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【题目】 The idea that history is an outdated course of study that will lead to limited career options has spread. 1 It is a wonderful way to prepare for a successful future. Here are a few reasons why it’s important that today’s students continue to learn about the past.

Understanding where people come from is key in understanding who we are. 2 It’s deeply influenced the world and its citizens. For this reason, it’s important to understand history in order to understand why people are the way that they are.

3 Through history classes, you can experience a change in the way you think. You’ll look at things from a new angle, as you understand the world in a new way. In the end, this change can improve your ability to assess and understand situations, make educated decisions, and learn how to weigh the consequences linked with each choice before you.

Learning from the past prevents future mistakes. 4 From wars to fashion to political trends, historians are often able to make predictions about the future based upon the past. By having a firm grasp on what happened in the past, today’s generation can better prepare for a brighter future by making the right decisions — instead of repeating old mistakes.

5 The idea that a degree in history can’t lead to a good career is untrue. In fact, students who graduate with degrees in history can become lawyers, business owners, foundation leaders, and non-profit leaders. Besides, history degrees can lead to working as an educator, a leader in a historical organization, a writer, an editor, a journalist, or a producer of multimedia materials.

A.You will understand the world much better.

B.History degrees can lead to well-paying careers.

C.Many people don’t know well about themselves.

D.Learning history can change how you think.

E.But the truth is that studying history is still important.

F.The idea that history repeats itself is rooted in truth.

G.History has shaped cultures, attitudes, and social structures.









1考查段中句。根据空前“The idea that history is an outdated course of study that will lead to limited career options has spread.(有一种观念已经传播开来:历史是一种过时的课程,会导致有限的职业选择。)”和空后“It is a wonderful way to prepare for a successful future.(这是为成功的未来做准备的一种好方法。)”可知,E(但是事实是,学习历史仍然很重要。)能够承接上文并且与下文连接通顺。该选项中的important与本段最后一句的important是同词复现。故选E项。

2考查段中句。根据空前“Understanding where people come from is key in understanding who we are.(了解人来自何处是了解我们是谁的关键。)”和空后“It’s deeply influenced the world and its citizens.(它对世界及其公民产生了深远的影响。)”可知,G项(历史塑造了文化,态度和社会结构。)能够承接上文并且与下文连接通顺。下一句的it指代的是选项G中的history。故选G项。

3考查段首句。根据空后“Through history classes, you can experience a change in the way you think.(通过历史课程,您可以体验自己的思维方式的变化。)”可知,D项(学习历史可以改变您的思维方式。)能够与下文连接通顺。空格处下一句中的the way you think与选项D中的how you think是同义表达。故选D项。

4考查段中句。根据空前“Learning from the past prevents future mistakes.(向过去学习可以防止将来犯错误。)”和空后“From wars to fashion to political trends, historians are often able to make predictions about the future based upon the past.(从战争到时尚再到政治趋势,历史学家通常能够根据过去对未来进行预测。)”可知,F项(历史重演的观点植根于真理。)能够承接上文并且与下文连接通顺。因为历史不断地重演,历史学家可以通过研究过去以预测未来。故选F项。

5考查段首句。根据空后“The idea that a degree in history can’t lead to a good career is untrue.(历史学学位不能成就事业的想法是不正确的。)”可知,B项(历史学位可以让你找到高薪的职业。)能够与下文连接通顺。该选项中的degrees与下一句中的degree是同词复现。故选B项。

七选五的解题技巧之一是根据上下文词汇来锁定线索。即:要关注空格处前后的内容,然后在选项中查找它们的近义词、反义词、同义词、同类词等,看是否有同词复现,代词的指代等。在本文中,第1小题:E选项中的important与本段最后一句的important是同词复现;第2小题:下一句的it指代的是选项G中的history;第3小题:空格的下一句中的the way you think与选项D中的how you think是同义表达;第5小题:该选项中的degrees与下一句中的degree是同词复现。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the man worried about?

A.His biology project.B.His history grade.C.His physics exam.

2How does the woman feel toward the man?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The TV series, The Longest Day in Chang'an, which was shown on Chinese online platforms last summer became a hit soon. Since then, it has been shown on partnering streaming platforms and TV networks abroad. Some websites overseas also offered the program to their users paying for it— the first time a Chinese series was broadcast as paid content abroad.

"I was amazed by the overseas audience's love for this show," Cao Dun, director of The Longest Day in Chang'an, told Bejing Review. "I was worried that they wouldn't understand the complex political structure of the Tang dynasty. But in reality the show is prompting foreign audiences to research Tang dynasty's history to better understand the plot. "

The unique culture in ancient China is not a barrier but a bridge to connect with foreign audiences. In the TV series, every figure is given enough space to flesh out his or her character. Telling stories of ordinary Chinese people that resonate (引起共鸣) with the audience might be the way to communicate with the world. "The success of the TV series shows that beauty is a universal language crossing borders," he told Beijing Review.

His ambition is to distinguish Chinese dramas from the TV shows in the rest of the world. "The TV series is a step in my plan to tell Chinese stories to the world," Cao said. "After describing the impressive beauty of the Tang dynasty, I am looking for several plays that tell stories of today's China. I don’t want to copy any country's production. Chinese dramas have to be built on our rich culture and Chinese people's everyday life," Cao added.

1What do we know about the TV series?

A.It was put on overseas, when first released.

B.It can be appreciated for free.

C.It is about the development of the Tang dynasty.

D.It was very popular once it was shown.

2What does the underlined word "prompting" in paragraph 2 probably mean?



3What made the TV series a success?

A.Stories of ordinary people.B.Recognition of beauty.

C.Diversity of Chinese culture.D.Personalities of every figure.

4What is Cao Dun’s ambition?

A.To tell Chinese stories to the world.B.To make a successful TV series.

C.To show China’s different nationalities.D.To learn the ancient political structure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What does the man say about the restaurant?

A.The waiters were noisy.B.The food was not his thing.

C.The atmosphere was friendly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







We all expect such a picture. On the warm and pleasant weekend, we drive to the countryside for a picnic. After lunch, sit under a tall and straight pine tree, we drink tea and chat each other. Our parents recalled old family stories and share with us their youthful experience. Of course, they also praise us for our progress. The happy hours that we are together will help develop an increasing close relationship and deepen the love we have for each other. When we get old many years late, we will find that these fond memories we create together with our parents will bring you a lot of joy and comfort. After all, love and memories that are ever-lasting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The joey—what Australians call a baby kangaroo—stays in this built-in baby _______ until it can survive independently.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 表示感谢;

2. 感谢的原因;

3. 表达祝福。





Dear Peter,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是学生会主席李华,负责安排举办校篮球队和来访的美国学生代表团的篮球友谊赛,请你给美方带队老师Mr. Brown 写封邮件,内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 比赛安排;

3. 注意事项。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节.以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yesterday our club held an English speech contest, which theme is “Challenge Myself”. A large number of students attended to the contest and showed their wonderful performances. In the stage, though face great pressure, the speakers bravely overcame it and challenged them to achieve great success. What’s more, they impressed us deep with their unusual confidences and performances.

Through such activity, we know a lot more about our students. But we have gained much, such as self-confidence and honor. Besides, our club was growing stronger.

