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19.I  learned a  long  time ago  that hair has meanings-plenty of meanings.Growing up  in  the 1960s,my friends and I struggled with out parents'control over the length and style of our hair.
At  the  time,hair  represented  our  need  to  break  free  from  adults  in  our  lives.Long  hair represented our freed inner selves.
My clients are often surprised when I asked them questions about their hairstyle-why they choose it,how else they've worn their hair,how they feel about it,and so on.However,while it may  seem  to  be  a  simple  topic,even  today  our  hairstyles  still  have many  psychological  and emotional meanings.Understanding some of those meanings can lead to understanding of many different aspects of a person's mind.How we view our hair,for example,can show something about how we view ourselves.
Our  hair  can  show  physical  and  emotional wellbeing,desirability,and  even  social  and financial  status.When  it  becomes  dull  or  fragile,it  can  communicate  emotional  and  physical diseases.But hair can also show unrecognized and often unspoken daydreams about oneself and one's world.One woman-a successful professional-wore her long hair in a thick bun(发髻).
But  one  day  she  showed me  that  tangled(缠结的) hair was kept  in  the bun.She  said  that  she never brushed out the tangles because the hair showed her secret image of herself as a helpless,disturbed woman,like Ophelia in the play Hamlet.
Another woman came to therapy in a huge shirt and huge pants that she believed they could hide the weight she had put on since the birth of her child.She talked about how much she hated her  body  and  how  helpless  she  felt  about  doing  anything  about  it.But  her  hair  was  always beautifully  coloured  and  decorated.When  I  pointed  out  that  she  seemed  to  have  a  different relationship with her hair  from she did with her body,she said  that her hair had been  thinning 
and  that she was  trying  to make  it  look as good as she  could.I pointed out  that what she was doing  with  her  hair  and  her  body  was  kind  of  contradictory,and  wondered  if  she  had  any thoughts about that.
She was surprised.But as we talked about her contradictory attitudes towards different parts of her physical self,we began to open up all sorts of other thoughts and ideas about her inner self.
And interestingly,as we continued opening those internal doors,changes started to happen.She started eating differently and exercising  regularly.One day some months  later,she appeared  in my  office  in  skinny  jeans  and  a  tight  sweater,and  her  hair was  pulled  back  in  a  ponytail."I decided to see what would happen if I stopped trying to hide myself,"she said with a big smile.
"And…?"I  asked."People  keep  smiling  at  me  in  the  street.My  husband  hugged  me  this morning for the first time in ages.And I feel good!"
Besides,selfrespect in both men and women can be damaged by thinning hair;they may 
feel  alone  even  though  they  are  really  not.Given  our  cultural  focus  on  physical  appearance,youth,and health,hair loss can be unpleasant for both men and women.The market is filled with hairenhancing  treatments,but  there  are  those who  have decided  to be  against  the  system  and change to the"bald is beautiful"position.But it is much harder for women to take the"bald is beautiful"approach to hair loss.We tend to try to hide it in one way or another.
But no matter what approach you use,it is important to remember that the thickness of your hair  has  nothing  to  do with  your  value  in  the world.Remember  that  you  have  nothing  to  be ashamed of if you have thinning hair.Thinning hair may not be something you can change,but it doesn't have to control how you represent the person who lives underneath it.
50.In the 1960s,long hair representedD.
A.fashion  B.honesty     C.peace      D.freedom
51.Why does the author ask clients questions about their hairstyle?B
A.Because this topic can reduce clients'pain.
B.Because the hairstyle can reflect one's inner self.
C.Because it's a simple topic to start a conversation.
D.Because this is a topic most people are interested in.
52.The author mentioned stories of two women in order toA.
A.prove her idea      
B.introduce the topic
C.make comparisons       
D.stress the importance of good hair
53.What can we know about the woman wearing her long hair in a thick bun?B
A.She had long but thinning hair.
B.She was helpless and disturbed.
C.She was too busy to brush her hair.
D.She loved the play Hamlet very much.
54.What does the author advise us to do in the last two paragraphs?A
A.Not to be affected by thinning hair.
B.To take the"bald is beautiful"position.
C.To find suitable treatments for thinning hair.
D.Not to pay too much attention to our physical appearance.

