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— Are the two dresses of the same size and price?

— Yes. You may take , if you like.

A. everyone B. all C. each D. either






科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省六校高三3月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As Amy Hagadorn rounded the corner across the hall from her classroom, she crashed with a tall boy from the fifth grade running in the opposite direction.

“Watch it, Squirt,” the boy yelled, as he dodged around the little third grader. Then, with an unfriendly smile on his face, the boy took hold of his right leg and mimicked the way Amy limped(跛行)when she walked.

Amy closed her eyes for a moment. ―Ignore him, she told herself as she headed for her classroom.

But at the end of the day, Amy was still thinking about the tall boy’s mean teasing. It wasn’t as if he were the only one. Amy was tired of it. Sometimes, even in a classroom full of other students, the teasing about her speech or her limping made her feel all alone.

Back home at the dinner table that evening Amy was quiet. That’s why Patti Hagdorn was happy to have some exciting news to share with her daughter.

“There’s a Christmas Wish Contest on the radio station,” she announced. “Write a letter to Santa and you might win a prize. I think someone at this table with blond curly hair should enter.”

Amy giggled. The contest sounded like fun. She started thinking about what she wanted most for Christmas.

A smile took hold of Amy when the idea first came to her. Out came pencil and paper and Amy went to work on her letter. ―Dear Santa Claus, she began.

While Amy worked away at her best printing, the rest of the family tried to guess what she might ask from Santa. Amy’s sister, Jamie, and Amy’s mom both thought a 3-foot Barbie Doll would top Amy’s wish list. Amy’s dad guessed a picture book. But Amy wasn’t ready to reveal her secret Christmas wish just then. Here is Amy’s letter to Santa, just as she wrote it that night:

Dear Santa Clause,

My name is Amy. I am 9 years old. I have a problem at school. Can you help me, Santa? Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy(大脑性瘫痪). I just want one day where no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.



At radio station WJLT in Fort Wayne, Indiana, letters poured in for the Christmas Wish Contest. The workers had fun reading about all the different presents that boys and girls from across the city wanted for Christmas.

When Amy’s letter arrived at the radio station, manager Lee Tobin read it carefully. He knew cerebral palsy was a muscle disorder that might confuse the schoolmates of Amy who didn’t understand her disability. He thought it would be good for the people in Fort Wayne to hear about this special third grader and her unusual wish. Mr. Tobin called up the local newspaper.

The next day, a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the News Sentinel. The story spread quickly. All across the country, newspapers and radio and television station reported the story of the little girl in Fort Wayne, Indiana, who asked for such a simple, yet remarkable Christmas gift – just one day without teasing.

Suddenly the postman was a regular at the Hagadorn house. Envelopes of all sizes addressed to Amy arrived daily from children and adults all across the nation. They came filled with holiday greetings and words of encouragement.

During that unforgettable Christmas season, over two thousand people from all over the world sent Amy letters of friendship and support. Amy and her family read every single one. Some of the writers had disabilities; some had been teased as children. Many people thanked Amy for being brave enough to speak up. Others encouraged her to ignore teasing and to carry her head high. Each writer had a special message for Amy. Through the cards and letters from strangers, Amy glimpsed a world full of people who truly cared about each other. She realized that no amount or form of teasing could ever make her feel lonely again.

Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing at South Wayne Elementary School. Additionally, everyone at school got an added bonus. Teachers and students talked together about how bad teasing can make others feel.

That year, the Fort Wayne mayor officially proclaimed December 21st as Amy Jo Hagadorn Day throughout the city. The mayor explained that by daring to make such a simple wish, Amy taught a universal lesson.

“Everyone,” said the mayor, “wants and deserves to be treated with respect, dignity and warmth.”

1. The underlined word ―mimicked(Paragraph 2)can probably be replaced with ___________.

A. struck B. copied C. blocked D. declined

2.According to Paragraph 4, the message is conveyed that ___________.

A. Amy was often made fun of at school and she disliked the fact

B. loneliness always accompanied Amy because of the tall boy

C. some other students teased Amy made her think of the mean boy

D. Amy hated being laughed at in the classroom full of other students

3.Amy’s mother shared the news of a Christmas Wish Contest that day because she knew ___________.

A. her daughter was teased by a fifth grader

B. Amy’s disease went much worse than before

C. the contest would change Amy’s life

D. things weren’t going well with Amy at school

4.The postman suddenly became a regular because ___________.

A. he wanted to comfort Amy regularly

B. a number of letters needed delivering there

C. he used to be teased alike at school

D. holidays greetings were asked to give to Amy

5.Amy learned through strangers’ cards and letters that ___________.

