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1. 主题:中学生心理(psychological)问题疏导

2. 时间:6月15日下午2:00—5:00

3. 地点: 学校礼堂

4. 最后20分钟与心理专家进行互动交流。

5. 欢迎大家光临


1. 词数120左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:学校礼堂:school auditorium 心理学专家psychologist



A lecture will be given in our school by an English psychologist on June 15 in the school auditorium, and the topic is about psychological problems among middle school students. It will start at 2:00 pm and late for about three hours. We hope that you will come and listen to it ,because the mental health of China’s youngsters is on the decline, with 80 percent of middle school students feeling tense and depressed due to the pressure from parents and teachers.

And at the end of the lecture, you can consult the expert about your own problems. Everyone is welcome and hope you can enjoy it

Students’ Union

Yingcai Middle School


试题分析:考查开放性作文写作,开放性作文给出了一个话题:一份心理学讲座通知,并有部分的文字提示。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体,如besides, further, last but not least等。

【亮点说明】本文要点覆盖全面,语气恰当,符合通知该有的口吻,文章使用了很好的短语和句子:on the decline下降,tense紧张,depressed低落,due to因为,We hope that you will come and listen to it宾语从句。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】British government is planning to run a pilot scheme that will allow Chinese tourists to get a two-year tourist visa for 85—these ______ cost 324.

A. currently B. apparently

C. frequently D. similarly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







2.词数:100 左右。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Spending a term abroad can be one of the most thrilling experiences of your college career,but it’s challenging to adapt to a new culture,especially when you don’t speak the native language. The following are top tips of the experts on improving your time abroad.

Set specific goals.

“Set goals for yourself when going abroad so that you can bring experiences back home with you,”says Harrison,the Outreach Manager of Go Abroad. “Whether you want to learn to cook a traditional recipe from your host family or pack for the long-term,these lessons of daily life can translate back home. How you choose to learn from your experiences,or even apply them as transferable job skills,will make all the difference.”


“Make at least one local friend,”says Matthew,co-founder of Students Gone Global. “Join a club,community service group,or a sports league — it will help you form a network and find people you click with. Go out of your way to talk to students in your classes.”

Sign up for classes that allow you to explore.

“Take classes that are interesting and related to the local culture.” says Matthew. “I highly recommend classes with field trips because your professor can show you a side of the country you never would have seen on your own.”

If you’re staying with a host family, do get to know them.

“When living with a host family, be mindful of their lifestyle and try your best to adapt to it,”says Lauren,a member of Go Abroad ’s Content & Outreach Team, “Have a conversation about rules and customs right away to be sure you know what your host family expects of you. Join yourself in their way of life — try every meal that is offered to you at least once,and ask them to teach you how to play their favorite sport or game.”

【1】Harrison advises overseas students to set specific goals to ______________.

A. bring experiences back home

B.1earn to cook a traditional recipe.

C. gain some job skills.

D. get along well with the host family

【2】What may be the second tip given by experts?

A. Join a club.

B. Join a sports league.

C. Befriend the locals.

D. Talk to your classmates.

【3】Which of the following is stressed by Lauren?

A. Showing respect to your host family.

B. Trying to know your host family.

C. Paying attention to table manners.

D. Being mindful when talking with your host family.

【4】What’s the purpose of the writer writing this text?

A. To introduce some culture differences.

B. To advertise for some foreign universities.

C. To recommend some lessons to students.

D. To give some advice to overseas students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show1(happy), as in “a red- letter day”. This is a day when something special happens. The expression is probably based2church customs. For almost six hundred years, church calendars(日历)3(mark) with red to indicate special holidays. Today’s calendars are still marked that way with the4(meaning) of holidays and special days printed in red.

The expression “a red-letter day” is often heard in everyday life. A red-letter day is5day when people are feeling quite happy. It may be a day6you’ve long waited for, a wedding day, for example, or it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might tell your friends that yesterday was a red-letter day,7you won sonic money in the state lottery (彩票).

“Rolling out the red carpet" is another8(common) heard expression, which9(represent) a warm welcome of any kind. A city may “roll out the red carpet” for its baseball team when the team arrives home after winning the championship.

Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. Red-handed is one. To be caught red handed is to be caught10(perform) a wrong act.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】One in five people carry a ‘smart gene’ variant(变体)linked to long lifespan, bigger forebrains and enhanced mental ability, researchers have found.

'We've known for a long time that people lose cognitive(认知) abilities as they age, but now we're beginning to understand that factors like KLOTHO can give people a boost in aging. Genetic variation in KLOTHO could help us predict brain health and find ways to protect people from the diseases that happen to us as we grow old, like Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆症),” said senior author, Dena Dubal of University of California.

The KLOTHO gene affects a protein found in the kidneys and the brain that regulates many different body processes. About one in five people carry a single copy of the varian, known as KL-VS,which boosts levels of the protein and is associated with a longer lifespan and improved heart and kidney function. A small minority, 3% of the population, has two copies, which is linked to a shorter lifespan.

In the new study scientists scanned the brains of 422 men and women aged 53 and over who were also tested for the KLOTHO gene. They found that participants with a single copy of the gene variant also had a larger brain region known as RDLPFC, which is especially likely to shrink with age. Loss of neurons in this area may be one reason why older people are sometimes easily distracted and find it difficult to do more than one task at the same time.

