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6.It's hard to find Alice Munro in the media.Even after she won the 2013Nobel Prize in Literature,the Canadian writer just appeared for a quick interview and then dropped out of sight.On Dec 29,she still didn't seek the spotlight(聚光灯)when she was named one of the five Women of the Year by the Financial Times.
In Munro's eyes,ordinary lives always hide larger dramas.So she records what we casually think of as the everyday actions of normal people.She often focuses on life in her hometown,a small village in Ontario which she is most familiar with.She writes about the ordinary things in the village-fox forming,trees filled in the Ontario wilderness,poor country alcohol and long last illnesses.Above all,she talks about girls and women who have seemingly ordinary lives but struggle against daily misfortune.
She has a special talent for uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary.These are ordinary people,ordinary stories,but she has the magic.Her precise language,depth of detail and the logic of her storytelling have made her stories inviting.
Runaway,one of Munro's representative works,is a good example of her writing style.One of the stories centers on the life of an ordinary woman Carla,who lives in a small Canadian town with her husband Clark.The story slowly forms a picture of Carla,trapped in a bad marriage,her unhappiness building into desperation until she decided to flee.The story of Carla is a story of the power and betrayals of love.It is about lost children and lots of chances that we can all find in life,There is pain beneath the surface,like a needle in the heart.
Since she published her first collection of short stories in 1968,Munro has won many awards,with the Nobel Prize being her biggest honor.On Oct 10,2013,the Nobel Prize committee named Munro the"master of the contemporary short story".
25.We learn from Paragraph 1that Alice MunroB
A.didn't get on well with the media
B.remained modest though very successful
C.didn't value the title of Women of the Year
D.was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize
26.What makes Alice Munro's stories fascinating according to the text?A
A.Her writing techniques                 
B.The complicated plots
C.The humorous language                
D.Her rich imagination
27.In her representative work Runaway,CarlaD
A.leads a happy life with Clark             
B.is a faithful wife to her husband
C.loses all hopes for a better life            
D.tries to run away from her husband
28.What is the text mainly about?C
A.Alice Munro and her hometown           
B.The awards Alice Munro won
C.Alice Munro and her writing style         
D.Alice Munro's literary life.

分析 本文主要讲述了一位优秀的作家爱丽丝蒙罗的故事,尽管她赢得了很多奖项,但是她仍然很谦虚,一点也不骄傲,她能在平凡之中发现平凡,将自己所看的故事都生动的描述出来,她经常聚焦在家乡的生活中.作者写这篇文章是为了告诉我们不管自己获得了多么巨大的成功,都要保持谦虚的本性,并且能在平凡的事中发现其中的乐趣

解答 25.B 细节理解题,由第一段Even after she won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature,the Canadian writer just appeared for a quick interview and then dropped out of 8ight.她在赢得诺贝尔奖之后快速的回答了一个问题就离开了,可以看出她非常谦虚,故选B.
26.A.理解推断题,由第三段Her precise language,depth of detail and the logic of her storytelling have made her stories inviting.可知是她的写作方式和技巧使她的故事受欢迎,故选A.
27.D细节理解题,由第四段The story slowly forms a picture of Carla,trapped in a bad marriage,her unhappiness building into desperation until she decide8 to flee.可知《暴走》讲述的是卡拉被困在一个糟糕的婚姻中并决定逃离的故事,故选D.
28.C 主旨大意题,本文主要为我们介绍了爱丽丝蒙罗以及她的作品的风格,故选C.

