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Nowadays many singers and bands have little to do with good music. They know little about 1        good music means. What is the cause?

Most of these singers so far2      (see) music as a "job" because it is a good source of making money. And if you have a good appearance and expensive clothes to show off at your concerts then your voice is not 3        important as it should be. The public will prefer to admire more the most interesting parts of your body and even forget that you are there4       (show) your music skills,not your dancing,which is important too,but not at such 5        high level.

Therefore,many young girls on TV choose to wear the most provocative (^4逗'II的) clothes to catch attention,6       when it comes to singing,they are in a complete mess and one doesn't need to have an ear for music to notice their lack 7        talent.

However,the young generation should understand that talent and a good voice matter more in their musical career. All the performance 8        have little to do with good music fail to be viewed as9       (succeed) on stage. If a young man has a great voice and wants to become a singer,he should take some special10       (course) in this area,because they will help him improve singing abilities.

1.                  2.         3.                  4.          5.         

6.                  7.                8.                  9.          10.       

1. what   2. have seen   3. as/so   4. to show   5. a 6. but   7. of   8. that   9. successful   10. courses

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) >


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Nearly every parent loses control and screams at the children now and then. But what if you do it repeatedly?

Researchers suspect parents are yelling more. 1       Three out of four parents yell,scream or shout at their children or teens about once a month,on average,for misbehaving or making them angry,research shows. Increasingly,therapists and parenting experts are homing in on how it hurts a child,as well as how to stop it.

Research shows that many parents lose control because they feel attacked or think the child's actions reflect poorly on them. Teens whose parents use "harsh verbal discipline" such as shouting or insulting are more likely to have behavior problems and depression symptoms,says a recent study.

2       Eight-year-olds whose parents disciplined them by yelling have less satisfying relationships with romantic partners and spouses at age 23,according to a 15-year study led by Stephanie Parade,an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown University.

3       Warning signs can include:tightness in the throat or chest,rapid breathing,negative thoughts about oneself or feelings of being overwhelmed.

"Learning to start sentences with ' I,rather than * you' can help parents shift from an angry attack to a teaching moment," Ms. Faber says.

Leigh Fransen felt like yelling when her daughters,Alona and Elisha,forgot to feed the family dog,Balto,on two evenings in the same week. Ms. Fransen said, "I wanted to yell, 'You're not getting any dinner tonight,because you didn't feed the dog. 4       ,―that would lead to nothing but tears and misery."

Instead,she started her response with "I” ,saying, "I don't like seeing the dog not fed. Look at him: He is miserable.5       Ms. Fransen says. Alona and Elisha needed to be reminded of the deadline twice,but soon learned to remember on their own. Ms. Fransen praised them for taking responsibility and encouraged them.

   A. And you're going to know how it feels.

   B. I expect him to be fed before you eat your own dinner.

   C. Parents have been conditioned to avoid spanking,so they vent their anger by shouting instead.

   D. Parents can learn to notice signs that a blowup is brewing and dial down their own tension.

   E. Apologizing can help repair a relationship after an outburst.

   F. Another study suggests yelling at children may have consequences that go beyond those of spanking.

   G. Parents can turn a meltdown into a teaching moment by involving kids in finding solutions.

1.         2.                  3.       4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. What we all know,a good learning environment is of greatly importance if we want to study English well. Classes teaching in English provide students for a better environment. When English is an only language in class,students will have more opportunity to practise listening and speaking. However,there were problems to this method. Sometimes we may find difficult to follow the teacher and some slow learners may even give up learn English. In spite of these difficulties,I still believe the practice makes perfect. With enough practice,we can overcome the difficulties and benefit from English classes in the long run.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Rachel:We will go on an outing next weekend. Would you like to go with us? Michael:I will be free then. 1       are you going?

Rachel:I think we'll go to the Western Hill. You see,it's spring now. There are wild flowers everywhere.

Michael:Good idea. That's a2         (love) place. We can also enjoy fresh air there. There is a beautiful river. And I hear there are a lot of fish in it. It will be a nice place for 3       (fish) , Rachel:So you can go fishing 4        you get there. Michael:Wonderful idea!

Rachel:By the way,5       do you think we should go there?

