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Violent crime was ____ every 32 seconds in this area of the city last year.

A.committed B. found C. sentenced D. made


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省武进高级中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

The town of Pressure and the town of Pleasure were neighbors but they had nothing in common. Residents built walls to   36    influence from the other town.
In Pressure, everyone struggled to be the very   37  . When women gave birth, they would compete to have the baby with the loudest  38  . There was violent competition in every aspect of life. Because   39    was the symbol of success, people were always busy making money, with no time for relaxation. Some young people couldn’t    40  the intensity(紧张) and chose to drink to escape.
In Pleasure, the motto was: 41   you like it, do it. People grew up without pressure and   42    do anything they liked. Children played computer games day   43   night. At school, teachers didn’t care   44    students came or not. Workers might sit around the office all day long drinking coffee and doing  45  .Thanks to the lack of regulations,nobody worried about   46    their jobs. It was pleasure that   47 . The computers they used were old   48    from the town of Pressure.
Some of the young were addicted to drugs   49   the emptiness(空虚) of their lives.Then, people in the two towns began asking themselves, “What is life   50  ?” But, just before life in the two towns completely   51   , there came a great person---Mr Reason. He went from door to door, talking with people and    52   advice. People in Pressure learnt to be content with what they had   53   people in Pleasure began to make plans. They   54    the walls between them and built a road to connect the two. The town’s people came to   55    the truth---there is no gap between Pressure and Pleasure if they don’t go to extremes(极端;两极端).
36. A. pick out        B. put out             C. leave out          D. keep out
37. A. best            B. richest             C. worst              D. least
38. A. smile           B. laugh              C. cry                D. sign
39. A. wealth          B. health             C. happiness           D. pleasure
40. A. catch           B. bear               C. make              D. live
41. A. Even though     B. Unless             C. As long as          D. While
42. A. should          B. might             C. had                D. could
43. A. and             B. after              C. or                 D. by
44. A. what            B. who              C. where              D. whether
45. A. nothing         B. something         C. anything            D. everything
46. A. finding          B. asking             C. doing              D. losing
47. A. mattered        B. cared             C. considered          D. minded 
48. A. ones            B. those            C. that                D. one
49. A. compared to     B. thanks to          C. as a result           D. because of
50. A. for             B. at                C. in                  D. to
51. A. gave            B. failed             C. lost                 D. saved
52. A. following        B. taking            C. seeking             D. giving
53. A. when            B. as                C. while               D. since
54. A. pulled off       B. pulled down       C. pulled out           D. pulled up
55. A. tell             B. realize            C. perform            D. doubt


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市南开中学2010届高三上学期期末测试 题型:完型填空

There once was a little boy who often lost his temper and ended up quarreling with his friends. In order to help the son, his Father gave him a bag of  36  and told him that every time he lost his temper and got mad at  37  , he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the little boy had  38  thirty nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks,   39  he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually became  40  .Three months later, the little boy discovered it was easier to  41  his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.   42  the day came when the little boy did not lose his temper  43 .
He told his father about it and the father  44  that the little boy now pull out one nail  45  each day when he was able to control his temper. The day passed and the little boy was  46  able to tell his father that all the nails were  47  .
The father  48  his little boy by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the  49  in the fence. The fence will never be the  50  . When you say things in anger, they  51  a scar just like this one on the person to whom you lose your temper. You   52  put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t   53  how many times you say I’m sorry,   54  the wound is still there. A wound caused by words is as bad as a   55  one. the hurt and pain caused by the tongue are deeper than those caused by the hand.”
36.A.books       B.tools  C.nails  D.suggestions
37.A.somebody B.anybody   C.everybody D.nobody
38.A.discovered       B.driven      C.pushed      D.pulled
39.A.till    B.unless       C.as      D.although
40.A.smaller     B.larger       C.easier       D.shorter
41.A.catch B.hold  C.break D.lose
42.A.And then  B.As with    C.Up to       D.From then on
43.A.after all    B.at all C.in all D.at once
44.A.desired     B.requested  C.intended   D.suggested
45.A.for    B.with  C.of     D.at
46.A. eagerly    B.fortunately       C.finally      D.hardly
47.A.lost   B.returned    C.gone  D.spared
48.A.seized       B.showed     C.touched    D.took
49.A.nails  B.cuts   C.holes D.surface
50.A.one   B.best   C.same D.fence
51.A.run   B.leave C.lead   D.remain
52.A.can   B.will   C.should      D.need
53.A.change     B.matter      C.survive     D.disappear
54.A.but    B.or     C.so     D.for
55.A.physical    B.violent      C.terrible     D.Serious


