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5.A modern-day love story of a man seeing the girl of his dreams across a New York subway train and tracking her down over the Internet has failed to have a fairytale ending with the relationship over.
For Web designer Patrick Moberg,then 21,from Brooklyn,it was love at first sight when he saw a woman on a Manthttan train last November.But he lost her in the crowd so he set up a website with a sketch(素描)picture to find her-www.Nygirlofmydreams.com.
Unbelievably in a city of 8 million people,it only took Moberg 48 hours to find the woman,with his phone ringing non-stop and email box overflowing.New Yorkers took pity on the subway Romeo and joined his hunt.
The mysterious girl was named as Camille Hayton,from Melbourne,Australia,who was working at the magazine Black Book and also lived in Brooklyn.One of her friends saw the sketched picture on the Web site and recognized her.
But after finding each other,appearing on TV and getting international press,the couple took their romance out of the public eye,with Moberg closing down the Web site and with both refusing to make any more comments-until now.
Hayton told Australian newspaper The Sunday Telegraph that she dated Moberg for about two months but it just didn't work out.
"I say we dated for a while but now we're just friends,"Hayton,now 23,told the newspaper.Hayton said she is still recognized about three times a week on the streets of Manhattan as"that girl"and the question is always the same:"So what happened?"
"I think the situation was so intense that it linked us,"she said,adding,"it linked us in a way that you could mistake,I guess,for being more romantic than it was.I don't know.But I wanted to give it a go so didn't wonder what if,what if?"
Hayton told The Sunday Telegraph that she is enjoying single life in New York,keeping busy with acting classes,working in two clothing stores.Last week she had a small role as a waitress in the long-running daytime soap As the World Turns.
"I just can't believe it happened.It feels like a long time ago,"said Hayton.Moberg,however,was still refusing to comment on the relationship.
51.After Moborg lost the girl in the crowd he set up a website withD
A.a pretty notice to find her      
B.an inspiring story to move her
C.an exciting program to attract her  
D.a rough drawing to discover her
52.Moberg found the girl in a short time because.B
A.he phoned everybody in the city             
B.he got help from the net citizens
C.he continued his hunt day and night       
D.he e-mailed everybody in the city
53.What has happened to Hayton after the subway romance?A
A.She still gets noticed in the streets in New York.
B.She has become a journalist in Australia.
C.She has become a superstar in the city.
D.She is out of work and is looking for a new job.
54.The best title for this passage may beC
A.NY-a romantic city for the young couple
B.NY subway romance causes debate
C.NY subway romance hits end
D.NY-a heartbreaking city for the young couple.

分析 本文讲述了一位年轻人在纽约地铁对一个女孩一见钟情,但女孩很快消失在人群,男孩通过网络在网民的帮助下找到了那位女孩,然而,两个人并没有最终走到一起

51.D 细节理解题   根据第二段 But he lost her in the crowd so he set up a website with a sketch(素描)picture to find her-www.Nygirlofmydreams.com.可知,在网上他附了一张素描照片,故答案为D
52.B  推理判断题 根据前面提到Moborg在网上求助及New Yorkers took pity on the subway Romeo and joined his hunt.可以推断出,他得到了纽约网民的帮助,故答案为B
53.A   细节理解题 根据Hayton said she is still recognized about three times a week on the streets of Manhattan as"that girl"and the question is always the same:"So what happened?"可知,在纽约街头,Hayton 仍被人认出,故答案为A
54.C  主旨大意题  本文讲述了一位年轻人在纽约地铁对一个女孩一见钟情,但女孩很快消失在人群,男孩通过网络在网民的帮助下找到了那位女孩,然而,两个人并没有最终走到一起,可以说这次浪漫的邂逅结束了,故答案为C.

点评 英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程.特点是,其主题往往潜伏在字里行间,没有直接地表白出来;文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼.描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开.阅读记叙文体应采取掠读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线.高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词.
2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分.
My friend Mike come to visit me on May Day.During the following days I showed he around the city of Nanchang.We went to the Museum in the morning of May 2,and we learned many about the history of Nanchang.In the afternoon,we made a tour to the Yaohu Lake,that was really great fun!In the evening I took Mike the night zoo.It was so interesting to see animal at night.The next day we went to the book shop to buy books.Though we were very tiring in those two days,but we enjoyed ourselves very much.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.-What does the sign over there read?
