精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
Interested In Childcare?
Qualified person or preschool teacher needed for busy childcare center,south of the river.Full-time work guaranteed.Immediate start necessary.The candidate(候选人) must be able to work as a co-operative team member.Phone 6345 2345for an interview and fax resume to 6345 2345.
We Need Office Cleaners!
Three people are required for professional cleaning in the CBD area.Working hours from 5:00pm on Mondays,Wednesdays & Fridays for each one.Approximately five hours per shift(轮班).A good record is necessary.Experience preferred.Phone 6345 7843now.
Want To Work As A Dental Nurse?
This is an exciting opportunity for a qualified dental nurse with a confident and cheerful personality to work in the School Dental Health Scheme.You must be able to get along well with children because work involves talking to groups about dental health practices.For further information,visit our website at schooldentalservices@gov.sg.And fax your resume to 6234 4567.
Florist Wanted!
Are you a creative and trained florist with at least two years of experience?Then this may be just what you are seeking.The city's leading Florist Artist Studio needs another part-time member on their wedding team.Please phone 6098 7888now!
29.You may find the above advertisementsA.
A.in a newspaper   
B.in a school magazine
C.on a company notice-board    
D.in a store window
30.The position of a(n)B is a part-time job.
A.artist      B.florist         
C.teather     D.dental nurse
31.Which of the following is the most important for the childcare job?B
A.Cooking skills.
B.The ability to work well with other people.
C.Childcare experience.
D.The ability to start work in two weeks.
32.An office cleaner will be required to work aboutD hours a week.
A.5     B.10        
C.45    D.15.

分析 本文叙述了四则招聘广告.第一则广告招聘保育院的学前老师;第二则广告招聘兼职清洁工;第三则广告招聘牙科护士;第四则广告花商艺术家工作室招聘卖花的人.

解答 29.A.推理判断题.根据这些题目Interested In Childcare?We Need Office Cleaners!Want To Work As A Dental Nurse?Florist Wanted!可知这是面向社会的招聘广告,因此他们应出现在报纸上.故选A.
30.B.推理判断题.根据最后一个招聘广告的The city's leading Florist Artist Studio needs another part-time member on their wedding team.该市主要的花商艺术家工作室在他们的婚礼团队里还需要一个兼职的成员.故选B.
31.B.细节理解题.根据第三个招聘广告You must be able to get along well with children 可知一个牙科护士必须能够与孩子们相处得很好.故选B.
32.D.推理判断题.根据第二个招聘广告Working hours from 5:00 pm on Mondays,Wednesdays & Fridays for each one.Approximately five hours per shift(轮班).可知工作时间在星期一,星期三和星期五,每班大约五个小时,所以一周共15个小时.故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I am ____ to know that you have made such ____ progress in English recently.(  )
A.amazing; amazedB.amazing; amazing
C.amazed; amazedD.amazed; amazing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.More and more people are aware that an afternoon nap(小睡) can do a body good.But there are still doubters out there.To help spread the power of the afternoon nap,we list some common misunderstandings about napping we still hear.
Misunderstanding#1:Napping is only for the lazy.
Fact:Around a third of American adults nap on the average day,and for good reason:A short nap can improve everything from alertness(警觉) and memory to creativity and productivity(生产效率).And none of these sounds like laziness to us!
Misunderstanding#2:If I take a nap,I'll only wake up feeling worse.
Fact:That weak feeling after you wake up from a nap is real (it even has a name:sleep inertia),but it's not a guarantee(保证).How you feel after your nap is a factor of how long you sleep.Experts generally agree that a nap should last no longer than 30minutes."If it takes longer than 30minutes,you end up in deep sleep.You're going into a stage of sleep where you find it very difficult to wake up."said sleep expert Michael J.Breus,Ph.D.Next time you're in the mood for a nap,set your alarm for 20to 30minutes,tops.
Misunderstanding#3:You mustn't nap at work.
