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Every day my husband parked his car in the same open-air car park in Zimbabwe. On this particular day, he had been running to his car with a pile of office papers under his arm. As he opened the car door, he suddenly lost control of his body. He felt a stabbing pain in his arm, and became totally breathless and lost consciousness. As he fell down, half in, half out of the car, his last thought was “what a way to die”.

A young woman getting into her own car in the deserted car park noticed what was going on and at once ran to my husband’s aid, trying to bring his life back. Realizing time was important, she tried to move my husband to her car, calling the guard at the gate.

Fearing an ambulance would take too long to arrive, she felt it better to get to the hospital as quickly as she could. She raced through traffic lights sounding her car’s horn and rushed into the hospital, calling out, “I have an unknown man here who I think is having a heart attack.

Having realized he was in capable hands, the woman returned to the car park, found his keys on the ground, collected his papers and piled them in the car. Having seen my husband come out of a certain building each day, the security guard thought he knew where he worked. The young woman managed to locate his colleagues and they in turn contacted my niece, who waited for me to return home so she could break the news to me.

After careful tests it turned out that my husband’s disease had nothing to do with heart. We were naturally eager to find the kind stranger who had come to his aid. After some weeks we discovered where the young woman worked. She was overjoyed when my husband walked into her office with a huge bouquet of flowers. She said she required no thanks, and preferred to remain anonymous (匿名的).

We now live in a different country, but each Christmas my husband remembers her act of kindness and sends a gift. We regard every day of his life as a bonus, all thanks to this kind stranger.

1.From the passage, we can infer that _______.

A. a heart attack hit the writer’s husband suddenly

B. there were few people in the park that day

C. the young woman was at a loss at first

D. the woman was fined for breaking the traffic lights

2.Who told the writer the news of her husband’s illness?

A. The young woman.

B. The security guard.

C. The colleague of her husband.

D. The writer’s niece.

3.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. The Gift of Life

B. An Act of Gratitude

C. The Attack of a Disease

D. The Story of a Young Woman


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京顺义区高三第一次统练(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do — especially in tight job market.

Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices this in the job applications that come across his desk every day. “It’s amazing how many candidates eliminate (淘汰) themselves,” he says. “Resumes (简历) arrive with faults. Some candidates don’t bother to spell the company’s name correctly. Once I see a mistake, I refuse the candidates,” Crossley concludes,” If they cannot take care of these details, why should we trust them with a job?”

Can we pay too much attention to details? Absolutely not.

Perfectionists(完美主义者) struggle over little things instead of something larger they work toward. “To keep from losing the forest for the trees,” says Charles Garfield, the professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “We must constantly ask ourselves how the details we’re working will influence the larger picture. If they don’t, we should drop them and move to something else.”

Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA. “The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off-course 90 percent of the time,” says Garfield. “But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact position of our goal. This allowed us to make adjustments as necessary.” Knowing where to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake.

Again and again, we see that by doing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow.

1.According to the passage, some job applicants were refused because they are ________.

A. too limitedly educated to write a perfect resume

B. so careless that they make some spelling mistakes in their resume

C. so careless that they forget the company’s name

D. too foolish to spell the company’s name correctly

2.From the passage, we can infer that a perfectionist will _________.

A. change their goals as the situations change

B. lose their jobs by paying too much attention to details

C. pay attention to details as much as to their major goals

D. pay attention to details more than their major goals

3.Garfield makes his opinion believable by _________.

A. giving ideas of experts

B. offering examples of resumes

C. providing an example of his work.

D. showing the results of experiments

4.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

I: Introduction P:Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点)C: Conclusion


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京朝阳区高三第二次(5月)综合练习英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You ______ worry about me. I’ve decided to join a local health club.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. daren’t


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北宜昌葛洲坝中学高一下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Spending time with your kids is the best way to give them you attention. No matter whether you stay at home or work outside the home, you can still give quality time to your kids. Quality time doesn’t mean the whole family sitting for four hours watching TV. It means turning the TV off and playing games together, reading books, going for walks---anything!

Giving kids your attention means listening to them when they talk. I don’t mean half-way listening and saying “uh huh” like we do to our spouses (配偶) when they’re talking about their day at work. I mean sitting down, looking children in the eye, and listening. Ask questions. Be interested. It shows that you’re paying attention, even if your question is just, “So you say you painted the cat blue?”

