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1.The Washington-based think tank's (智囊机构的)"Vital Signs 2007-2008"report points out global patterns ranging from rising meat consumption to Asian economic growth are linked to the broader problem of climate change."I think climate change is the most urgent challenge we have ever faced,"said Erik Assadourian,director of the Vital Signs project."You see many trends in climate change,whether we are talking about grain production which is affected by droughts and flooding.Or meat production as livestock production makes up about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions(排放),"he told reporters in a telephone interview before the report's release.
Assadourian said the key message of the report was that unsustainable consumption patterns were responsible for climate change linked to carbon emissions  and other ecological woes.He said of the 44 trends tracked by the report,28 were"pronouncedly bad"and only six were positive.The trends range from the spread of avian flu(禽流感) to the rise of carbon emissions to the number of violent conflicts.The growing use of wind power is among the few trends seen as positive.
Some of the points highlighted in the report include:
--Meat production hit a record 276 million metric tons (43 kilograms or 95 pounds per person) in 2006.
--Meat consumption is one of several factors driving rising soybean demand.Rapid expansion of soybean plantations in South America could displace(挤走) 22 million hectares (54 million acres) of tropical forest and savanna (热带草原) in the next 20 years.
--The rise in global seafood consumption comes as many fish species become scarcer.
Other analysts and think tanks have focused on different trends they say mean less cause for alarm.For example,they point out that while more wood is being removed from forests on a global scale,many parts of Europe and North America have experienced reforestation in recent decades.

53.The best title for this passage would beC.
 A.Greenhouse Gas Emissions              B.Global Consumption Patterns
 C.Consumption and Climate Change        D.Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions
54."Vital Signs 2007-2008"report mainly concerns aboutB.
 A.how to protect the earth
 B.the unsustainable consumption and other trends causing climate change
 C.how to stop climate change
 D.the negative trends of climate change
55.The author of the passage mentions two specific positive trends which are linked to climate change.They areD.
 a.Asian economic growth           
 b.Meat production reaching the highest record
 c.more and more seafood consumed by people 
 d.the growing use of wind power
 e.the reforestation being made in some parts of the world
 A.ac.  B.bd.  C.ad.  D.de.
56.From the passage we can conclude thatA.
 A.less livestock production will do good to climate change
 B.more soybean demand will have a good effect upon climate change
 C.climate change will cause many fish species scarcer and scarcer
 D.only by planting more tress can we stop weather from changing worse and worse.

分析 驻华盛顿智囊机构在一份题为"地球生命征兆2007-2008"报告中指出,肉类消费不短断增长和亚洲经济发展与气候变化有关系.

解答 53---56:CBDA
53.C 主旨大意概括题. 根据第一段和最后一段的介绍,可知全文是一篇报告指出了人类各种消费和气候变化之间的关系,故答案为C.
54.B 细节理解题.第一段里介绍了"Vital Signs 2007-2008"报告,该报告重点说了"global patterns ranging from rising meat consumption to Asian economic growth are linked to the broader problem of climate change"故答案为B.
55.D 细节理解题.在第二段最后一句"The growing use of wind power is among the few trends seen as positive"
和"many parts of Europe and North America have experienced reforestation in recent decades."可以看出,两个比较具有积极意义的方面,故答案为D.
56.A 推断题.在第一段"meat production as livestock production makes up about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions"得知,家畜的饲养占据20%的温室气体的排放,所以减少家畜的饲养对气候有好处,故答案为A.

