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19.A San Diego boy Kristoffer Von Hassel has the gaming world's attention after he exposed a security weakness that let him log into his dad's Xbox Live account,without permission.
     Kristoffer's father,Robert,noticed soon after Christmas that his son was logging into his account and playing games that weren't appropriate for his age.When he asked how,Kristoffer showed him a hack that seems simple but is fairly impressive considering a 5-year-old found it.
      Kristoffer would go to his dad's account and type in an incorrect password.That would take him to a password verifications (确认) screen,where he would simply tap the space bar repeatedly and then press"enter."
"How awesome is that?"asked Davies,who works in online security himself."just being 5 years old and being able to find a vulnerability I ty and getting attached to that I thought that was pretty cool."He told KGTV that Kristoffer has figured out three or four other"hacks",including getting past the lock on a smartphone by holding down the"home"key for long enough.
     Davies reported the vulnerability to Microsoft.And Microsoft acted,issuing a fix for it."We're always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention,"the company said in a written statement."We take security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it."
The company has even included Kristoffer's name on a list of security researchers who have helped make online Microsoft products safer.For his discovery,or more accurately,for reporting it with his father's help,Kristoffer will receive four games.$50 and a year's subseription to Xbox Live from Microsoft.
46.Why did a San Diego boy attract the gaming world's attention?D
A.He is a security researcher.
B.He designed a new software.
C.He is addicted to playing games.
D.He got past the lock of a game.
47.The main idea of Paragraph 3 is how KristofferA
 A.logged into his dad's Xbox account
 B.managed to set his own password
C.learned to gain access to the game
D.played computer games on his own
48.The underlined word"vulnerability"in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to"A"
A.security failing                      
B.system protection
C.system accident                     
D.data fault
49.What is Microsoft's attitude to the problem reported by Davies?C
A.Critical and negative
B.Friendly and sympathetic.
C.Serious and responsible
D.Cold and casual.
50.What is the best title of the text?B
A.Challenging your father,even at an early age
B.Hacking Xbox,even a 5-year-old could do it
C.Microsoft,faced with security charges again
D.A 5-year-old boy subscribing to Xbox Live.

分析 文章大意:本文主要讲述了一个五岁的男孩竟在不知道密码的情况下,用父亲的账号成功地登录了Xbox Live游戏平台,从而暴露了微软公司的一个安全漏洞.

解答 46.D 细节理解题.根据第一、二段的内容可知,一个五岁的圣地亚哥男孩引起了游戏界的关注,因为他在不知道密码的情况下成功地登录了父亲的游戏账号,从而暴露了微软公司的一个安全漏洞,因此选择D.
47.A 推理判断.根据段落中的描述"type in an incorrect password"、"take him to a password verifications (确认) screen"、"tap the space bar repeatedly and then press"enter."可知第三段主要讲的是 Kristoffer如何登陆到他父亲的账户.故选择A.
48.A 词义猜测题.根据第一段中的"after he exposed a security weakness"并结合画线词所在的句子可知,vulnerability应指"安全漏洞",因此选择A.
49.C 观点态度题.根据倒数第二段中的"And Microsoft acted,issuing a fix for it."及"We took security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it."可知,微软公司对Davies报告的问题采取了认真负责的态度,对漏洞进行了及时的修复.因此选择C.
50.B 标题归纳题.一个五岁的男孩竟在不知道密码的情况下用父亲的账号成功地登录了Xbox Live游戏平台,从而暴露了微软公司的一个安全漏洞,因此B项最适合做文章的标题.

点评 了解文章大意.阅读理解中主旨题一般会放在第一个或最后一个考.如果放在第一个,则看完全文再做.主旨题一般会涉及文章最中心的东西.应注意看文章的第一段和每段首句进行总结


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.If the noise goes on,I'm afraid I shall have no _________ but to leave.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Volunteers,as an essential part of a successful world exposition,are a major channel for the public to participate in,serve and share the world exposition and a means to showcase the image of the host country and city.The following information is about the volunteer for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.
I.Basic Requirements for Volunteers                         
●Be willing to participate in voluntary services of Expo 2010;      
●Age limit:Expo Site volunteers must be born before April 30,
1992 and Expo City Voluntary Service Station volunteers before
April 30,1994;
●Obey the laws and regulations of the PRC;
●Be able to participate in training and relevant activities before the opening of Expo 2010;
●Possess necessary knowledge and skills needed by the position;
●Be in good health to meet the requirements of corresponding voluntary positions.
II.Further Information for Volunteers
    Residents of Chinese mainland,Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan,as well as overseas Chinese,and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers.
●Signup methods
Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup.They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations.
May 1-December 31,2009
Ⅲ.Volunteer Training
    Volunteer training includes general training,special training and position training.General training is carried out through internet,while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice.
IV.Volunteer Types
●Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer in the Expo Site,mainly including information,visitor flow management,reception,translation and interpretation,assistance for the disabled,and assistance in media service,event and conference organization and.volunteer management.
●Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo's information booths at key transportation centers,commercial outlets,tourist attractions,restaurants,hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site.They offer services including information,translation,interpretation and even first aid.
60.If you were born in April 1993,where can you be a volunteer?A
A.In the Expo City.          
B.In the host country.
C.In the Expo Site.          
D.In Chinese mainland
61.Which of the training will be done on the Internet?B
A.Position training.             
B.General training.
C.Classroom training.            
D.Special training.
62.Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers?D
A.Visitor flow management.       
B.Helping the disabled
C.Assistance in media service.   
D.Emergency First aid.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-Your job _________ open for your return.
-Thanks a lot.(  )
A.will keepB.will be keptC.had keptD.had been kept


