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20.Though in a digital age,college students nowadays are still holding fast to traditional books.According to the National Association of College Stores,digital books make up just under 3% of textbook sales,although the association expects that share to grow to 10% to 15% by 2012 as more titles are made available as e-books.However,three-quarters of the students,who grew up learning from print books,say that they are unwilling to give up the ability to turn over quickly between chapters,write in the edges and highlight passages.
The new technology has produced various options for students.College Booksellers,which operates 636 campus bookstores nationwide,is now marketing its new software application,which allows students to read e-textbooks on PCs.The company introduced the free application last summer in hopes of attracting more students to buy its electronic textbooks."Now the biggest barrier is getting them to try it,"said the company's vice president.
But not every textbook is available in digital or rental format.Generally,an e-textbook is cheaper than a used book,though more expensive than a rental.The expense of college textbooks has become a great concern and teachers from over 40 colleges nationwide are encouraged to assign texts that are less expensive,or to offer them free online.As the buy-back price drops greatly and quickly,some professors suggest that the book stores should not have the last say and there should be something for students to decide by themselves.
72.College students prefer traditional books mainly because theyA
A.want to keep the ability of reading print hooks
B.have the habit of turning over quickly between pages
C.find it interesting to keep notes in the edges of books
D.feel more relaxed to read print materials
73.Which of the following is NOT true according to the 2nd paragraph?C.
A.College Booksellers operates more than 600 bookstores in campus
B.The free application was introduced to increase sales of electronic textbooks
C.Campus students now fancy a try of the free software application
D.The company's management still has to do more to sell the e-books
74.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.second-hand books are cheaper than rental books
B.all the textbooks have both the digital and rental formats
C.the price totally determines the student's selection of books
D.the price of buy-back books are determined by book stores
75.The best title for the text would beB.
A.Addiction to Traditional Books            
B.Print Books in a Digital World
C.More Texts in Digital Format              
D.Book Price Drops Sharply and Quickly.

分析 作者介绍了在信息化,数字化的当代,仍有大部分学生坚持使用着纸质书籍,保持着从小到大的阅读习惯.针对这一现状,一些教授也开始呼吁降低课本的价格.

解答 72.A.细节理解题.由第一段 they are unwilling to give up the ability to turn over quickly between chapters,write in the edges and highlight passages,他们不愿放弃的在章节间迅速翻阅,在边缘做笔记,划突出的段落的这些能力.故选A.
73.C.理解判断题.由第二段最后一句Now the biggest barrier is getting them to try it,现在最大的障碍是让他们来尝试这款软件可知学生并不愿意尝试这个软件,C选项错误,故选C.
74.D.细节理解题.由最后一段some professors suggest that the book stores should not have the last say,一些教授认为书店不应该有着价格的决定权.可知回收价格是由书店决定的,故选D.