Michael:I think we'd6       (good) go there by bike so that we can relax better. You know we are7       (stress) all the time. When shall we start off? Rachel:    8         (person) ,I think we should set out at half past seven on Saturday morning if the weather is fine.

Michael:I'll tell 9        whole class about it this afternoon so that more classmates will join 10       .

Rachel:Good idea. I think many more students would love to go. Michael:I think so.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. I am writing to apply to be a volunteer of the coming International Trade Exposition.

All our citizens are host for this great event. All of us should work hard to make well preparations for it. I promise I would try to serve for our honored guests from all over the world with enthusiasm. Besides,have a rich knowledge of Chinese history,I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendidly culture. What's more,English,an international language,will play important role in communication during the Exposition. Unluckily,I am good at them and can express myself fluently and clearly in English.

To sum up,I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value the chance and do that I can if I could be accepted to be one.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           C    ★★★★★

    What if software could get a car back on track if the driver changes direction suddenly on ice? Or help a stroke (中风) patient smoothly lift a cup?

    Bioengineers have developed a mathematical program for a robot that can “see” your intention while performing an ordinary action,like driving straight up a road or reaching for a cup — even if the action is interrupted (打断) . 

    “Say you’re reaching for a piece of paper and your hand is in mid-reach — your nerves take time to respond to what has happened,” said Justin Horowitz,first author of the study. So,when something unexpected happens,the signal going to your hand can't change for at least a tenth of a second."

    In the test,Horowitz employed exactly the situations he described. He analyzed(分析) the movement of research subjects as they reached for an object on a desk,but had their hand pushed in the wrong direction. He used the advanced mathematical program to analyze the action and examine the subjects’ intent,even when there was a disturbance.

    The program has extra sensors and deals with information so much faster than people can react. It can predict the way you wanted to move,according to your intention. The car’s artificial intelligence would use it to bring the car’s course more in line with what the driver wanted to do. aIf we hit a patch of ice and the car starts changing direction,we want the car to know where we meant to go ,” he said. “It needs to correct the car's course not to where I am now pointed,but to where I meant to go."

9. The mathematical program can be used to.

   A. prevent cars from speeding

   B. help the disabled learn to drive 

    C. predict people’s intended acts   

    D. warn drivers of possible dangers

10. The underlined part “mid-reach” in Paragraph 3 refers to the time when .

   A. the brain sends signals

   B. your body reacts to something

    C. you react to something unexpected   

    D. the brain is stuck in a dangerous situation

11. What is stressed about the program in the last paragraph?

   A. Its cost.   B. Its future,

    C. Its function.   D. Its structure.

12. Where can we probably read the text?

   A. In a car review.   B. In a business ad.

    C. In a research plan.   D. In a science report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                   A  ★★★☆☆

    Thanks to a loyal dog and a group of volunteers,two dogs were found safe after being lost in the woods in the state of Washington for a week. Tillie,the kind dog,stayed with her doggie friend Phoebe for a week. She left each day to find help. Phoebe was trapped in a dry concrete pool in a ravine ( where Tillie stood guard.

    The nonprofit animal rescue organization Vashon Island Pet Protectors (Ⅵ. P) had posted photos of the dogs on their Facebook page,hoping someone would catch sight of them. On Sept. 14,they received a call saying that while they were out on thei? (房屋及院落) ,a reddish dog had come up to them a few times,before heading right back into a ravine.

    Based on the information,volunteers made their way into the ravine,said Amy Carey of Ⅵ. P. After a bit of searching,the volunteers heard a small response (回应) when they called out to Tillie. A few minutes later they found her lying beside the? old pool with her head resting on the concrete wall. “They knew that meant Phoebe was inside the well. Every breath was held and everyone prayed (iff #) that the effort of searching the well would end in finding her safe,” Carey said. Both dogs were cold and hungry but are well now.

    Carey reminds people who lose their dogs to keep looking for them. uHope is a very hard thing to keep open and alive in the face of heartbreak^ but is so important for happy endings for missing pets,” she said.