点评 在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机,事件中的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Teenagers will be told to"stand up for their elders"on public transport-or risk losing their right to free travel.
London Mayor Boris Johnson will declare plans today to make youngsters sign a"courtesy pledge"(文明宣言) to promise to behave in a respectful manner when travelling in the capital.The three-point pledge states that they will give up their seats to the elderly,pregnant and disabled; keep from using offensive or threatening language; and be courteous and polite to fellow passengers and staff.
    Those who refuse,or are caught behaving in a loutish manner,will have their free travel passes removed.The plan-a key part of Mr Johnson's re-election bid-will initially affect the 400,000 ll-to-15-year-olds in London who qualify for free travel cards,but Tory sources believe the idea could be used across the country.
     A Conservative insider said:"The plan corresponds perfectly with the push to create a Big Society.It is about changing culture and expectations around behaviour to improve the atmosphere on buses and trains for everyone."
    Speaking before today's launch,Mr Johnson said he was determined to deal with the anti-social behaviour of a"minority of youngsters"on public transport."When I was a boy,I was taught to stand up for those less able to,"he said."Youngsters enjoy the privilege of free travel,which is paid for by Londoners,but they have to understand that with that privilege comes responsibility.Anyone who abuses this privilege will have it taken away,and will have to earn that right bach."
    Teenagers found guilty of a serious violation of the new behaviour rules will lose their travel passes,and will have to carry out unpaid community work to earn them back.
    Mr Johnson is also introducing a"two strikes and you're out"policy to deal with repeat offenders,under which those committing a second serious violation of the rules will lose their travel rights permanently.
61.Which of the following is NOT the content of the"courtesy pledge"?B
A.Teenagers should give up their seats to the old.
B.Teenagers shouldn't talk with strangers in public.
C.Teenagers mustn't use aggressive language in public.
D.Teenagers must be polite to people on public transport.A
A.rude        B.stupid       C.polite     D.calm
63.According to Mr Johnson,A.
A.youngsters should know duty comes with benefit
B.youngsters shouldn't use the privilege of free travel
C.anyone shouldn't make money with the privilege
D.youngsters should do some unpaid community work
64.The worst punishment teenagers can face isD.
A.to sign an agreement       B.to work in the community
C.to be fined               D.to lose their travel passes forever
65.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?C
A.London Mayor Boris Johnson is a great person                 
B.The plan corresponds perfectly with the Big Society
C.Be polite and stand up for your elders or lose free travel
D.The"courtesy pledge"has been used across the country.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.-What's that?It smells great!
-It's just milk tea.Would you like __________?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.You can't have finished the book yesterday,_________?(  )
A.can youB.have youC.do youD.did you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.I don't think I can recall a time when I wasn't aware of the beauty of the ocean.Growing
up in Australia,I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side.The first time I went to
Halfmoon Bay. I suddenly had the feeling of not being able to feel the ground with my feet anymore.
For my 10th birthday,my sister and I Were taken out to the Great Barrier Reef.There
were fish in different colors,caves and layers of coral.They made such an impression on me.When I learned that only 1percent of Australia's Coral Sea was protected,I was shocked.
Australian marine life is particularly important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth.But sadly,only 45% of the world's reefs are considered healthy.
This statistic is depressing,so it's important forms to do everything to protect them.The hope that the Coral Sea remains a complete eco-system has led me to take action.I've become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity,which aims to create the largest marine park in the world.It would serve as a place where the ocean's species will all have a safe place forever.
Together,Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be a part of the movement.Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy,who grew up sailing,admiring the beauty of the ocean,and trying to find the secrets of ocean species.
24.From the underlined sentence in Para.1,we can learn the authorD.
A.seldom went surfing at the sea
B.forgot his experiences about the ocean
C.never went back to his hometown
D.had a wonderful impression of Halfmoon Bay
25.According to the second paragraph,Australian marine lifeC.
A.is escaping from the Coral Sea gradually
B.depends on reefs for living greatly
C.may be faced with danger
D.is protected better than that in other oceans
26.The Protect Our Coral Sea activity is intended toB.
A.contribute to a complete eco-system
B.prevent more marine species being endangered
C.set up a large nature reserve for reefs
D.raise more teenagers'environmental awareness
27.Angus and the author created a little video toA.
A.urge more people to take action to protect the marine species
B.inspire more people to explore the secret of the ocean
C.share their childhood experiences about the ocean
D.bring back to people their memory of ocean species.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Sometimes young people can have good andreasonable (reason) ideas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.I wascompletely (complete) at a loss at that time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-I don't feel comfortable today.What shall I do?
-Sometimes the best way to ______ hard times is finding out you're not alone.(  )
A.get acrossB.put forwardC.get throughD.break down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.You either have it or you don't-a sense of direction,that is.But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map,while others can lose themselves in the next street?
Scientists say we're all born with a sense of direction,but it is not properly understood how it works.One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it.Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we don't use it,we lose it.
"Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,"says Jim Martland,Research Director of the project."However,if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car,they never develop the skills."
Jim Martland also emphasizes that young people shou1d be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction.He makes the following suggestions:
•If you are using a map,turn it so it relates to the way you are facing.
•If you leave your bike in a strange place,put it near something like a big stone or a tree.Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike.When you return,go back along the same route.
•Simplify the way of finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town,streams,or walls in the countryside to guide you.Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hills which can help to find out where you are.
Now you need never get lost again!
32.Scientists believe thatD.
A.some babies are born with a sense of direction
B.people learn a sense of direction as they grow older
C.people never lose their sense of direction
D.everybody possesses a sense of direction from birth
33.What is true of seven-year-old children according to the passage?C
A.They never have a sense of direction without maps.
B.They should never be allowed out alone if they lack a sense of direction.
C.They have a sense of direction and can find their way around.
D.They can develop a good sense of direction if they are driven around in a car.
34.If you leave your bike in a strange place,you shouldD.
A.tie it to a tree so as to prevent it from being stolen
B.draw a map of the route to help remember where it is
C.avoid taking the same route when you come back to it
D.remember something easily recognizable on the route
35.According to the passage,the best way to find your way around is toB.
A.ask policemen for directions
B.use walls,stream,and streets to guide yourself
C.remember your route by looking out for steps and stairs
D.count the number of landmarks that you see.