点评 本篇阅读较为简单.文章内容,所出题目以及选项也较短,因此考生只要阅读详略结合,细心理解,就能快速得出正确答案


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.It is the Thanksgiving Day.I have the strong desire to write  about something to express my thanks to the people around me.
I (86)was brought up ( bring up ) by my grandparents (87)who/thatare as kind and hardworking as thousands of Chinese peasants in a distant village.They worked in the field all day long and took good care of me  as well.
(88)Honestly ( Honest) speaking,my parents are ordinary people.But I must say that they are great educators,(89)for they educated  me to be an  independent  and (90)useful(use) man to society.
My teachers,selfless,generous,devote themselves to (91)helping  ( help)  each individual student achieve his/her ambition.
Meanwhile,I can share my happiness  and (92)sadness/sorrow (sad) with my peer students.I am happy to be with them because we have  much  (93)in common.
I am(94)the luckiest and happiest person with all these loved (95)ones (one) around.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11."Mama!Mama!"My 2-year-old son yells at his most excited,I-just-discovered-something-huge voice when we are eating a delicious hot curry with steamed rice at our dinner table.
"Look,a tree!"He yells again.I turn to find him holding up a piece of broccoli (西兰花) for us to see."Oh honey,"I laugh and begin to protest,"That is bro…"But I stop.
As my son grows up,I find myself struggling not lo turn into the worst kind of teacher-the kind who overcorrects.
I have to learn to fight against my strong adult need to jump in and say,"No.that is not right."in the name of promoting knowledge.Unless I think his incorrect concept puts him in the way of harm,I have no desire to fix it.
Instead,I want to encourage my son's colorful sense of the world,in which stuffed (毛绒的) animals attend story times,flies are fascinating creatures,and red balloons share secrets.
    At our dinner table,I study the face of my child who is eagerly waiting for confirmation.He is smiling.His cheeks are a little flushed with excitement.
    Instead of taking the opportunity to teach him a new vegetable name.I say,"Wow,look!"pointing at his plate,"You have many trees in your rice!"
He laughs happily,his lovely face redder.
"So,how many trees can you eat?"I ask him,breaking in with another strong parenting desire I have:forming healthy eating habits.
He playfully puts one after another into his mouth,delighled by the possibility of pulling out the little trees that grow in his rice and eating them right off his plate.
56.Why does the writer decide to ignore her son's false idea of things?B
    A.She doesn't think it will harm her son.
    B.She doesn't want to promote knowledge.
    C.She wants to be a good teacher.
    D.She wants her son to be happy.
57.The underlined word"flushed'in Paragraph 6 can be replaced byC.
    A.pale         B.red            C.green            D.white
58.In the writer's opinion-parents shouldD.
    A.allow their children to sense the world and make mistakes
    B.do nothing to fix the mistakes made by their children
    C.teach their children what they know about the world
    D.correct all of the mistakes made by their children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Some people are calling it the greatest medical breakthrough so far this century.Surgeons in Spain have successfully carried out the world's first organ transplant using new stem cell technology.
But what are stem cells?Most cells in out bodies are designed to serve specific purposes-for example,a liver cell develops to work in the liver and cannot become a heart cell.
But stem cells are different.They are very young,and in the laboratory scientists can grow them into different types of cell.
Claudia Castillo needed a new windpipe after suffering from tuberculosis.Scientists from the  University of Bristol in the UK took a donor (捐献的) windpipe,from someone who had recently died.
They used strong chemicals to remove the donor's cells.This was done with cells from Ms  Castillo's windpipe and nose,and stem cells from her bone marrow.After four days the cells had grown sufficiently for the windpipe to be transplanted into Ms Castillo.
Currently,transplant patients have to take drugs for the rest of their lives to prevent their bodies  rejecting the new organs.These drugs can have bad side-effects,and do not always prevent rejection.
But by using Ms Castillo's own cells,doctors were able to trick her body into thinking the new windpipe was her own organ.Five months on,Claudia Castillo is in perfect health.
This ground-breaking procedure could be used in other transplant operations in the future.Scientists also believe stem cells might be used to treat Parkinson's disease,Alzheimer's disease,heart disease,stroke,arthritis,diabetes,burns and spinal cord damage.
However,stem cell research is extremely controversial.The most effective stem cells do not come from adults but from embryos (胚胎) created in laboratories and which are just a few days old.Many people have religious or ethical objections to growing embryos,even if they can be used to cure diseases.

66.The underlined word"it"in the first paragraph probably meansB.
A.the way to develop the stem cell
B.the first organ transplant with the new technology
C.a new technology that can cure all diseases
D.the discovery of a new stem cell
67.According to the text,stem cellsC.
A.are the most successful medical breakthrough
B.are not designed to serve special aims
C.can be developed into various cells
D.only come from donors
68.Which of the following is Not True about Claudia Castillo?D
A.Her operation had been done successfully.
B.Drugs were used in her transplant.
C.Her own cells were used in the transplant.
D.She was tricked by the scientists.
69.It can be inferred from the text thatA.
A.transplant operations could be widely used with time going on
B.drugs taken by transplant patients have few bad side-effects
C.most people are strongly against growing embryos
D.scientists believe stem cells are the best choice now
70.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?C
A.A Lucky Patient                    B.Stem Cell Research
C.The New Stem Cell Technology       D.Arguments Against Organ Transplant.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Most American students go to traditional public schools.There are about 88,000public schools all over the US.Some students attend about 3000independent public schools called charter schools.
Charter schools are self-governing.Private companies operate some charter schools.They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools.They receive tax money just as other public schools do.Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning.These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.
Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public schools.Local,state or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach.Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them.Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.
The Bush Administration strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools that are failing to educate students.But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools.One teachers'union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of students in traditional schools and charter schools.
The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government's delay in releasing the results of the study,which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress.Union education experts say the study shows that charter school students performed worse on math and reading tests than students in regular public schools.
Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools.Other education experts say the study results should make charter school officials demand improved student progress.

