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Backpacking through Africa, I always carried some food with me  21   I couldn’t find something to eat.
I was  22   through a local market one day when I  23  upon a jar of   24  jam.I could find tins of apple and strawberry in every corner store but this was the first time I had seen peach.I took it.
For the next few weeks, when I was feeling the need for a little  25  , I would carefully  26   the lid and spoon a bit on to a biscuit.Mum, delicious.I didn’t   27  it with anybody.It sat safely in my  28  , taken out on only special  29 .
One cold and cloudy afternoon, while I was waiting for a local bus, it started to rain.Everybody scattered for  30  and so did I.But I was already wet through so I quickly searched through my pack for some   31   clothes.
In my hurry to  32  further discomfort, I forgot that the jar of jam was  33  in my clothing.One forceful yank(猛拉)and my  34   jar of jam crashed to the concrete ground, smashing into pieces.
I was so sad that I almost cried.And then, in the corner of my eye, I noticed an old woman in rags  35 .Without hesitating, she bent down and picked up the half of the jar that still looked   36 .
Still  37  , she stuck two fingers into the jar, scooped out the  38  jam and placed it into her toothless mouth.Carefully, like fish bones, she  39  the pieces of glass.She studied the broken container  40  she was certain that there was nothing left.Then she left.
My bus arrived shortly after and, as we drove off, I wondered if the jam would taste the same to me.
21.A.in order that    B.if            C.just in case      D.unless
22.A.looking       B.buying        C.getting        D.running
23.A.depended     B.chanced       C.discovered          D.got
24.A.apple          B.strawberry       C.orange        D.peach
25.A.meal           B.treat           C.rest          D.drink
26.A.remove       B.move          C.discover      D.uncover
27.A.divide         B.eat           C.share          D.enjoy
28.A.pocket        B.pack           C.corner         D.store
29.A.situations        B.conditions       C.atmosphere      D.occasions
30.A.protection       B.shelter        C.cover          D.warmth
31.A.beautiful     B.rain         C.warm          D.dry
32.A.avoid          B.get into       C.defeat         D.overcome
33.A.lying          B.buried         C.covered       D.locked
34.A.expensive        B.valuable      C.precious      D.priceless
35.A.reached       B.appearing        C.running       D.approaching
36.A.all right      B.nice            C.broken        D.fresh
37.A.standing up     B.looked down upon
C.bent over               D.watching out
38.A.delicious     B.remaining       C.extra           D.spare
39.A.swallowed       B.took out      C.ate up         D.spit out
40.A.until           B.unless         C.after               D.before

21—25CABDB  26—30ACBDB  31—35DABCD  36—40ACBDA



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省鼓山中学2009-2010学年度高一第二学期阶段性考试 题型:完型填空

Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One early morning, I received a call for a taxi. When I arrived at the building, it was 2:30 am and only one room gave off light. Many   31  
would just shout once or twice and then drive away. But I thought this passenger might need my
32  . So I walked to the door and   33  . “Just a minute,” answered a weak, elderly   34  . After a long time, the door opened. A small old woman   35  before me, carrying a small suitcase. I took her suitcase and we walked slowly to the car. She kept thanking me for my kindness.
When we got in the car, she gave me a (n)   36  , and then asked to drive through the city center. But it wasn’t the   37  way. “Oh, I’m in no hurry,” she said. “I’m on my way to Westhill Old People’s Home. The doctor says I don’t have much time   38  .
We drove through the city center. She   39  me the building where she once worked. We drove past the church where she got married. Sometimes she’d ask me to slow down in front of a building or at a corner and   40  sit looking at the darkness, saying nothing. When the sun began to   41 , we drove in silence to the old people’s home. When we arrived, almost   42  a second thought, I gave her a big hug (拥抱). “You gave an old woman a little moment of   43 . Thank you!” she said tearfully.
I was totally lost in thought for the rest of the day. I can’t imagine what would happen if I   44  
to do what I did? We always think that there are no great moments in our lives, but great moments are just in what others may consider a   45  one.
31. A. drivers  B. workers      C. guests D. passengers
32. A. advice  B. help    C. suggestion  D. attention
33. A. stopped B. breathed     C. worked      D. knocked
34. A. sound   B. noise   C. voice  D. shout
35. A. turned up     B. set up  C. got up D. put up
36. A. order    B. address       C. idea    D. reason
37. A. busiest  B. longest       C. narrowest   D. shortest
38. A. left       B. saved  C. lost     D. spared
39. A. gave     B. passed C. showed      D. made
40. A. could    B. would C. should D. must
41. A. move    B. set      C. rise     D. burn
42. A. after     B. with    C. except D. without
43. A. patience       B. courage      C. joy     D. sadness
44. A. refused B. offered       C. planned      D. regretted
45. A. difficult       B. small  C. strange       D. interesting


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省吉林市2010届高三下学期第一次质量检测 题型:完型填空

