精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
7.A.How can you select your test location?
B.How many times do you plan to take the test?
C.When do you have to submit your test scores?
D.What is the most appropriate test date for you?
E.Where do you stand in your high school coursework?
F.What are the factors determining your choice of test time?

The ACT is offered nationally several times a year,between September and June.However,it's not offered at every test center on each test date.If you need to take the ACT on a day other than Saturday because of religious reasons,you'll want to be especially attentive in selecting a test date because the non-Saturday dates are less frequent and are held at fewer test centers.
One of the first things you should find out,then,is where the ACT is being offered in your area.A quick and easy way to get that information is by accessing ACT's website at www.actstudent.org.Or your high school guidance counselor should be able to give you that information.It's also printed in the booklet Registering for the ACT,which is available free from your school counselor.Often,your own or a neighboring school will serve as a test center.
One important decision you need to make is whether you should take the ACT during your junior or your senior year in high school.A number of factors will affect this decision.First,you should find out when colleges you're interested in need to have your test scores.Is there a special program or scholarship for which you want to apply?If so,is there a deadline by which you need to have test scores submitted to the college or agency?Score reports are normally mailed about 3-7weeks after the test date.Just be sure you're doing everything,including taking the ACT,early enough to keep all your options open.
Another consideration in deciding when to take the ACT is where you stand in your high school coursework.If you're in a college-prep program and taking a lot of courses in English,mathematics,and science in your sophomore and junior years,it may be wise for you to take the ACT in your junior year,while those subjects are still fresh in your memory.If,on the other hand,you're studying material covered on the ACT during your senior year,it's reasonable to assume that your performance on the ACT might be better then.
Perhaps you'll decide to take the ACT more than once,in hopes of improving your score.In that case,it's probably better to take the exam in your junior year to allow time for a second try.There are several advantages to taking the ACT in your junior year:(i) You probably will have completed much of the coursework corresponding to the material covered on the ACT.(ii)You'll have your ACT scores and other information in time to help make decisions about your final year of high school coursework.(iii) You'll have your ACT scores and information from colleges in time to make decisions about visiting campuses or contacting schools.

分析 本文属于教育类阅读.主要介绍了美国高考的一些相关事项.如考试的时间安排(预约)、考试地点的选择、提交考试成绩的期限、对高中课业的要求以及考试的次数等内容.

解答 76-80 DACEB
76.D.根据开头一句The ACT is offered nationally several times a year可知,本段主要介绍了美国高考(ACT)组织的时间安排,所以,最适合你的考试时间是什么即D项符合;故选D.
77.A.本段开始One of the first things you should find out,then,is where the ACT is being offered in your area介绍了选择在哪里考试,也就是select your test location的问题;故选A.
78.C.根据文中If so,is there a deadline by which you need to have test scores submitted to the college or agency?一句可知,这段主要介绍的是何时上交你的测试成绩的问题;故选C.
79.E.由本段开头一句Another consideration in deciding when to take the ACT is where you stand in your high school coursework可知,这一段描述的内容与E项相吻合;故选E.
80.B.本段开头一句Perhaps you'll decide to take the ACT more than once,in hopes of improving your score.描述的是参加考试的次数的问题;故选B项.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Thischallenge(挑战)will occupy Europe for a generation or more.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

TE              AM
There is no"I"in a team.
Don't Be Self-centered in a Class
As is shown in the picture above,       .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.______I feel sorry for those who have met with the trouble,I can't really do very much to help them out.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

2.A.Connect with others
B.Express yourself
C.Connect with nature
D.Become a relaxation expert
E.Think positive
F.Get enough sleep,nutrition and exercise

