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All of us communicate with one another non-verbally, as well as with words. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look away, shift positions in a chair. These actions we assume are random and incidental. But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to them almost as consistent and comprehensive as language.

Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its difference along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way a male American does it. In talking, with a future-tense verb, Americans often gesture with a forward movement.

There are regional idioms too. An expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. Your sex, moral background, social class and personal style all influence your body language.

Usually, the wordless communication acts to qualify the words. What the non-verbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often it’s a case of “not what he said but the way he said it.” Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has come up with this formula: total impact of a message = 7% verbal + 38% gestural + 55% facial.

Experts in kinesics – the study of communication through body movement – are not prepared to spell out a vocabulary or gestures. When an American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. Another example: When a student in conversation with a professor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be a sign of respect and affection; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority; or it can be something else entirely. The experts look for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81.What idea does the author aim to convey in paragraph 2?

82.Besides moral background, __________ are the other three factors affecting people’s body language.

83.From Albert’s formula, we learn that the body language __________.

84.What can you conclude from the examples given in paragraph 5?

81.   Every culture has its own body language.

82. sex, social class and personal style

83.   plays a more(most) important role in communication

84.   The same body language / gesture has different meanings. /

The same body language / gesture can be given several interpretations.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省温州中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】Having a large family to s__________, he has to work hard to earn more money.
【小题2】He is such a great man that all of us show our r__________ to him.
【小题3】The factory has been e__________ with modern machines.
【小题4】I’m so full that I couldn’t eat another m__________.
【小题5】Tsunami caused many deaths and left even more people h__________.
【小题6】The company in Nanjing e__________ about 20,000 boxes of wine to the UK last year.
【小题7】I m__________ in English when learning in university.
【小题8】When a__________ the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山东省德州市高三1月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When he was just 19, Michael Dell started the company that would dominate the industry.

At the time, IBM personal computers sold in stores for about $3,000. After taking them apart and rebuilding them, Dell realized the components (零部件) could be bought for one-fourth the price. Soon he was buying components to reduce the cost. A good business decision, but it meant his room was starting to look like a mechanic’s shop.

“I was quite excited about the possibilities for personal computers and how they could change society. I had this idea to sell the products directly to the users over the phone”, he said. College plans and his parents’ expectations bothered him a lot. But Michael Dell was determined. He drove off to the University of Texas at Austin in August 1983 in a car he’d bought with earnings from selling newspapers. He was surprised that his mother wasn’t suspicious about the three computers in the backseat. By November, news reached his parents that he wasn’t attending classes. On a surprise visit to Austin, they caught their son on spot. Michael Dell told his dad that he wanted to compete with IBM.

Although Michael agreed to focus on his studies, the business chances and the timing couldn’t have been better. The public was becoming more interested in computers, but no one was producing them. In early May, a week before his final exams, Michael started Dell computer Corporation with $1,000. He took his exams, and then dropped out of college at the end of his freshman year. It was time to try out his direct-to-customer business model.

“Three years later”, Dell says, “we had already achieved annual sales of about $150 million, I was 22 years old then.”

1.What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 mean?

A. affect                      B. develop                            C. support                            D. lead

2.Which of the following is true according to paragraph 2?

A. Dell discovered a good chance to make money

B. Dell could buy a computer at one-fourth the price

C. IBM made little money from personal computers

D. Dell rebuilt computers in a mechanic’s shop

3.When Dell’s parents learned about his absence from class, they       .

A. tried to help with his business                         

B. were too suspicious to accept it

C. wanted him to go hack to class                        

D. encouraged him to compete with IBM

4.It can be inferred from the article that       .

A. Dell was tired of his college life                       

B. Dell was not devoted to his study at college

C. Dell’s college life helped him greatly     

D. Dell didn’t finish his final exams

5.Dell’s experiences show that       .

A. determination and opportunity lead to success

B. family support plays an import in one’s success

C. there’s no need for all of us to go to college

D. we should insist on whatever we are doing



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届内蒙古高一12月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

How to keep healthy? It’s easy for us to catch a cold in winter and spring because the weather changes a lot in spring and it is too cold in winter. But if we take care in our life, all of us can keep healthy without any cold.

