精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
— Spacecraft "Discovery" has failed in the course of launch.
— _____? They have been preparing for the test.   
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A. How come?     
B. When        
C. What for        
D. Why not

科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:050


A Giant Leap for China

  A few days ago, he was just Colonel(上校)Yang; few people knew his name or recognized his face.But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei’s smile was seen across the world above the magic words:“China’s first spaceman”.

  The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a. m.Last Wednesday by China’s Shenzhou Ⅴ spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times.He landed safely at 6∶23 a. m.The next day, making China the third country successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

  Yang was satisfied with his job.“I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was one of the most successful, ”He said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.Born into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1350 hours in the air.He joined the Chinese space programme 11 years later.

  While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home.He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap.The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.

  Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that Yang took a great risk.

  He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitation(重力)on take-off and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.

  He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.

  “I eat all of my meals at the space programme’s dinning room and have never been able to take my son to kindergarten, ”he said.“I’ve never met his teachers.”

  But becoming China’s first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile.

  “When I boarded the spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited,” he said.“I decided that I had to fly it.”

  To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero.One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum(网上论坛)said, “Yang’s trip is a giant leap forward for China.”

  Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005.China also plans to develop spacewalking and a space lab.


What is the main idea of the story?

[  ]


China’s first manned flight.


A hero with great courage.


The first Chinese man in space.


How Yang Liwei became China’s first spaceman.


How long did each of Yang’s orbits take on average?

[  ]


1 hour.


1.5 hours.


6 hours.


The story didn’t mention it.


Why did the writer mention the gravitation forces on take-off and landing?

[  ]


Because it was the most dangerous part of the space flight.


Because it was a very special experience.


To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight.


To show that Yang is brave.


Why did the writer use “giant leap” in the title?

[  ]


Because the space flight marked China’s great progress in the field of space exploration.


Because Neil Armstrong said it was a “giant leap” for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.


Because the space flight was a huge success.


Both A and B.


This passage is most likely to appear in __________.

[  ]






science magazines




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After an extra day in space,the crew of Discovery returned to Earth,landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California early on Tuesday morning.The shuttle and its crew spent two weeks in space,most of it aboard the International Space Station.It was the first flight of NASA's space?shuttle fleet since February 2003,when the shuttle Columbia came apart while re?entering Earth's atmosphere.?

NASA officials delayed Discovery's return for one day because of cloudy weather in Florida,where the shuttle was supposed to lanD. On Tuesday morning,mission controllers ?directed? Discovery to a landing site in California,where the skies were clear.The crew members will have to wait until Wednesday to see their families when they all meet together in Houston at the Johnson Space Center.?

Discovery had a very busy mission in space,compared to past missions.The space shuttle docked with the International Space Station most of the journey,delivering badly needed ?supplies? and repairing damaged parts.The crew spent a lot of time testing new repair techniques on their own shuttle,conducting three different spacewalks(where astronauts exit the space shuttle to do work outside).On the third spacewalk,astronaut Steve Robinson went underneath the shuttle to remove material sticking out from between the spacecraft's ?protective? tiles.?

There were concerns in the last remaining days of Discovery's mission that a torn heat blanket—another shield against overheating in the space shuttle—may pose a problem to crew members. NASA officials and technicians worked on ways that the crew could fix the problem, but later decided it was not a risk.?

With the shuttle and its crew safely back on firm ground, NASA is hailing this mission, labeled STS?114,as a huge success. “I hope this shows people that we're coming back,” NASA spaceflight chief Bill Readdy said after Discovery's successful landing. “We've got some more work to do. We know what we need to do and we'll do it.?

Which of the following isn't included in the jobs of the shuttle Discovery?

A. Delivering supplies to the International Space Station.?

B. Conducting different spacewalks.?

C. Testing new repair techniques.?

D. Finding the cause why the shuttle Columbia came apart.?

But for the cloudy weather, the shuttle Discovery would have landed_______.

A. in Florida a day earlier     B. in Florida a day later?

C. in California a day earlier D. in California a day later?

Which is the most probable period of time that Discovery was aboard the International Space Station?

A. Six days.    B. Two weeks.?

C. Nine days.  D. Two weeks and an extra day.?

What's the best title for the passage?

A. Another Huge Success of Discovery

B. Welcome Back, Discovery?

C. Discovery and International Space Station

D. Discovery Survives a Risk


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Leaders and officials from foreign countries have extended congratulations on China’s successful launch(发射)of its first manned spacecraft.?

Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro called the launch of the Shenzhou V “a great feat” and said it showed China’s space science and technology has reached a very high level. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his congratulatory letter to President Hu Jintao that China as a member of space club was conducive(有助于)to maintaining world peace and developing technology. The European Union(EU)also hailed China’s first successful manned space flight.?

“The successful launch and safe return of a Chinese astronaut represents an important event for space exploration. Human space flight is a dream for all of us and opens a new chapter(篇章)for scientific and technological exploration of space,”EU research commissioner Philippe Busquin said in a statement.?

“For the European Union, it remains a goal to be achieved. This effort can bring nations together and opens up new opportunities for scientific and technological co?operation,”he said.?French  Minister for Science Research Claudie Haignere, the first woman astronaut in Europe, said with China’s successful launch of the manned spacecraft,“the space age has entered a new historic period.” Other countries have also extended congratulations to China.?

“ The successful launch of Shenzhou V is an honour for China,”said the newspaper on its front page, citing(引用)Chinese President Hu Jintao.?

“October 15, 2003 is not only a date to be remembered forever by the Chinese people, but also ‘a splendid moment’in the history of space flight of mankind,”said the newspaper in its editorial section.?

