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18.He is said to have written and sung the song ______ his wife who died from skin cancer 2years ago.(  )
A.in memory ofB.in need ofC.in honour ofD.in support of

分析 据说为了纪念两年前死于皮肤癌的妻子,他创造并演唱了这首歌.

解答 答案:A.根据his wife who died from skin cancer 2years ago可知他是为了纪念两年前死于皮肤癌的妻子而创造并演唱了这首歌,四个选项的含义分别是A"为了纪念"表示 追念;B"需要";C"为了纪念",表示为了纪念或表示敬意(而举行某活动);D"支持",所以答案是A.

点评 考查介词短语.
1.in honour of:向…表示敬意;尊敬某人;为了纪念或表示敬意(而举行某活动)
I have cooked a special meal in honour of our visitors.我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意.
2、in memory of:纪念…; 追念
I went drifting,in memory of my college life,为了纪念我的大学生活,我去漂流


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.     the good results of the exam,he jumped with joy,      with a smile on his face(  )
A.Heard; satisfiedB.On hearing; satisfying
C.Hearing; satisfiedD.Hearing; being satisfied


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.The inventor was determined to go on with the experiment       countless failures.(  )
A.instead ofB.because ofC.in favor ofD.regardless of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Teen models are not difficult to find.An online agency features both models young as well as older.Those who are looking for child models to show off their products and make them look better can find what they are looking for by hiring children models from these online modeling agenmes.This is less expensive than trying to go through large modehng agencies that often cost thousands of dollars for the client(客户).
    Many of those who are selling children's products and have websites for parents and children are looking for teen models.As a result,there is more of a need for young models to participate in the field of modeling.The best way for clients to hire models that will not end up costing them a fortune is to use an online modeling site.An online modeling site will have portfolios(档案)of models young as well as old.Someone who is looking for teen models can find a variety of different children when they take a look at these sites.
    Online teen models usually work for less money than offline models,although they   are still paid well enough to make it worth their while to model.Clients who are looking   for young models can go on an online modeling agency to look for portfolios of the teens that they will want to use in their advertising campaigns.Parents or guardians must agree to the modeling offers and the agency will act as a go-between for both the teen models as well as the clients who are looking for young models.A percentage goes to the agency,just as is the case oilline and the rest goes to the teen models.
    Clients can look through portfolios for the young models and get the ones that are right for what they are looking for to advertise for them.It is now affordable for anyone to hire teen models when using an online modeling agency site.Parents of young models can also use these sites to get their teens a chance to get a head start in the world of modeling.
61.What is the main advantage of online modeling agencies?C
  A.They can help the clients to train teen models in a short time.
  B.They can make the products look much better.
  C.They can offer teen models that cost client s less money.
  D.They can advertise for the clients and cost them less money.
62.Why are teen models in greater need?B.
  A.Most parents don't want their children to work as models.
  B.Those who sell children products need more teen models.
  C.Most children don't want to delay their studies because they work.
  D.Teen models earn less money so they don't want to do the work.
63.To hire teen models,the clients are advised toA.
  A.make use of online modeling sites   B.look through newspapers
  C.find modeling agencies            D.advertise on the Internet
 64.According to the author,the agency plays a part ofD.
  A.looking for teen models     B.judging good teen models
  C.hiring good t een models    D.working as a middleman
 65.The online modeling sites can offer teen models a good chance toA.
  A.have an advantage from the beginning
  B.become famous in the future
  C.make a lot of money for future use
  D.beat the other models.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.--My goodness,you crossed the double yellow line!
--I tried not to,but _______.The car in front changed lane suddenly.(  )
A.in timeB.in caseC.in needD.in vain


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.In recent years_________ global warming is becoming __________ concern for people all over the world.(  )
A.the; theB./;/C./; aD.the:/


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

姓名Alice Green性别国籍美国
A Foreign Teacher


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.A recent report found 46% of parents agreed that their child knew more about the Internet than they did.And now new research shows parents are turning to their children for lessons in technology.
The new study of around 1,000parents showed that 67% of parents have asked their teenager children for technology-related advice.44% have asked their teenager for help using the Internet,and 41% have received teen advice about how to use the TV or home entertainment system.
Ahad Surooprajally,a father of five children,says his children help him with technology in the home."They've grown up surrounded by technology,"he explains."We have four computers and four iPads in our house.If I want to know something technical they're the ones I go to."
He says his nine-year-old son Habeeb is the only person in the house who really understands the TV.So he tells Habeeb which film he wants to watch and Habeeb connects his mobile phone to the TV."You teach your kids everyday life lessons,but the tables are turned when it comes to technology,"says Ahad.
As well as learning how to use technology properly,there is another advantage of parents asking their children to help them understand the digital world,They may be able to get a better understanding of what their kids are doing online.
Will Gardner of the charity Childnet International says,"We have to continuously encourage parents to find out more about what their children are doing on line.If the kids are using a social networking site,get them to show you around it if you are not using it already."

51.What do we know about the new study?A
A.Over two-thirds of parents turned to their teenagers on tech matters.
B.Most teenagers know more about the Internet than their parents.
C.About half of the parents have no idea how to use a computer.
D.Few parents trust their children to give them advice.
52.What does the underlined part"the tables are turned"probably mean?C
A.The duty is carried out.B.The pleasure will increase.
C.The situation is changed.D.The difficulty becomes less.
53.Will Gardner seems to suggest that parents shouldB.
A.try to learn how to make friends online
B.keep an eye on children's online safety
C.encourage children to use social networking sites
D.ask children to teach them how to use computers
54.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?D
A.Internet:Open to our kids too early
B.Technology:Challenge for everyone
C.Parents:Confused by new technology
D.Children:Parents'technology advisors.