点评 此篇阅读理解为说明性,生词量多,但题目不难.要求考生在遇到类似文章时特别关注第一段和最后一段,抓住主题,带着问题寻找答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk,I went to a friend.He looked at me for a moment,and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I've ever had:Be bold and brave-and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your aid.
Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past,it was seldom because I had tried and failed.It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all.On the other hand,whenever I had plunged into deep water,forced by courage or circumstance,I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.
Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you can eat.And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces.They are potential powers we possess:energy,skill,sound judgment,creative ideas-even physical strength greater than most of us realize.
Admittedly,those mighty forces are spiritual ones.But they are more important than physical ones.A college classmate of mine,Tim,was an excellent football player,even though he weighed much less than the average player."In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player,who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,"said Tim."I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet(子弹)-and stopped him cold."
Boldness-a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme-is not one that can be acquired overnight.But it can be taught to children and developed in adults.Confidence builds up.Surely,there will be setbacks (挫折) and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee of success.But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.
So,always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities-and you'll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.
9.Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?C
A.He faced huge risks.
B.He lacked mighty forces.
C.Fear prevented him from trying.
D.Failure blocked his way to success.
10.What is the implied meaning of the underlined part?B
A.Swallow more than you can digest.
B.Act slightly above your abilities.
C.Develop more mysterious powers.
D.Learn to make creative decisions.
11.What was especially important for Tim's successful defense in the football game?D
A.His physical strength.
B.His basic skill.
C.His real fear.
D.His spiritual force.
12.What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?A
A.To encourage people to be courageous.
B.To advise people to build up physical power.
C.To tell people the ways to guarantee success.
D.To recommend people to develop more abilities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Whether we're 2 years old or 62,our reasons for lying are mostly the same:to get out of trouble,for personal gain and to make ourselves look better in the eyes of others.But a growing body of research is raising questions about how a child's lie is different from an adult's lie,and how the way we deceive changes as we grow.
"Parents and teachers who catch their children lying should not be alarmed.Their children are not going to turn out to be abnormal liars,"says Dr.Lee,a professor at the University of Toronto and director of the Institute of Child Study.He has spent the last 15years studying how lying changes as kids get older,why some people lie more than others as well as which factors can reduce lying.The fact that children tell lies is a sign that they have reached a new developmental stage.Dr.Lee conducted a series of studies in which they bring children into a lab with hidden cameras.Children and young adults aged 2to 17are likely to lie while being told not to look at a toy,which is put behind the child's back.Whether or not the child takes a secret look is caught on tape.
For young kids,the desire to cheat is big and 90% take a secret look in these experiments.When the test-giver returns to the room,the child is asked if he or she looked secretly.At age 2,about a quarter of children will lie and say they didn't.By 3,half of kids will lie,and by 4,that figure is 90%,studies show.
Researchers have found that it's kids with better understanding abilities who lie more.That's because to lie you also have to keep the truth in mind,which includes many brain processes,such as combining several sources of information and faking that information.The ability to lie-and lie successfully-is thought to be related to development of brain regions that allow so called"executive functioning",or higher order thinking and reasoning abilities.Kids who perform better on tests that involve executive functioning also lie more.

26.What's the purpose of children telling lies?B
A.To help their friends out.
B.To get rid of trouble.
C.To get attention from others.
D.To create a popular image.
27.The underlined word"deceive"in Paragraph 1can be replaced by"A".
A.tell lies
B.handle troubles
C.raise questions
D.do research
28.From the second paragraph we can know thatC.
A.which factors can reduce lying
B.why some lie more than others
C.it is normal for kids to tell lies
D.how lying changes as kids grow
29.It can be inferred from the passage thatC.
A.children's lies are the same as adults'
B.the better kids are,the more they lie
C.the older kids are,the more they lie
D.kids always keep the truth in their mind
30.What is NOT included in the passage?D
A.The reasons why kids tell lies.
B.Which kind of kids tells more lies.
C.Experiments about lying of young kids.
D.What to do with lying children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.-Oh,dear,I've almost forgotten your birthday party.When is it?
-Well,the day after April Fools'Day.Easy to remember,______?(  )
A.don't youB.won't youC.hasn't itD.isn't it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-Do you often chat with your friends on the telephone or QQ?
-        ,I like using MSN.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.---English has a large vocabulary,        ?
---Yes.Know more words and expressions and you will find           easier to read and communicate.(  )
A.hasn't it; itB.doesn't it; that
C.has it; whatD.does; one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Scientists say they have discovered a promising treatment for sleeping sickness,a killer disease that infects(感染) about 60,000people in Africa a year.
British and Canadian experts say drugs could attack the parasite(寄生虫) causing the illness needs to survive.They say the drug could be ready for human medical test in about 18months.
The disease,spread by the bite of a fly,is caused by a parasite attacking the central nervous system.It has similar symptoms(症状) to malaria(疟疾),making it difficult to diagnose.Left untreated,it moves to the brain,resulting in mental confusion and final death
The"breakthrough"came at the University of Dundee in Scotland,where scientists were offered money to research diseases ignored by major drugs companies.
Professor Paul Wyatt,director of the programme,said:"This is one of the most significant findings made in recent years in terms of drug discovery and development for ignored diseases."
He said the research,published in the journal Nature,represented"significant progress"in the development of a full blown drug against the disease.
The World Health Organization said there are between 50,000and 70,000cases of the disease a year,with a further 60million people at risk of infection.
The research in Dundee was backed by partners at the University of York in England and the Structural Genomics Consortium in Toronto,Canada.The two drugs currently available to treat sleeping sickness both have problems.One is with side effects that kill one in 20patients and the other is costly,only partially effective and requires long-time hospital treatment,the scientists said.

57.The word backed in the last paragraph probably meansB.
A.conducted     B.supported   
C.believed      D.managed
58.What the World Health Organization said suggested thatD.
A.about 60000people died of the disease each year
B.about 60000people were cured of the disease each year
C.600million people are likely to get infected
D.the disease is spreading fast in Africa
59.We can read this passageD.
A.in the journal Nature
B.in a newspaper of the University of Dundee
C.in a book about flies
D.in a newspaper about medicine
60.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.big drug companies play an important role in the research of the new drug
B.people who get infected with the disease are mentally disturbed
C.among 200people infected with the disease,5may die because of the old drug
D.Professor Paul Wyatt may be a professor at the University of York.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.The study found that 81percent of the participants finished their fastest work when musicwas played (play).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.She thought she was too fat and tried to reduce her weight.

