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2.Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger,but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways.You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water.A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater.Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers.It come from underground.The more roads and parking lots we pave,the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.
Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺).Driver climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall,but in any case,good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs.
Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference,too.In the United States,a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day!This shows how much we depend on water to live,but there's a lot we can do to lower the number.
You can take steps to save water in your home.To start with,use the same glass for your drinking water all day.Wash it only once a day.Run your dishwasher (洗碗机)only when it is full.Help your parents fix any leaks in your home.You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.

60.Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater?C
A.Using river water.
B.Throwing batteries away.
C.paving parking lots.
D.Throwing rubbish into lakes.
61.What can be inferred from the text?B
A.All water shortages are due to human behavior.
B.It takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs.
C.There is much we can do to reduce family size.
D.The average family in America makes proper use of water.
62.The last paragraph is intended toD.
A.show us how to fix leaks at home 
B.tell us how to run a dishwasher
C.prove what drinking glass is best for us 
D.suggest what we do to save water at home
63.The text is mainly aboutD.
A.Why paving roads reduces our water 
B.how much we depend on water to live
C.why droughts occur more in dry climates
D.how human activity affects our water supply.

分析 这是一篇关于用水问题的议论文.告诉我们,尽管大量用水和污染水源使人类用水处于危险境地,但是人类一些小型的活动也对用水问题有着巨大的影响.短文详细描写了生活中容易造成浪费的一些用水问题,并提出了相应的建议.

解答 60.C 细节理解题.根据第一段最后一句话"The more roads and parking lots we pave,the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater."可知,铺设马路、停车场会导致地下水减少.故答案选C.
61.B 推理判断题.根据第二段的"good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs"及下文第四段的"You can take steps to save water in your home."可知要满足我们的用水需求需要很大的努力,故答案选B.
62.D 推理判断题.根据该段的中心句"You can take steps to save water in your home."及本段描述,可知本段主要是针对如何节水提出建议,故答案选D.
63.D 主旨大意题.这篇文章第一段讲的是"铺设马路、停车场会导致地下水减少",后三段讲述了"为了满足我们的用水需求,我们能做些什么".所有这些讲的都是人类活动对地球水资源供给的影响,描述了人类活动与水资源的关系,告诉我们如何来节约用水.故答案选D---"人类活动如何影响我们的用水供应".

点评 健康环保类文章常是介绍科学知识、生活常识和环境保护方面的短文.阅读此类短文要以现象或事物为中心进行思考,理解现象产生的原因、条件和客观规律等.同时要抓住事物的特征、用途和相互关系等.由于此类文章缺乏故事情节,很多同学对此类文章感到费解.文章都是就事论事,需要逻辑推理和想象的时候较少,因此此类阅读题也没有同学们想象中的那么难,只要多加训练,就能较好地答题.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

19.The average computer user has between 5 and 15 username/password combinations to log in different kinds of accounts.Some demand you use a specific number of symbols and digits,while others require you to change your password every 60 days.The feeling of confusion resulting from memorizing these login information has grown so common that it actually has a name:password fatigue(疲劳).
Having to remember so many different passwords is annoying,but it can also be dangerous.Because it is virtually impossible to remember a unique password for each of these accounts,many people leave handwritten lists of usernames and passwords on or next to their computers.
(71)GWhile these practices make it easier to remember login information,they also make it easier for thieves to hack into accounts.
Single Sign-On (SSO) confirmation and password management software can help solve this problem.With SSO,users only need to remember one password to log in to the main system.
(72)DSSO software is typically used by large companies,schools,or libraries.
(73)EIf a user loses or forgets the password required to log in to SSO software,the user will then lose access to all of the applications linked to the SSO account.Users who rely on password management software face the same problems.
Although most websites or network systems allow users to recover or change lost passwords by providing email addresses or answering a prompt(提示),this process can waste time and cause further frustration.What is more,recovering a forgotten password is only a temporary solution.
Some computer scientists have suggested computers rely on biometrics(生物测定学).(75)F The use of biometrics raises questions concerning privacy and can also be expensive to practice.
 Software engineers and computer security experts are still searching for the cure to password fatigue.Until they find the perfect solution,however,everyone will simply have to rely on the password system currently in place.

A.It does not address the larger problem of password fatigue.
B.These software programs have been built into many major web browsers
C.The problem with password management software makes users feel powerless.
D.The SSO software then automatically logs the user in to other accounts within the system.
E.However,SSO confirmation and password management software also have drawbacks.
F.This is a method of recognizing human users based on unique traits,such as fingerprints,voice,or DNA.
G.Others solve this problem by using the same password for every account or using extremely simple passwords.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.一Do you think Chinese elements in"Gravity"were included just to_____an increasingly influential Chinese viewing audience?
一I don't know,but the director denied the storyline was just to_____the booming market.(  )
A.appeal to; win overB.cater to; take over id
C.adjust to; turn overD.adapt to; get over Im


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The other day Jack was in _________ people call a moral dilemma as to whether to help the old man who fell off his bike.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.________ at the cafeteria before,Tina didn't want to eat there again.(  )
A.Having eatenB.To eatC.EatD.Eating


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7._____ made the archeologist feel excited was that he finally found two ancient vases in what seemed to him to be a king's bedroom.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Had he not come an hour earlier,he___the secret that his mother was always there.(  )
A.must never findB.must never have found
C.would never findD.would never have found


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Sinking in the cheers of people,David walked off the stage,tears dropping       he could stop them.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

10.16-year-old Laresce Brown has become the strongest schoolgirl in the UK.She says her success is due to a joint condition,which used to engender great pain.
Laresce has six British and World Champion power-lifting records under her belt.Yet until just two years ago,a condition called hypermobility left her in so much pain that she was unable to take part in sport.Rather than letting her illness limit her life,Laresce took inspiration from her father,and began weight-lifting.This put an end to her pain,and she became a champion in her field.
Laresce loves to dance and she was a keen Morris dancer at the age of eleven.After that,she had to face daily pain in her knees,elbows and hands.She was forced to miss several days of school each month,due to pain and the lack of sleep that caused.
However,she is now effectively cured,since taking up the sport of power-lifting 18 months ago.
Laresce's position as Britain's strongest power-lifter for her age is down to her spirit and determination.To ensure her success,Laresce must train for eight hours a week."I really enjoyed the feeling of power I got and the excitement of people encouraging me to do my best.Becoming a champion was a big surprise-I just started off for fun and I was not expecting anything.So to win six titles was amazing,"she said.
Laresce's father said,"Being the father of such a high-achieving teen,I couldn't be more proud.She's truly the apple of my eye and has worked so hard to be where she is today.She's made us all so happy,and I feel we all enjoy a bright future together thanks to her."

71.What does the underlined word"engender"in Para.1 probably mean?(1 word)Cause
72.What achievements has Laresce got?(no more than 8 words)SixBritishandWorldChampionpower-liftingrecords.
73.What helped her defeat the illness?(no more than 8 words)Herfather'sinspirationandweight-lifting
74.Why did she think winning six titles was amazing?(no more than 15 words)Becauseshestartedoffforfunandwasnotexpectingthesuccess.
75.What do you think of Laresce Brown?(no more than 25 words)Sheisadeterminedgirl.Inspiteofherterribleillness,sheworkshardandsucceedsinthepower-liftingfield..

