一中2009—2010学年高一下学期6月月考试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

    James’s New Bicycle
    James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully  26  the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!  27   on earth was he going to get the  28  of the money?
    He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was  29  to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no  30  asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to  31  .
    There was only one way to get money, and that was to  32  it. He would have to find a job.  33   who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had  34  on most things.
    “Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”
    That was the  35  of James’s odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the   36   of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the  37  of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the   38  increased and he knew that he would soon have   39   for the bicycle he longed for.
    The day   40  came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He   41  no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode   42  home, hoping to show his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard   43   for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more   44   he had bought it with his own money. He had   45  what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.
    26. A. cleaned    B. covered       C. counted        D. checked
    27. A. How        B. Why              C. Who             D. What
    28. A. amount     B. part               C. sum               D. rest
    29. A. brave       B. hard              C. smart              D. unfair
    30. A. point          B. reason            C. result             D. right
    31. A. cost          B. spend             C. spare             D. save
    32. A. borrow      B. earn               C. raise               D. collect
    33. A. Or           B. So                 C. For                D. But
    34. A. decisions   B. experience      C. opinions         D. knowledge
    35. A. beginning  B. introduction   C. requirement    D. opening
    36. A. similarity  B. quality           C. ability            D. variety
    37. A. brand       B. number           C. size               D. type
    38. A. effort       B. pressure          C. money            D. trouble
    39. A. all            B. enough          C. much             D. some
    40. A. finally       B. immediately    C. normally         D. regularly
    41. A. gave         B. left                       C. took               D. wasted
    42. A. patiently    B. proudly          C. silently          D. tiredly
    43. A. applying   B. asking            C. looking          D. working
    44. A. since         B. if                  C. than               D. though
    45. A. deserved    B. arrived           C. achieved         D. learned


    科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

    The united States has about 475,000 school buses — all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel (柴油) fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June.

    Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools are not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled. Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law.

    Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance.

    But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.

    1.What does this passage mainly tell us?

    A.High fuel prices’ influences on school buses.

    B.New measures to transport school students.

    C.The safest form of student transportation.

    D.The origin of Walk to School Day.

    2.In order to cut down transportation cost, many schools take the following measures EXCEPT_____.

    A.changing some bus routes

    B.stopping some bus routes

    C.asking parents to drive children to and from school

    D.using other types of fuels

    3.The National Center for Safe Routes to School encourages more children to walk or bike to school in order to ____.

    A.save more fuels and diesel for the country

    B.keep the children safe on their way to school

    C.make the children live a simple life

    D.keep the children healthy and the environment clean



    科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省09-10学年高二下学期6月月考(英语) 题型:完型填空

                                  James’s New Bicycle

    James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully __36__ the coins that lay on the bed.

    $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! __37__ on earth was he going to get the __38__ of the money?

    He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was __39__ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no __40__ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to __41__.

    There was only one way to get the money, and that was to __42__ it. He would have to find a job. __43__ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had __44__ on most things.

    “Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”

    That was the __45__ of James’s odd-job business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the __46__ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the __47__ of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the __48__ increased and he knew that he would soon have __49__ for the bicycle he longed for.

    The day __50__ came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He __51__ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode __52__ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard __53__ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more __54__ he had bought it with his own money. He had __55__ what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even than the bicycle.

    36. A. cleaned

    37. A. How

    38. A. amount

    39. A. brave

    40. A. point

    41. A. split

    42. A. borrow

    43. A. Or

    44. A. decisions

    45. A. beginning

    46. A. similarity

    47. A. brand

    48. A. effort

    49. A. all

    50. A. finally

    51. A. gave

    52. A. patiently

    53. A. applying

    54. A. since

    55. A. deserved

    B. covered

    B. Why

    B. part

    B. hard

    B. reason

    B. spend

    B. earn

    B. So

    B. experience

    B. introduction

    B. quality

    B. number

    B. pressure

    B. enough

    B. instantly

    B. left

    B. proudly

    B. asking

    B. if

    B. benefited

    C. counted

    C. Who

    C. sum

    C. smart

    C. result

    C. spare

    C. raise

    C. For

    C. opinions

    C. requirement

    C. suitability

    C. size

    C. money

    C. much

    C. normally

    C. took

    C. silently

    C. looking

    C. than

    C. achieved

    D. checked

    D. What

    D. rest

    D. unfair

    D. right

    D. save

    D. collect

    D. But

    D. knowledge

    D. opening

    D. variety

    D. type

    D. trouble

    D. some

    D. regularly

    D. wasted

    D. tiredly

    D. working

    D. though

    D. learned



    科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省南通市高一上学期期中联考英语卷 题型:完型填空

    James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully   36  the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was $90!  37   on earth was he going to get the   38  of the money? He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was   39  to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no   40   to ask his parents, for he knew they had no money to  41  . There was only one way to get money, and that was to   42   it. He would have to find a job.  43   who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice, who usually had    __44  in most things. "Well, you can start right here," said Mr Clay. "My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing." That was the  45  of James’s odd-job (零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was surprised by the  46   jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the   47  of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the  48  increased and he knew that he would soon have  49  for the bicycle he was dying for. The day   50   came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He   51  no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode   52   home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard   53  for the money, but James knew that he valued (重视) his bicycle far more 54   he had bought it with his own money. He had   55  what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

    1.A. cleaned                 B. covered            C. counted                          D. checked

    2. A. How                    B. Why                C. Who                              D. What

    3.A. amount                 B. part                  C. sum                               D. rest

    4.A. brave                   B. hard                  C. smart                                    D. unfair

    5.A. need                     B. reason              C. result                                    D. right

    6.A. separate                B. spend               C. spare                              D. save

    7.A. borrow              B. earn              C. raise                               D. collect

    8.A. Or                       B. So                   C. For                                D. But

    9.A. decisions              B. experience               C. opinions                         D. knowledge

    10.A. beginning           B. introduction      C. requirement                    D. opening

    11.A. similar                B. ashamed           C. peaceful                         D. various

    12.A. brand                 B. number            C. size                                D. type

    13.A. effort                 B. pressure            C. money                            D. trouble

    14.A. all                             B. enough             C. much                             D. some

    15.A. finally                B. instantly           C. normally                        D. regularly

    16.A. gave                   B. left                  C. took                               D. wasted

    17.A. patiently                    B. proudly            C. silently                           D. tiredly

    18.A. applying                  B. asking              C. looking                          D. working

    19.A. since                  B. if                     C. than                               D. though

    20.A. deserved             B. studied             C. achieved                         D. learned