Raising kids is not the time to be selfish with your time. You can be selfish later on when they’re grown and having kids of their own. If you feel guilty about not being able to spend enough time with your kids, resist trying to buy their attention. You don’t have to make every weekend a Disneyland day. And you don’t have to continually buy them gifts as a means of letting them know you love them. The answer is “time”. Time is what they want most from you.

Your kids, no matter what age, are on some type of schedule. They get up, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner, etc. What do they do the rest of the time? Fill up some of the empty spots in their schedules with activities. Have them help you do something around the house or make them take part in a project with you. This is how day care workers are able to keep so many kids under control---they fill up the day with activities.

1.According to the author, spending quality time with kids means .

A. watching TV with them

B. staying with them as long as possible

C. doing meaningful things together with them

D. giving up jobs to stay with them

2.The author thinks it is important for parents to .

A. listen to their kids carefully

B. choose the best gifts for their kids

C. help their kids develop some interests

D. teach their kids the importance of time

3.The author mentions day care workers to show the importance of letting kids .

A. eat well B. help parents

C. do housework D. do activities

4.The text is written for .

A. kids B. parents

C. school teachers D. education officers


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江佳木斯二中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about _________ in work and life. To offer his_________ coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and _________ with a large pot of coffee and a _________ of cups—porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive, some beautiful—telling them to _________ themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, “if you have _________ , all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up, _________ the plain and cheap ones. While it is _________ for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the_________ of your problems and stress.”

“Be assured that the cup itself _________ no quality to the coffee. _________ it is just more expensive and in some cases _________ hides what we drink.” “ _________ all of you really want is the coffee, not the cup, _________ you consciously went for the best cups… And then you began _________ each other’s cups.”

Now consider this: _________ is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and _________ life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the _________ of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we _________ to enjoy the coffee. Value the coffee, not the cups! Don’t let the cups _________you… enjoy the coffee instead.

1.A. stress B. dream C. sorrow D. truth

2.A. friends B. customers C. fellows D. guests

3.A. carried B. returned C. arrived D. reached

4.A. kind B. variety C. sort D. number

5.A. devote B. expose C. help D. absorb

6.A. searched B. witnessed C. noticed D. discovered

7.A. leaving behind B. leaving over C. falling about D. falling behind

8.A. strange B. normal C. wonderful D. important

9.A. purpose B. answer C. source D. result

10.A. takes B. links C. passes D. adds

11.A. At no time B. At all times C. In no case D. In most cases

12.A. ever B. even C. never D. hardly

13.A. What B. That C. Which D. Whether

14.A. but B. so C. and D. for

15.A. suspecting B. liking C. praising D. eyeing

16.A. Love B. Life C. Future D. Failure

17.A. contain B. create C. support D. own

18.A. quantity B. style C. quality D. standard

19.A. have B. manage C. plan D. fail

20.A. envy B. drive C. force D. assess


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽安庆六校度高一下期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Facebook is the world’s biggest social networking site. People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they’re paying for it by giving up loads of personal information.

Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they’re paying for Facebook because people don’t really know what their personal data is worth.

The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early you could keep everything private. That was the great thing about Facebook— You could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things— your city, your photo, your friends’ names— were set by default (默认)to be shared with everyone on the Internet.

According to Facebook’s vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don’t share information, they have a “less satisfying experience”.

Some critics(批评家) think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them in the side of the pages totally, who wants to look at ads when they’re online connecting with their friends?

The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April,Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged(催促) the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social networking sites. “I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits.

I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it’s only the beginning,which is why I’m considering cancelling(取消)my account.Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don’t know. That’s too high a price to pay.

1.What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?

A. It is a website that sends messages to users who want to get married.

B. It makes money by selling its users’ personal data.

C. It provides loads of personal information to its users.

D. It earns money by putting on advertisements.

2.What does the author say about most Facebook users?

A. They are unwilling to give up their personal information.

B. They care very little about their personal information.

C. They don’t identify themselves when using the website.

D. They don’t know their personal data enriches Facebook.

3.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?

A. To obey the Federal guidelines.

B. To provide better service to its users.

C. To improve its users’ connection

D. To expand its business.

4.Why does the author plan to cancel his Facebook account?

