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Business decisions are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors which would even puzzle the best poker players.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


What a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed in to their nightclothes. Mary had ___36___ them a story and finally they were asleep. “Babysitting(照看)the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely ___37___,” she thought.

“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could!” But she had difficult homework to complete. Leaning back, she ___38___ her feet onto the sofa to get comfortable. Whoever said babysitting was a(an) ___39___ way to make money obviously hadn’t met the three boys, she thought. The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim. Mary’s ___40___ felt heavier and heavier. I mustn’t sleep, she thought — which was ___41___ what she did, of course.

Strangely enough, she soon ___42___ that she was a world-famous chef(主厨). She made a ___43___ and wore diamonds and designer clothes. Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or ___44___ — her favorite hobby. She ___45___ took the leading role in her own TV show.

That is, until she became too ___46___. “I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish. But ___47___ seemed to go right. She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger. Despite all the troubles, she ___48___ to get the chicken into the dove. Soon, smoke blanketed the room. The chicken was on fire. ___49___ set in, but Mary could not run — she was ___50___ to the spot. She tried hard to move, but could not, ___51___ a sharp sound awoke her.

She got shocked and confused — ___52___ was pouring from the kitchen. Rushing to investigate, she was met by three ___53___ little faces and some very burnt bread. “Sorry, we were hungry and you were ___54___, so we tried to make some bread,” explained a boy. Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed. She___37__  them never to fall asleep on the job again!

36.   A.    given                     B.    written                  C.    told                D.    taught

37.   A.    successful             B.    helpful                   C.    tiring              D.    surprising

38.   A.    shook                    B.    put                        C.    bent               D.    kept

39.   A.    difficult                 B.    boring                   C.    important D.    easy

40.   A.    eyes                      B.    mind                     C.    heart              D.    legs

41.   A.    nicely                    B.    exactly                  C.    curiously        D.    carelessly

42.   A.    realized                  B.    reminded               C.    learnt             D.    dreamt

43.   A.    decision                 B.    fortune                  C.    business         D.    plan

44.   A.    cooking                 B.    reading                  C.    running          D.    babysitting

45.   A.    just                       B.    ever                      C.    even               D.    only

46.   A.    selfish                   B.    proud                    C.    stubborn         D.    sensitive

47.   A     everything             B.    something              C.    anything         D.    nothing

48.   A.    tried                      B.    arranged                C.    managed         D.    prepared

49.   A.    Panic                    B.    Pain                      C.    Noise             D.    Stress

50.   A.    frozen                   B.    dragged                 C.    pushed           D.    brought

51.   A.    because                 B.    until                      C.    as                  D.    unless

52.   A.    smoke                   B.    light                      C.    water             D.    fire

53.   A.    cheerful                 B.    strange                  C.    guilty             D.    confident

54.   A.    busy                            B.    hungry                  C.    worried          D.    asleep

55.   A.    promised               B.    allowed                 C.    expected         D.    persuaded



科目:高中英语 来源:西藏拉萨中学2009-2010学年高二第一次月考(藏文班)试题(英语) 题型:完形填空


第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A year ago I paid no attention to English idioms,  36_my teacher said again and again that it was important.

    One day, I happened to  37  an Englishman, on the road, and soon we began to  38  . As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner shook his head, saying, “You don’t say! You don’t say!”  I was  39  , I thought, perhaps this is not a  40  topic. Well, I’d  41  change the topic. So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall?  42 _ the way, have you ever   43  there?”

    “Certainly, everyone back home will  44   me if I leave China without seeing  45 . It was great.” I said, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. It is a place of   46  .” Soon I was interrupted again by his words, “  47  !” I couldn’t  48  asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?” “Well, I didn’t ask you to do  49  ”, he answered, gently surprised.

    I said, “Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say’?”

    Hearing this, theEnglishman  50   to tears. He began to  51 , “‘You don’t say’ actually means ‘really?’. It is an  52  of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention  53  English idioms.”

    Then I knew I had made fool of   54  . Since then I have been more  55  with idioms.