Researcher Dr Jennifer Yokoyama said, The brain region enhanced by genetic variation in KLOTHO is vulnerable(脆弱的)in aging and some mental disease. In this case, bigger size means better function. It will be important to determine whether the structure increase associated with carrying one copy of KL-VS can offset the cognitive shortage caused by disease.”

People who have one copy of a variant KL-VS tend to live longer and have lower chances of suffering a stroke (中风),whereas people who have two copies may live shorter lives and have a higher risk of stroke.

【1】 What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. People’s cognitive abilities do not decline if people have KLOTHO

B. With the clear understanding of KLOTHO, Alzheimer’s disease can be cured now.

C. Genetic variation in KLOTHO could be helpful in treating mental disease in elderly people

D. Genetic variation in KLOTHO could lead people to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease

【2】If a person carries two copies of the gene variant, he/she may _______

A. have better kidney funtciton

B. have a shorter lifespan

C. have a higher level of the protein in his/her body

D. suffer from some cognitive disease

【3】The reason why older people’s attention is easily distracted may be that _______.

A. they have fewer neurons in the RDLPEC

B. their brain region is too large

C. they have two copies of the gene variant

D. they have more neurons in the RDLPEC

4What does the underlined word “offset” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A. Prevent

B. Balance

C. Keep

D. Promote


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Chicago’s children’s Hospital is the lucky receiver of a surprise $18million gift from Gladys Holm.She once was a secretary who never earned more than $15000 a year and never married.She lived alone in a small flat in Chicago,and was a volunteer at the Children’s Hospital.She was called the “Teddy Bear lady” because she brought toy animals to sick children on her regular visits.But Miss Holm,who died in 1996 at the age of 86 ,was also a long-time buyer of stocks(股票).Over the years,she saved money that rose up to $18 million ,which she left to the Children’s Hospital .It was the largest single donation in the hospital’s 115-year history.The hospital president,Jan Jennings,was shocked when she heard the news “when Miss Holm’s lawyer called to tell me how much that money was,I asked him to repeat it ,since I was certain I had misheard.”

Why did Gladys Holm fell so strongly about the Children’s Hospital? Jennings said the hospital first touched Miss Holm’s heart nearly 50 years ago,when doctors there saved the life of her friend’s daughter.She never forgot the happiness she felt all those years ago.

Holm’s gift will be devoted to heart disease research.People at the hospital said they regretted that they couldn’t thank Miss Holm for the surprising gift.

【1】According to the text ,Miss Holm built up her fortune by_______.

A.playing Teddy Bear Lady

B.working as a secretary

C.helping in the hospital

D.buying stocks

【2】Why did Jan Jennings ask the lawyer to repeat what he said?

A.she never expected Miss Holm would donate anything.

B.she want to make sure who Gladys Holm was

C.she had seldom received donations before

D.she thought there was a mistake

【3】Miss Holm’s love for the Children’s Hospital grew from_______.

A.a happy life living with children

B.a satisfying job given by the hospital

C.an unforgettable experience many years ago

D.a valuable gift she received from the hospital

【4】How will the donated money be used?

A.To built up a new children’s hospital

B.To help sick children and their parents

C.To improve research on heart disease

D.To buy more toys for sick children


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


There is an old Spanish proverb which states, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week”. 【1 I’d say, too many. Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. We have to go for them now! Here’s why.

1. 2

Nobody likes to talk about death, but the reality is that everybody is going to die at one point. None of us know the day, or the hour. Therefore, today is all we have. Don’t go to your grave with unfulfilled dreams. Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small right now.

2. The world is waiting on your gift.

I know this may be hard to believe, but the world is waiting on YOU! Yes, YOU! 3 Sure, other people may be able to sing. But they’ll never be able to sing exactly like you. Sure other people can write, but they’ll never be able to write from the same perspective in which you write. Don’t deprive the world of your gift. It’s the oxygen that we need to survive. Thus, it is your responsibility to figure out exactly what your gift is, and use to better your life and the lives of those around you.

3. 4

You can dream about writing the great American play that you want, but it’s never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper. You can dream about finding a cure for cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become equipped with the necessary tools tospan> find that cure. 5 They require you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them happen. Get to it!

A. You can’t let fear win.

B. Tomorrow is not promised.

C. In other words, dreams don’t work unless you do.

D. How many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow?

E. You were born into the world with a unique gift, which nobody on this earth can duplicate.

F. Possibilities you never knew existed are waiting on you.

G. Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Weight loss is a hard topic. Lots of people aren’t satisfied with their present weight,but most people aren’t sure how to change it. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines or on TV,but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. 【1】 So what should you do about your weight control?

2 The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or a dietitian(营养学家). 3 If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss , then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.

4 People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost,because they haven’t permanently(永久地) changed their habits. Therefore,the best weight management ways are those that you can maintain(保持)for a lifetime.

Small changes are a lot easier to stick with(坚持) than large ones. Try reducing the size of what you eat. 5 Once you have that done,start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.

It’s a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it’s just that:healthy.

A. Try giving up regular soda for a week.

B. Weight management is about long-term success.

C. Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you’re full.

D. Besides,no magical diet will make you look like someone else.

E. Changing from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.

F. Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.

G. They will compare your weight with healthy standards and help you set goals.