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.Oseola McCarty
Late one Sunday afternoon in September 1999,Oseola McCarty,an elderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame house where she had lived and worked most of her life.It may seem like an ordinary(36)Cto an ordinary life,but there was something quite(37)Dabout this woman.
In the summer of 1995,McCarty gave$150,000,most of the money she had.saved throughout her life,to the University of Southey Mississippi in her hometown.The(38)Dwas to help other African Americans (39)B university.
She had(40)Aschool in the sixth grade to go to work,never married,never had children and never learned to drive because there was never any place in(41)Cshe wanted to go.All she ever had was the work which she saw as a (42)A.Too many other black people in the countryside of Mississippi did not have even that.She had started her savings habit as a young child when she would rectum from school to clean and iron(43)Dmoney which she would then save.
When she retired,she decided that she wanted to use the money to give children of limited means the (44)Cto go to university.She had wanted to become a nurse,but had to leave school to look afire sick relatives and work.When asked why she had given her life (45)Baway,she replied,"I'm giving it away so that children won't have to work so hard,like l did."Afier news ofher donation(46)Dthe media,over 600donations were(47)Cto the scholarship fund.One was given by a media senior manager,Ted Turner,who gave a billion dollars.
She didn't want any conked made over her (48)_A,but the news(49)Band she was invited all over the United States to talk to people.(50)Ashe went,people would come up to her to say a few words or to(51)Btouch her.She met the ordinary and the (52)C,President Clinton included.In the last few years of her life,before she died of cancer,McCarty was giyen over 300awards.She was honored by the United Nations and (53)D the Presidential Citizen's Medal.(54)Ahaving no real education,she found herself with two honorary doctorates:one from the University of Southern Mississippi and the other from Harvard University.Her generosity was clearly an inspiration to many and proof that true (55)Bdoes exist.

49.A,gave offB.got outC.came aboutD.put away
53.A.gaveB. showed offC.refusedD.received


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.More than l00,and possibly hundreds,of Antarctic icebergs are floating towards Now Zealand in a rare event which has prompted a shipping warning,officials said on Monday.
An Australian Antarctic Division glaciologist,said that th9 ice chunks(块),spotted by satellite photography,had passed the Auckland Islands and were heading towards the main South Island,about 450 kilometers southeast of it.
    Scientist Neal Young said more than 100 icebergs,some measuring more than 200 meters across,were seen in just one cluster(串),indicating there could be hundreds more.He said they were the remains of a massive iceberg which split from the Antarctic as sea and air temperatures rise due to global warming."All of these have come from a larger one that was probably 30 square kilometers in size when it left Antarctica,"Young told the reporter."It's done a long circuit around Antarctica and now the bigger parts of it al e breaking up and producing smaller ones"
    He said large numbers of icebergs had not floated this close to New Zealand since 2006,when a number came within 25 kilometers of the coastline-the first such sighting since l931."They're following the same tracks now up towards New.Zealand.Whether they make it up to the South Island or not is diffcu1t to tell,"Young said?
    Maritime New Zealand spokesman Ross Henderson said that New Zealand has already issued coastal navigation warnings for the area in the Southern Ocean Where the icebergs have been seen.The icebergs are smaller parts of the giant chunks seen off Australia's Macquarie Island this month,including one estimated at two kilometers and another twice the size of Beijing's"Bird's Nest"Olympic Stadium.
Young earlier said he expected to see more icebergs in the area if the Earth's temperature continues to increase."If the current trends in global warming were to continue I would anticipate(预见)seeing more icebergs and the large ice shelves breaking up,"he said.

51.We call infer that Auckland Islands isB
A.to the east of the South Island   
B.to the south of the South Island
C.to the north of the South Bland  
D.to the west of the South Bland
52.According to Neal YoungD
A.these icebergs came from different areas in Antarctica
B.these icebergs will completely be melted in a short time
C.the biggest of the icebergs is 30 square kilometers in size
D.the icebergs or ice chunks al e breaking up all the way
53.From the text we learn thatC
A.floating icebergs once reached the South Bland in history
B.icebergs were over 25 kilometers from the South Bland in 2006
C.these icebergs are floating along almost the same coulee
D.floating icebergs were closest from the South Island in l 931
54.How does the government deal with the matter?B
A.Making good use of the icebergs.
B.Sending out safe sailing warnings.
C.Warning people to protect the environment•
D.Noticing the icebergs by satellite photography.
55.What is the main cause of icebergs floating north?A
A.Global warming     
B.The rising of sea level
C.The ocean current. 
D.The season wind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.We can communicate          people in every part of the world          the Internet.(  )
A.with; withB.with; through
C.through; throughD.through; with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.It isdangerous(危险) for students to read the book Death Note.