36.A.though         B.when                 C.if                  D. as

37.A.look            B.meet                 C.pick up              D. find out

38.A.walk           B.talk                   C.play                 D. go

39.A.pleased         B.angry            C.afraid               D. surprised

40.A.proper         B.strange               C.safe                 D. polite

41.A.to             B.better                     C.not                 D. like

42.A.On             B.In                    C.All                   D. By

43.A.gone           B.visited                C.seen             D. been

44.A.look at         B.think of             C.send for             D. laugh at

45.A.It              B.them            C.anything            D. something

46.A.fun            B.interest            C.business               D. mountain

47.A.Really           B.Good                 C.You don’ t say     D. You are right

48.A.be             B.help                  C.think            D. do

49.A.this            B.so                   C.anything            D. me a favor

50.A.laughed        B.cried                 C.moved               D. came

51.A.explain         B.shout                 C.prove               D. say

52.A.experience    B.expression           C.explanation             D. example

53.A.for          B.to               C.at                    D. in

54.A.me          B.myself                C.him                   D. somebody

55.A.helpful         B.popular           C.careful               D. satisfied



科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古北校区2010届高三下学期5月模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Living and dealing with kids can be a tough job these days,but living and dealing with parents can be even tougher.

If I have learned anything in my 16 years,it is that communication is very important,both when you disagree and when you get along.With any relationship,you need to let the other person know how you are feeling.If you are not able to communicate,your relationship drifts apart.When you are mad at your parents or anyone else,not talking to them doesn’t solve anything.

Communication begins with the concerns of another.It means that you can’t just come home from school,go up to your room and talk to nobody.Even if you just say “Hi” and see how their day is for five minutes,it is better than nothing.

If you look up the word “communication” in the dictionary,it will say “the exchange of ideas,conveyance (传递) of information,correspondence (通信),means of communication;a letter or message”.To keep a good relationship,you must keep the communication strong.Let people know how you feel,even if it’s just by writing a note.

When dealing with parents,you always have to make them feel good about how they are doing as parents.If you are trying to make them see something as you see it,tell them that you listen to what they have to say,but ask them politely to listen to you.Shouting or walking away only makes the situation worse.

Here is an example.One night,Sophie went to a street party with her friends.She knew she had to be home by midnight after the fireworks.but they didn’t feel she could just ask to go home.That would be rude.After all,they had been nice enough to take her along with them.Needless to say,she was late getting home.Her parents were mad at first,but when Sophie explained why she was late,they weren’t as mad and let the incident go.Communication was the key factor here.If Sophie’s parents had not been willing to listen,Sophie would have been in a lot of trouble.

Communication isn’t a one-way deal.It goes both ways.Just remember:if you get into a situation like Sophie’s,telling the other person how you feel and listening are key factors to communication.

68.The second paragraph mainly talks about ________.

A.the importance of friendship

B.making your feelings known to others

C.the importance of communication

D.the disagreement between generations

69.The key to happy relationship between parents and children is that _______.

A.children should always obey their parents

B.parents play the leading part

C.parents should mind their own business

D.both should make the other know their feelings

70.The example in the passage proves that ________.

A.Sophie’s parents were willing to listen to her

B.Sophie was very polite to her parents

C.Sophie did the right thing when she explained the reason of her being late

D.communication is the key to solving misunderstanding

71.All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ________.

A.if you don’t agree with others,you’d better let them know

B.it is better to say “Hi” to others than to say nothing

C.if you are too busy to communicate,just walk away

D.communication is a two-way deal



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年山东省诸城市高三2月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING,Oct.14(Xinhua)——A total of 120 middle school students from 35 countries will attend the final of an international China language contest,to be held in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality from Oct.16 to 30.

The candidates,aged from 15 to 20,must be from foreign countries and not native Chinese speakers,said a statement issued by the Chinese language Council (CLC),the contest’s organizer,here Thursday.

All of the candidates have passed the preliminary contests(初赛)held in their own countries.

According to the organizer,the competition will have a top prize,five second prizes,10 third prizes and a dozen prizes for special talents.The organizer will also launch an online vote for“the most liked candidate.”

It was the third year China has held the contest.