The news covers_________.?

A.opinions about different countries?

B.different opinions about China’s first manned spacecraft?

C.congratulations from world leaders?

D.China’s congratulations on the successful manned space flight

When the Japanese leader said “a great feat”(in paragraph 2), he meant________.?

A.a great failure?

B.a defeat after success?

C.something above sea level?

D.something difficult well done

Which of the following is TRUE??

A.Shenzhou V is China’s first man?made spaceship.?

B.Shenzhou V is a manned spacecraft.?

C.Russian President praised Hu Jintao for his speech.?

D.China, as well as many other countries, realized the dream of space flying.

On which day, the Chinese people have realized their dream of space flying??

A.On April 12th, 1961   

B.October 1st, 1949?

C.October 16th, 1964   

D.October 15th,2003


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年吉林一中高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Xinhua Sept.25,2008
JIUQUAN, Gansu---China launched successfully its third manned spacecraft on Thursday with three astronauts on board to attempt the country’s first-ever space walk.
The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off(发射) on a Long March II-F carrier rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the northwestern Gansu Province at 9:10pm.after a breathtaking countdown to another milestone on China’s space journey.
On board pilots Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng are expected to orbit the earth for three days, when one of them will float out of the cabin about 343 kilometers above the earth.
When they make it, China will become the third country in the world who is able to conduct extravehicular activity (EVA) in space following the former Soviet Union and the United States.
President Hu Jintao watched the historic moment at the launch center, joined by Chinese experts and other work staff.
Hu briefly met the trio astronauts before they entered the spacecraft Thursday afternoon, wishing them “a complete success in this glorious and sacred mission”.
“During the mission, you will carry out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit, which is a great leap for China’s space technology.” said Hu.
Other tasks of the Shenzhou VII crew include the release of a small monitoring satellite and a trial of the data relay of the satellite Tianlian-I.
If successful, the mission would be of great significance to the country’s future plans to build a space lab and a space station, said ZhangJianqi, deputy chief commander of the manned space project.
【小题1】In which section would the passage be seen in a newspaper?

A.Science and Technology.B.Entertainment.
C.Sports report.D.Advertisement
【小题2】Which one is NOT true according to the report?
A.China launched its third manned spacecraft.
B.The pilots on board are expected to orbit the earth for three days
C.The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off three astronauts on board.
D.One of the three astronauts will float out of the cabin above the earth.
【小题3】What is the great leap for China’s space technology during the space journey?
A.The spaceship Shenzhou VII blasted off successfully.
B.The astronauts will carry out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit.
C.Three astronauts are expected to orbit the earth for 3 days.
D.The spaceship Shenzhou VII will release a small monitoring satellite.
【小题4】The tasks of the Shenzhou VII crew include the following EXCEPT ________.
A.the release of a small monitoring satellite
B.a trial of the data relay of the satellite Tianlian-I
C.carrying out China’s EVA with homemade EVA space suit
D.building a space lab and a space station


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届吉林省白山市友好学校高三年级12月联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Beijing—(13, July) China sent up a new data relay satellite(数据中继卫星), Tianlian I-02, on Monday at the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in South-western Sichuan province.The new satellite will promote the country’s satellite communication network for space docking(对接).
The satellite was launched on a Long-March-3C carrier rocket at 11:41 p.m., sources at the centre told Xinhua News Agency.The satellite separated from the rocket 26 minutes after its launch and was then successfully delivered into a geostationary transfer orbit (地球同步转移轨道).
Developed by the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the satellite is the country’s second data relay satellite.The first, Tianlian I-01, was launched on April 25.2008.
The two satellites will form a network to improve communications between China’s spacecraft and bases on Earth, according to the centre.They will also be used to help the nation’s first space docking, scheduled for the second half of this year.
As planned, China will launch space module Tiangong-I, which was designed as a platform that will dock with an unmanned spaceship, Shenzhou, for the county’s first space-docking mission this year.
Two more Shenzhou spaceships will dock with Tiangong-I next year, and one will be manned by two or three astronauts, according to China Manned Space Engineering Office, which was the main user of the Tianlian I series data relay satellites.
“The new satellite can cover a greater area to track and command the country’s space vehicles in low-Earth orbits, such as manned spacecraft and remote sensing satellites, from a higher position in outer space.Only three satellites of this kind are needed to form a global communication network, and China has two now.” Pang Zhihao, a researcher and deputy editor-in-chief of Space International, said.
The satellite could also equip astronauts with real-time communications, which will benefit the country’s future manned space flights, he said.
【小题1】What is the main purpose to send up Tianlian I-02 ?

A.To test the function of a Long-March-SC carrier rocket.
B.To carry some astronauts into space to do some research.
C.To send more information and clearer pictures to mobile phones on the earth.
D.To promote the country’s satellite communication network for space docking.
【小题2】From the passage we know           
A.one more such satellite is needed to form a global communication network
B.the satellite was developed by China Manned Space Engineering Office
C.it was less than three years since China launched its first date relay satellite of this kind
D.the satellite could help track and command space vehicles in orbits because it’s lower in position
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the news report?
A.Shenzhou Ⅷ is a manned spaceship.
B.Tiangong-I will dock with three Shenzhou spaceships next year.
C.the satellite is of great importance to China’s space exploration.
D.china’s first space docking will be done in the second half of next year.
【小题4】The best title of the passage could be___________.
A.China Launched a New Space Shuttle
B.China’s Plan for Space Exploration
C.China’s Progress in China’s Space Exploration
D.New Satellite Helps China’s Space Exploration