A. He is dissatisfied with its present service.

B. He finds many of its users untrustworthy.

C. He doesn’t want his personal data badly used.

D. He is upset by its frequent rule changes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏银川唐徕回民中学高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Grandfather was a wise man. No matter how badly-behaved I had been, I could tell Grandpa anything and my secrets were _________ . He loved me and would never give them away.

I remember a time when a bunch of us were playing baseball behind Mrs. Ferguson’s house. I hit one pitch just right and …slam! It ended up breaking Mrs. Ferguson’s kitchen window! We all _________ !

After I got home, I told Grandpa about it. He knew we had been _________ many times about the dangers of playing where we shouldn’t. _________ he just listened.

“I was wrong,” I told him, with my head down. “I hate myself for what I did. Is there a way _________ ?”

“Well,” he said, “Mrs. Ferguson has a problem, just like you. If she knew you _________ and you were afraid of her, she would be sad. I’ll bet she wishes you would give her a chance to be _________ . It’s your decision. Are you planning to _________ nothing happened? Just keep quiet and hide what you’re not proud of?”

“I don’t know,” I _________ . “Things might get worse…”

“Let’s think it through,” he said finally. “If you were Mrs. Ferguson, what would you do?” I didn’t know what she might do. I had been _________ that Mrs. Ferguson would stay mad at me, so I ran. On the way home I imagined that she was a mean witch chasing me.

“Well,” I said, taking a deep breath, “One solution is to tell Mrs. Ferguson I’m sorry and offer to fix her _________ .”

“If you call her,” asked Grandpa, “What’s the _________ that can happen?” I had to think for a moment. I realized that even if she did not accept my _________ , it could not be any worse than seeing the _________ on Mom and Dad’s faces.

Grandpa smiled when he knew I had _________ it out.

“Doing what’s right is not always _________ ,” he said, handing me the _________ . “I’m proud of you.” Grandpa did not make me do it. It was always my _________ . As it turned out, Mrs. Ferguson was very kind and we even became really close friends.

“Admitting what you’re not proud of is the hardest thing of all,” said Grandpa. “Choosing to be honest makes others _________ you and respect you.”

Grandpa passed away a year ago and I miss him so much. He gave me the tools to fix many problems and most of all he showed me I was _________ .

1.A. safe B. open C. little D. special

2.A. jumped B. ran C. cheered D. hesitated

3.A. consulted B. questioned C. warned D. bothered

4.A. And B. So C. Or D. But

5.A. back B. out C. around D. off

6.A. cared B. changed C. quit D. Finished

7.A. outgoing B. confident C. polite D. understanding

8.A. complain B. admit C. pretend D. agree

9.A. sighed B. laughed C. insisted D. begged

10.A. confused B. afraid C. angry D. shocked

11.A. fence B. door C. roof D. window

12.A. strangest B. worst C. fairest D. rudest

13.A. blame B. excuse C. apology D. advice

14.A. tiredness B. fear C. surprise D. disappointment

15.A. checked B. put C. figured D. took

16.A. easy B. great C. useful D. suitable

17.A. baseball B. phone C. tool D. paper

18.A. problem B. duty C. dream D. choice

19.A. trust B. reward C. follow D. remember

20.A. modest B. active C. brave D. Friendly


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西大学附中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


I was always told that the three “P”s, patience, positive thinking and perseverance (毅力), were a sure path 1. success. But this advice does not always work as planned. My high school maths exam is one example. The exam, 2. was originally to be held in our classroom, 3. (change) to the library at the last minute. This, 4. , didn’t bother me because maths had always been my strongest subject. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax 5. . But my mood quickly changed when I saw 6. first question. I had no idea how to do it. I tried to stay positive and persevered 7. I finally found the solution. With the problem 8. (solve), I felt proud of my achievement. 9. (fortunate), I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left 10. (complete) the rest!


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北定州中学高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Hi, Janice,

It's been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.

As I tell you last time, I made three new friend here. We hang out together during lunch and after school. We've been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars. It's been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many. And I started to see this as a time—wasting activity! In fact ,I don’t like to go anymore, so I’m afraid I’ll lose their friendship. How do you think I should do? If you are me ,would you talk to him?

Please help with me and give me some advice.