A. the world was filled with care and love

B. she would take teasing as a present in life

C. some people were being teased similarly

D. everyone should be treated with kindness

6.The passage talks about ___________.

A. Everyone can do something remarkable

B. A small act makes a difference

C. A girl who was brave to speak her wish up

D. The disabled deserve respect


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广西玉林市博白县高三下学期返校调研考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We believe the time and hard work _______ in completing such an important project are worthwhile.

A. involved B. involving

C. to involve D. to be involved


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I wondered why John kept it a secret. It was not until he three times that he told me the truth.

A. asked B. was asking

C. had asked D. had been asked


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A terrible thought Mr. Smith when he was leaving for work: what if an accident happened while his son was alone at home?

A. insured B. freed C. attacked D. struck


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁朝阳市三校协作体高三下开学联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you,raised you,and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents.

____1.___ A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents,you might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.

Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them for when you’re off on your own. It’s OK to get angry but angry actions don’t help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings,or talk to a friend. ___2.___

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However,you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining,snowing,or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.___ 3.____. Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV,or go somewhere with them.__ 4.__ Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents. __5.____ Seek help if you are being abused in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A. There can be realistic reasons for this,family violence for example.

B. Anyway,spend as much time with them as you can.

C. Tell them you love them every morning.

D. Forgiveness is the key.

E. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

F. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

G. Please remember parents are as important as friends.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高三备考英语模拟测试卷【广东版】1 题型:信息匹配


A. My name’s Marta and I’ m from Mexico City, but I moved to Los Angeles, California, five years ago, now I am living in an apartment at No.3178 SE Timmer Broadway.I am 28, single.I am a customer service representative for a large financial company.I am an outgoing person.I love to laugh and have fun! I enjoy cooking, dancing and listening to music.I don’t like watching or playing sports.You should be an outgoing, considerate lady with a good sense of humor, to share the apartment.Are you the one? Email and let’s have further talk.

B. My name’s Mark, and I’m from Hollywood, California.I’m a fitness instructor in Los Angeles.I am a friendly and easy-going person; I love playing sports-especially football and working out at the gym.I also play the guitar.My best friend David, who often has sports with me, went to Mexico last month.To avoid loneliness, I’d like very much to own a new friend who would share the fun of sports with me.I am longing.

C. My name’s Park Jun Seo, but you can call me Jun.I moved from Seoul Korea to Los Angeles two years ago.I am a graphic designer and I am looking for my younger brother, Lean Ban Seo, who might be in this city.As the story is too long, I just hope to find him and have my family reunited.He is lame at the right leg, 19 years old, 1.79 meters tall, with very big eyes and fair curly hair.With his picture of two years ago enclosed, I would be very appreciated if you have any information about that.Telephone me at 818-5789.

D. My name is Don and I am a programmer at a computer company.I have designed several pieces of software that can help students learn better, especially suitable for primary students who have some language disability to learn words and help them pronounce more correctly.If you think you need one, please fax to 857-4693.You can purchase by post.

E. My name is Mauricio, and I’m a computer programmer working in the Los Angeles area.I am kind of shy, but maybe you can help me to be more outgoing.I like cooking, playing computer games, and chatting with friends online.If you think you are the proper one to be my E-pal, let’s chat!

F. My name’s Judy and I’m from Quebec, Canada.I am a sales woman in one of the women underwear stores in Montreal.I’d like to have more visitors to my shop.And you can bargain for a reduction of 10% to 30%, if you purchase in package.Let’s be friends.


1.I am a professional sportsman and work in the same city.I am so glad that I will have a good friend who can be the opponent to improve my techniques.E-mail me at bitter flower @yah -oo.com.

2.As a shop owner, I might drop in when I go downtown.But may I know your exact address? When is it convenient for a visit? Thank you!

3.God bless you! I’m a journalist and happened to read your brief story.A neighbor of mine looks exactly the same as the man in the picture you uploaded.This might be a chance in a million.Telephone me at 818-5690.

4.As a new comer and a freshman, I am looking for a room as close to my university as possible.I would like to have some friends, too.I think your place might be the right choice for me.But can I know how much the rent is?

5.I am a salesman from Paris.My first difficulty working in this city is language.I would appreciate it if you could help me learn English through the Keyboard.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江温州市高三第一次适应性测试一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mary wrote a letter to her parents, ______ she missed them and was studying hard.

A. to be said B. said C. saying D. having said


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高三3月阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—You hate Chongqing Hot Pot, don’t you?

—________. I just think it doesn’t agree with me.

A. Not nearlyB. Not exactly

C. Not likelyD. Not always

