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13.As soon as the gate was opened,the people around crowded into the supermarket and I got_____ from my friend.(  )

分析 大门一打开,周围的人就涌入了超市,我和朋友就被分开了.

解答 答案选B
divided分成; separated 分开;lost迷路的;missed错过;这里get done结构相当于被动语态,这里由于周围的人大量的涌入了超市,使得我和朋友被分开,故选B.

点评 "get+过去分词"用于被动结构时,相当于be+动词的过去分词,强调动作的发生;用于系表结构时,它强调状态的变化.例如:
She got caught by the police.她被警察给抓住了.
The chair was broken yesterday.昨天这把椅子被弄坏了(表动作)或昨天这把椅子是坏的(表状态).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12._____entering the classroom,remember to take your seat and turn off your cell phone.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.This is What a REAL Silver Dollar Looks Like
If you trust in the yen,the euro,and the dollar…stop reading.
Because this is a story about the silver coin EVERYBODY wants.
You read the headlines.You know that troubled economic times have put global currency on a rollercoaster ( ride.But millions have found a smarter way to build long-term value with high-grade collectable silver.And right now,those people are lining up to secure some of the last 2012U.S.Mint Silver Eagles,America's Newest Silver Eagle Dollars.Today,you can graduate to the front of that line.Buy now and you can own these brilliant uncirculated Silver Dollars for only﹩38.95!
You Can't Afford to Lose
Why are we releasing (发行) this silver dollar for such a remarkable price?Because we want to introduce you to what hundreds of thousands of smart collectors and satisfied customers have known since 1984-New York Mint is the place to find the world's finest high-grade coins.That's why we're offering you this Brilliant Uncirculated 2012U.S.Silver Eagle for as little as﹩37.45 (plus s/h).
Timing is Everything
Our advice?Keep this to yourself.Because the more people who know about this offer,the worse it is for you.Demand for Silver Eagles in 2011broke records.Experts predict that 2012Silver Eagles may break them all over again.Due to rapid changes in the price of silver,prices may be higher or lower and are subject to(受…影响) change without notice.Supplies are limited.Call immediately to add these Silver Eagles to your holdings before it's too late.
Offer Limited to 40per household
2012American Silver Eagle Coin
Your cost 1-4Coins﹩38.95each+s/h
Note:﹩10s/h (shipping and handling) for each purchase
For fastest service,call toll-free 24hours a day
Offer Code(代码)ASE177-04
Please mention this code when you call.
New York Mint 14101
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64.What is stressed in the ad?A
A.The coin is of high quality and worth collecting.
B.The coin can be circulated as a currency.
C.Limited supplies guarantee a stable price of the coin.
D.Demand for the coin is bound to break records.
65.If you buy six 2012U.S.Mint Silver Eagles by post,you should pay at leastC.
A.﹩230.7   B.﹩233.7   C.﹩240.7   D.﹩243.7
66.The ad strongly encourages people to purchase the silver coins byB.
A.shopping online
B.making a phone call
C.lining up in front of the stores
D.writing to the company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.On AIDS Day,our government demanded that the problems _______ paid special attention to.(  )
A.referred to beingB.referred to be
C.refer to beingD.refer to be


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-Thank goodness,everything turned out the way we hoped yesterday.
-Yes!We ______ more about it.(  )
A.should have worriedB.could have worried
C.needn't have worriedD.mustn't have worried


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The sun is setting like a huge orange ball.It's the cool evening on a stretch of beach.The water is paring the shore,the breeze is blowing slightly.There are one or two joggers and a couple of fishermen.Most people have gone home for the day.
An old man,with rounded shoulders,bushy eyebrows,and bony features,carries the bucket up to the dock(码头)that goes out into the water.He stands on the dock and all of a sudden there come a mass of dancing dots-seagulls!The man takes out of his bucket handfuls of shrimps(虾)and begins to throw them on the dock.Some seagulls land on his shoulders,some land on his hat,and they eat the shrimps.Long after the shrimps are gone his feathered friends remain.
Why is this man feeding seagulls?What could push him to do this as he does week after week?
The man in that scene is Eddie Rickenbacher,a famous World WarⅡpilot.His plane.The Flying Fortress,went down in 1942.No one could imagine that he and his eight passengers should escape death by climbing into two boats for thirty days.They fought thirst,the sun,and sharks.But what nearly killed them was starvation.Their foods were gone within eight days and they didn't have anything left.
Every day Rickenbacher and the passengers would have a daily afternoon devotional and prayer time.One day after the devotional,Rickenbacher put his hat over his eyes and tried to get some sleep.Within a few moments he felt something on his head.He knew in an instant it was a seagull.All the others on the two boats noticed the seagull.No one spoke,no one moved.Rickenbacher quickly grabbed the seagull and with thanksgiving,they ate the flesh of the bird.They used the remains for fish bait(鱼饵)and survived.

56.When evening falls,the beach isB.
A.noisy and crowded
B.quiet and peaceful 
C.a place for viewing seagulls
D.a popular fishing place
57.The old man comes to the dock to feed seagulls because heB.
A.wants to make friends with them           
B.owes his survival in 1942 to the seagull
C.takes it as a hobby after retirement as a pilot  
D.enjoys foe scene of seagulls eating the shrimps
58.Which of the following is the correct order of the events?C
a.Eddie began to feed seagulls at a dock.
b.Eddie's plane crashed.
c.Eddie and his passengers survived.
d.Eddie and his passengers killed a seagull for food.
59.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Narrow Escape  
B.A Lucky Pilot    
C.Feeding Seagulls 
D.The Seagull.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.无论他编造了多少借口,他都得为因自己失误而造成的后果买单.(no matter)No matter how many excuses he made up,he had to pay the price for the consequences caused by his errors..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配


Subject:Information Booklet Request
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a journalist working for a local news agency.Since I need to travel a lot,I do care about durability when choosing power supply for my digital cameras.Could you kindly email the information booklet of your products to me?Your timely reply will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Tom Brown
Subject:Information Booklet Request
Dear Sir or Madam,
My family is new in the town.After settling down,we started looking for a family car.Your new model Beetle Convertible looks so cool.I think your detailed information booklet may help us know more about this model.Please kindly send it to my email address:jacks@gdnmet2013.com.Many thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Jack Smith
Subject:Information Booklet Request
Dear Sir or Madam,
My Beetle Convertible is insured with ING insurance company.The insurance will expire next month.The offer introduced in your advertisement sounds attractive to me.I want to know more about your service.Please kindly email me a relevant information booklet.Your timely reply will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Mary Smith
Subject:Information Booklet Request
Dear Sir or Madam,
I don't enjoy my new job as a department manager since I find it hard to communicate with and motivate my team members.Hopefully,your diploma course can provide me with professional training on administrative and communicative skills.I look forward to receiving your information booklet and application forms as soon as possible.Please send them to me at jimmys@gdnmet2013.com.
Best regards,
Jimmy Smith
Subject:Information Booklet Request
Dear Sir or Madam,
My family is new in the town.Worrying about community safety,I prefer to secure my house with new technology.Your product sounds like the right choice for me.Could you kindly send your information booklet to my email address:peterw@gdnmet2013.com?Your timely reply will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Peter White


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.-Thompson doesn't like horror movies.
-They make me feel terrible at night.(  )
A.How come?B.Me neither
C.Why not?D.Can't agree more