Fact:In fact,in the office environment,we're all for catching a few winks (眨眼) during the workday.Some companies have even created special rooms for afternoon naps as more and more employers come around to the idea that a well-rested workforce is a more productive workforce.If your employer doesn't offer a place to lay your head,try to find an empty conference room where you can close the door and turn off the lights.Really want.You can also take a nap during your lunch break on a park bench or in your car.
Misunderstanding#4:I'll be more productive if I just finish this task,rather than waste time sleeping.
Fact:Yes,you'll be away from your desk if you spend 10to 30minutes sleeping.But you'll likely make up for that"wasted"time afterward."My research shows that people feel tired after a long time of work during the day,"Sara Mednick told Bloomberg Businessweek."It's difficult to keep energetic and productive all day."However,a nap can leave you feeling refreshed and more ready to deal with the task at hand.
25.According to the passage,a short nap has the following benefits EXCEPTC.
A.making people think more quickly 
B.improving people's memory
C.allowing old people to live longer 
D.raising people's work efficiency
26.How you feel after your nap is connected withD.
A.the way of sleep   
B.the place of sleep   
C.the environment of sleep  
D.the length of sleep
27.Sara Mednick indicates thatB.
A.taking a short nap at work is a waste of time  
B.people become less productive without a nap
C.people become less productive after a nap    
D.napping is only for the lazy and young children
28.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?C
A.The advantages of taking a nap.
B.The more naps you take,the more productive you become.
C.4things people get wrong about napping.
D.How to take an afternoon nap correctly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Imagine how boring life would be,if not for creative and useful inventions.
Rolling Bench.Sitting on a park bench especially after a rain is a nightmare,and I bet most of you have had that uncomfortable experience of rising to a wet bottom.These benches can accurately save you on a rainy day.They have a handle that can turn the seat surface to face a relatively clean side.Be careful with the people who might turn the handle and land you into water.
Stairway Drawers.Stairways are generally considered a threat as it occupies a lot of space,but what about one that will serve its purpose and can also be used to store things.It's a pretty interesting concept:the stairway has built-in one push drawer into every step that can store your shoes.
Stairway Library.These stairways are specially made to house your collection of books and magazines or even your favourite music CDs.This fashionable stairway is an obvious must-have for those of you owning your own library.You can even use it to show off your collection of vases and antiques.
Pocket Chair.Say goodbye to pains especially when working in a garden for a long time.You can now carry your foldable,pocket chair with you,wherever you go.Take it along with you if you have to go for a long trip too,you can simply open it up and sit at ease.
21.What should you do first before sitting on a rolling bench after a rain?B
A.Remove the surface of the seat.
B.Turn the surface upside down.
C.Fix a clean surface on the seat.
D.Turn the handle repeatedly.
22.Stairway drawers are the names of containersC.
A.for you to house vases and antiques
B.for children to show off their CDs
C.used to put aside your shoes
D.used to collect books and magazines
23.If Mary wants to go for a camp on Sunday,she is advised to take along theC.
A.rolling bench     B.stairway library
C.pocket chair      D.stairway drawers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The Olympic flame
   The Olympic Flame is a symbol carried over from the ancient Olympics,where a flame burned at the altar(祭坛)of Zeus throughout competition.It was finally reintroduced at the 1924 Amsterdam Games,and again burned in 1932.
   Carl Diem,chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Berlin Games,proposedthat the flame be lit in Greece and transported to Berlin via a torch relay.The idea was adopted(采纳)and continued at every Olympic Games since 1952.The flame is lit at the ancient site of Olympia by the natural rays of the sun reflected off a carved mirror.It is lit at a ceremony by women dressed in robes resembling those worn in ancient times,who then pass it to the first relay runner.
  The Olympic motto
"Citius,altius,fortius"is a Latin phrase meaning"swifter,higher,stronger",which Baron de Coubertin borrowed from Father Henri Dideon of Paris.Dideon was the headmaster of Arcueil College,and used the phrase to describe the athletic achievements of students at the school.He had previously been at the Albert Le Grand School,where the Latin words were carved in the stone above the main entrance.
