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“A good book for children should simply be a good book in its own right,” says Mollie Hunter. Born and brought up near Edinburgh, Mollie has devoted her talents to writing primarily for young people. She firmly believes that there is always and should always be a wider audience for any good book whatever its main market is. In Mollie's opinion it is necessary to make full use of language and she enjoys telling a story, which is what every writer should be doing. “If you aren't telling a story, you're a very dead writer indeed,” she says. With the chief function of a writer being to entertain, Mollie is indeed an entertainer. “I have this great love of not only the meaning of language but of the music of language,” she says. “This love goes back to early childhood. I've told stories all my life. I had a school teacher who used to ask us what we would like to be when we grew up and, because my family always had dogs, and I was very good at handling them, I said I wanted to work with dogs, and the teacher always said ‘Nonsense, Mollie, dear, you’ll be a writer.’ So finally I thought that this woman must have something, since she was a good teacher and I decided when I was nine that I would be a writer.”

This childhood intention is described in her novel, A Sound of Chariots, which although written in the third person is clearly autobiographical and gives a picture both of Mollie's ambition and her struggle towards its achievement. Thoughts of her childhood inevitably(不可避免地)brought thoughts of the time when her home was still a village with buttercup meadows and strawberry fields—sadly now covered with modern houses.“I was once taken back to see it and I felt that somebody had lain dirty hands all over my childhood. I'll never go back,”she said. “Never.”“When I set one of my books in Scotland,” she said, “I can recall my romantic(浪漫的)feelings as a child playing in those fields, or watching the village blacksmith at work. And that's important, because children now know so much so early that romance can't exist for them, as it did for us.”

52. What does Mollie Hunter feel about the nature of a good book?

A. It should not aim at a narrow audience.

B. It should not be attractive to young readers.

C. It should be based on original ideas.

D. It should not include too much conversation.

53. In Mollie Hunter's opinion, which of the following is one sign of a poor writer?

A. Being poor in life experience.        B. Being short of writing skills.

C. The weakness of description.           D. The absence of a story.

54. What do we learn about Mollie Hunter as a young child?

A. She didn't expect to become a writer. B. She didn't enjoy writing stories.

C. She didn't have any particular ambitions. D. She didn't respect her teacher's views.

55. What's the writer's purpose in this text?

A. To describe Mollie Hunter's most successful books.

B. To share her enjoyment of Mollie Hunter's books.

C. To introduce Mollie Hunter's work to a wider audience.

D. To provide information for Mollie Hunter's existing readers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence. That _16___ two out of every three people simply don’t know the _17___ they already have to be successful when it’s _18___ there in their hands!_19 __if you want others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. Remember: “No one can make you feel inferior(差的)unless you  __20___ them.” A successful businessman says, “You can’t push anyone up a ladder __21__ he knows he can climb himself.”

Many of us have an image _22___, the image we have of ourselves. __23____one guy put it: “You can’t win a horse race if you think you look _24___on a horse.” To succeed, the first person you have to _25___ is yourself! So stop believing your own lies about yourself. Just __26___ your mind and you’ll change your life.

One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life are the two little words: “__27___”. You know that people used to _28___ that if human beings traveled faster than 30 miles an hour it would  _29___our circulation of blood and kill us? Thank goodness a few people didn’t believe so__30____thinking, or we wouldn’t be riding in cars, buses, and flying in airplanes today. You’ll never know until you_31____

Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. But_32___he did it, most people in the world didn’t think it was even _33__. Yet only weeks after Bannister did it, suddenly__34____all over the world began running a mile in less than 4 minutes! If we believe something can be done, we’ll___35__do it.

16. A. means               B. reflects          C. reads               D. explains

17. A. chance              B. strength            C. ability               D. reason

18. A. immediately        B. properly            C. accurately        D. right

19. A. Because             B. But                   C. What              D. While

20. A. let                      B. challenge         C. admit                D. get

21. A. if                      B. except              C. until              D. unless

22. A. quiz                   B. question            C. problem            D. mystery

23. A. When                B. As                    C. While               D. Since

24. A. curious              B. good-looking  C. serious            D. funny

25. A. beat                   B. knock               C. strike               D. defend

26. A. settle               B. bend              C. change          D. fix

27. A. I failed.              B. Not me.          C. Can I?              D. I can’t.

28. A. imagine              B. think             C. expect           D. doubt

29. A. start                   B. help                  C. stop                 D. quit

30. A. silly                   B. empty               C. reasonable        D. terrible

31. A. try                   B. realize               C. understand        D. judge

32. A. after                   B. before              C. since               D. because

33. A. likely               B. unbelievable      C. possible            D. impossible

34. A. workers             B. runners             C. competitors      D. players

35. A. simply               B. seldom             C. never              D. usually


