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We're offering free tickets to go and see a film called A Year in Greenland. The film, which 1. (tell) you all about the plants and animals in that wonderful country, has won 2. prize at the national film festival- it's well worth 3.(see).

The film can only be seen at the new cinema that has just been completed inside the Science Museum in the city centre. It's showing this Sunday with 4. (perform) every hour from midday onwards, with the last showing at 5 o’clock, two hours before the museum closes. So there are six times to choose 5. .

So why not take the whole family to the cinema this Sunday. Children will want to head straight down to the basement 6. the computers are kept. I promise you they’ll come away with all sorts of 7.(excite) pictures they’ve created.

Entrance to the museum is free on Sundays, but it would 8. (normal) cost ﹩3.25 to go and see the film. 9. (get)your free tickets, you should e-mail this program by midday on Friday. We've only got a limited number of tickets, so the 10. (early) you e-mail us, the more likely you are to get one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Shopping online can save much time as you _______ go to a shop or walk around crowded shopping centers.(  )
A.don't have toB.oughtn't toC.won'tD.mustn't


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Many teachers believe that hands-on experiences is the (61)best (good) way to learn.A group of students in the United States are putting that belief to the test.They (62)successfully(success) designed and built a robot for discovering unexploded mines(63)at the bottom of the sea.Students made the robot (64)to answer  (answer) a challenge from the U.S.Department of Defense.
The students recently tested the underwater vehicle (65)called (call) Perseus II in a 95-meter-long tank of water at the Stevens Institute of Technology.
The robot costs about 15,000to build.The students use a video game controller to direct its(66) movements (move) in the tank.What's more,devices know as Japters (67)enable (able) the robot to go up,down and toward its target in the water.Video cameras on the robot send images back to a computer through a 13-meter-long cable.Perseus II also has (68)aset of lasers(激光),which are used to measure the size of an object.
The robot is the creation of five undergraduate students.For over six months,they worked up(69)to20hours a week to design and build Perseus II.
DeLome supervised the project from the(70)beginning(begin) to the end.He says the specialized requirements of robot were demanding.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年陕西省高一4月检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







It is reported, some needy students receive financial support of some kind people but never express our thanks. Personally, I think they are wrong.

Though the helpers didn't expect any reward in return, but it’s necessary and good manner to say “thank you”. Besides, it is a basic social skill express ourselves in modern society. Maybe some of them do feel thankfully. It is only because they are afraid of being looked down upon which they remain silent. But I just want to say that being poor for a moment doesn't mean you will be poor forever.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年陕西省高一4月检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A healthy amount of sunshine may be the secret to staying young. British scientists have discovered.

Vitamin D is produced naturally by the skin in response to (对…的反应) sunlight and may help to slow the ageing process and protect against heart disease, according to the study.

Researchers from King's College London studied 2,160 women aged between 18 and 79, looking at their telomeres-a biological marker of ageing found in DNA. As people get older, their telomeres get shorter and they become more susceptible (易受伤害的) to certain illnesses.

But the study found women with high levels of vitamin D had comparatively longer telomeres-a sign of being biologically younger and healthier.

The study suggests vitamin D may help to slow down the ageing process of DNA, and therefore the ageing process as a whole.

Lead researcher Dr Brent Richards said, "These results are exciting because they show for the first time that people who have higher levels of vitamin D may age more slowly than people with lower levels of vitamin D." This could help to explain how vitamin D has a protective effect on many ageing related diseases, such as heart disease and cancer."

Professor Tim Spector, a co-author of the report, added, " Although it might sound absurd(荒唐的), it's possible that the same sunshine which may increase our risk of skin cancer may also have a healthy effect on the general ageing process.

Vitamin D made by the action of sunlight on the skin accounts for 90 percent of the body's supply, but lower levels can also be got through food such as fish, eggs and breakfast cereals(粥).

Other studies have suggested the vitamin plays a key role in protecting against cancer and heart disease.

1.A certain amount of sunshine helps people stay young because _________.

A. people feel happy and energetic in the sun

B. vitamin D may help to slow the ageing process

C. sunshine protects people against heart disease

D. vitamin D makes one's skin look young and healthy

2.From Brent Richards, we know that ________.

A. sunlight causes skin cancer to people with high level of vitamin D

B. the study generally has a healthy effect on the general ageing process

C. the higher levels of vitamin D people have, the more slowly people may age

D. vitamin D can only be got from fish, eggs and breakfast cereals

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Sunlight does more good than harm to our health.

B. Telomeres are important as they are signs of ageing of the DNA.

C. Sunlight can be dangerous as it causes skin cancer.

D. Vitamin D can also be gained from food.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Secret of Staying Young

B. Sunlight and Vitamin D

C. Vitamin D Helps Slow Ageing

D. Sunlight and Health


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河北省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that 42% of Americans could be overweight by 2030. Our expanding waistlines lead to not only a medical problem, but according to a recent article in The New York Times, it could also endanger personal situations 一 in an airplane crash, for example.