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Tina and Thomas Sjogren were the fourth people to reach the earth's poles. Years ago, the couple were  16    across the North Atlantic on their way to Europe. Tina looked out of her window and was  17   by the vast amount of space in Greenland. “The sky outside the window burst into different  18  and auroras (极光) flew all around us. I   19   what it would be like to step down there and start walking  20  , all alone in such a place. ”She thought, “If this is what Iceland and Greenland are like, how   21   then must the Arctic be?” She turned to her husband,   22  him awake and said, "Honey, let' s go to the Poles !"
Tina’s   23   would not be their first adventure. They had already climbed Mount Qomolangma. The pair soon made a   24   to visit both the North and South Poles on skis,
Traveling   25  
On February 2, 2002, they reached the South Pole. Their journey 26   2,000 kilometres. After just 35 days of recovery and preparation, they   27  again. "You are so    28      after the long expedition to the South Pole, so you don' t know if you could do   29   right away."
On May 29 , after traveling for the whole morning, as the couple watched with weak    30     , the numbers on their GPS showed that their goal had   31 been achieved. They had made it.
Without the    32    of dogs or supplies dropped from planes, it was only their strength and willpower that   33   them to ski and swim their way. They got valuable experience but that did not come without a    34   If you go on an adventure, there's always the risk of something going wrong.    35   , you will learn from it.
16. A. flying           B. exploring           C. swimming           D. sailing
17. A. frightened       B. bored               C. amazed             D. amused
18. A. shapes           B. colors               C. sounds               D. waves
19. A. remembered     B. wondered           C. enjoyed             D. doubted
20. A. carefully         B. quickly              C. aimlessly             D. freely
21. A. cold            B, bright              C. wonderful          D. terrible
22. A. shook           B. knocked            C. kept                D. beat
23. A. idea             B. advice               C. order                D. offer
24. A. suggestion       B. plan                C. proposal             D. change
25. A. non-stop         B. unsupported         C. unreturned          D. unprepared
26. A. covered          B. included            C. lasted                D. crossed
27. A. broke down      B. settled down         C. set out               D. came back
28. A. excited          B. disappointed        C. confused            D. tired
29. A. more          B. another              C. one                  D. others
30. A. torchlight       B. sunlight            C. breath              D. eyesight
31. A. surprisingly     B. luckily             C. accidentally         D. eventually
32. A. reward           B. burden              C. help                 D. company
33. A. attracted        B. allowed             C. taught               D. forced
34. A. price            B. success             C. mistake             D. change
35. A.Therefore         B. Instead          C. Otherwise         D.However


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



It was past 10:00 p. m. I was busy with my schoolwork though I was 36 . Just then, my little brother Michael ran out of his room,  37 a pen in his right hand and a piece of paper in the other. 

  “Betty, can you help me with my 38 for school? It’s about the seven 39 of the world.” he said.

   My eyes were so fixed on the computer screen that my brother had to pull my blouse just to get my 40 .

   “Look, not right now! I’m very busy.” I said. “You are always busy! You are always like that!” he replied.

   I felt a bit guilty(内疚的) 41 I thought about his words, but my work seemed more 42 to me than my brother’s .I sighed a few times and 43 with my own studies.

  The next day, I arrived home late. Michael came into my room.

  “I know you are 44 but there’s something I want to show you ,” he began. Without saying a word, I  45 the paper from him .I really didn’t 46 what he was saying ._47_ I wanted was to get rid of him and finally get to rest.

  Suddenly, my eyes widened in 48 . There, he wrote: The Seven Wonders of the World: 1.Love  2.Friendship  3. Peace  4. Joy  5. Wisdom  6.Fun  7.Family

I 49 believe what my brother had written on the paper. I was completely 50 .How could such an innocent(天真的)little child 51  such things in life?

The most _52 things in life are the ones that we 53 take for granted(认为……理所当然). These things don’t take the form of big houses or beautiful 54 . The most wonderful things in the world are immaterial(非物质的) 55 they can never be developed by human art, skill or effort.

36. A. tired                   B. experienced        C. talented            D. satisfied

37. A. buying          B. holding             C. playing                      D. biting

38. A. problem         B. mistake             C. trouble             D. homework

39. A. events              B. cities                  C. wonders                    D. mysteries

40. A. attention           B. care                   C. love                       D. sight

41. A. before                       B. as                      C. since                          D. till

42. A. exciting         B. useful                C. important                D. interesting

43. A. started                       B. hated                  C. forgot                     D. continued

44. A. busy                   B. bored           C. free                         D. angry

45. A. handed               B. took                         C. passed             D. accepted

46. A. record                B. worry                C. mind                         D. share

47. A. What                  B. That                         C. Which             D. Who

48. A. surprise         B. sadness              C. happiness                   D. disappointment

49. A. shouldn’t            B. needn’t              C. couldn’t                    D. mustn’t

50. A. wounded            B. lost                   C. pleased                      D. puzzled

51. A. understand          B. remember          C. study              D. finish

52. A. funny                 B. valuable             C. necessary                   D. possible

53. A. ever            B. often                 C. seldom                       D. never

54. A. voices                B. poems               C. cars                           D. music

55. A. it                     B. when                 C. but                D. and


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Tina and Thomas Sjogren were the fourth people to reach the earth's poles. Years ago, the couple were  16    across the North Atlantic on their way to Europe. Tina looked out of her window and was   17   by the vast amount of space in Greenland. “The sky outside the window burst into different   18  and auroras (极光) flew all around us. I   19   what it would be like to step down there and start walking   20   , all alone in such a place. ”She thought, “If this is what Iceland and Greenland are like, how   21   then must the Arctic be?” She turned to her husband,   22   him awake and said, "Honey, let' s go to the Poles !"