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届福建省泉州一中高三5月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Miss Popular
I was awkward in middle school: bony and athletic, with a high grade in science and a low one in self-esteem. Though I had a few friends, I wasn’t popular. I was picked last in football and I sometimes ate lunch by myself.
I remember the day Brittany came to our school. Her teeth were crooked(歪斜的), and she was a little overweight. Not that this mattered though, because she walked around like she was better than all of us. She was outspoken and incredibly frightening, making people lose confidence.
Around Brittany, I tried my best to go unnoticed. Standing out or stealing her spotlight could only result in one thing: conflict. Brittany was always the first girl picked for teams; I was lucky if I was picked at all. I was thrown the ball while she stood with the quarterback, chatting about the last party she’d gone to. I had never been to a party before or kissed a boy.
One day, a classmate asked me to the school dance. I was flattered. Then Brittany told me during science class that she had persuaded him to invite me. She asked in front of everyone, “Why would anyone even want you?” I went home and cried.
Although she was seemingly perfect in everyone’s eyes, I wanted to be everything that she wasn’t and yet a million times more perfect. Brittany was so frightening and violent, but I wanted to be calm and not at all aggressive.
I found Brittany’s online profile a few weeks ago. She still had the same chubby(圆胖脸) face and mocking(嘲笑的)simile, and had posted half-naked pictures of herself. But as I read on, I realized that Brittany had died in a drunken driving accident a year ago. She had been 16 and pregnant at the time. Suddenly my view of Brittany changed from a bad influence into a struggling little girl whose life was taken before she could understand right from wrong. My experience with Brittany taught me that though we are all innocent in our youth, the choices we make will have great effects on us forever. I will always remember Brittany as that loud, overconfident girl. As part of that shy insecure person I used to be will always keep me modest.
【小题1】From the first three passages we can conclude that           .

A.the author was trying to avoid conflict with Brittany
B.the author secretly envied Brittany for being popular
C.Brittany’s appearance made her popular with boys
D.Brittany was puzzled at how she could be popular
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE about Brittany?
A.She didn’t mean to hurt the author.
B.She took delight in hurting others.
C.Her confidence came from her popularity.
D.Her overweight made her more outspoken.
【小题3】According to the passage we can learn that the author         .
A.was afraid of Brittany and followed her lead
B.saw the influence that low self-esteem can have
C.was determined to be better than Brittany
D.knew she was quietly different from Brittany
【小题4】The last passage is meant to           .
A.tell us the reason for Brittany’s death
B.present the changed attitude to Brittany
C.show the influences of the youth
D.stress the importance of behaviors


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省山大附中09-10学年高一下学期第二次月考英语 题型:阅读理解

