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  After a very busy afternoon, as I walked into my house, I heard the phone ringing.It was my friend Lydia, upset over an argument with her husband.My usual approach is to offer advice, but this time, extremely tired from chores, I simply pulled off my coat, sat down in a chair and listened to my friend's frustration and sadness.Without the disturbance of judgment or the desire to comfort her, I stayed totally quiet while she talked.Eventually Lydia's depression eased and we said our goodbyes.The next day she phoned to thank me."I'm so grateful for the way you helped me through this," she said.

  At first I was surprised.After all, I had done nothing except be there for her.But after I had my own venting(发泄的)experience with another friend later that evening, I realized that my focused silence had some value.In fact, most relationship experts agree that talk is cheap; it's listening that's rare and valuable.It allows you not only to hear what the other person is saying, but also to have a clear understanding of her thoughts and feelings.And for the speaker, that level of understanding translates into concern and respect.

  Unfortunately, listening isn't as easy as it sounds.Thanks to schedules filled with family and work, multitasking has become the barrier(障碍)to listening.My tiredness may have been the only thing stopping me from folding laundry or checking my e-mail while Lydia talked that afternoon.

  Another barrier to listening is our listening system:Most of us take in only about half of what's being said during a conversation, according to the International Listening Association.Research shows that we speak at 125 to 150 words per minute, yet think at 500 words a minute.Therefore, because we think much more quickly than we speak, it is easy for us to lose our concentration when listening to speakers.

  While it can be hard to focus at times, it's a skill worth developing.With a little practice-employing some techniques-you can become a better listener.


In Paragraph 2, the author mainly talks about ________.

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the importance of listening


the importance of venting anger


her own listening experience


her own venting experience


The author uses the result of the research in Paragraph 4 to mainly show that ________.

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we think much more quickly than we speak


we can only understand about half of what we hear


there is not much thinking time available while we are listening


we lose our concentration easily while we are listening


What will be discussed following the passage?

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Why listening is valuable.


What we should do while listening


How to become a good listener


How to stop drifting off while listening.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省新乡市2009-2010学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:050


  To extinguish(熄)different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguishers(灭火器)have been invented.They must be ready for immediate use when fire breaks out.Most portable(手提式的)kinds operate for less than a minute, so they are useful only on small fires.The law requires ships, trains, buses and planes to carry extinguishers.

  Since fuel, oxygen(氧气)and heat must be present for fire to exist, one or more of these things must be removed or reduced to extinguish a fire.If the heat is reduced by cooling the material below a certain temperature, the fire goes out.Water is the best cooling material because it is low in cost and easy to get.

  Another method of extinguishing fire is by cutting off the oxygen.This is usually done by covering the fire with sand, steam or some other things.A blanket(毯子)may be used to cover a small fire.

  A third method is called separation, which includes removing the fuel, or material easy to burn, from a fire, so that it can find no fuel.

  The method that is used to put out a fire depends on the type of fire.Fires have been divided into three classes.Fires in wood, paper, cloth and the like are called C1ass A fires.These materials usually help keep the fire on.Such fires can be stopped most easily by cooling with water.


If a fire breaks out on a bus, which of the following should be ready there for you to use?

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A blanket


An extinguisher


To cover a small piece of burning wood with a basin(盆)in order to stop the fire is aft example of ________

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separating the fire


reducing the heat


removing the fuel


cutting off the oxygen


In choosing how to put out a fire, we should first be clear about ________

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when it breaks out


how it comes about


what kind it is


where it takes place


What would the writer probably discuss in the next paragraph?

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Another class of fire.


Another type of extinguishers.


How fires break out.


How fires can be prevented.