The Olympic oath
"In the name of all competitors,I promise that we shall take part in these Olympi c Games,respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them,in the true spirit of sportsmanship,for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams."
  Written by Baron de Coubertin,the oath is taken by an athlete from the host nation while holding a corner of the Olympic flag.The athletes'oath was first taken by Belgian fencer Victor Boin at the 1920 Antwerp Games.A judge from the host country also speaks the oath,with slightly different wording.
51.The Olympi c flame was first burned atBin modern times.
A.the 1920 Games      
B.the 1924 Games 
C.the 1932 Games 
D.the 1936 Games       
52.The underlined word in Paragraph Two can be replaced withC.
A.ordered               B.insisted         C.suggested            D.requested
53.From the passage we can learnA.
A.the firs t torch relay was held at the 1936 Berlin Games
B.before 1936,no flames were burned at the Olympic Games
C.Carl Diem proposed that flames should be burnt at the Olympic Games
D.the Olympic torch is lit in the country where the Games are held and passed via a relay.
54.The Olympic motto wasD.
A.written by Baron de Coubertin           
B.from Greek
C.from the ancient Olympic Games      
D.borrowed f rom Father Henri D ideon of Paris
55.Which of the following is TRUE?A
A.There was no athlete's oath in the 1896 Olympic Games.
B.The 1920 Olympic games was held in Amsterdam.
C.The judge from the host country takes the same oath as the athletes does.
D.Dideon wrote Citius,Altius,Fortius for the Olympic Games.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Personal Robot
Make your parents and teachers happy!
Are you having problems finishing your homework on time?Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you?You don't need to worry if you buy a Mr.Helping Hand personal robot.Mr.H can be programmed to organize your homework.Your own personal robot will follow you around,putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.
Mr.H also has these features (特点)
●weighs only 500 grams
●includes long-lasting batteries
●comes with a 5-year guarantee
●remembers simple instructions
Originally (最初) sold for 499NOWONLY299
This is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!
This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!
? acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.
? gives you a daily weather forecast.
? reminds you when to hand in your homework.
? sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.
Besides,your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!
Originally sold for 199NOWONLY99
For further information,click here.
21.With help from a Mr.H,you canD.
A.stop using batteries                      
B.get your room tidied on your way home
C.remember your teacher's instructions        
D.finish your homework on time
22.If you buy a PENGO WATCH CONTROL now,you can saveB.
23.Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?C
A.On a notice board                 
B.In a company brochure.
C.On a teenage website              
D.In a college newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Service Trips for High School Students
Are you a high school student who loves to be outdoors and is eager to experience new challenges,learn new skills and meet new people?WTA offers first-time participants country trips and returning students have the option to go on trips in the back country (边远地区).
Front Country Trips
Our front country trips provide opportunities for people to experience projects near the ocean,in the scenic Cascade Mountains and in northeast Washington.Our trips also provide you with experienced leaders,a great project,some camping tents,sleeping bags and all your meals for the week.
Advanced Back Country Trips
On these trips you will be backpacking to the work site and will have a chance to advance your trail and leadership skills under the supervision of a WTA leader.
Trip Details
In 2015,trip fees for WTA members will be 195for the first trip and $145for each additional trip.Non-members will pay an additional 40for their first trip and can be qualified to be members in the second trip.Due to the popularity of our trips,please submit your payment and application within two weeks.If a trip is full and you would like to be added to the waiting list,please call us at 206/625-1367or email trail-teams@wta.org.
We believe no student should have to stay at home this summer because he or she can't afford to go outside.Thanks to donations from members and supporters,WTA is proud to announce that we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships.Application Deadline:March 1,2015.
21.If you are going on Front Country Trips,you can't go on tripsB.
A.near the ocean                  
B.in the back country
C.in the Cascade Mountains         
D.in northeast Washington
22.How much will you have to pay for your first trip if you're not a WTA member?D
23.After choosing a trip,youD.