The huge explosion at Krakatau was the result of two different factors. One was that the volcano had not broken out for some time and so at the very center of the volcano there was an huge plug of lava, this acted like a cork(塞子) in a bottle, stopping the pressure below from being released(释放). The second factor was that ocean water entered the very centre of the volcano as the explosions became more violent. This caused superheated steam to build up enormous pressure and this was finally released in the largest explosion of all on August 27, 1883. The sudden release of the pressure sent huge amounts of ash, rock and dust into the sky. Some of the ash rose 80km into the air and traveled around the Earth causing brightly coloured sunsets for several years.
Krakatau almost disappeared; for many years after this explosion, it remained very quiet. However, there was still activity going on under the sea and on 25 January, 1925, a small volcanic cone appeared above the surface of the water. This new volcano was named Anak Kmkatau, or Child of Krakatau. Over the following years, the size of the island grew larger, by 1959, the island was 300 metres above the surface of the sea. The volcanic activity has continued and the latest eruptions were in 1995.
There is no doubt Krakatar will continue to grow and there is also strong evidence that at some point in the future there will be another violent explosion. Krakatau is in a part of the world where the surface of the Earth is unstable and is always moving and cracking. If, in the future, another “cork” becomes fixed in the centre of the volcano, the pressure will build up. A series of a smaller explosions will allow sea-water into the centre of the volcano and once again the result will a terribly destructive explosion.
66. The latest eruptions were in_______.
A.1925           B. 1959           C. 1995          D. 1983
67. The pressure under the volcano can not be released because _______
the plug looks like a cork in a bottle
the volcano hasn’t broken out for some time
the center of the volcano is blocked(堵塞) by lava
the temperature of the steam is not high enough.
68. We can infer from the article that Krakatau volcano________
A. has broken out three times               B. never dies but continues to be active
C. will kill many people again in the future    D. is always moving and growing above sea.
69. All of the following results are caused by the explosion at Krakatau EXCEPT that_____
A. ash, rock and dust was thrown high into the air
B. others small volcanoes were soon produced.
C. The island of Kratau was destroyed
D. People saw beautiful sunsets for some years
70. The article is mainly about________
A. the cause of the Krakatau volcano      B. the danger of the Krakatau volcano
C. the history of the Krakatau volcano     D. the future of the Krakatau volcano


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年黑龙江省高三上学期12月月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

 It was 4 o'clock in the morning when I received the phone call.

    “This is the emergency room calling and your son was just  41  in with severe burns on his face,neck and arms.We have called for a(n)  42   and are going to fly him to the burn unit in Seattle.” Seattle was 350 miles from his college,so we knew immediately this was  43 

    The doctor described the  44  ,which caused the burns.At 6 am,our son and his friends decided to barbecue hamburgers in the courtyard of their apartment.When they   45   the charcoal(木炭),it burst into flames because they had sprayed too much gasoline(petrol).The flames  46  my son’s shirt tail and shot from his waist to well over his head.

       47  ,one of the boys was quick-minded,grasped my son,and  48  him on the grass.While it saved his life,it was not in  49   to save him from severe burns and the terrible scars(伤疤).

    After he  50  from the treatments,the doctors told him they would not do plastic surgery(整容)for 6 months  51  it takes that long for the skin to stop shrinking and wrinkling.So,he had to return to college with scars typical of severe burns.

    When I was a child, my mother told my sister,who had a 10-inch, very  52__ scar on her arm,“Nancy,if you ignore the scar,other people will ignore it.It does not mean they will not  53  it,but it means it will not matter to them if it doesn’t matter to you.’’

    I  54   this wisdom on to my son.He took my advice to  55  and returned to school with his head held high--glad he was alive.

    By the end of the six-month waiting period,he decided that the scars did not  56  , so he made the  57  to give up any plastic surgery.

    We all have “scars” that we believe  58  people to keep away from us.And we spend a lot of time thinking that if only we looked different,or dressed differently,people would like us better. 

     But you see,people will only judge you by your looks,or your clothes,if you are judging yourself by these same  59  standards.Put your imperfections out of your mind and concentrate on what you value  60  yourself,and your beauty will shine through.

1.A.brought        B.given          C.turned      D.showed

2.A.doctor         B.hospital        C.aircraft     D.ambulance

3.A.serious        B.terrible         C.painful     D.important

4.A.event          B.process         C.reason      D.accident

5.A.got         B.lit             C.burned      D.moved

6.A.took          B.held            C.caught      D.attracted

7.A.Fortunately   B.Surprisingly     C.Happily    D.Slowly

8.A.pushed       B.threw           C.dropped    D.rolled

9.A.shape         B.place           C.fact       D.time

10.A.benefited     B.recovered        C.suffered   D.relaxed

11.A.if           B.while         C.because     D.although

12.A.normal      B.violent          C.obvious    D.popular

13.A.mention     B.notice           C.laugh     D.hide

14.A.sent         B.kept          C.handed     D.passed

15.A.heart        B.life            C.practice    D.consideration

16.A.grow       B.matter        C.exist        D.appear

17.A.mistake      B.effort           C.decision    D.request

18.A.invite       B.cause           C.allow      D.remind

19.A.false        B.strict            C.moral           D.general

20.A.by          B.over            C.beyond   D.within