-"No person          smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area."(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.When I was fifteen,I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books.Half the students sneered.The rest nearly fell out of their chairs laughing."Don't be silly,only geniuses can become writers,"the English teacher said,"And you are getting a D this semester."I was so humiliated(羞辱) that I burst into tears.
That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri's Weekly newspaper.To my astonishment,they published it and sent me two dollars.I was a published and paid writer.I showed it to my teacher and fellow students.They laughed."Just plain dumb luck,"the teacher said.I tasted success.I'd sold the first thing I'd ever written.That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck,that was fine with me.
During the next two years I sold dozens of poems,letters,jokes and recipes.By the time I graduated from high school,with a C minus average,I had scrapbooks filled with my published work.I never mentioned my writing to my teachers,friends or my family again.They were dream killers and if people must choose between their friends and their dreams,they must always choose their dreams.
I had four children at the time,and the oldest was only four.While the children slept,I typed on my ancient typewriter.I wrote what I felt.It took nine months,just like a baby.
A month later Crying Wind,the title of my book,became a best seller,was translated into fifteen languages and Braille and sold worldwide.I appeared on TV talk shows.I traveled from New York to California and Canada on promotional tours.My first book also became required reading in native American schools in Canada.
People ask what college I attended,what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer.The answer is:"None."I just write.I'm not a genius.I'm not gifted and I don't write right.To all those who dream of writing,I'm shouting at you:"Yes,you can.Yes,you can.Don't listen to them."I don't write right but I've beaten the odds.Writing is easy,it's fun and anyone can do it.Of course,a little dumb luck doesn't hurt.
61.Why did many students laugh after hearing what the writer said?D
A.Because they didn't like him      
B.Because they wished he could be successful as a writer
C.Because their teacher laughed,too 
D.Because they felt it impossible for him to succeed
62.When the writer graduated from high school,B  
A.he had become a famous writer      
B.he had made progress in his studies.
C.his classmates and teachers changed their attitudes towards him
D.he decided he wouldn't become a writer
63.What prevented him telling others about his writing?C
A.The characters in his story
B.His teacher.
C.His early experience
D.His parents.
64.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.It is difficult for a person,who cares about what others say,to succeed.
B.It is important for a person to tell others what he wants to do.
C.It is necessary for a person,who wants to succeed,to take others'advice.
D.It is impossible for an ordinary person to be a writer in the future.
65.Which of the following is the best title?C
A.A famous writer                                                  
B.I Hate My Classmates and Teachers
C.I Never Write Right                                            
D.A Genius Can Be a Writer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.He was just 12 years old when he died.But he brought courage and hope to people around the world.
Nkosi Johnson,who died last June,is remembered today as an AIDS fighter.This young boy challenged his government's AIDS policies and millions of South Africans in the fight against the disease.
Johnson was the longest survivor born with HIV.He survived with this deadly disease for 12 years before it claimed his life.
At first,Johnson was expected to live for nine months when his foster mother (养母),Gail Johnson took him in at the age of two.She now runs Nkosi's Haven in Melville.The Haven is home to 20 children living with HIV or AIDS,and 11 of their mothers.
Johnson attracted the world's attention and stole the hearts of thousands of people across the world at the 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in July 2000.He stood in front of a large audience including South African President Thabo Mbeki.He told them that he wanted AZT,a drug used to treat AIDS patients,to be given to HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent the disease being passed on to their unborn babies.He received a loud cheer at the end of his speech.
Johnson's speech was broadcast live across the world.With views beyond his age and even a sense of humor,Johnson soon became an international sign of the fight against AIDS and HIV.
51.The AIDS child gave the speech in order toC.
A.steal the hearts of thousands of people     
B.be an AIDS fighter
C.get more help from the world            
D.fight against the government
52.The underlined words"claimed his life"(Paragraph 3)meansB.
A.did harm to Johnson                     
B.caused the death of Johnson
C.helped Johnson to survive               
D.made Johnson weak
53.The main idea of Paragraphs 5 and 6 isA.
A.Johnson attracted the world's attention
B.Johnson stood in front of South African President Thabo Mbeki
C.Johnson wanted AZT to treat AIDS pregnant women
D.Johnson helped prevent the disease being passed on to an unborn baby
54.From the passage we can infer thatD.