61.If a private company wants to operate a charter school,it mustD.
A.try new methods of teaching
B.prove its management ability
C.obey the local and state laws
D.get the government's permission
62.Charter schools are independent becauseC.
A.they make greater progress
B.their class size is smaller
C.they enjoy more freedom
D.they oppose traditional ways
63.What's the government's attitude toward charter schools?B
A.Doubtful.  B.Supportive.  C.Subjective.  D.Optimistic.
64.What can we learn from the text?D
A.More students choose to attend charter schools.
B.Charter schools are better than traditional schools.
C.Students in charter schools are well educated.
D.People have different opinions about charter schools.
65.It can be inferred from the text thatA.
A.charter schools are part of the public education system
B.one-on-one attention should be paid to students
C.the number of charter schools will be limited
D.charter schools are all privately financed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.BEIJING-China's National Tourism Administration (NTA) said Saturday that 215Chinese tour groups in Japan were safe and sound after a devastating 8.8-magnitude earthquake jolted the country's eastern coast Friday.
A total of 4,578Chinese tourists were staying in Japan at the time of the quake.By Saturday noon,all the 215tour groups that they booked with had contacted domestic travel agencies,with no death or injury reported,said the NTA upon information from local tourism authorities.
The NTA has activated the emergency response system and issued a travel alert for Japan and countries along the Pacific Rim,it said in a statement on its website.
The NTA has also called for travel agencies to protect the security of Chinese tourists in Japan and keep in touch with the Chinese embassy and consulates in Japan,as well as China's tourism authorities.
Chinese tour agencies had started to bring back tourists from the quake-hit Japan and many trips had been called off.
China CYTS Tours,one of China's major travel agencies,had promised a full refund for trip cancellation and offered to bear the extra expense for tourist protection in disasters and unrest.
A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck the east coast of Japan's main Honshu Island at 1:46pm Beijing Time Friday,which had triggered huge tsunami along Japan's Pacific coast and caused hundreds of deaths and catastrophic damage.

56.Where are we likely to find this passage?D
A.In a tour guided book.      B.In a geography book.
C.In a book.                  D.In a newspaper
57.In the first paragraph,the meaning of devastating isB.
A.catastrophic    B.destructive     C.tragic     D.disastrous.
58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.In all,4,578Chinese were staying in Japan at the time of the quake.
B.Japan also called for travel agencies to protect the security of Chinese tourists.
C.215Chinese tour groups in Japan were organized by China CYTS Tours.
D.Earthquake-caused tsunami resulted in hundreds of deaths and disastrous damage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Doomed(注定失败的)beauties such as Cleopatra and Marilyn Monroe were far from alone in their misery(痛苦,不幸).Very attractive people tend to form partnerships that are less stable and satisfying than those enjoyed by plain Janes.
According to the research by Dr John Blaine of the University of Southern California,relationships between people whose professions largely depend on their appearances,such as,models or actors,tend to end much faster than those between lawyers,doctors or students.
Blaine said the beautiful felt different from childhood.They are treated as special,which may create both arrogance (傲慢) and insecurity.All too often,beauty can be used as an alternative to education.Often they are pushed out of their class or town,told to go off and make their fortune in Hollywood or London and,when the majority fail,they have few talents to make a living.
Blaine added that beautiful people score poorly on the"big five"-the key factors American experts consider when helping distressed couples.These are reuroticism (神经过敏),including anger and anxiety; extroversion (性格外向); openness to new experiences; agreeableness; and conscientiousness,or sticking by agreements they have made.Attractive people often see no reason to try to change until their looks start to fade.
Krista Sutherland of the University of California Los Angeles,said partnerships that appeared to be perfect from the outside,such as the former"dream teams"of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise or Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley,where backgrounds and aspirations(抱负)are often shared,did not necessarily lead to happiness.

64.What does the underlined sentence Doomed(注定失败的)beauties such as Cleopatra and Marilyn Monroe were far from alone in their misery(痛苦,不幸) means?D
A.Beautiful women always felt lonely.
B.Beautiful women were always alone.
C.Beautiful women always lived a happy life.
D.Many beautiful women didn't end up with a happy life in terms of relationship.
65.We can infer in the passage thatD.
A.The marriage of the beautiful often lasts long
B.Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise were very satisfied with their life
C.When they fail in Hollywood,the beautiful have little trouble in making a living
D.Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley were a couple
66.Which of the following is the best title?C
A.Five key factors affecting the partnership.
B.Beauties or common?
C.Beauties are doomed to fail in love.   
D.The beautiful are different.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.---What about the services in this hotel?
---They are at least as good as,if not        ,those in yours.(  )
A.superior thanB.superior to
C.more superior toD.more superior than


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Happiness cannot bemeasured (衡量)by money.