分析 本文是一篇议论文.一个人的发型可以反映他的内心世界,作者举出两个女人的外表与她们的发型大相径庭的事例.发型反映了一个人的真正想法,头发少影响不了自我价值,展现自我的风采.

解答 50.D 细节理解题.由第二段At  the  time,hair  represented  our  need  to  break  free  from  adults in  our  lives.Long  hair represented our freed inner selves.可知在20世纪60年代,长发代表着自由,摆脱束缚,故选D.
51.B 细节理解题.根据第三段How we view our hair,for example,can show something about how we view ourselves.可知作者询问顾客发型的原因是发型能反映一个人的内心世界,故选B.
52.A 推理判断题.根据第四段But hair can also show unrecognized and often unspoken daydreams about oneself and one's world.下文引出两个女人的故事,用论据来支持论点,故选A.
53.B 细节理解题.根据第五段She  said  that  she never brushed out the tangles because the hair showedher secret image of herself as a helpless,disturbed woman,like Ophelia in the play Hamlet.可知这个女人是无助的,被烦恼困扰着,故选B.
54.A 推理判断题.文章最后一段提到Thinning hair may not be something you can change,but it doesn't have to control how you represent the person who lives underneath it.可以判断不要因头发少而受到困扰,故选A.

点评 本文讲述了一个发型对人的内心世界的反应的故事,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确选项.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.---It's said that another new car factory _______ now.
---Yeah.It ________ one and a half years.(  )
A.is building; will takeB.is built; will take
C.is being built; will takeD.is being built; takes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.It's ______me why some people are crazy about IPhone.It's just a means of   communication.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.In my opinion,all Mr Li ______ good to his students in his class at present.He is very strict with them in their studies.(  )
A.does does doesB.does does doC.does do didD.did do does


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Luke has always been my closest and best friend these past five years.As you already know,there have been a lot of forest fires during the summer season.Many forests are badly damaged by fire each year.Not far from our house,a forest caught fire during this hot summer.We are on July,a heat wave which has been going on for three days.
Luke rushed towards the forest where flames send out heat.There's no longer any hope at the moment to wait for Luke to come back.In fact,I was waiting for the fire brigade (消防队) to tell me about his death in the forest.Suddenly,a fireman burst into my office and told me that Luke successfully saved four little cats who were trapped by the flames.According to the fireman,Luke moved the cats one by one to a safe place.
I immediately went to the forest to pick up the rescued cats with the fireman.However,Luke was not there.Then we heard the sound of a dog came from the forest barking (狗吠) loudly.I recognized the sound of Luke.The firemen followed the tracks of the dog until they found him barking loudly by the side of an injured fireman who was lying on the ground and waiting for rescue.
Thanks to Luke,four cats and a fireman were saved.That day,I took pride in Luke for his two heroic actions.I paid a visit to the fireman in his house with my Luke.What a memorable scene when the fireman held Luke tightly to his chest!"One thousand thanks,Luke,for saving my life,"the fireman said.
This true story of love shows us that pets are faithful.We should love and protect them.Sometimes they can make big things for humans.