Tina’s   23   would not be their first adventure. They had already climbed Mount Qomolangma. The pair soon made a   24    to visit both the North and South Poles on skis,

Traveling   25   

    On February 2, 2002, they reached the South Pole. Their journey 26   2,000 kilometres. After just 35 days of recovery and preparation, they   27   again. "You are so    28      after the long expedition to the South Pole, so you don' t know if you could do   29    right away."

On May 29 , after traveling for the whole morning, as the couple watched with weak    30     , the numbers on their GPS showed that their goal had   31  been achieved. They had made it.

    Without the    32    of dogs or supplies dropped from planes, it was only their strength and willpower that   33    them to ski and swim their way. They got valuable experience but that did not come without a    34   If you go on an adventure, there's always the risk of something going wrong.    35    , you will learn from it.

16. A. flying           B. exploring           C. swimming           D. sailing

17. A. frightened       B. bored               C. amazed             D. amused

18. A. shapes           B. colors               C. sounds               D. waves

19. A. remembered     B. wondered           C. enjoyed             D. doubted

20. A. carefully         B. quickly              C. aimlessly             D. freely

21. A. cold            B, bright              C. wonderful           D. terrible

22. A. shook           B. knocked            C. kept                D. beat

23. A. idea             B. advice               C. order                D. offer

24. A. suggestion       B. plan                C. proposal             D. change

25. A. non-stop         B. unsupported         C. unreturned          D. unprepared

26. A. covered          B. included            C. lasted                D. crossed

27. A. broke down      B. settled down         C. set out               D. came back

28. A. excited          B. disappointed        C. confused            D. tired

29. A. more           B. another              C. one                  D. others

30. A. torchlight       B. sunlight            C. breath              D. eyesight

31. A. surprisingly      B. luckily             C. accidentally         D. eventually

32. A. reward           B. burden              C. help                 D. company

33. A. attracted        B. allowed             C. taught               D. forced

34. A. price            B. success             C. mistake             D. change

35. A.Therefore         B. Instead          C. Otherwise         D.However


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons on my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania. The house and barn provided endless hours of  36  for a city kid like me.

I still  37  one afternoon when I was eight years old. Since my first  38  to the farm, I’d wanted more than anything to be  39  to climb the stone walls surrounding the property. My parents never  40 . The walls were old. Some stones were  41 ,and others were loose and crumbling. Still, my desire to climb those walls  42  so strong that finally, one spring afternoon, I gathered all my

 43  and entered the living room, where the adults had  44  after Sunday dinner.

“I, uh, I want to climb the stone walls,” I said hesitantly.  45  looked up. “Can I ?”

 46  a chorus went up from the women in the room. “Heavens, no!” they cried in dismay. “You’ll hurt yourself!”

I wasn’t too  47 . It was the response I’d expected. Yet,  48  I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfather’s booming  49 . “Now hold on just a minute, ” he cried. “ 50  the boy climb them. He has to learn to do things  51  himself.”

“Run quickly,” he said to me. “And come see me  52  you get back.”

For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls—and had the time of my life. Later I went to my grandfather to tell him about my  53 . I’ll never forget what he said.

“Fred,” he smiled, “you made this day a(n)  54  one just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly  55  you are.” Many years have passed since then, but I still cherish his words in my heart.

36.A. trouble             B. challenge                  C. interest                     D. fun

37.A. imagine            B. remember                 C. regret                          D. cherish

38.A. sight                   B. visit                         C. access                   D. entrance

39.A. expected              B. suggested                 C. allowed                    D. refused

40.A. approved             B. admitted                   C. chose                     D. decided

41.A. broken                B. lost                          C. empty                   D. missing

42.A. grew                   B. spread                   C. turned                   D. appeared

43.A. strength            B. courage                    C. belief                       D. hope

44.A. arranged                  B. gathered                   C. discussed                  D. organized

45.A. Someone             B. Nobody                    C. Everyone                 D. Anybody

46.A. Carefully             B. Immediately             C. Usually                    D. Fortunately

47.A. disappointed     B. angry                       C. delighted                  D. worried

48.A. after                    B. once                        C. unless                   D. before

49.A. sound                  B. noise                        C. voice                       D. praise

50.A. Permit                 B. Consider                  C. Let                          D. Stop

51.A. by                          B. to                           C. on                           D. for

52.A. until                    B. when                       C. since                        D. while

53.A. dream                 B. burden                         C. adventure                 D. attempt

54.A. ordinary                  B. special                         C. curious                     D. typical

55.A. why                   B. what                        C. how                        D. as