A.no one lived longer than the boy
B.the government did nothing to help those with HIV positive
C.the boy's speech changed the government's policies
D.the government's AIDS policies have to be improved
55.The best title for this passage isA.
A.An AIDS Fighter in South Africa         
B.AIDS,a Deadly Disease
C.The Courage of a Child                  
D.The Sad Story of an AIDS Child.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Dr charlotte Uhlenbroek recently returned to London after filming her second series,Jungle.It was difficult,19-week trip,during which she explored the rainforests of Borneo,the Amazon and Congo,travelling around using variety of means of transport,including hot-air balloons and canoes."I'm interested in the way animals communicate with each other.It was sometimes dangerous making the program---I even went swimming with piranha(水虎鱼)fish.But the worst thing was insects.On one occasion I had 70sand-fly bites on my arm.Luckily I didn't get sick.I prefer not to take tablets every day,but if I get a fever,take some medicine immediately."
Filming the series was exciting,but also frightening at times.Her most challenging experience was climbing a 100-meter tree in Borneo,as she has a great fear of heights."I had to keep pulling myself further and further upwards.All I wanted to do was get down again.Suddenly the safety equipment didn't look very strong and I thought that my ropes would break and I would crash to the ground."
What did she enjoy most about returning to London?"When I've been away in hot uncomfortable conditions for a long time I dream about an ice-cold drink and my bed at home!But the thing I look forward to the most is nice long showers.There wasn't much water in some of the places we visited and I worried that I was using it all up and not leaving any for my colleagues on the camera team!"

52.Charlotte found climbing the tree in Borneo so frightening becauseA.
A.she hates being in high places          B.she was unable to get down
C.her equipment suddenly broke            D.she slipped and fell to the ground
53.What does Charlotte miss most when she is away filming?B
A.Air-conditioning.       B.An unlimited water supply.
C.A comfortable bed.      D.Iced drinks.
54.Which best describes the TV series Jungle?D
A.The forest floor has hundreds of different insects-let Charlotte be your guide to these fascinating creatures.
B.Making her first television appearance,Charlotte explores some of the wildest places on earth.
C.Charlotte looks at ways in which the animals of the rainforest manage to live beside their human neighbors.
D.Insects,piranha fish,hot-air balloons-it's all in one day's work for Charlotte in her latest series.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me.I decided to use it the very day and I washed a lot of things.
Everything worked well,but I found one of my husband's socks (短袜) missing.I looked everywhere for it,but I couldn't find it anywhere.
The next morning,I got ready for school as usual.When the bell rang,the students came in.I greeted them and told them what we were going to do that day.
When I turned around to write on the blackboard,the class burst into a roar (大笑声)!They laughed and laughed.They laughed so much,in fact,that I was afraid the headmaster would come in to see all this.
I asked the class to stop,but the more I talked,the more they laughed.I decided to pay no attention to them and I continued to write on the blackboard.When I did this,they roared even more.
Finally,the teacher who had the room next to mine came in to see what all the laughter was about.
"Good heavens,"I said,"Will someone please tell me what is so funny?"
"Oh,God,"said the teacher,"You have a brown sock to the back of your skirt!"
So that's how I found my husband's missing sock.
"Oh,well,"I said to the class,"Let's just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电)."
66.What was the writer?D
A.A washer      B.A student      C.A headmaster      D.A teacher
67.What happened when the writer turned around to write on the blackboard?B
A.The class roared with anger.
B.The class began to laugh loudly.
C.Another teacher came in.
D.There was a loud noise outside the room.
68.Why couldn't she find one of her husband's socks?D
A.Because some students had hidden it.
B.Because her husband had taken it away.
C.Because she had left it in the classroom.
D.Because she never expected that it would stick to her skirt.
69.What did the writer do when she got to know why her students laughed?D
A.She did nothing but laugh.
B.She got angry with the class.
C.She did nothing.
D.She explained the matter in a clever way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Who is absent from the lecture today?
一 _____ you ask?Peter,of course.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Whoever does not have a mobile phone must borrow ____________ because you'll certainly need ___________ for the tour.(  )
A.one; itB.it; oneC.it; itD.that; this