Everyone has feelings of anxiety,nervousness,tension,and stress from time to time.Here are five ways to help manage them.
We all think we know how to relax.But calming down in front of the TV or computer isn't true relaxation.Depending on what you're watching or doing,it could even make you more tense.The same is true for alcohol,drugs,or tobacco.They may seem to relieve anxiety or stress,but it's a false state of relaxation that's only temporary.What the body really needs is a relaxation technique---like deep breathing,tai chi,or yoga---that has a physical effect on the mind.For example,deep breathing helps to relax a major nerve that runs from the diaphragm to the brain,sending a message to the entire body to let go and loosen up.
Want your mind and body to feel peaceful and strong enough to handle life's ups and downs?Get the right amount of sleep for your needs---not too much or too little.Eat well---choose fruit,vegetables,lean proteins,and whole grains for long-term energy,instead of the short bursts that come from too much sugar or caffeine.And exercise to send oxygen to every cell in the body so your brain and body can operate at their best.
Spend time with friends or family.Organized activities are great,but just hanging out works too.Doing things with those we feel close to deepens our bonds,allowing us to feel supported and secure.And the fun and sharing that go with it allow us to feel happier and less upset about things.If you feel worried or nervous about something,talking about it with someone who listens and cares can help you feel more understood and better able to deal with it.You'll be reminded that everyone has these feelings sometimes.You're not alone.
Heading out for a walk in the park or a hike in the woods can help anyone feel peaceful.Choose somewhere you feel safe so you can relax and enjoy your surroundings.Walking,hiking,biking,or snowshoeing can offer the additional benefit or exercise.Invite a friend or two---or a family member---along and enjoy feeling connected to people as well.
A great way to keep our minds off the worry track is to focus our thoughts on things that are good,beautiful,and positive.Allow yourself to dream,wish,and imagine the best that could happen.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The long,lonely voyage of the Japanese ghost ship is over.
A US Coast Guard cutter poured cannon fire into an abandoned Japanese ghost ship that had been drifting since last year's tsunami (海啸),sinking the vessel into waters more than 305 meters deep in the Gulf of Alaska and removing the danger it posed to shipping and the coastline on Thursday.
The cutter's guns tore holes in the 164-foot Ryou-Un Maru,and then it began to take on water and lean to one side.In about four hours,the ship disappeared into the sea,said Chief Petty Officer Kip Wadlow.
The ship had no lights or communications system,and its tank was able to carry more than 7,570 liters of diesel fuel.Officials,however,didn't know exactly how much fuel was aboard.
"It's less risky than it would be running into shore or running into other ships,"coast guard spokesman Paul Webb said.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency studied the problem and decided it is safer to sink the ship than let the fuel evaporate and pollute the sea environment.
Ryou-Un Maru was probably among the first wave of the 1.5 million tons of garbage of  refrigerators,washing machines,televisions,roofs and fishing nets heading toward North America since last March when a magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck Japan.
As the coast guard was ready to fire on the vessel,a Canadian fishing vessel,the 19-meter Bernice C,claimed the rights to save the ghost ship in international waters.
Plans to sink it were paused so the Canadian crew could have a chance to take the stricken ship.A Canadian official with knowledge of the situation told the Associated Press that the Bernice C was unable to drag it.
Then the Canadian boat left,and once it was about 10 kilometers from the Japanese vessel,the Coast Guard began to fire,first with 25 mm shells,then a few hours later with ammunition twice that size.
State officials have been working to test the danger of garbage including materials affected by a damaged nuclear power plant,to see if Alaska residents,seafood or wild animals could be affected.

56.Which of the following is NOT the reason for sinking the Japanese ship?A
A.It had no lights or communications system.
B.It might be washed up onto the shore.
C.It was a danger to other passing ships.
D.The oil it carried could pollute the sea.
57.The plan to fire on the Japanese ghost ship was paused becauseD.
A.the ghost ship was beyond the reach of the Coast Guard's guns
B.the shells were not powerful enough to sink the ghost ship
C.state officials worried the ghost ship might give out radiation
D.a Canadian fishing boat wanted to save the ghost ship
58.What's the right order of the events related to the ship of Ryou-Un Maru?
a.Its long,lonely voyage came to an end.
b.The US Coast Guard sank it into the sea.
c.The ship began to float across the Pacific Ocean.
d.A big tsunami was caused by great earthquakes.
e.Bernice C claimed rights to save the ghost ship.
   A.a,b,d,c,e     B.d,c,e,b,a     C.b,a,d,c,e     D.c,e,d,a,b
59.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?C
A.Japanese ghost ship arriving at US
B.Tsunami garbage heading to US
C.Cannon fire sinking Japanese ghost ship
D.Japanese ghost ship polluting the Pacific.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-How long will it be _____ the professor makes another visit to China?
-It all depends.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?
-Too crazy,but if she ___ come to China to hold concerts,I would buy tickets for her live show.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Hundreds of years ago,a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland.The Scots,a brave people,loved their country very much.They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland,but there were too many Romans.It looked as if the Romans would win.
One night,the leader of Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill."We will rest here tonight,my men,"he said."Tomorrow we will fight one more battle.We must win or we will die."
They were all very tired,so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep.There were four guards on duty,but they,too,were very tired,and one by one,also fell asleep.
The Romans were not asleep.Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill.Slowly they climbed up the hillside,taking care not to make a sound.Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots.They were almost at the top.A few minutes more,the war would be over.Suddenly,one of them put his foot on a thistle(蓟).He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots.In a moment,they were on their feet and ready for battle.The fighting was hard but it did not last long.The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved their country.
The thistle is not a beautiful plant.It has sharp needles all over it.Few people like it.But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.
21.Hundreds of years ago there was a war betweenB.
A.Roman army and North England
B.Roman army and the Scots
C.England and Scots
D.a brave people and the Scots
22."We must win or we will die."What the leader of the Scots said meansD.
A.they were sure to win
B.they couldn't escape from death
C.they would win and then they would die
D.they must try hard to win,otherwise they would be killed
23.The Romans climbed up the hill quietly becauseA.
A.they didn't want to wake the Scots
B.they wanted to reach the top
C.they wanted to catch the four guards first
D.they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle
24.What's the main idea of the passage?D
A.The thistle is a beautiful plantB.The people of Scotland like the thistle
C.The Romans are a brave peopleD.The thistle helped the Scots win the battle.