The New York Times’ Christine Negroni reports that engineers and scientists are questioning whether airplane seats are adequately constructed to protect overweight travelers. Government standards for airplane seat strength (强度)first set more than 60 years ago一 require that the seats be made for a passenger weighing 170 pounds (77kg). Today, the average American man weighs nearly 194 pounds (88 kg) and the average woman 165 pounds (75 kg). Negroni reports:

“If a heavier person completely fills a seat, the seat is not likely to behave as intended during a crash,” said Robert Salzar, the leading scientist at the Center for Applied Biomechanics at the University of Virginia. “The energy absorption that is built into the aircraft seat is likely to be overpowered and the passengers will not be protected properly. "

“Nor would the injury be limited to that passenger only,” Dr. Salzar said “ If a seat or a seat belt fails,” he said, “those people who are seated nearby could be endangered by ‘ the uncontrolled movements of the passenger’.”

Most complaints about airplane seats focus on their lack of comfort and high ticket price and whether overweight passengers should be made to buy two seats. But The New York Times’ article brings up another reason to feel anxious about flying. Investigators of the issue got in touch with the airplane seat and seat belt makers, but they refused to comment on the problem. Experts agreed that crash testing should be done with overweight dummies (人体模型). Both airplane seats and seat belts should be tested, they said.

Fortunately, however, according to Nora Marshall, a senior adviser at the National Transportation Safety Board, the board’s investigators have never seen an accident involving a commercial plane in which the weight of a passenger is a problem.

1.What is the article in The New York Times mainly concerned with?

A. The size of airplane seats and seat belts.

B. Safety of overweight airplane passengers.

C. Airplane crashes involving commercial planes.

D. A medical problem caused by being overweight.

2.Robert Salzar would probably agree that ______ .

A. overweight passengers should buy two seats

B. the government should help produce bigger planes

C. standards for airplane seat strength should be raised

D. passengers should know how to protect themselves

3.We can learn from the text that ______ .

A. airplane seat makers have taken action now

B. there are few complaints about airplane seats

C. those seated near the overweight may suffer too

D. only a small number of airplane accidents involve the overweight

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Why do passengers feel anxious about flying?

B. Will 42% of Americans be overweight by 2030?

C. When will the overweight enjoy their flight?

D. Are airplane seats safe enough for the overweight?


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河南省豫南九校高二下学期第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We are often unable to pay close attention to what we hear. Just like when we try to grab a sponge(海绵) that is full of water, some water will run out of it. But sometimes we try to remember everything a speaker says and try to take in a speaker’s every word as if every word was equally important. We try to remember all the names, all the dates, and all the places. In the process we often miss the speaker’s main point.

Erik Waldman works at a design company. Knowing he had never been good at budgeting his money, he was determined to begin thinking about his economic future. When his employer circulated an e-mail announcing a financial planning workshop(研讨会), Erik signed up right away.

The first session was about retirement planning. Simone Fisher, the lecturer, explained that 7 of 10 Americans between the ages of 22 and 35 do not have a regular savings plan. Erik wrote down every number Simone mentioned.

"If you want to have a retirement income equal to 75 percent of your current salary," Simone continued, "you will need to save at least of 6 percent of your present earnings, taking into account future inflation rates(通货膨胀率). In the meantime, I want to stress that the most important thing is to start saving now."

Erik recorded all the statistics Simone used. When she opened the floor(自由发言) for question, Erik raised his hand and said, "I have two question. When is the best time to start saving for retirement? And how can I figure out my savings target if I don’t know what inflation rates will be in the future?"

This is a typical example of losing the speaker’s point by concentrating on details. Erik had fixed his mind on remembering all the statistics in Simone’s presentation, but he blocked out the man message. Rather than trying to remember everything, we should concentrate on main ideas and evidence.

1.What does the author mean by saying "Just like when we ... run out of it."?

A. We tend to reject what others say.

B. We always try to remember all details.

C. It is difficult for us to remember all things.

D. We often fail to focus on what we are listening to.

2.During the workshop, Erik .

A. got Simone Fisher 's main idea

B. focused on the lecture's details

C. showed little interest in the lecture

D. didn't agree with what Simone had said

3.When hearing Erik's questions, Simone would most probably think .

A. they are very good questions

B. Erik was an excellent listener

C. it was hard to answer the questions

D. his questions were meaningless

4.The passage is written to help those who want to be .

A. a good listener B. a financial planner

C. an excellent lecturer D. a successful employee


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河南省商丘市九校高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

Maybe you are an ordinary student.1. This is not necessarily so.Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to.Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully.When planning your work,you should make a list of things that you have to do.After making this list,you should make a schedule of your time.First arrange your time for eating,sleeping,dressing,etc,then decide a good,regular time for studying.2. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems,but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Make good use of your time in class.3. Listening carefully in class means less work later.Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly.When you get home from school,go over your notes,review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day,read that material.4. If you do these things regularly,the material will become more meaningful,and you will remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests.The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test,so don’t be over-worried.

5. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A.This will help you understand the next class.

B.You probably think you will never be a top student.

C.Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

D.No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E.There are other methods that might help you with your study.

F.Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

G.Make full use of spare time to take note of what the teacher says in class.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届天津市高三毕业班联考(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What surprised us most is that be doesn’t know the differences between the two books lie.

A. that B. what C. which D. where