A.will naturally become a WTA member.
B.can cancel your trip and get all your money back.
C.will be added to the waiting list.
D.must submit your payment and application within two weeks.
24.You may be lucky enough to obtain a scholarship if youA.
A.apply before March 1,2015.
B.donate a little money to WTA.
C.support WTA by advertising.
D.volunteer in your high school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.People are overweight for many reasons,the most important one of which is that they eat the wrong foods,get the wrong types of calories per meal,and they also eat meals at the wrong time each day.Food is more powerful than any weight loss pill,because the food that you eat can either make you thin or fat.This is true because your body is like an engine,and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals(间隔) each day.
Low-calorie Diets Do Not Work
The reason people cannot lose weight by starving themselves is that their metabolism(新陈代谢) will detect any major drop in calories and it will then adjust itself by burning fewer calories each day.That is the reason why you can eat 1,000calories per day and not lose any weight,while your friends can eat 2,500calories per day and not gain any weight.
Low-fat Diets Do Not Work
Many people in today's society are buying mostly low-fat or non-fat food at the grocery store.Everybody knows how much fat is inside the food they buy.However,people are getting fatter than ever before by doing this.They are not losing weight by changing to this low-fat lifestyle.
Losing weight has nothing to do with these things.One of the most important things you can do to control your weight is to eat the proper foods,such as fruit and vegetables,eat them at the right time,and exercise every day.If people make this a habit,they will lose weight.
25.What is the main reason why people are overweight?B
A.They burn many calories every day.
B.They eat the wrong foods at the wrong time.
C.They eat food with lots of calories.
D.They don't take weight loss pills.
26.The article is written in order toC.
A.tell readers not to buy low-fat or non-fat food.
B.tell readers about an important scientific discovery.
C.tell readers how to lose weight.
D.call on people to lose weight and stay healthy.
27.To realize the aim of your weight loss plan,you shouldA.
a.do exercise every day           
b.eat meals at the right time
c.eat fruits and vegetables         
d.eat low-fat or sweet food
e.eat the proper foods at each meal


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Dear Mrs.Denner,
Over the past five months,your husband has been causing quite a commotion(混乱) in our store.Our complaints(抱怨) against Mr.Denner are listed below:
July 2:Set all the alarm clocks in house-wares to go off at 5-minute intervals(间隔).
July 7:Made a trail(小径) of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.
August 4:Took a bag of M&M's from the candy shelf and handed out to the passing children to eat.
September 14:Moved a"CAUTION-WET FLOOR"sign to a carpeted area.
September 15:Set up a tent in the camping department and told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department.
September 23:When a clerk asked if they could help him,he began crying and screamed,"Why can't you people just leave me alone?"
October 4:Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.
November 10:While handling guns in the hunting department,he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.
December 3:Darted around the store while loudly humming the"Mission Impossible"theme.
December 6:In the auto department,he practiced his"Madonna look"by using different sizes of funnels.
December 18:Hid in a clothing rack(支架) and when people looked through,yelled"PICK ME!PICK ME!"
December 21:When an announcement came over the loud speaker,he assumed a fatal position and screamed"OH NO!IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!"
December 23:Went into a fitting room(装配车间),shut the door,waited a while,and then yelled very loudly,"Hey!There's no toilet paper in here!"
Our video surveillance(监控)cameras recorded all these.Never once did our reminding and warning work and therefore we are forced to ban him from the store.
1.How did the market get to know about Mr.Denner's strange behavior?B
A.From other shoppers.
B.Through the cameras of the market.
C.From the shop assistants.
D.By talking with Mr.Denner.
2."M&M's"may be the brand ofA.
3.From the passage,we can learn that Mr.DennerD.
A.once poured some water on the carpet of the market
B.managed to get some shoppers to camp together with him
C.did all of these strange things due to his mental disease
D.was once warned not to do such strange things in the market
4.In which month did Mr.Denner cause most troubles?D
A.In July.
B.In September.
C.In November.
D.In December.