1. Why did Tillie leave her friend every day?

   A. She wanted to search for food.

   B. She acted as a guard near the pool.

    C. She wanted to play with the volunteers.

   D. She tried to find someone to save Phoebe.

2. VIPP posted photos of the dogs on a website to

   A. look for the lost dogs

   B. show how to protect dogs

    C. look for the owner of the dogs

   D. praise the loyal and clever dogs

3. While the volunteers were saving the dog,they were .

   A. excited   B. puzzled

    C. worried   D. disappointed

4. Which of the following might Carey agree with?

   A. Never hurt pet dogs.

   B. Never give up missing dogs.

    C. Few missing pets have happy endings.

   D. We should learn to deal with heartbreak.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                                       C ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Kuala Lumpur (KL) ,the capital of Malaysia,is a wonderful city in which there is so much to do and see. Here you will find it difficult to choose the best place.

   More than 450 meters tall,the 88-story Petronas Twin Towers used to hold the world record for the tallest building in the world. It is a major tourist attraction,especially at night when both towers are fully lit up. A sky bridge between the two towers is 170 meters above the street and gives a fantastic birdJ s-eye view over the city.

   When you’ve had enoigh of the busy city a trip to the Batu Caves is a must. Located in Selangor about 20 minutes'drive to KL city,the caves are the site of a Hindu temple that attracts thousands of visitors. On arrival,you'11 be greeted by monkeys hoping for peanuts!You’11 be immediately amazed by the large statue of Lord Murugan at the untr!nce,From here ?ou can climb 272 steps to see the impressive caves with their 100-metre-high ceilings

  KL has every shopping experience imaginable. The main shopping district IS Bukit Bintang,located m-the Golden Triangle area,which is just a ten-minute dnve from the city center. Here,you'11 find a mix of shops and bigger stores,as well as major shopping malls,like Pavilion Kuala LumjJur. Outside Bukit Bintang,you* 11 find more great shopping mails,and if you are a bargain hunter: you should head f?r its neighboring market.

  If you are looking for real Malaysian food,make sure you try out some of KL's famous street food in Jalan Alor and Pudu Market. If fine dining is more to;your taste,you will be spoilt for choice — Neo Tamannd and Lai Po Heen. If you prefer something fast and tasty,Feast Village at Starhill Gallery is the plade for you .It houses twelve excellent restaurants offering a unique dining experience.

9. Which of the following shows the Petronas Twin Towers?

10.Which of the following shows the right order of the trip mentioned in Paragraph 3 ?

A. the Batu Caves —? monkeys —? Lord Murugan Statue —? 272 steps

B. the Batu Caves monkeys —? 272 steps —? Lord Murugan Statue

C. monkeys —? Lord Murugan Statue —? 272 steps —? the Batu Caves

D. monkeys —? 272 steps —? the Batu Caves —? Lord Murugan Statue 

11. What can we learn about Bukit Bintang?

   A. It offers real bargains.

   B. It is near Pudu Market.

    C. It is close to KL’ city center.

   D. It is KLJ' s largest shopping mall.

12. If you hope to enjoy cheap local food in the open air,you may go to .

   A. Jalan Alor

   B. Lai Po Heen

    C. Neo Tamarind .

   D. Feast Village at Starhill Gallery


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

       Turn around the compliment



     I remember one of the last few years at a theme park. I spent about five years running a small shop across from a wonderful comedian (喜剧演员) .

     His name was Moonie,and he was amazing. His skit(滑稽短剧) was done using nothing but gestures and noises instead of words. I remember that I was always entertained when watching his shows. He always managed to keep things fun,lively,and fresh. That was a very hard thing to do,considering he did the same skits for five years several times a day, .each weekend.

    When I heard it would be his last performance in the park,I wanted to thank him for all the amazing shows he had done. He was standing with the crowd after one of his last shows of the day,and as each person dropped a tip into his basket,he pointed at them,saying very playfully “No,you’re the greatest!” to each one.

    I walked up to him and dropped $20 into his basket,and he turned to me,smiling very brightly,and continued with another saying “No , you’re the greatest!” I stopped him .and said, “No,Moonie,you are the greatest. I have been watching your shows for five years from that shop right over there,and I just want to say thank you for the amazing shows that you have given me."

    The look on his face said that he was truly touched by that comment. He politely asked to shake my hand. I accepted and we shared a very deep moment of mutual (互相的) respect ank thankfulness. Finally I walked away very happily,and I know he did too.

   What does the word “compliment” in the title of the text mean?

   A. Praise.   B. Truth,

    C. Choice.   D. Gift.