 1. This will stop germs(细菌,病毒) passing from one person to another. When you finish your work or before you eat, you’d better wash your hands. 2. . Use a tissue(纸巾), and then throw it into dustbins at once. When others around you are coughing, I advise you to turn your head away from the people so that their viruses won’t reach you. Get more fresh air. Germs like staying around in dry and warm rooms. 3. . Don’t stay too long in the places with too many people.

If flu is going round house or school, you should try to stay away from those who are ill.4.   

Boil your toothbrush for about a minute. This kills germs. 5.. If you have used the toothbrush for three months or so, throw it away and buy a new one.

A.Have a shower every day

B.Wash your hands often

C.Don’t use your hands when coughing

D.Don’t go out often when you are coughing

E. Besides, don’t use the same toothbrush too long

F. In this way, you won’t be infected by these people

G. So you’d better stay in the places with more fresh air.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江西南昌第二中学高二下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

"Hitler and the Germans," an exhibition in Berlin's German Historical Museum which aims to investigate the society that created Hitler, has seen more than 10,000 visitors walk through its doors since opening on Friday.

Rudolf Trabold, a spokesman for the museum, said there were 4,000 visitors to the exhibition on the first day alone. People visiting the exhibition said they had waited as long as one and a half hours to get in. Ravi Nair, a 73-year-old Indian visitor, said: "I had to queue for about an hour but it was worth it. The exhibition should help people in democratic countries realize that their vote is very valuable."

Trabold said “Hitler and the Germans” was so popular because it was the first exhibition to explain how a man who lived on the margins of society for 30 years, in Vienna's men's hostels, could become an almost mythical(神话的)leader of the German people. "We are all affected by Hitler, so it speaks to all of us and helps Germans and foreigners to come to terms with the past." Inge Lonning, a 72-year-old tourist from Norway said: "I thought the exhibition was very impressive. I wanted to see it because I experienced the German occupation of Norway as a small child, so it's not just history for me." But not everyone was convinced there was something new to be learned from the exhibition. "So much has been done about this period over the years, it was like, I knew this and I knew that," said Canadian Julien Cayer, aged 28. "I thought I'd find something new but I didn't."

There has been widespread concern in the German media that the exhibition could become a magnet for neo-Nazi admirers of Hitler, but Trabold said that although there had been some right-wing extremist visitors, they had not caused any problems.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.People have different attitudes to “Hitler and the Germans”.

B.“Hitler and the Germans” attracts plenty of people.

C.What effect “Hitler and the Germans” has on history.

D.What people should learn from “Hitler and the Germans”.

2.“Hitler and the Germans” is open to ________.

A.remind people not to forget history.         B.show how Hitler was hated by people

C.study the society that created Hitler         D.save money for economy growth

3.Trabold thought “Hitler and the Germans” was so popular because ________.

A.help people in democratic countries realize that their vote is very valuable

B.it was the first exhibition to explain how a man from the bottom of society becomes a leader

C.people can learn a lot from the exhibition

D.people have been affected by Hitler

4.Who experienced the German occupation according to the passage?

A.Inge Lonning.      B.Ravi Nair.          C.Rudolf Trabold.     D.Julien Cayer

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The visitors coming to “Hitler and the Germans” are all old people.

B.“Hitler and the Germans” has made an impression on every visitor.

C.Some neo-Nazi admirers of Hitler have caused a lot of trouble.

D.People visit “Hitler and the Germans” with variety of purposes.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

1. Having a large family to s__________, he has to work hard to earn more money.

2. He is such a great man that all of us show our r__________ to him.

3. The factory has been e__________ with modern machines.

4. I’m so full that I couldn’t eat another m__________.

5. Tsunami caused many deaths and left even more people h__________.

6.. The company in Nanjing e__________ about 20,000 boxes of wine to the UK last year.

7.. I m__________ in English when learning in university.

8.. When a__________ the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.