“The competition not only tests the proficiency of Chinese language but also the candidates capability to communicate across different cultures.”the statement said.

All the candidates in the final will receive scholarships from the Chinese goverment.said Hu Hangyu,an official with the Education Bureau of the Chonqing Municipality,jointly organizing the contest.

They will also meet local Chinese students and live with Chinese families,Hu said.

“The competition is to meet the increasing demand for Chicese learning by foreign youngsters.”said Xu Lin.the CLC director.

The CLC has also hosted similar contest for foreign college students since 2002.

China has been working to promote Chinese language learning abroad over the past few years.According to the CLC,the.country had 282 Confucius Institutes and 272“Confucius Classrooms”in 88 countries and regions as of 2009 since the first one was established in 2004.

1.The text is intended to        .

A.show the popularity of Chinese language learning in the world

B.introduce an international Chinese language learning test system

C.make readers aware of the importance of Chinese language learning

D.report an international Chinese language contest to be held

2.The candidates must be        .

A.foreign college students                  B.non—native middle school students

C.native Chinese students                   D.students from Confucius Institutes

3.According to the text,the competition is        .

A.organized by the Chongqing Municipality government

B.mainly to test the candidates’Chinese language competence

C.held every three years in Chongqing Municipality

D.to provide foreign students with a chance to know China

4.What has China been doing to promote Chinese language learning abroad according to the text?

A.Thousands of Chinese teacher are sent abroad to teach the language.

B.282 Confucius Institutes are established in China to teach Chinese.

C.The Chinese language contests for foreign students are regularly held.

D.Many Chinese students are sent abroad for culture exchanges every year.

5.In which part of the newspaper is the text most likely to be found?

A.Education            B.Advertisement     C.Business        D.Entertainment




科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度山东省高三9月教学质量检测(英语) 题型:阅读理解

It was the summer of 1965. Deluca, then 17, visited Peter Buck, a family friend. Buck asked Deluca about his plan for the future. “I’m going to college, but I need a way to pay for it,” Deluca recalls saying. “Buck said, ‘you should open a sandwich shop.’”

That afternoon, they agreed to be partners. And they set a goal: to open 32 stores in ten years. After doing some research, Buck wrote a check for $ 1,000. Deluca rented a storefront (店面) in Connecticut, and when they couldn’t cover their start-up costs, Buck kicked in another $1,000.

But business didn’t go smoothly as they expected. Deluca says, “After six months, we were doing poorly, but we didn’t know how badly, because we didn’t have any financial controls.” All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.

Deluca was managing the store and to the University of Bridgeport at the same time. Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York. They’d meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running. “We convinced ourselves to open a second store. We figured we could tell the public, ‘We are so successful, we are opening a second store.’” And they did — in the spring of 1966. Still, it was a lot of learning by trial and error.

But the partners’ learn-as-you-go approach turned out to be their greatest strength. Every Friday, Deluca would drive around and hand-deliver the checks to pay their supplies. “It probably took me two and a half hours and it wasn’t necessary but as a result, the suppliers got to know me very well, and the personal relationships established really helped out,” Deluca says.

And having a goal was also important. “There are so many problems that can get you down. You just have to keep working toward your goal,” Deluca adds.

Deluca ended up founding Subways Sandwich, the multimillion-dollar restaurant chain.

1. Deluca opened the first sandwich shop in order to ________.

A.support his family

B.pay for his college education

C.help his partner expand business

D.do some research

2.Which of the following is true of Buck?

A.He put money into the sandwich business.

B.He was a professor of business administration.

C.He was studying at the University of Bridgeport.

D.He rented a storefront for Deluca.

3.What can we learn about their first shop?

A.It stood at an unfavorable place.

B.It lowered the prices to poor management.

C.It made no profits due to poor management.

D.It lacked control over the quality of sandwich.

4.They decided to open a second store because they _________.

A.had enough money to do it

B.had succeeded in their business

C.wished to meet the increasing demand of customers

D.wanted to make believe(假装)that they were successful

5.What contributes most to their success according to the author?

A.Learning by trial and error.

B.Making friends with supplies.

C.Finding a good partner.

D.Opening chain stores.


