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13.London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme.It has been designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.
So how does it  work?First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key.The key will unlock one of the bikes,which are kept at docking stations in  and around central London.You have to pay an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go,for he length of time you use the bike.
Transport for London,which runs the scheme,are hoping to have 6,000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year.The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion in London and is expected to generate up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre.London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the scheme and said London had been"filled with thousands of gleaming machines that will transform the look and feel of our streets and become as commonplace on our roads as black cabs and red buses".
However,there  have been a few problems since the scheme was launched last Friday.On the first day some people found they couldn't dock their bike  properly and their usage of the bike had not registered.Transport for London did admit they had been expecting a few"teething problems"and have said they wouldn't charge for the first day as a"gesture of goodwill".Some other people have criticized the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles.
Despite the comments,the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things,saying,"My campaign for the capital to become the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a gigantic pedal-powered push forwards."
66.A new bike scheme has started in London to.C
 A.earn more money for the government
 B.encourage the citizens to take exercises
 C.deal with the city's traffic problems
 D.increase employment opportunities
67.Which  is the correct order of a bike hire?D
 a.pay a usage charge according to the time    b.pay for the key
 c.cycle in and around central London  d.sign up as a member to get a key
 A.b-d-c-a  B.b-c-a-d   C.d-c-b-a   D.d-b-c-a
68.According to he passage,the scheme.C
 A.is started by volunteers in London
 B.has prepared cnough cycles available
 C.is expected to improve the environment
 D.has become as popular as cabs and buses
69.Which of the following is NOT the"teething problems"of the scheme?C
 A.People were unable to lock properly.
 B.People could not dock the bikes properly.
 C.People had no enthusiasm about the scheme.
 D.It's too expensive for some people to hire a bike.
70.From the passage we know.D
 A.the‘cycling revolution'failed once started
 B.the scheme will be put off due to the problems
 C.all the citizens in London are in favor of the scheme
 D.the London Mayor has great confidence in the scheme.

分析 本文主要介绍了伦敦市市长为了缓解交通拥堵的状况,所推出的自行车租赁项目;文中具体讲到了该项目的运作过程以及它在实施初期所遇到的问题;文章最后还提到了市长面对这些问题的态度,即继续开展将英国的首都伦敦变成世界上最大的自行车城市的活动.

解答 答案:
66.C  细节理解题   根据第三段中的"The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion in London"可知,伦敦启动新的自行车租赁项目是为了缓解交通拥堵的状况;故选C.
67.D   内容排序题   通读第二段可知,本段主要介绍了自行车租赁项目具体的运行过程;根据"First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key"可知,首先必须得签署租赁合同以拿到自行车钥匙;因此"d.注册成为会员才能得到钥匙"应放在第一的位置上;故排除A.B项;根据"You have to pay an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go,for  the length of time you use the bike.(你必须支付钥匙的存取费,然后根据你使用自行车的时长来支付费用)可知,故排第二应是"b.pay for the key"(支付钥匙的存取费用),第三是"c.cycle in and around central London"(在伦敦市中心及其周围骑自行车);最后"a.pay a usage charge according to the time"根据使用自行车的时长来支付费用;故选D.
68.C    细节理解题     根据第三段中的"London Mayor Boris Johnston launched the scheme"可知,是伦敦市的市长Boris Johnston 而不是志愿者推出了该项目,故排除A;由于B.has prepared cnough cycles available(已经准备了足够的自行车)在文中并没有提到,故排除B;根据第三段中的"London had been‘filled with thousands of gleaming machines that…our roads as black cabs and red buses'"可知,此处表达的是市长对推出自行车租赁项目之后的预见,因此这一说法还没有实现;故排除D"已经像出租车与公共汽车一样普遍";故选C.
69.C   是非判断题    根据第四段中的"On the first day some people found…their usage of the bike had not registered"以及"Some other people have criticized the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles."可知,该项目在运行初期面临的问题是:在第一天的时候,有一些人发现他们不能正确地停靠他们的自行车并且没有登记他们对自行车的使用;其他一些人指责了缺乏停靠站,自行车锁以及租用自行车的费用;其中包括了选项 A.B.D的内容,故选C.
70.D   细节理解题       文中第四段只是提到了该自行车租赁项目不够完善的地方以及一些人对它的不满,并没有说此次自行车革命在启动时就已经失败;故排除A与C."伦敦所有的市民都赞成这项计划"; 根据最后一段"Despite the comments,the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive…has taken a gigantic pedal-powered push forwards.'"可知,尽管有许多的评论,但是伦敦市市长还会积极地推行他的"绿色思维",继续开展将英国的首都伦敦变成世界上最大的自行车城市的活动;故排除B;故选D.

点评 做本题时,首先应快速浏览全文,把握文章的大意以及作者的写作思路;其次,可以通过对相关细节的理解,以及通过逻辑推理或内容归纳,选出正确的答案.


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