71.According to the passage we know that Luke isA.
A.the author's pet dog 
B.a man from the fire brigade
C.someone trapped in the fire
D.an injured fireman
72.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.The forest near our house was on fire for 3days.
B.A fireman successfully rescued four cats and a dog.
C.A dog was barking in fear because of the flames around.
D.An injured fireman lying on the ground was saved by the author.
73.As for Luke's two heroic actions,the author wasC.
A.satisfied with him 
B.curious about him 
C.proud of him
D.worried about him
74.The underlined word"memorable"in the fourth paragraph probably means"D".
75.What do you think is the most suitable title for the passage?B
A.A Hard Day in July 
B.A Heroic Pet
C.A Hot Summer's Day 
D.A Forest Fire.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.I had gone today to complete some unfinished business.It was a hot,sunny afternoon.I(211)Bthe ear mad was walking towards my destination,(22)Dfrom a distance I saw all elderly man walking towards me in the opposite(23)A.
    As we came close,I saw that he was walking(24)C,in measured steps and there was a look of(25)Don his face.He Was not feeling comfortable,which I could clearly see.I(26)A at him and then moved on,wanting to go quickly and complete my unfinished work.
    I soon reached my destination,completed my work and was(27)Cto where the Car was parked.when again from a distance I saw the(28)Bman sitting on the road.I quickly walked(29)Cto where he was sitting.
    I(30)Adown and saw that he was tired and exhausted.I was concerned and asked him where he stayed as the(31)Dwas to drop him to his house in my car.He gave me the name of the place where he stayed.(32)C,the name did not seem familiar and I did not want to just keep(33)Bfor the place,seeing the condition of my elderly friend.I quickly saw that(34)Aon the opposite side of the road were a few taxis.
   My(35)Dhad been that the taxi drivers were the best(36)B to unknown places.I quickly(37)Cone of the taxis and told the driver to drop my friend to his place.I told the driver to(38)Dwhere the destination was.The driver asked him for something,and he had a fairly good(39)Aof the direction he had to take to reach the destination.I then asked the driver how much the(40)Bwould be,the driver told me the amount and I gave him the money.

38.A.turned outB.send outC.carry outD.find out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A good reader becomes sooner or later a good book buyer.The sooner,the better.The reading done in a book drawn from a library can not be so pleasant at the moment nor so  permanently useful as the reading done in our own copy.
    A book which is worth reading is likely to be read more than once,and at each reading some idea or some statement makes such an impression that we wish to refer to it again. Some readers underline the page as they read,but I find that a page which I have underlined can not give me so many fresh impressions as one which has no marks on it.My habit is to make my own index(索引)of a book as I read.I put down the number of the page and a word or two to identify the thought or the fact which I get from it.On a second or third reading I am likely to double or triple the size of this index.This is my substitute for underlining.Most of the books in my library are so indexed that I can find quickly the passage which from time to time I wish to look up.
    To use a book in this way,organizing it for continued usefulness year after year,we  must,of course,do our reading in a copy which belongs to us.The books I buy are chiefly   those of less expensive editions.
    As I have grown older and the number of books on my shelves has increased,I appre-ciate editions which do not take much room.By careful and continuous selection I keep my  librarv down to ten thousand books.This would be,of course,too large a number for any but a professional scholar or writer.But my advice to a book lover is to weed but his library  at least once every two years,giving away the books which are not likely to be read again.And never never buy a book which you will not immediately read.A library bought only for looks is not literature,but indoor decoration.
61.Which of the following best explains the underlined part in the first paragraph?
A.Reading your own book benefits you more than reading a copy from a library.
B.Reading a book at home is more pleasant and useful than doing it in a library.
C.Reading a book in a library is more pleasant and useful than doing it at home.
D.A book drawn from a library cannot take as much time as your own copy.
62.What is the disadvantage of underlining according to the author?C
A.Underlined books look old and not worth reading.
B.The lines make it difficult for the reader to concentrate.
C.Underlined books cannot give the reader enough fresh impressions.
D.The reader cannot find the passage he or she wishes to read again.
63.What would the author's index look like after a third reading?B
A.It contains the number of the page and a word or two.
B.It contains the number of the page and 3 to 6 words.
C.It numbers the page,the paragraph and the lines.
D.It fills the cover of the book with numbers and words.
64.Which of the following books would the author most probably like to keep?D
A.Big expensive good books.   
B.Thin and cheap books.
C.Books with lots of pictures.   
D.Good books in cheap,thin editions.
65.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?B
A.The writer has read only some of the books in his library.
B.The writer is a professional scholar or writer.
C.The writer has never given away any books in his library.
D.The writer's library is indoor decoration rather than literature.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.I'm sure you'd rather she returned home,____?(  )
A.wouldn't youB.shouldn't youC.didn't sheD.couldn't you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.You have no idea how she finished the relay race with her foot ____ so much.(  )
A.woundedB.woundingC.to woundD.being wound

